This directory contains some usefull utility: * `m2b` taking MIR textual from from stdin and outputing the corresponding MIR binary form to stdout * `b2m` taking MIR binary from stdin and outputing the corresponding MIR textual form to stdout * `b2ctab` taking MIR binary from stdin and outputing C code containing an array initialized by the MIR binary * You can generate a standalone program executing the MIR binary by `cc -O2 -fno-tree-sra mir.o mir-gen.o mir-bin-driver.c -ldl` * The program reads MIR binary from the array and execute it by interpreter (if you add `-DMIR_USE_INTERP` to the above compilation command), or code generated by MIR generator (if you add `-DMIR_USE_GEN`), or code **lazily** generated by MIR generator (by default). Lazily generation means a function code generation on the first call of the function * The C array code file name can be given with the command line option `-DCTAB_INCLUDE_STRING=`. The default value is `"mir-ctab"`