[package] name = "minidisc" version = "0.1.3" edition = "2021" homepage = "https://github.com/G2-Games/minidisc-rs/" repository = "https://github.com/G2-Games/minidisc-rs/" documentation = "https://docs.rs/cross_usb" description = "A library for interacting with NetMD and Hi-MD minidisc devices." license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0" authors = ["G2 ", "Asivery"] readme = "README.md" keywords = ["minidisc", "netmd", "net-md", "hi-md", "sony"] categories = ["hardware-support", "wasm", "multimedia::audio"] # Have docs.rs make documentation for most supported targets [package.metadata.docs.rs] targets = [ "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc", "aarch64-pc-windows-msvc", "x86_64-apple-darwin", "aarch64-apple-darwin", "wasm32-unknown-unknown" ] [lib] crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"] [dev-dependencies] tokio-test = "0.4.3" [dependencies] diacritics = "0.2.0" encoding_rs = "0.8.33" nofmt = "1.0.0" once_cell = "1.18.0" unicode-normalization = "0.1.22" regex = "1.10" cross_usb = "0.4" num-derive = "0.4.2" num-traits = "0.2.14" rand = "0.8.5" getrandom = { version = "0.2", features = ["js"] } des = "0.8" cbc = "0.1" ecb = "0.1" tokio = { version = "1.36", features = ["sync"] } g2-unicode-jp = "0.4.1" thiserror = "1.0.57" phf = { version = "0.11.2", features = ["phf_macros", "macros"] } byteorder = "1.5.0" log = "0.4.22" [target.'cfg(target_family = "wasm")'.dependencies] gloo = { version = "0.11.0", features = ["futures", "worker"] } futures = "0.3.30"