# mir Tool to mirror a user's entire accessible GitLab group hierarchy locally and optionally clone all projects. ## Usage ``` mir Nicholas Omer Chiasson Tool to mirror a user's entire accessible GitLab group hierarchy locally and optionally clone all projects. USAGE: mir [OPTIONS] OPTIONS: -A, --access-level Access level of groups (and projects if --clone flag provided) -A => Guest Access [default] -AA => Reporter Access -AAA => Developer Access -AAAA => Maintainer Access -AAAAA => Owner Access -c, --clone Clone all repositories -d, --destination The destination directory in which the hierarchy should be mirrored [default: .] -h, --help Print help information -H, --host GitLab remote host [default: gitlab.com] -p, --personal-access-token GitLab personal access token -s, --ssh-private-key SSH private key [default: ~/.ssh/id_rsa] -V, --version Print version information ```