syntax="proto3"; package minknow_api.report_data; import "minknow_api/acquisition.proto"; import "minknow_api/instance.proto"; import "minknow_api/log.proto"; import "minknow_api/protocol.proto"; import "minknow_api/statistics.proto"; enum AcquisitionOutputTypes { AllData = 0; SplitByBarcodeAndAlignment = 1; SplitByBarcode = 2; SplitByAlignment = 3; SplitByEndReason = 4; SplitByBedRegion = 5; } message AcquisitionOutput { AcquisitionOutputTypes type = 1; repeated statistics.StreamAcquisitionOutputResponse plot = 2; } message ReadLengthHistogram { statistics.ReadLengthType read_length_type = 1; statistics.BucketValueType bucket_value_type = 2; statistics.StreamReadLengthHistogramResponse plot = 3; statistics.StreamReadLengthHistogramResponse outliers = 4; } message BasecallBoxplot { statistics.StreamBoxplotRequest.BoxplotType type = 1; statistics.BoxplotResponse plot = 2; } message AcquistionReportData { // Information about the executed acquisition acquisition.AcquisitionRunInfo acquisition_run_info = 1; // Size of buckets for all statistics data, in minutes. int32 bucket_size = 2; // Statistics snapshots for the acquisition period. // Formatted into the same bucket size for all datatypes, // computed from the length of the experiment. repeated statistics.StreamDutyTimeResponse duty_time = 3; repeated statistics.StreamWriterOutputResponse writer_output = 4; repeated statistics.StreamTemperatureResponse temperature = 5; repeated statistics.StreamBiasVoltagesResponse bias_voltage = 6; repeated AcquisitionOutput acquisition_output = 7; repeated ReadLengthHistogram read_length_histogram = 8; repeated BasecallBoxplot basecall_boxplot = 9; } // This is a subset of the information available from the describe_host() call message Host { string serial = 1; string product_name = 2; } message ReportData { instance.GetVersionInfoResponse software_versions = 1; Host host = 2; // Information about the executed protocol. protocol.ProtocolRunInfo protocol_run_info = 3; // Information about the acquisitions that are a part of the protocol. repeated AcquistionReportData acquisitions = 4; // All the user messages from protocol start to protocol end. repeated log.UserMessage user_messages = 5; }