use minicloze_lib::{langs::propagate, sentence::generate_sentences, sentence::Sentence}; use levenshtein::levenshtein; use rand::Rng; use std::env; use std::io; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::time::Instant; const DISTANCE_FOR_CLOSE: i32 = 3; const NON_SPACED: [&str; 12] = [ "cmn", "lzh", "hak", "cjy", "nan", "hsn", "gan", "jpn", "tha", "khm", "lao", "mya", ]; fn main() { clear_screen(); let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect(); // gets the tatoeba language codes from a separate file let lang_codes = propagate(); let language_input = if args.len() > 1 { // the input from the command line (args[1]).to_string() } // if compiled script is run else { let mut input = String::new(); print!("What language do you want to study? "); read_into(&mut input); input = input.trim_start().trim_end().to_string(); input }; print!("Fetching sentences for you..."); io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); let now = Instant::now(); let language_request = language_input.to_lowercase(); // TODO: autocorrect obvious mistakes (e.g. frnech vs french) and "mistakes" (e.g. mandarin vs // mandarin chinese) let language = lang_codes .get(&language_request.as_str()) .expect("Please enter a valid language") .to_string(); let sentences = generate_sentences(&language).unwrap(); let len = sentences.len(); let elapsed = now.elapsed(); println!( " Processing complete in {:.2?}, {} sentences parsed.", elapsed, len ); start_game(sentences, len, language, 0, 0); } // sentences: sentences for the game // len: how many sentences there are. almost always 10 // language: what language the game is in // previous_correct: the total previous correct score // total: the previous total fn start_game( sentences: Vec, len: usize, language: String, previous_correct: i32, total: i32, ) { clear_screen(); let mut correct = 0; for sentence in sentences { // just the sentence's original text let translation = &sentence.get_translation().unwrap().text; let words: String; let is_non_spaced = NON_SPACED.iter().any(|x| x == &language); let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let raw_word: String; let gap_index: usize; if is_non_spaced { let char_strings = translation.trim().chars().map(|x| x.to_string()); words = char_strings.collect::(); gap_index = rng.gen_range(0..translation.chars().count()); raw_word = translation .chars() .map(|x| x.to_string()) .collect::>() .get(gap_index) .unwrap() .to_string(); } else { words = translation.trim().split_inclusive(' ').collect::(); let length = translation.trim().split_inclusive(' ').count(); gap_index = rng.gen_range(0..length); raw_word = translation .split_inclusive(' ') .collect::>() .get(gap_index) .unwrap() .to_string(); } let word = raw_word.replace( &[ '(', ')', ',', '.', ';', ':', '?', '¿', '!', '¡', '"', '«', '»', ][..], "", ); let stripped_word = word.replace(' ', ""); let underscores_num = vec!['_'; stripped_word.chars().count()] .into_iter() .collect::(); let mut halved = words.split(&word).collect::>().into_iter(); println!( "{}: {} {} {}", language.to_uppercase(),, underscores_num, halved.last().unwrap_or_default() ); println!("ENG: {}", sentence.text); let mut guess = String::new(); print!("> "); read_into(&mut guess); let levenshtein_distance = levenshtein(&guess.trim().to_lowercase(), &stripped_word.to_lowercase()); if levenshtein_distance == 0 { correct += 1; println!("Correct.\n"); } else if levenshtein_distance < DISTANCE_FOR_CLOSE as usize { println!("Close, {}.\n", stripped_word); } else { println!("Wrong, {}.\n", stripped_word); } loop { let mut lookup = String::new(); println!("Lookup a word? [enter word or ignore]"); print!("> "); read_into(&mut lookup); if lookup.trim().is_empty() { break; } else { let lang_codes = propagate(); let mut full_language: String = "a".to_string(); // gets key from value for pair in lang_codes { if pair.1 == language { full_language = pair.0.to_string(); } } let titlecase_language = format!( "{}{}", full_language[..1].to_uppercase(), &full_language[1..] ); open::that( [ "", lookup.trim(), "#", titlecase_language.as_str(), ] .join(""), ) .unwrap(); } } println!(); } let new_correct = previous_correct + correct; let new_total = total + len as i32; if (new_total) / len as i32 == 1 { println!("{}/{} sentences correct. Play again? [y/n]", correct, len); } else { println!( "{}/{} sentences correct locally, {}/{} sentences correct overall. Play again? [y/n]", correct, len, new_correct, new_total ); } print!("> "); let mut replay = String::new(); read_into(&mut replay); if replay.trim().to_lowercase().contains('y') { let sentences = generate_sentences(language.as_str()).unwrap(); let len = sentences.len(); start_game(sentences, len, language, new_correct, new_total); } else { pause(); } } // clear the screen and position cursor at the top left fn clear_screen() { print!("{esc}[2J{esc}[1;1H", esc = 27 as char); } // wait for keystroke before quitting fn pause() { let mut stdin = io::stdin(); let mut stdout = io::stdout(); // print without a newline and flush manually. write!(stdout, "Press any key to exit").unwrap(); stdout.flush().unwrap(); // read a single byte and discard let _ = [0u8]).unwrap(); } // user input fn read_into(buffer: &mut String) { io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); io::stdin().read_line(buffer).unwrap(); }