# Cargo + Mochi Manifest # # Cargo.toml is used as a configuration file for rust. In this case, we are also using it as a # a way to retrieve mochi sources. Below are the required and optinal fields for a working Mochi module. # # [package.metadata.mochi] # - name: String [Required] The display name of the module. # - description: String [Optional] Description of the module. # - icon: URL-String [Optional] A url based icon. The url can be an absolute link only if you're using a remote link. # It can also a relative link but it will be relative to `./res` folder. # # [package] (this is usually requierd by rust anyways) # - version: String - This must follow Semantic versioning 2.0.0, (https://semver.org/) # Any changes you decide to make to the module, you will need to bump the package version so users can be notified of a new update. # # Example: # # [package.metadata.mochi] # name = "module" # description = "This is a basic module" # icon = "basic-module.png" - This will be converted to `./res/basic-module.png` if using relative. [package.metadata.mochi] name = "{{ module.display_name }}" [package] name = "{{ module.identifier_name }}" version = "0.0.1" edition = "2021" [lib] crate-type = ["cdylib"] [dependencies] mochi = { workspace = true, features = ["extractors"] } percent-encoding = { workspace = true }