use nalgebra::{DMatrix, DVector}; use plotters::prelude::*; use rand::prelude::{Distribution, StdRng}; use rand::SeedableRng; use mixturs::plotting::{Cluster2D, init_axes2d}; use mixturs::stats::{ConjugatePrior, NormalConjugatePrior, NIW, NIWParams, NIWStats, FromData}; use statrs::distribution::MultivariateNormal; fn main() { plot_points_dist(); plot_niw_dist(); plot_niw_chain(); } fn plot_points_dist() { const PATH: &str = "examples/data/plot/plot_sampling_points.png"; let mu = DVector::from_row_slice(&[0.0, 0.0]); let cov = DMatrix::from_row_slice(2, 2, &[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]); let dist = MultivariateNormal::new( mu.clone().data.into(), cov.clone().data.into(), ).unwrap(); let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(0); let root = BitMapBackend::new(PATH, (1024, 768)).into_drawing_area(); let mut plot_ctx = init_axes2d((-4.0..4.0, -4.0..4.0), &root); plot_ctx.draw_series( Cluster2D::from_mat( &mu, &cov, 100, Palette99::pick(1).filled(), Palette99::pick(1).stroke_width(2), ) ).unwrap(); plot_ctx.draw_series( dist.sample_iter(&mut rng) .take(1000) .map(|x| Circle::new((x[0], x[1]), 2, Palette99::pick(3).mix(0.8).filled())) ).unwrap(); root.present().expect("Unable to write result to file, please make sure 'plotters-doc-data' dir exists under current dir"); println!("Result has been saved to {}", PATH); } fn plot_niw_dist() { const PATH: &str = "examples/data/plot/plot_sampling_niw.png"; let mu = DVector::from_row_slice(&[0.0, 0.0]); let cov = DMatrix::from_row_slice(2, 2, &[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]); let dist_params = NIWParams::new(1.0, mu.clone(), 5.0, cov.clone()); let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(42); // let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(1); // let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(2); let root = BitMapBackend::new(PATH, (1024, 768)).into_drawing_area(); let mut plot_ctx = init_axes2d((-10.0..10.0, -10.0..10.0), &root); plot_ctx.draw_series( Cluster2D::from_mat( &mu, &cov, 20, Palette99::pick(1).filled(), Palette99::pick(1).stroke_width(4), ) ).unwrap(); for i in 0..5 { let dist = NIW::sample(&dist_params, &mut rng); plot_ctx.draw_series( Cluster2D::from_mat(, dist.cov(), 50, Palette99::pick(i + 3).filled(), Palette99::pick(i + 3).stroke_width(2), ) ).unwrap(); } root.present().expect("Unable to write result to file, please make sure 'plotters-doc-data' dir exists under current dir"); println!("Result has been saved to {}", PATH); } fn plot_niw_chain() { const PATH: &str = "examples/data/plot/plot_sampling_niw_chain.png"; let mu = DVector::from_row_slice(&[0.0, 0.0]); let cov = DMatrix::from_row_slice(2, 2, &[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]); let mut dist_params = NIWParams::new(1.0, mu.clone(), 10.0, cov.clone()); let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(42); let root = BitMapBackend::new(PATH, (1024, 768)).into_drawing_area(); let mut plot_ctx = init_axes2d((-5.0..5.0, -5.0..5.0), &root); plot_ctx.draw_series( Cluster2D::from_mat( &mu, &cov, 20, Palette99::pick(1).filled(), Palette99::pick(1).stroke_width(4), ) ).unwrap(); for i in 0..5 { let dist = NIW::sample(&dist_params, &mut rng); let mut points = DMatrix::::zeros(2, 500); for mut point in points.column_iter_mut() { point.copy_from(&dist.sample(&mut rng)); } let stats = NIWStats::from_data(&points); dist_params = NIW::posterior(&dist_params, &stats); plot_ctx.draw_series( points.column_iter() .map(|x| Circle::new((x[0], x[1]), 2, Palette99::pick(i + 3).mix(0.8).filled())) ).unwrap(); plot_ctx.draw_series( Cluster2D::from_mat(, dist.cov(), 50, Palette99::pick(i + 3).filled(), Palette99::pick(i + 3).stroke_width(2), ) ).unwrap() .label(i.to_string()) .legend(move |(x, y)| Rectangle::new([(x, y - 5), (x + 10, y + 5)], Palette99::pick(i + 3).filled())); } plot_ctx .configure_series_labels() .border_style(&BLACK) .draw() .unwrap(); root.present().expect("Unable to write result to file, please make sure 'plotters-doc-data' dir exists under current dir"); println!("Result has been saved to {}", PATH); }