#![allow(clippy::arithmetic_side_effects)] use serde_json::json; /// Integration testing for the PostgreSQL plugin /// This requires a PostgreSQL database named 'solana' be setup at localhost at port 5432 /// This is automatically setup in the CI environment. /// To setup manually on Ubuntu Linux, do the following, /// sh -c 'echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list' /// wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | apt-key add - /// apt install -y postgresql-14 /// sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start /// /// sudo -u postgres psql --command "CREATE USER solana WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'solana';" /// sudo -u postgres createdb -O solana solana /// PGPASSWORD=solana psql -U solana -p 5432 -h localhost -w -d solana -f scripts/create_schema.sql /// /// The test will cover transmitting accounts, transaction and slot, /// block metadata. /// /// To clean up the database: run the following, otherwise you may run into duplicate key violations: /// PGPASSWORD=solana psql -U solana -p 5432 -h localhost -w -d solana -f scripts/drop_schema.sql /// /// Before running 'cargo test', please run 'cargo build' use { libloading::Library, log::*, miraland_core::validator::ValidatorConfig, miraland_geyser_plugin_postgres::{ geyser_plugin_postgres::GeyserPluginPostgresConfig, postgres_client::SimplePostgresClient, }, miraland_local_cluster::{ cluster::Cluster, local_cluster::{ClusterConfig, LocalCluster}, validator_configs::*, }, miraland_streamer::socket::SocketAddrSpace, serial_test::serial, solana_runtime::{ snapshot_archive_info::SnapshotArchiveInfoGetter, snapshot_config::SnapshotConfig, snapshot_hash::SnapshotHash, snapshot_utils, }, solana_sdk::{ client::SyncClient, clock::Slot, commitment_config::CommitmentConfig, epoch_schedule::MINIMUM_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH, }, std::{ fs::{self, File}, io::Read, io::Write, path::{Path, PathBuf}, thread::sleep, time::Duration, }, tempfile::TempDir, }; const RUST_LOG_FILTER: &str = "info,miraland_core::replay_stage=warn,miraland_local_cluster=info,local_cluster=info,miraland_ledger=info"; fn wait_for_next_snapshot( cluster: &LocalCluster, snapshot_archives_dir: &Path, ) -> (PathBuf, (Slot, SnapshotHash)) { // Get slot after which this was generated let client = cluster .get_validator_client(cluster.entry_point_info.pubkey()) .unwrap(); let last_slot = client .get_slot_with_commitment(CommitmentConfig::processed()) .expect("Couldn't get slot"); // Wait for a snapshot for a bank >= last_slot to be made so we know that the snapshot // must include the transactions just pushed trace!( "Waiting for snapshot archive to be generated with slot > {}", last_slot ); loop { if let Some(full_snapshot_archive_info) = snapshot_utils::get_highest_full_snapshot_archive_info(snapshot_archives_dir) { trace!( "full snapshot for slot {} exists", full_snapshot_archive_info.slot() ); if full_snapshot_archive_info.slot() >= last_slot { return ( full_snapshot_archive_info.path().clone(), ( full_snapshot_archive_info.slot(), *full_snapshot_archive_info.hash(), ), ); } trace!( "full snapshot slot {} < last_slot {}", full_snapshot_archive_info.slot(), last_slot ); } sleep(Duration::from_millis(1000)); } } fn farf_dir() -> PathBuf { let dir: String = std::env::var("FARF_DIR").unwrap_or_else(|_| "farf".to_string()); fs::create_dir_all(dir.clone()).unwrap(); PathBuf::from(dir) } fn generate_account_paths(num_account_paths: usize) -> (Vec, Vec) { let account_storage_dirs: Vec = (0..num_account_paths) .map(|_| tempfile::tempdir_in(farf_dir()).unwrap()) .collect(); let account_storage_paths: Vec<_> = account_storage_dirs .iter() .map(|a| a.path().to_path_buf()) .collect(); (account_storage_dirs, account_storage_paths) } fn generate_geyser_plugin_config() -> (TempDir, PathBuf) { let tmp_dir = tempfile::tempdir_in(farf_dir()).unwrap(); let mut path = tmp_dir.path().to_path_buf(); path.push("accounts_db_plugin.json"); let mut config_file = File::create(path.clone()).unwrap(); // Need to specify the absolute path of the dynamic library // as the framework is looking for the library relative to the // config file otherwise. let lib_name = if std::env::consts::OS == "macos" { "libmiraland_geyser_plugin_postgres.dylib" } else { "libmiraland_geyser_plugin_postgres.so" }; let mut lib_path = path.clone(); lib_path.pop(); lib_path.pop(); lib_path.pop(); lib_path.push("target"); lib_path.push("debug"); lib_path.push(lib_name); let lib_path = lib_path.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap(); let config_content = json!({ "libpath": lib_path, "connection_str": "host=localhost user=solana password=solana port=5432", "threads": 20, "batch_size": 20, "panic_on_db_errors": true, "accounts_selector" : { "accounts" : ["*"] }, "transaction_selector" : { "mentions" : ["*"] } }); write!(config_file, "{}", config_content).unwrap(); (tmp_dir, path) } #[allow(dead_code)] struct SnapshotValidatorConfig { snapshot_dir: TempDir, snapshot_archives_dir: TempDir, account_storage_dirs: Vec, validator_config: ValidatorConfig, plugin_config_dir: TempDir, } fn setup_snapshot_validator_config( snapshot_interval_slots: u64, num_account_paths: usize, ) -> SnapshotValidatorConfig { // Create the snapshot config let bank_snapshots_dir = tempfile::tempdir_in(farf_dir()).unwrap(); let snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::tempdir_in(farf_dir()).unwrap(); let snapshot_config = SnapshotConfig { full_snapshot_archive_interval_slots: snapshot_interval_slots, incremental_snapshot_archive_interval_slots: Slot::MAX, full_snapshot_archives_dir: snapshot_archives_dir.path().to_path_buf(), bank_snapshots_dir: bank_snapshots_dir.path().to_path_buf(), ..SnapshotConfig::default() }; // Create the account paths let (account_storage_dirs, account_storage_paths) = generate_account_paths(num_account_paths); let (plugin_config_dir, path) = generate_geyser_plugin_config(); let on_start_geyser_plugin_config_files = Some(vec![path]); // Create the validator config let validator_config = ValidatorConfig { snapshot_config, account_paths: account_storage_paths, accounts_hash_interval_slots: snapshot_interval_slots, on_start_geyser_plugin_config_files, enforce_ulimit_nofile: false, ..ValidatorConfig::default() }; SnapshotValidatorConfig { snapshot_dir: bank_snapshots_dir, snapshot_archives_dir, account_storage_dirs, validator_config, plugin_config_dir, } } fn test_local_cluster_start_and_exit_with_config(socket_addr_space: SocketAddrSpace) { const NUM_NODES: usize = 1; let config = ValidatorConfig { enforce_ulimit_nofile: false, ..ValidatorConfig::default() }; let mut config = ClusterConfig { validator_configs: make_identical_validator_configs(&config, NUM_NODES), node_stakes: vec![3; NUM_NODES], cluster_lamports: 100, ticks_per_slot: 8, slots_per_epoch: MINIMUM_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH, stakers_slot_offset: MINIMUM_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH, ..ClusterConfig::default() }; let cluster = LocalCluster::new(&mut config, socket_addr_space); assert_eq!(cluster.validators.len(), NUM_NODES); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_without_plugin() { let socket_addr_space = SocketAddrSpace::new(true); test_local_cluster_start_and_exit_with_config(socket_addr_space); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_postgres_plugin() { miraland_logger::setup_with_default(RUST_LOG_FILTER); unsafe { let filename = match std::env::consts::OS { "macos" => "libmiraland_geyser_plugin_postgres.dylib", _ => "libmiraland_geyser_plugin_postgres.so", }; let lib = Library::new(filename); if lib.is_err() { info!("Failed to load the dynamic library {} {:?}", filename, lib); return; } } let socket_addr_space = SocketAddrSpace::new(true); // First set up the cluster with 1 node let snapshot_interval_slots = 50; let num_account_paths = 3; let leader_snapshot_test_config = setup_snapshot_validator_config(snapshot_interval_slots, num_account_paths); let mut file = File::open( &leader_snapshot_test_config .validator_config .on_start_geyser_plugin_config_files .as_ref() .unwrap()[0], ) .unwrap(); let mut contents = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut contents).unwrap(); let plugin_config: GeyserPluginPostgresConfig = serde_json::from_str(&contents).unwrap(); let result = SimplePostgresClient::connect_to_db(&plugin_config); if result.is_err() { info!("Failed to connecto the PostgreSQL database. Please setup the database to run the integration tests. {:?}", result.err()); return; } let stake = 10_000; let mut config = ClusterConfig { node_stakes: vec![stake], cluster_lamports: 1_000_000, validator_configs: make_identical_validator_configs( &leader_snapshot_test_config.validator_config, 1, ), ..ClusterConfig::default() }; let cluster = LocalCluster::new(&mut config, socket_addr_space); assert_eq!(cluster.validators.len(), 1); let contact_info = &cluster.entry_point_info; info!( "Contact info: {:?} {:?}", contact_info, leader_snapshot_test_config .validator_config .enforce_ulimit_nofile ); // Get slot after which this was generated let snapshot_archives_dir = &leader_snapshot_test_config .validator_config .snapshot_config .full_snapshot_archives_dir; info!("Waiting for snapshot"); let (archive_filename, archive_snapshot_hash) = wait_for_next_snapshot(&cluster, snapshot_archives_dir); info!("Found: {:?} {:?}", archive_filename, archive_snapshot_hash); }