## Installation Download the binary from [Github](https://github.com/youngspe/mintyml/releases/latest) or install with [`cargo install mintyml-cli`](https://crates.io/crates/mintyml-cli) ## Help Text Processes MinTyML, a minimalist alternative syntax for HTML. For more information, see https://youngspe.github.io/mintyml and https://github.com/youngspe/mintyml Usage: mintyml-cli Commands: convert Convert MinTyML to HTML help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') ### `convert` Command Convert MinTyML to HTML Usage: mintyml-cli convert [OPTIONS] <--stdin|--dir |SRC_FILES> Options: -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') Input Source: --stdin Read MinTyML source from stdin -d, --dir Search for MinTyML files in the given directory -r, --recurse [] Whether to recursively search subdirectories when searching a directory for source files. If specified, the search will be limited to `DEPTH` levels of nested subdirectories [SRC_FILES]... Convert the specified MinTyML file(s) Output Destination: -o, --out Write the converted HTML to the given filename or directory --stdout Write the converted HTML to stdout Output Options: -x, --xml Produce XHTML5 instead of HTML -p, --pretty Produce HTML with line breaks and indentation for readability --indent Number of spaces for each indentation level when `--pretty` is enabled [default: 2] --complete-page[=] Make a complete HTML page by wrapping the contents in `` tags. * If the source document already has an `html` element at the top level, no changes will be made. * If the source document has a `body` element at the top level, no changes will be made beyond wrapping the document in `` tags. * Otherwise, a `head` element will be created containing all top-level elements that belong in `head` (e.g. `title`, `meta`, `style`), and a `body` element will be created containing all other top-level elements. [default: true] [possible values: true, false] --fragment Convert a MinTyML fragment without wrapping it in `` tags. Equivalent to `--complete-page=false` --special-tag Override the element types used when converting special tags. This argument may be used multiple times to allow multiple overrides. Additionally, multiple overrides can be specified per argument, separated by commas. Example: --special_tag underline=ins,strike=del Possible values: - strong=...: <# strong #> (default: 'strong') - emphasis=...: (default: 'em') - underline=...: <_ underline _> (default: 'u') - strike=...: <~ strike ~> (default: 's') - quote=...: <" quote "> (default: 'q') - code=...: <` code `> (default: 'code') - code-block-container=...: ``` code block ``` (default: 'pre') --forgiving[=] If enabled, a best-effort conversion will be attempted for files with errors [possible values: true, false] --fail-fast[=] If enabled, stop processing after an error is found Possible values: - false: Continue processing after first error found - true: Stop processing after first error found - file: Stop processing a specific file after first error found, but continue processing additional files --metadata[=] EXPERIMENTAL: If enabled, parsing metadata will be added to the output. See https://github.com/youngspe/mintyml/blob/main/documentation/general/metadata.md for more information. [possible values: true, false] --metadata-elements[=] EXPERIMENTAL: Generate elements for nodes that don't correspond directly to HTML elements, like comments and text segments. Implies `--metadata` [possible values: true, false] --error-mode Determines how errors should be written to stderr [default: default] Possible values: - default: stderr will contain human-readable errors - json: stderr will contain a JSON stream of errors - silent: No errors will be written to stderr