//! Subscribe to a redis channel example. //! //! A simple client that connects to a mini-redis server, subscribes to "foo" and "bar" channels //! and awaits messages published on those channels //! //! You can test this out by running: //! //! cargo run --bin mini-redis-server //! //! Then in another terminal run: //! //! cargo run --example sub //! //! And then in another terminal run: //! //! cargo run --example pub #![warn(rust_2018_idioms)] use mini_redis::{client, Result}; #[tokio::main] pub async fn main() -> Result<()> { // Open a connection to the mini-redis address. let client = client::connect("").await?; // subscribe to channel foo let mut subscriber = client.subscribe(vec!["foo".into()]).await?; // await messages on channel foo if let Some(msg) = subscriber.next_message().await? { println!( "got message from the channel: {}; message = {:?}", msg.channel, msg.content ); } Ok(()) }