use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io::{BufRead, Read, Write}; use std::iter::zip; use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr, TcpListener, TcpStream}; use std::sync::Arc; pub mod worker; /// `CRLF` represents the Carriage Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF) /// characters combined ("\r\n"). It is commonly used as the /// end-of-line sequence in HTTP requests and responses. /// /// `CRLF` is utilized to signify the end of a line in HTTP messages, /// ensuring compatibility with the HTTP protocol. /// /// ```rust /// use mini_server::CRLF; /// /// let http_line = format!("--- boundry{}{}", CRLF, CRLF); /// ``` pub const CRLF: &str = "\r\n"; /// `MAX_BUFFER` defines the maximum size, in bytes, for a request /// in your web server. Requests exceeding this size may be rejected or /// handled differently based on your server's implementation. /// /// ## Determining the appropriate buffer size /// /// Determining an appropriate value for `MAX_BUFFER` depends on several /// factors, including the typical size of requests the web server /// expects to handle, the available system resources, and the desired /// trade-off between memory usage and potential denial-of-service (DoS) /// protection. /// /// Here are some considerations: /// /// 1. Resource Constraints: /// Consider the available system memory. Setting MAX_BUFFER too high /// might lead to excessive memory usage, especially if the /// server handles a large number of concurrent requests. /// /// 2. Denial-of-Service (DoS) Protection: /// A smaller MAX_BUFFER can provide a level of protection against /// certain types of DoS attacks that involve sending large, /// resource-consuming requests. However, it's essential to strike /// a balance to avoid false positives or impacting legitimate /// requests. /// /// ## Note /// > The max_buffer is configurable when configurating a new server instance pub const MAX_BUFFER: usize = 16384; /// The `HTTPRequest` struct represents an HTTP request received by /// the web server. It encapsulates various components of an HTTP request, /// including the HTTP method, request path, headers, and body. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct HTTPRequest { /// The HTTP method used in the request (e.g., GET, POST). pub method: HTTPMethod, /// The decoded path portion of the request URL. pub path: String, /// The raw, percent-encoded path from the request URL. pub raw_path: String, /// A collection of URL parameters parsed from the request. pub params: URLSearchParams, /// The version of the HTTP protocol used in the request (e.g., "1.1"). pub http_version: String, /// A collection of HTTP headers included in the request. pub headers: Headers, /// The body of the HTTP request. (Note: Consider changing body to a sequence of bytes (***`Vec`***) /// for more flexibility and efficiency.) pub body: Vec, } impl Default for HTTPRequest { fn default() -> Self { Self { method: HTTPMethod::GET, path: String::from("/"), raw_path: String::new(), params: HashMap::new(), http_version: String::from("1.1"), headers: HashMap::new(), body: Vec::new(), } } } /// The `URLSearchParams` type alias represents a collection of URL parameters parsed from an HTTP request's /// query string. It is implemented as a HashMap where keys are parameter names, and values /// are parameter values. pub type URLSearchParams = HashMap; /// The `Headers` type alias represents a collection of HTTP headers in key-value pairs. It is implemented /// as a HashMap, where keys are header names, and values are header values. pub type Headers = HashMap; /// The parse_path function takes a string representing an HTTP request path and extracts the path and URL /// parameters (if any) from it. It returns a tuple containing the path and a URLSearchParams /// `(HashMap)` representing the parsed URL parameters. fn parse_path(data: &str) -> (String, URLSearchParams) { let split_data = data.split_once('?'); if split_data.is_none() { (data.into(), HashMap::new()) } else { let (ph, pr) = split_data.unwrap(); let params: URLSearchParams = pr .split('&') .filter_map(|param| { let mut parts = param.split('='); let key =; let value =; Some((key, value)) }) .collect(); (ph.to_string(), params) } } fn get_method(raw: Option<&str>) -> HTTPMethod { if let Some(raw) = raw { match raw { "GET" => HTTPMethod::GET, "HEAD" => HTTPMethod::HEAD, "POST" => HTTPMethod::POST, "PUT" => HTTPMethod::PUT, "DELETE" => HTTPMethod::DELETE, "CONNECT" => HTTPMethod::CONNECT, "OPTIONS" => HTTPMethod::OPTIONS, "TRACE" => HTTPMethod::TRACE, "PATCH" => HTTPMethod::PATCH, _ => HTTPMethod::GET, } } else { HTTPMethod::GET } } fn get_version(v: Option) -> String { if let Some(v) = v { if v == 1 { return "1.1".into(); } else { return "1.2".into(); } } else { "1.1".into() } } /// The `HTTPResponse` struct represents an HTTP response that the web server can send to clients. /// It encapsulates various components of an HTTP response, including the response body, headers, /// status code, status text, and the HTTP version. /// /// ```rust /// use mini_server::{HTTPResponse, Headers}; /// /// fn create_http_response() -> HTTPResponse { /// let mut headers = Headers::new(); /// headers.insert("Content-Type".into(), "text/plain".into()); /// /// HTTPResponse { /// body: b"Hello, World!".to_vec(), /// headers, /// status: 200, /// status_text: "OK".to_string(), /// http_version: "1.1".to_string(), /// } /// } /// ``` #[derive(Debug)] pub struct HTTPResponse { /// The response body as a vector of bytes. pub body: Vec, /// A collection of HTTP headers included in the response. pub headers: Headers, /// The HTTP status code indicating the outcome of the request. pub status: u16, /// The human-readable status text associated with the status code. pub status_text: String, /// The version of the HTTP protocol used for the response. pub http_version: String, } fn default_headers() -> Headers { let mut h = Headers::new(); h.insert("Server".into(), "miniserver".into()); h } impl Default for HTTPResponse { fn default() -> Self { HTTPResponse { body: Vec::new(), headers: default_headers(), status: 200, status_text: String::from("OK"), http_version: String::from("1.1"), } } } impl HTTPResponse { /// Get a new HTTPResponse struct pub fn new() -> Self { HTTPResponse::default() } /// Allows updating the body of an HTTPResponse instance /// with a new vector of bytes (`Vec`). Additionally, it automatically /// updates the "Content-Length" header to reflect the length of the new body. pub fn set_body(&mut self, body: Vec) { self.body = body; self.headers .insert("Content-Length".to_string(), self.body.len().to_string()); } /// Update the headers of an HTTPResponse instance with a new set of headers /// provided as a Headers collection. pub fn set_headers(&mut self, headers: Headers) { for (key, value) in headers { self.headers.insert(key, value); } } /// Insert/Update the `HTTPResponse` header pub fn set_header(&mut self, k: &str, v: &str) { self.headers.insert(k.into(), v.into()); } fn apply_status(&mut self, status: u16, text: &str) { self.status = status; self.status_text = text.to_string(); } /// The set_status method allows setting the HTTP status code for an HTTPResponse instance. /// It updates both the numeric status code (status) and the associated human-readable /// status text. pub fn set_status(&mut self, status: u16) { match status { 100 => self.apply_status(status, "Continue"), 101 => self.apply_status(status, "Switching Protocols"), 102 => self.apply_status(status, "Processing"), 103 => self.apply_status(status, "Early Hints"), 200 => self.apply_status(status, "OK"), 201 => self.apply_status(status, "Created"), 202 => self.apply_status(status, "Accepted"), 203 => self.apply_status(status, "Non-Authoritative Information"), 204 => self.apply_status(status, "No Content"), 205 => self.apply_status(status, "Reset Content"), 206 => self.apply_status(status, "Partial Content"), 207 => self.apply_status(status, "Multi-Status"), 208 => self.apply_status(status, "Already Reported"), 226 => self.apply_status(status, "IM Used"), 300 => self.apply_status(status, "Multiple Choices"), 301 => self.apply_status(status, "Moved Permanently"), 302 => self.apply_status(status, "Found"), 303 => self.apply_status(status, "See Other"), 304 => self.apply_status(status, "Not Modified"), 305 => self.apply_status(status, "Use Proxy"), 306 => self.apply_status(status, "Switch Proxy"), 307 => self.apply_status(status, "Temporary Redirect"), 308 => self.apply_status(status, "Permanent Redirect"), 400 => self.apply_status(status, "Bad Request"), 401 => self.apply_status(status, "Unauthorized"), 402 => self.apply_status(status, "Payment Required"), 403 => self.apply_status(status, "Forbidden"), 404 => self.apply_status(status, "Not Found"), 405 => self.apply_status(status, "Method Not Allowed"), 406 => self.apply_status(status, "Not Acceptable"), 407 => self.apply_status(status, "Proxy Authentication Required"), 408 => self.apply_status(status, "Request Timeout"), 409 => self.apply_status(status, "Conflict"), 410 => self.apply_status(status, "Gone"), 411 => self.apply_status(status, "Length Required"), 412 => self.apply_status(status, "Precondition Failed"), 413 => self.apply_status(status, "Payload Too Large"), 414 => self.apply_status(status, "URI Too Long"), 415 => self.apply_status(status, "Unsupported Media Type"), 416 => self.apply_status(status, "Range Not Satisfiable"), 417 => self.apply_status(status, "Expectation Failed"), 418 => self.apply_status(status, "I'm a teapot"), 421 => self.apply_status(status, "Misdirected Request"), 422 => self.apply_status(status, "Unprocessable Entity"), 423 => self.apply_status(status, "Locked"), 424 => self.apply_status(status, "Failed Dependency"), 425 => self.apply_status(status, "Too Early"), 426 => self.apply_status(status, "Upgrade Required"), 428 => self.apply_status(status, "Precondition Required"), 429 => self.apply_status(status, "Too Many Requests"), 431 => self.apply_status(status, "Request Header Fields Too Large"), 451 => self.apply_status(status, "Unavailable For Legal Reasons"), 500 => self.apply_status(status, "Internal Server Error"), 501 => self.apply_status(status, "Not Implemented"), 502 => self.apply_status(status, "Bad Gateway"), 503 => self.apply_status(status, "Service Unavailable"), 504 => self.apply_status(status, "Gateway Timeout"), 505 => self.apply_status(status, "HTTP Version Not Supported"), 506 => self.apply_status(status, "Variant Also Negotiates"), 507 => self.apply_status(status, "Insufficient Storage"), 508 => self.apply_status(status, "Loop Detected"), 510 => self.apply_status(status, "Not Extended"), 511 => self.apply_status(status, "Network Authentication Required"), _ => self.apply_status(500, "Internal Server Error"), } } /// Set the HTTPResponse version (e.g. '1.1') pub fn set_version(&mut self, version: String) { self.http_version = version; } fn format_header(&self) -> String { let mut headers = String::new(); for (key, value) in &self.headers { headers.push_str(format!("{}: {}{}", key, value, CRLF).as_str()); } headers } /// The raw method generates the raw representation of an HTTP response, including /// the status line, headers, and body. It returns the /// formatted HTTP response as a vector of bytes (`Vec`). /// ```rust /// use mini_server::HTTPResponse; /// fn get_raw_response(response: &mut HTTPResponse) -> Vec { /// let raw_response = response.raw(); /// /// // Accessing the raw HTTP response /// println!("Raw Response: {:?}", raw_response); /// raw_response /// } /// ``` pub fn raw(&mut self) -> Vec { let mut bytes = format!( "HTTP/{version} {status} {status_text}{CRLF}{headers}{CRLF}", version = self.http_version, status = self.status, status_text = self.status_text, CRLF = CRLF, headers = self.format_header(), ) .as_bytes() .to_vec(); bytes.extend(self.body.iter()); bytes } } /// Get the value of a path dynamic variable /// ```rust /// use mini_server::*; /// let mut app = HTTPServer::new("localhost:4221"); /// /// app.get("/hello/@name/#age", |_, exprs| { /// let name = expand!(exprs, "name", PathExpr::String); /// let age = expand!(exprs, "age", PathExpr::Number); /// /// let mut response = HTTPResponse::default(); /// response.set_body( /// format!("Hello {name}, you are {age}!") /// .as_bytes() /// .to_vec(), /// ); /// /// response /// }); /// ``` #[macro_export] macro_rules! expand { ($exprs: expr, $name: expr, $against: path) => { match $exprs.get(&String::from($name)).unwrap() { $against(value) => value, _ => unreachable!(), } }; } /// An hash map of `PathExpr` pub type PathMap = HashMap; /// RequestHandler type is a function type that defines the signature for handling HTTP requests. /// It takes `HTTPRequest` and `HashMap` as a parameter and returns an `HTTPResponse` pub struct RequestHandler( Arc HTTPResponse + Send + Sync + 'static>>, ); impl Clone for RequestHandler { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self(self.0.clone()) } } /// EventHandler type is a function type that defines the signature for handling events triggered /// by HTTP requests. It takes references to an `HTTPRequest` and a mutable `HTTPResponse` as parameters. pub struct EventHandler(Arc>); impl Clone for EventHandler { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self(self.0.clone()) } } pub struct SimpleEventHandler( Arc Option + Send + Sync + 'static>>, ); impl Clone for SimpleEventHandler { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self(self.0.clone()) } } /// The SoftEventHandler type is a function type that defines the signature for handling soft events, /// typically without specific request or response parameters. pub struct SoftEventHandler(Arc>); impl Clone for SoftEventHandler { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self(self.0.clone()) } } pub struct ErrorEventHandler(Arc>); impl Clone for ErrorEventHandler { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self(self.0.clone()) } } /// The HTTPMethod enum represents the HTTP methods that can be used in HTTP requests. /// Each variant corresponds to a standard HTTP method. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub enum HTTPMethod { /// Used to establish a network connection to a resource. CONNECT, /// Requests that a resource be removed. DELETE, /// Requests a representation of a resource. GET, /// Requests the headers of a resource without the body. HEAD, /// Describes the communication options for the target resource. OPTIONS, /// Applies partial modifications to a resource. PATCH, /// Submits data to be processed to a specified resource. POST, /// Updates a resource or creates a new resource if it does not exist. PUT, /// Performs a message loop-back test along the path to the target resource. TRACE, } /// A path expression represent a dynamic variable of a path #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum PathExpr { String(String), Number(i32), } pub struct Path { pub expr: String, pub handler: RequestHandler, pub method: HTTPMethod, } impl Clone for Path { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self { expr: self.expr.clone(), handler: self.handler.clone(), method: self.method.clone(), } } } impl PartialEq for Path { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.r#match(other.expr.clone()) && self.method == other.method } } pub struct Listener { handler: EventHandler, } impl Clone for Listener { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self { handler: self.handler.clone(), } } } pub struct SoftListener { handler: SoftEventHandler, } impl Clone for SoftListener { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self { handler: self.handler.clone(), } } } pub struct ErrorListener { handler: ErrorEventHandler, } impl Clone for ErrorListener { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self { handler: self.handler.clone(), } } } impl Path { pub fn new(expr: &str, handler: T, method: HTTPMethod) -> Self where T: Fn(HTTPRequest, PathMap) -> HTTPResponse + Send + Sync + 'static, { Path { expr: expr.to_string(), handler: RequestHandler(Arc::new(Box::new(handler))), method, } } fn parse(&self, expr: String) -> PathMap { let mut exprs = PathMap::new(); if self.r#match(expr.clone()) { let other_part: Vec<_> = expr.split('/').filter(|x| !x.is_empty()).collect(); let self_part: Vec<_> = self.expr.split('/').filter(|x| !x.is_empty()).collect(); for (o_chunck, s_chunck) in zip(other_part, self_part) { if s_chunck.starts_with('#') { let name = s_chunck.strip_prefix('#').unwrap().to_string(); let value = o_chunck.parse::().unwrap(); exprs.insert(name, PathExpr::Number(value)); } else if s_chunck.starts_with('@') { let name = s_chunck.strip_prefix('@').unwrap().to_string(); let value = o_chunck.to_string(); exprs.insert(name, PathExpr::String(value)); } else { continue; } } } exprs } fn r#match(&self, expr: String) -> bool { if expr == self.expr { true } else { let other_part: Vec<_> = expr.split('/').filter(|x| !x.is_empty()).collect(); let self_part: Vec<_> = self.expr.split('/').filter(|x| !x.is_empty()).collect(); if other_part.len() != self_part.len() { false } else { for (o_chunck, s_chunck) in zip(other_part, self_part) { if s_chunck.starts_with('#') { if o_chunck.parse::().is_ok() { continue; } else { return false; } } else if s_chunck.starts_with('@') { continue; } else if o_chunck != s_chunck { return false; } } true } } } fn handle_request(&self, request: HTTPRequest) -> HTTPResponse { let exprs = self.parse(request.path.clone()); (self.handler.0)(request, exprs) } } impl Listener { pub fn new(handler: T) -> Self where T: Fn(&HTTPRequest, &mut HTTPResponse) + Send + Sync + 'static, { Listener { handler: EventHandler(Arc::new(Box::new(handler))), } } pub fn notify(&self, req: &HTTPRequest, res: &mut HTTPResponse) { (self.handler.0)(req, res) } } impl SoftListener { pub fn new(handler: T) -> Self where T: Fn() + Send + Sync + 'static, { SoftListener { handler: SoftEventHandler(Arc::new(Box::new(handler))), } } pub fn notify(&self) { (self.handler.0)() } } impl ErrorListener { pub fn new(handler: T) -> Self where T: Fn(RunError) + Send + Sync + 'static, { Self { handler: ErrorEventHandler(Arc::new(Box::new(handler))), } } pub fn notify(&self, error: RunError) { (self.handler.0)(error) } } pub trait Server { fn handle_request(&self, stream: U, req: V); fn run(&self); } /// `Vec` pub type Request = Vec; /// `Vec` pub type Response = Vec; /// This struct provide a simple http server /// that handle many of the use cases /// /// ## Example /// /// ```rust /// use mini_server::*; /// /// let mut app = HTTPServer::default(); /// /// app.get("/", |_, _| { /// let mut response = HTTPResponse::default(); /// response.set_body(b"Hello World!".to_vec()); /// /// response /// }); /// /// ``` /// /// ## Path /// /// The path is an expression that can contains dynamic variables. /// - Basic paths: `/`, `/this/is/a/path`, ... /// - Dynamic path: `/this/is/a/@varibale`, `/this/is/another/#variable` /// /// `#` and `@` are prefixes for dynamic values. `#` for denoting numbers /// and `@` for strings pub struct HTTPServer { pub addr: Vec, pub paths: Vec, pub listeners: Vec, pub on_ready: Option, pub on_shutdown: Option, // TODO: Implement on_shutdown pub on_error: Option, pub thread_pool: worker::ThreadPool, } impl Default for HTTPServer { fn default() -> Self { Self { addr: vec![SocketAddr::new( std::net::IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 4221, )], paths: vec![], listeners: vec![], on_ready: None, on_shutdown: None, on_error: None, thread_pool: worker::ThreadPool::new(14), } } } impl Clone for HTTPServer { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self { addr: self.addr.clone(), paths: self.paths.clone(), listeners: self.listeners.clone(), on_ready: self.on_ready.clone(), on_shutdown: self.on_shutdown.clone(), on_error: self.on_error.clone(), thread_pool: worker::EMPTY_POOL, } } } pub enum RunError { CannotBindToAddr(Vec), } impl std::fmt::Display for RunError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { RunError::CannotBindToAddr(addr) => { write!(f, "Unable to bind to those addresses: {addr:?}") } } } } impl Server<&mut TcpStream, HTTPRequest> for HTTPServer { fn handle_request(&self, stream: &mut TcpStream, req: HTTPRequest) { let mut handled = false; for path in &self.paths { if path.method == req.method && path.r#match(req.path.clone()) { let mut response = path.handle_request(req.clone()); for listener in &self.listeners { listener.notify(&req, &mut response); } let _ = stream.write(response.raw().as_slice()); handled = true; break; } } if !handled { let mut response = HTTPResponse::default(); response.set_status(404); let data: String = format!( "Unreachable path `{:?} - {}`. Resource NOT FOUND", req.method, req.path ); let data_bytes: Vec = data.into_bytes(); response.set_body(data_bytes); for listener in &self.listeners { listener.notify(&req, &mut response); } let _ = stream.write(response.raw().as_slice()); } } fn run(&self) { if let Ok(listener) = TcpListener::bind(self.addr.as_slice()) { if let Some(ready_fn) = &self.on_ready { ready_fn.notify(); } for stream in listener.incoming() { match stream { Ok(stream) => { let self_clone = Arc::new(self.clone()); self.thread_pool.execute(move || { let s = self_clone.clone(); let mut st = stream; s.handle_connection(&mut st); }); } Err(e) => { eprintln!("{e}") } } } } else { if let Some(onerror) = &self.on_error { onerror.notify(RunError::CannotBindToAddr(self.addr.clone())); } } } } impl HTTPServer { pub fn new(addr: A) -> Self where A: std::net::ToSocketAddrs, { Self { addr: addr.to_socket_addrs().unwrap().collect(), paths: Vec::new(), listeners: Vec::new(), on_ready: None, on_shutdown: None, on_error: None, thread_pool: worker::ThreadPool::new(14), } } pub fn on_ready(&mut self, handler: T) where T: Fn() + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.on_ready = Some(SoftListener::new(handler)); } pub fn on_shutdown(&mut self, handler: T) where T: Fn() + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.on_shutdown = Some(SoftListener::new(handler)); } pub fn on_error(&mut self, handler: T) where T: Fn(RunError) + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.on_error = Some(ErrorListener::new(handler)); } fn add_path(&mut self, path: Path) { let path_name = path.expr.clone(); if !self.paths.contains(&path) { self.paths.push(path); } else { eprintln!( "..warn `{}` path redefinition is not allowed. Only the first definition matter", path_name ); } } fn handle_connection(&self, stream: &mut TcpStream) { match stream.try_clone() { Ok(s) => { let mut reader = std::io::BufReader::new(s); let mut head = String::new(); 'read_req_head: loop { let mut temp = String::new(); let _ = reader.read_line(&mut temp); if temp.trim().is_empty() { break 'read_req_head; } else { head.push_str(&temp); } } let mut headers = [httparse::EMPTY_HEADER; 16]; let mut req = httparse::Request::new(&mut headers); let is_complete = req.parse(&head.as_bytes()).unwrap().is_complete(); let raw_path = match req.path { Some(p) => p.to_string(), None => String::from("/"), }; let (path, params) = parse_path(&raw_path); let mut parsed_headers: HashMap = HashMap::new(); for field in req.headers { parsed_headers.insert(, String::from_utf8(field.value.to_vec()).unwrap(), ); } let body_len: Option = if let Some(len) = parsed_headers.get("content-length") { Some(len.parse().unwrap()) } else { None }; let method = get_method(req.method); if let Some(body_size) = body_len { let mut body_buf = vec![0; body_size]; let _ = reader.read_exact(&mut body_buf); if is_complete { self.handle_request( stream, HTTPRequest { method, path, raw_path, params, http_version: if req.version.unwrap() == 1 { "1.1".into() } else { "1.2".into() }, headers: parsed_headers, body: body_buf, }, ); }; } else { let request = HTTPRequest { method, path, raw_path, params, http_version: get_version(req.version), headers: parsed_headers, body: vec![], }; self.handle_request(stream, request); } } Err(e) => { eprintln!("{e}"); } } } pub fn connect(&mut self, path: &'static str, handler: T) where T: Fn(HTTPRequest, PathMap) -> HTTPResponse + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.add_path(Path::new(path, handler, HTTPMethod::CONNECT)); } pub fn delete(&mut self, path: &'static str, handler: T) where T: Fn(HTTPRequest, PathMap) -> HTTPResponse + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.add_path(Path::new(path, handler, HTTPMethod::DELETE)); } pub fn get(&mut self, path: &'static str, handler: T) where T: Fn(HTTPRequest, PathMap) -> HTTPResponse + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.add_path(Path::new(path, handler, HTTPMethod::GET)); } pub fn head(&mut self, path: &'static str, handler: T) where T: Fn(HTTPRequest, PathMap) -> HTTPResponse + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.add_path(Path::new(path, handler, HTTPMethod::HEAD)); } pub fn options(&mut self, path: &'static str, handler: T) where T: Fn(HTTPRequest, PathMap) -> HTTPResponse + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.add_path(Path::new(path, handler, HTTPMethod::OPTIONS)); } pub fn patch(&mut self, path: &'static str, handler: T) where T: Fn(HTTPRequest, PathMap) -> HTTPResponse + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.add_path(Path::new(path, handler, HTTPMethod::PATCH)); } pub fn post(&mut self, path: &'static str, handler: T) where T: Fn(HTTPRequest, PathMap) -> HTTPResponse + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.add_path(Path::new(path, handler, HTTPMethod::POST)); } pub fn put(&mut self, path: &'static str, handler: T) where T: Fn(HTTPRequest, PathMap) -> HTTPResponse + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.add_path(Path::new(path, handler, HTTPMethod::PUT)); } pub fn trace(&mut self, path: &'static str, handler: T) where T: Fn(HTTPRequest, PathMap) -> HTTPResponse + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.add_path(Path::new(path, handler, HTTPMethod::TRACE)); } pub fn on_any(&mut self, handler: T) where T: Fn(&HTTPRequest, &mut HTTPResponse) + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.listeners.push(Listener::new(handler)); } } pub struct TcpServer { pub addr: Vec, listeners: Vec, on_ready: Option, on_shutdown: Option, // TODO: Implement on_shutdown max_buffer: Option, } impl Default for TcpServer { fn default() -> Self { Self { addr: vec![SocketAddr::new( std::net::IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 4221, )], listeners: vec![], on_ready: None, on_shutdown: None, max_buffer: None, } } } impl Server<&mut TcpStream, Request> for TcpServer { fn handle_request(&self, stream: &mut TcpStream, req: Request) { for listener in &self.listeners { if let Some(response) = listener.0(stream, req.clone()) { let _ = stream.write(&response); } } } fn run(&self) { let listener = TcpListener::bind(self.addr.as_slice()).unwrap(); if let Some(ready_fn) = &self.on_ready { ready_fn.notify(); } for stream in listener.incoming() { let mut max_buffer = MAX_BUFFER; if let Some(mxb) = self.max_buffer { max_buffer = mxb; } match stream { Ok(mut stream) => { let mut data = vec![0; max_buffer]; let _ = data); self.handle_request(&mut stream, data); } Err(e) => { eprintln!("{e}") } } } } } impl TcpServer { pub fn new(addr: A) -> Self where A: std::net::ToSocketAddrs, { Self { addr: addr.to_socket_addrs().unwrap().collect(), on_ready: None, listeners: Vec::new(), on_shutdown: None, max_buffer: None, } } pub fn on_ready(&mut self, handler: T) where T: Fn() + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.on_ready = Some(SoftListener::new(handler)); } pub fn on_shutdown(&mut self, handler: T) where T: Fn() + Send + Sync + 'static, { self.on_shutdown = Some(SoftListener::new(handler)); } pub fn set_buffer_to(&mut self, size: usize) { self.max_buffer = Some(size); } }