# Minvect A mini vector library, I mean its mostly for me but feel free to use. The point is for these to be the base types to use for associated applications / libraries to not have to always be converting between. ## Todo ``` pub const fn to_mat3(&self) -> [f32; 9] { [ self.wh.x, 0.0, -self.xy.x, 0.0, self.wh.y, -self.xy.y, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ] } ``` its more ideal to get the transform of a rect because eg could have some vertex data to transform via a uniform could also transform it cpu side too but yea there is rect mat3 equivalence and i want to capture it also eg rect dilate rect centroid surely needing dist point to rect signed distance probably replaces most other things same thing with segment etc nb a macro would just need map_each and sum and then all the code would need only the overloads and thats it. i mean the overloads just need map each i guess i guess proc macro shit was good with map_each. maybe one day