use image::*; use mnist::*; use ndarray::prelude::*; use show_image::{make_window_full, Event, WindowOptions}; fn main() { let (trn_size, _rows, _cols) = (50_000, 28, 28); // Deconstruct the returned Mnist struct. let Mnist { trn_img, trn_lbl, .. } = MnistBuilder::new() // .use_fashion_data() // Comment out this and the changed `.base_path()` to run on the original MNIST //.base_url("") // Since the base url is sometimes down due to high demand, you can replace is with another .base_path("data/") // Comment out this and `use_fashion_data()` to run on the original MNIST .label_format_digit() .training_set_length(trn_size) .validation_set_length(10_000) .test_set_length(10_000) .download_and_extract() .finalize(); let item_num = 3; return_item_description_from_number(trn_lbl[item_num]); let train_data = Array3::from_shape_vec((50_000, 28, 28), trn_img) .expect("Error converting images to Array3 struct") .mapv(|x| x as f32 / 256.); let image = bw_ndarray2_to_rgb_image(train_data.slice(s![item_num, .., ..]).to_owned()); let window_options = WindowOptions { name: "image".to_string(), size: [100, 100], resizable: true, preserve_aspect_ratio: true, }; let window = make_window_full(window_options).unwrap(); window.set_image(image, "test_result").unwrap(); for event in { if let Event::KeyboardEvent(event) = event { if event.key == show_image::KeyCode::Escape { break; } } } show_image::stop().unwrap(); } fn return_item_description_from_number(val: u8) { let description = match val { 0 => "0", 1 => "1", 2 => "2", 3 => "3", 4 => "4", 5 => "5", 6 => "6", 7 => "7", 8 => "8", 9 => "9", _ => panic!("An unrecognized label was used..."), }; println!( "Based on the '{}' label, this image should be a: {} ", val, description ); println!("Hit [ ESC ] to exit..."); } fn bw_ndarray2_to_rgb_image(arr: Array2) -> RgbImage { assert!(arr.is_standard_layout()); let (width, height) = (arr.ncols(), arr.ncols()); let mut img: RgbImage = ImageBuffer::new(width as u32, height as u32); for y in 0..height { for x in 0..width { let val = (arr[[y, x]] * 255.) as u8; img.put_pixel(x as u32, y as u32, image::Rgb([val, val, val])) } } img }