/* minigzip.c Version 2.9.0, September 18, 2019 part of the MiniZip project Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Nathan Moinvaziri https://github.com/nmoinvaz/minizip This program is distributed under the terms of the same license as zlib. See the accompanying LICENSE file for the full text of the license. */ #include "mz.h" #include "mz_os.h" #include "mz_strm.h" #include "mz_strm_os.h" #include "mz_strm_zlib.h" #include /* printf */ /***************************************************************************/ #define MZ_GZIP_COMPRESS (1) #define MZ_GZIP_DECOMPRESS (2) int32_t minigzip_banner(void); int32_t minigzip_help(void); /***************************************************************************/ int32_t minigzip_banner(void) { printf("Minigzip %s - https://github.com/nmoinvaz/minizip\n", MZ_VERSION); printf("---------------------------------------------------\n"); return MZ_OK; } int32_t minigzip_help(void) { printf("Usage: minigzip [-x] [-d] [-0 to -9] [files]\n\n" \ " -x Extract file\n" \ " -d Destination directory\n" \ " -0 Store only\n" \ " -1 Compress faster\n" \ " -9 Compress better\n\n"); return MZ_OK; } /***************************************************************************/ int32_t minigzip_copy(const char *path, const char *destination, int16_t operation, int16_t level) { void *target_stream = NULL; void *source_stream = NULL; void *zlib_stream = NULL; const char *filename = NULL; char target_path[1024]; int32_t err = 0; memset(target_path, 0, sizeof(target_path)); if (destination != NULL) { if (mz_os_file_exists(destination) != MZ_OK) mz_dir_make(destination); } if (operation == MZ_GZIP_COMPRESS) { mz_path_combine(target_path, path, sizeof(target_path)); strncat(target_path, ".gz", sizeof(target_path) - strlen(target_path) - 1); printf("Compressing to %s\n", target_path); } else if (operation == MZ_GZIP_DECOMPRESS) { if (destination != NULL) mz_path_combine(target_path, destination, sizeof(target_path)); if (mz_path_get_filename(path, &filename) != MZ_OK) filename = path; mz_path_combine(target_path, filename, sizeof(target_path)); mz_path_remove_extension(target_path); printf("Decompressing to %s\n", target_path); } mz_stream_zlib_create(&zlib_stream); mz_stream_zlib_set_prop_int64(zlib_stream, MZ_STREAM_PROP_COMPRESS_WINDOW, 15 + 16); mz_stream_os_create(&source_stream); err = mz_stream_os_open(source_stream, path, MZ_OPEN_MODE_READ); if (err == MZ_OK) { mz_stream_os_create(&target_stream); err = mz_stream_os_open(target_stream, target_path, MZ_OPEN_MODE_CREATE | MZ_OPEN_MODE_WRITE); if (err == MZ_OK) { if (operation == MZ_GZIP_COMPRESS) { mz_stream_zlib_set_prop_int64(zlib_stream, MZ_STREAM_PROP_COMPRESS_LEVEL, level); mz_stream_zlib_open(zlib_stream, target_path, MZ_OPEN_MODE_WRITE); mz_stream_set_base(zlib_stream, target_stream); err = mz_stream_copy_to_end(zlib_stream, source_stream); } else if (operation == MZ_GZIP_DECOMPRESS) { mz_stream_zlib_open(zlib_stream, path, MZ_OPEN_MODE_READ); mz_stream_set_base(zlib_stream, source_stream); err = mz_stream_copy_to_end(target_stream, zlib_stream); } if (err != MZ_OK) printf("Error %d in zlib stream (%d)\n", err, mz_stream_zlib_error(zlib_stream)); else printf("Operation completed successfully\n"); mz_stream_zlib_close(zlib_stream); } else { printf("Error %d opening target path %s\n", err, target_path); } mz_stream_os_close(target_stream); mz_stream_os_delete(&target_stream); } else { printf("Error %d opening source path %s\n", err, path); } mz_stream_os_close(source_stream); mz_stream_os_delete(&source_stream); mz_stream_zlib_delete(&zlib_stream); return err; } /***************************************************************************/ #if !defined(MZ_ZIP_NO_MAIN) int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int16_t operation_level = MZ_COMPRESS_LEVEL_DEFAULT; int32_t path_arg = 0; int32_t err = 0; int32_t i = 0; uint8_t operation = MZ_GZIP_COMPRESS; const char *path = NULL; const char *destination = NULL; minigzip_banner(); if (argc == 1) { minigzip_help(); return 0; } /* Parse command line options */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i += 1) { printf("%s ", argv[i]); if (argv[i][0] == '-') { char c = argv[i][1]; if ((c == 'x') || (c == 'X')) operation = MZ_GZIP_DECOMPRESS; else if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) operation_level = (c - '0'); else if (((c == 'd') || (c == 'D')) && (i + 1 < argc)) { destination = argv[i + 1]; printf("%s ", argv[i + 1]); i += 1; } else { err = MZ_SUPPORT_ERROR; } } else if (path_arg == 0) { path_arg = i; break; } } printf("\n"); if (err == MZ_SUPPORT_ERROR) { printf("Feature not supported\n"); return err; } if (path_arg == 0) { minigzip_help(); return 0; } path = argv[path_arg]; err = minigzip_copy(path, destination, operation, operation_level); return err; } #endif