struct Pair { u64: first u64: second impl: fn u64) -> [Pair] cast(Pair) fn Pair.first(Pair: p) -> [u64] p::first fn Pair.second(Pair: p) -> [u64] p::second fn Pair.split(Pair: p) -> [u64 u64] { p::first p::second } } enum Colour { Red Green Blue } union StrOrU64 { u64: number Str: string } fn main() { // Uncomment the next line to see the error //1 2 cast(Pair) 1 2 as [pair] // Uncomment these lines to see the error //pair::first println //pair::second println "first: " print pair Pair.first println "second: " print pair Pair.second println pair Pair.split "second: " print println "first: " print println "Red and green the same colour: " print Colour::Red Colour::Green == println "Hello World" cast(StrOrU64) as [str_union] 12345 cast(StrOrU64) as [num_union] str_union::string println str_union::number println // This is dangerous! // num_union::string println // This is dangerous and unpredicatable! num_union::number println }