# Mitto A file upload server compatible with ShareX. ![Mitto configuration on ShareX](files/mitto.png?raw=true) ## Usage Start by installing Mitto on your server and configuring the file "/home/$USER/.config/mitto/mitto.toml" to your liking. Then open ShareX and go to "Destinations > Custom uploader settings... > Import > From URL...". On the URL field, place "https://your-site.com/sharex" and press OK. On the Headers section, update the "Authorization" header to read "Basic {base64:USER:PASS}" replacing "USER" with any name and "PASS" with the value defined on the `auth_token` key in the `mitto.toml` configuration file. ## Building for Debian 1. `cargo install cargo-deb` 2. `rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl` (while on Windows; musl is more portable) 3. `cargo deb --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl` 4. Install the package with `dpkg -i target/debian/*.deb` 5. Inspect the package with `dpkg -e target/debian/*.deb` to inspect the systemd scripts 6. Update the config file "/home/$USER/.config/mitto/mitto.toml" and restart the service via `systemctl restart mitto.service` 7. And enable the service if not already enabled: `systemctl enable mitto.service`. This will start the service on host startup. ### Useful links 1. https://www.ebbflow.io/blog/vending-linux-1 2. https://www.ebbflow.io/blog/vending-linux-2