use mki::{bind_key, Action, InhibitEvent, Keyboard, Sequence}; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; fn main() { Keyboard::A.bind(|_| { println!("A pressed, sending B");; }); mki::bind_any_key(Action::handle_kb(|key| { use Keyboard::*; if matches!(key, S | L | O | W | LeftShift | LeftControl | B) { // Ignore outputs from other commands for nicer output } else { println!("Some key pressed pressed: {:?}", key); } })); mki::bind_any_button(Action::handle_mouse(|button| { println!("Mouse button pressed {:?}", button); })); mki::register_hotkey(&[Keyboard::LeftControl, Keyboard::B], || { println!("Ctrl+B Pressed") }); mki::bind_key( Keyboard::S, Action::sequencing_kb(|_| { Sequence::text("LLLLLow").unwrap().send(); thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); }), ); // This binds action to a W key, // that W press will not be sent to the following services ( only on windows ) // whenever Caps Lock is toggled // Action will be executed on separate thread. bind_key( Keyboard::W, Action { callback: Box::new(|event, state| { println!("key: {:?} changed state now is: {:?}", event, state); }), inhibit: InhibitEvent::maybe(|| { if Keyboard::CapsLock.is_toggled() { InhibitEvent::Yes } else { InhibitEvent::No } }), sequencer: false, defer: true, }, ); thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(100)); }