.Dd March 25, 2024 .Dt MIXXC 1 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm mixxc .Nd minimalistic volume mixer .Sh DESCRIPTION Mixxc is a volume mixer for managing application volume levels, focused on providing a high level of customization for widget users and creators. .Sh OPTIONS .Bl -tag \-width Ds .It Fl w , Fl \-width Ar px In horizontal bar orientation it affects only the base width of the window and will not change. In vertical, it's used to specify width of each audio client. .It Fl h , Fl \-height Ar px In vertical bar orientation it only affects the base height of the window and will not change. In horizontal, it will be ignored if window requires more space. .It Fl s , Fl \-spacing Ar px Space gap between audio clients in pixels. .It Fl a , Fl \-anchor Ar side Snap window to the side of the screen. Can be specified multiple times. .Bl -bullet -compact .It t, top .It b, bottom .It l, left .It r, right .El .It Fl m , Fl \-margin Ar px Distance that window will keep from each anchor point respectively. .It Fl M , Fl \-master Show a volume slider for the default audio sink. .It Fl u , Fl \-userstyle Ar file Specify path to userstyle. By default, .Nm will attempt to read style file from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mixxc, with priority for CSS supersets. .Bl -bullet -compact .It \&.css .It \&.scss (Feature: Sass) .It \&.sass (Feature: Sass) .El .It Fl x , Fl \-max\-volume Ar n Highest achievable volume level in percents. Minimum is 1. Default is 100. Maximum is 255. .It Fl b , Fl \-bar Ar orientation Changes orientation of audio sliders. .Bl -bullet -compact .It h, horizontal .It v, vertical .El .It Fl i , Fl \-icon Show icons that applications provide or display a generic reactive volume icon. If not all application icons are displayed properly, you might need to update icon cache .Xr gtk4-update-icon-cache 1 or update $XDG_DATA_DIRS. .It Fl k , Fl \-keep Prevent window from closing itself. By default, window will be closed if focus is lost and mouse is no longer over it. .It Fl v , Fl \-version Print version information. .It Fl \-help Print help information. .El .Sh ENVIRONMENT .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Ev PULSE_PEAK_RATE Integer value that controls frequency at which audio server probes audio tracks for loudness in an allowed dynamic range. Setting this value to 0 significantly reduces number of window redraws and CPU usage. .El .Sh FILES .Bl -compact -tag -width Ds .It Pa $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mixxc/style.css .It Pa $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mixxc/style.scss .It Pa $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mixxc/style.sass .El .Sh FEATURES Here's a list of features that can be included or excluded at compile time. Excluding some of them might lead to a smaller binary size and performance improvements. .Bl -ohang .It - Sass Support for CSS supersets. .It - X11 Support for X Window System. .It - Wayland Support for Wayland. .El .Sh EXAMPLES Open mixxc in the bottom right corner with some spacing. .Bd -literal -offset indent $ mixxc --anchor bottom --margin 20 \\ --anchor right --margin 20 .Ed Using short options to switch to vertical slider orientation with icons, set width and height for each one of them. .Bd -literal -offset indent $ mixxc -b v -i -w 75 -h 350 .Ed If you don't need auto-closing - you can turn your custom made button into a switch. .Bd -literal -offset indent $ pkill mixxc | mixxc --keep .Ed GTK4 supports multiple rendering backends which might improve startup time, memory usage or fix graphical glitches. .Bd -literal -offset indent $ GSK_RENDERER=help mixxc .Ed .Sh AUTHORS Elvyria .Sh BUGS .Bl -ohang .It Firefox ( .Bl -bullet .It Muted playback removes audio sink and discards playback description information when unmuted. .It Jumping to any part of playback results in `Remove <-> Create` request instead of `Modify`. .It Volume levels are never requested from audio server, this causes desynchronization between volume levels. .El These problems are exclusive to Firefox and do not appear under Chromium based browsers. .El