use nalgebra::{DVector,DMatrix}; use rand::rngs::ThreadRng; use super::{HMMTrace,ParamStore,extend}; use modppl::{GenFn,ArgDiff,Distribution,categorical}; pub struct HMMParams { prior: DVector, emission_matrix: DMatrix, transition_matrix: DMatrix } impl HMMParams { pub fn new( prior: DVector, emission_matrix: DMatrix, transition_matrix: DMatrix ) -> Self { HMMParams { prior, emission_matrix, transition_matrix } } } pub struct HMM { params: HMMParams } impl HMM { pub fn new(params: HMMParams) -> Self { HMM { params } } pub fn kernel(&self, trace: &mut HMMTrace, state_probs: Vec, new_observation: usize) -> f64 { let mut rng = ThreadRng::default(); let new_state = categorical.random(&mut rng, state_probs.clone()) as usize; let obs_probs = self.params.emission_matrix.column(new_state).transpose().data.as_vec().to_vec(); extend(trace, new_state, new_observation); let weight = categorical.logpdf(&(new_observation as i64), obs_probs); trace.logjp += weight; weight } } impl GenFn<(i64,ParamStore),(Vec>,Vec>),Vec> for HMM { fn simulate(&self, _: (i64, ParamStore)) -> HMMTrace { panic!("not implemented"); } fn generate(&self, args: (i64, ParamStore), constraints: (Vec>,Vec>)) -> (HMMTrace, f64) { let (t, _) = args; if t != 1 { panic!("only expect generate to be called to initialize the state (T = 1)"); } let new_observation = constraints.1[0].unwrap(); let mut trace = HMMTrace::new(args, constraints, vec![new_observation], 0.); let state_probs =; let weight = self.kernel(&mut trace, state_probs, new_observation); (trace, weight) } fn update(&self, mut trace: HMMTrace, _: (i64, ParamStore), diff: modppl::ArgDiff, constraints: (Vec>,Vec>)) -> (HMMTrace, (Vec>, Vec>), f64) { match diff { ArgDiff::Extend => { let new_observation = constraints.1.last().unwrap().unwrap(); let prev_state =; let state_probs = self.params.transition_matrix.column(prev_state) .transpose() .data .as_vec() .to_vec(); let weight = self.kernel(&mut trace, state_probs, new_observation); (trace, (vec![], vec![]), weight) }, _ => { panic!("Can't handle GF change type: {:?}", diff) }, } } }