# It is the rust application for searching lines in a file using words like a grep tool in linux ## Instruction ### Installation - Install rust using rustc, and latest visual studio build tools - Fork and clone this repo and run `cargo install` in the command line ### Building and Running - First write some unit tests, there are already two test written - For checking tests run `cargo test` - Build application using `cargo build` - Run application using `cargo run text filename.txt` * if you want to search words by applying environment variable IGNORE_CASE then run using `IGNORE_CASE=1 cargo run text filename.txt` * If you want to remove that environment variable run ` PS> Remove-Item Env:IGNORE_CASE` in the terminal the environment variable will be removed #### If you are interesting using this application as a dependency to your big project, use the crate [minigrep_necimye](-https://crates.io/crates/minigrep_necimye) and you can use the functions written inside lib.rs #### If you are interested to contribute this project, fork and make the new pull requests after cloning this project. You are not allowed to work in the base branch ## Some Samples ![snap1](./snap1.png) ![snap2](./snap2.png)