use std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe; use std::rc::Rc; use mockers::matchers::{lt, ANY}; use mockers::{Scenario, Sequence}; use mockers_derive::{mock, mocked}; #[mocked] pub trait A { fn foo(&self); fn bar(&self, arg: u32); fn baz(&self) -> u32; fn modify(&mut self); fn ask(&self, arg: u32) -> u32; fn consume(self); fn consume_result(&self) -> String; fn consume_arg(&self, arg: String) -> String; fn consume_rc(&self, arg: Rc); fn consume_ref(&self, arg: &usize); fn return_static_ref(&self) -> &'static bool; } mock! { AMockByMacro, self, trait A { fn foo(&self); fn bar(&self, arg: u32); fn baz(&self) -> u32; fn modify(&mut self); fn ask(&self, arg: u32) -> u32; fn consume(self); fn consume_result(&self) -> String; fn consume_arg(&self, arg: String) -> String; fn consume_rc(&self, arg: Rc); fn consume_ref(&self, arg: &usize); fn return_static_ref(&self) -> &'static bool; } } #[test] fn test_ref_arg() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(handle.consume_ref(&2).and_return(())); mock.consume_ref(&2); } #[test] fn test_ref_call() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(handle.consume_ref(&2).and_call(|_| ())); mock.consume_ref(&2); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "unexpected call to ``")] fn test_unit() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(;; } #[test] fn test_return() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(handle.baz().and_return(2)); assert_eq!(2, mock.baz()); } #[test] fn test_return_static_ref() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(handle.return_static_ref().and_return(&false)); assert_eq!(false, *mock.return_static_ref()); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "4 is not less than 3")] fn test_arg_match_failure() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(;; } #[test] fn test_arg_match_success() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(;; } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "Some expectations are not satisfied:\n``\n")] fn test_expected_call_not_performed() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (_mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(; } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "boom!")] fn test_panic_result() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect("boom!".to_owned()));; } #[test] fn test_mut_self_method() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mut mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(handle.modify().and_return(())); mock.modify(); } #[test] fn test_value_self_method() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(handle.consume().and_return(())); mock.consume(); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "unexpected call to ``")] fn test_named_mock() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_named_mock_for::("amock".to_owned()); scenario.expect(;; } /// Test that when test is failed, then remaining scenario /// expectations are not checked and don't cause panic-during-drop /// which will lead to ugly failure with not very useful message. #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "caboom!")] fn test_failed_with_remaining_expectations() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (_mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); // This expectation will never be satisfied. scenario.expect(; panic!("caboom!"); } #[test] fn test_expect_and() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); // This expectation will never be satisfied. scenario.expect(handle.ask(2).and_call(|arg| arg + 1)); assert_eq!(mock.ask(2), 3); } #[test] fn test_expect_is_unordered() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(; scenario.expect(;;; } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = " was already called earlier")] fn test_expect_consumes_one_call_only() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(;;; } #[test] fn test_never_satisfied() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (_mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(; } #[test] fn test_never_on_call_with_args() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (_mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(; } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = " should never be called")] fn test_never_not_satisfied() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(;; } #[test] fn test_consume_result() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); let result = "ho-ho".to_owned(); scenario.expect(handle.consume_result().and_return(result)); assert_eq!(mock.consume_result(), "ho-ho"); } #[test] fn test_consume_call_result() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); let result = "ho-ho".to_owned(); scenario.expect(handle.consume_result().and_call(move || result)); assert_eq!(mock.consume_result(), "ho-ho"); } #[test] fn test_consume_argument() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(handle.consume_arg(ANY).and_call(|arg| arg)); let arg = "ho-ho".to_owned(); assert_eq!(mock.consume_arg(arg), "ho-ho"); } /// Tests that actual arguments passed to mocked method are /// properly dropped even in case of scenario error. #[test] fn test_arguments_are_dropped_on_panic() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, _) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); // Weak reference is used to track whether `Rc` is dropped. // It can be upgraded back to strong one iff the latter is still alive. let arg = Rc::new(0); let weak = Rc::downgrade(&arg); assert_eq!(weak.strong_count(), 1); let mock_ref = AssertUnwindSafe(&mock); let result = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| { // This will cause panic, because there is no matching // expectation. Argument must be dropped during unwinding. mock_ref.consume_rc(arg); }); println!("caught"); assert!(result.is_err()); assert_eq!(weak.strong_count(), 0); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "` must be called exactly 2 times, called 1 times`")] fn test_checkpoint() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(;; scenario.checkpoint();; } #[test] fn test_create_mock() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let _mock = scenario.create_mock::(); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "unexpected call to ``")] fn test_format_args() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, _) = scenario.create_mock_for::();; } // When no matching expectation found for call, expectations // for other mock object of the same type must be checked. #[test] // Message without ANSI codes is "expectation ``" #[should_panic(expected = "expectation `\x1b[1mA#0\x1b[`")] fn test_check_other_mock_object_expectations() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (_mock0, handle0) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); let (mock1, _) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(;; } #[test] fn test_sequence() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); let mut seq = Sequence::new(); seq.expect(; seq.expect(; scenario.expect(seq);;; } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "unexpected call to ``")] fn test_sequence_invalid_order() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); let mut seq = Sequence::new(); seq.expect(; seq.expect(; scenario.expect(seq);;; } #[test] fn test_sequence_times() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); let mut seq = Sequence::new(); seq.expect(; seq.expect(; scenario.expect(seq);;;; } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "unexpected call to ``")] fn test_sequence_times_invalid() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); let mut seq = Sequence::new(); seq.expect(; seq.expect(; scenario.expect(seq);;; } #[test] fn test_return_default() { let scenario = Scenario::new(); let (mock, handle) = scenario.create_mock_for::(); scenario.expect(handle.baz().and_return_default().times(1)); assert_eq!(mock.baz(), 0); }