[package] name = "miny" version = "2.0.1" edition = "2021" authors = ["1e1001"] description = "Box with small value optimization" license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0" readme = "README.md" keywords = ["box", "dst", "stack"] categories = ["data-structures", "no-std"] documentation = "https://docs.rs/miny" homepage = "https://github.com/1e1001/miny" repository = "https://github.com/1e1001/miny" # these lints are just copied off of another project, maybe this list should be cleaned up at some point [lints.rust] missing_docs = "deny" [lints.clippy] # pedantic pedantic = "warn" # must_use_candidate = "allow" missing_errors_doc = "allow" # restriction alloc_instead_of_core = "warn" as_underscore = "warn" dbg_macro = "warn" default_union_representation = "warn" if_then_some_else_none = "warn" impl_trait_in_params = "warn" min_ident_chars = "warn" missing_assert_message = "warn" missing_asserts_for_indexing = "warn" multiple_inherent_impl = "warn" multiple_unsafe_ops_per_block = "warn" redundant_type_annotations = "warn" semicolon_outside_block = "warn" shadow_unrelated = "warn" single_char_lifetime_names = "warn" tests_outside_test_module = "warn" todo = "warn" undocumented_unsafe_blocks = "warn" unnecessary_safety_comment = "warn" unnecessary_safety_doc = "warn" unseparated_literal_suffix = "warn"