extern crate minreq; mod setup; use self::setup::*; use std::io; #[test] #[cfg(any(feature = "rustls", feature = "openssl", feature = "native-tls"))] fn test_https() { // TODO: Implement this locally. assert_eq!( get_status_code(minreq::get("https://example.com").send()), 200, ); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "json-using-serde")] fn test_json_using_serde() { const JSON_SRC: &str = r#"{ "str": "Json test", "num": 42 }"#; let original_json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(JSON_SRC).unwrap(); let response = minreq::post(url("/echo")) .with_json(&original_json) .unwrap() .send() .unwrap(); let actual_json: serde_json::Value = response.json().unwrap(); assert_eq!(&actual_json, &original_json); } #[test] fn test_timeout_too_low() { setup(); let result = minreq::get(url("/slow_a")) .with_body("Q".to_string()) .with_timeout(1) .send(); assert!(result.is_err()); } #[test] fn test_timeout_high_enough() { setup(); let body = get_body( minreq::get(url("/slow_a")) .with_body("Q".to_string()) .with_timeout(3) .send(), ); assert_eq!(body, "j: Q"); } #[test] fn test_headers() { setup(); let body = get_body( minreq::get(url("/header_pong")) .with_header("Ping", "Qwerty") .send(), ); assert_eq!("Qwerty", body); } #[test] fn test_custom_method() { use minreq::Method; setup(); let body = get_body( minreq::Request::new(Method::Custom("GET".to_string()), url("/a")) .with_body("Q") .send(), ); assert_eq!("j: Q", body); } #[test] fn test_get() { setup(); let body = get_body(minreq::get(url("/a")).with_body("Q").send()); assert_eq!(body, "j: Q"); } #[test] fn test_redirect_get() { setup(); let body = get_body(minreq::get(url("/redirect")).with_body("Q").send()); assert_eq!(body, "j: Q"); } #[test] fn test_redirect_post() { setup(); // POSTing to /redirect should return a 303, which means we should // make a GET request to the given location. This test relies on // the fact that the test server only responds to GET requests on // the /a path. let body = get_body(minreq::post(url("/redirect")).with_body("Q").send()); assert_eq!(body, "j: Q"); } #[test] fn test_redirect_with_fragment() { setup(); let original_url = url("/redirect#foo"); let res = minreq::get(original_url).send().unwrap(); // Fragment should stay the same, otherwise redirected assert_eq!(res.url.as_str(), url("/a#foo")); } #[test] fn test_redirect_with_overridden_fragment() { setup(); let original_url = url("/redirect-baz#foo"); let res = minreq::get(original_url).send().unwrap(); // This redirect should provide its own fragment, overriding the initial one assert_eq!(res.url.as_str(), url("/a#baz")); } #[test] fn test_infinite_redirect() { setup(); let body = minreq::get(url("/infiniteredirect")).send(); assert!(body.is_err()); } #[test] fn test_relative_redirect_get() { setup(); let body = get_body(minreq::get(url("/relativeredirect")).with_body("Q").send()); assert_eq!(body, "j: Q"); } #[test] fn test_head() { setup(); assert_eq!(get_status_code(minreq::head(url("/b")).send()), 418); } #[test] fn test_post() { setup(); let body = get_body(minreq::post(url("/c")).with_body("E").send()); assert_eq!(body, "l: E"); } #[test] fn test_put() { setup(); let body = get_body(minreq::put(url("/d")).with_body("R").send()); assert_eq!(body, "m: R"); } #[test] fn test_delete() { setup(); assert_eq!(get_body(minreq::delete(url("/e")).send()), "n: "); } #[test] fn test_trace() { setup(); assert_eq!(get_body(minreq::trace(url("/f")).send()), "o: "); } #[test] fn test_options() { setup(); let body = get_body(minreq::options(url("/g")).with_body("U").send()); assert_eq!(body, "p: U"); } #[test] fn test_connect() { setup(); let body = get_body(minreq::connect(url("/h")).with_body("I").send()); assert_eq!(body, "q: I"); } #[test] fn test_patch() { setup(); let body = get_body(minreq::patch(url("/i")).with_body("O").send()); assert_eq!(body, "r: O"); } #[test] fn tcp_connect_timeout() { let _listener = std::net::TcpListener::bind("").unwrap(); let resp = minreq::Request::new(minreq::Method::Get, "") .with_timeout(1) .send(); assert!(resp.is_err()); if let Some(minreq::Error::IoError(err)) = resp.err() { assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::TimedOut); } else { panic!("timeout test request did not return an error"); } } #[test] fn test_header_cap() { setup(); let body = minreq::get(url("/long_header")) .with_max_headers_size(999) .send(); assert!(body.is_err()); assert!(matches!(body.err(), Some(minreq::Error::HeadersOverflow))); let body = minreq::get(url("/long_header")) .with_max_headers_size(1500) .send(); assert!(body.is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_status_line_cap() { setup(); let expected_status_line = "HTTP/1.1 203 Non-Authoritative Information"; let body = minreq::get(url("/long_status_line")) .with_max_status_line_length(expected_status_line.len() + 1) .send(); assert!(body.is_err()); assert!(matches!( body.err(), Some(minreq::Error::StatusLineOverflow) )); let body = minreq::get(url("/long_status_line")) .with_max_status_line_length(expected_status_line.len() + 2) .send(); assert!(body.is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_massive_content_length() { setup(); std::thread::spawn(|| { // If minreq trusts Content-Length, this should crash pretty much straight away. let _ = minreq::get(url("/massive_content_length")).send(); }); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(500)); // If it were to crash, it would have at this point. Pass! }