use mlua_extras::{extras::Module, typed::{TypedModule, TypedModuleBuilder, TypedModuleFields, TypedModuleMethods}}; struct Nested; impl TypedModule for Nested { fn add_methods<'lua, M: TypedModuleMethods<'lua>>(methods: &mut M) -> mlua::Result<()> { methods .document("Print hello to the name passed in") .add_function_with( "hello", |_lua, name: String| { println!("Hello, {name}!"); Ok(()) }, |func| { func.param(0, |param| { param.set_name("name").set_doc("Name of the person to greet"); }); }) } } struct Test; impl TypedModule for Test { fn add_fields<'lua, F: TypedModuleFields<'lua>>(fields: &mut F) -> mlua::Result<()> { fields .document("Name to use in with the greeting method") .add_field("name", "mlua-extras")?; fields .document("Nested module") .add_module::("nested")?; Ok(()) } fn add_methods<'lua, M: TypedModuleMethods<'lua>>(methods: &mut M) -> mlua::Result<()> { methods .document("Greet the table's `name` field") // TODO: Add `add_method_with` and associated methods to add docs for params and // returns right away .add_method("greet", |_lua, this, ()| { let name = this.get::<_, String>("name")?; println!("Hello, {name}!"); Ok(()) })?; Ok(()) } } fn main() -> mlua::Result<()> { let lua = mlua::Lua::new(); lua.globals().set("test", Test::module())?; let test_mod = TypedModuleBuilder::new::(); println!("{test_mod:#?}"); if let Err(err) = lua.load(r#" = "Zachary" test:greet() test.nested.hello("Zachary") "#).eval::() { eprintln!("{err}"); } Ok(()) }