use std::any::Any; use std::sync::Arc; use std::fs::{write,create_dir_all}; use rand::rngs::ThreadRng; use nalgebra::{dvector,dmatrix}; use modppl::{Trace,Trie,Distribution,importance_sampling,normal,categorical}; mod pointed_model; use pointed_model::types_2d::Bounds; use pointed_model::{PointedTrace,PointedModel}; mod dyngenfns; use dyngenfns::{line_model, hierarchical_model}; #[test] fn test_importance_handcoded() -> std::io::Result<()> { create_dir_all("../data")?; const NUM_SAMPLES: u32 = 10000; let mut rng = ThreadRng::default(); let model = PointedModel { obs_cov: dmatrix![1., -3./5.; -3./5., 2.] }; let bounds = Bounds { xmin: -5., xmax: 5., ymin: -5., ymax: 5. }; let obs = dvector![0., 0.]; let constraints = (None, Some(obs)); let (traces, log_normalized_weights, log_ml_estimate) = modppl::importance_sampling(&model, bounds, constraints, NUM_SAMPLES); dbg!(log_ml_estimate); let data = traces.iter().map(|tr|>>(); let json = serde_json::to_string(&data)?; write("../data/initial_traces.json", json)?; let probs = log_normalized_weights.iter() .map(|w| w.exp()) .collect::>(); let traces = (0..NUM_SAMPLES/10) .map(|_| categorical.random(&mut rng, probs.clone())) .map(|idx| &traces[idx as usize]) .collect::>(); let data = traces.iter().map(|tr|>>(); let json = serde_json::to_string(&data)?; write("../data/resampled_traces.json", json)?; Ok(()) } #[test] pub fn test_importance_dyngenfn() { const NUM_SAMPLES: u32 = 10000; let mut rng = ThreadRng::default(); let xs = vec![-5., -4., -3., -2., -1., 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]; let mut observations = Trie::new(); xs.iter() .enumerate() .for_each(|(i, x)| { observations.observe( Box::leak(format!("ys / {}", i).into_boxed_str()), Arc::new(0.5*x - 1. + normal.random(&mut rng, (0., 0.1))) as Arc); }); let (traces, log_normalized_weights, lml_estimate) = importance_sampling(&line_model, xs, observations, NUM_SAMPLES); let probs = log_normalized_weights.iter() .map(|w| w.exp()) .collect::>(); let traces = (0..NUM_SAMPLES/10) .map(|_| categorical.random(&mut rng, probs.clone())) .map(|idx| &traces[idx as usize]) .collect::>>(); for i in 0..20 { println!("Trace {}", i); println!("slope = {}", &traces[i]"slope")); println!("intercept = {}", &traces[i]"intercept")); } dbg!(lml_estimate); } #[test] pub fn test_importance_hierarchical() -> std::io::Result<()> { // note: this works with ~1,000,000 particles. Results // are pretty poor with only 10,000 particles, especially // the intercept. create_dir_all("../data")?; const NUM_SAMPLES: u32 = 10000; let mut rng = ThreadRng::default(); let xs = vec![-5.,-4.,-3.,-2.,-1.,0.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.]; let mut observations = Trie::new(); let (a, b, c) = (0.3, 0.4, 0.5); let ys = xs.iter().map(|x| a + b*x + c*x*x + normal.random(&mut rng, (0., 0.1)) ).collect::>(); write("../data/hierarchical_data.json", format!("[{:?}, {:?}]", xs, ys))?; ys.into_iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, y)| { observations.observe(&format!("(y, {})", i), Arc::new(y) as Arc); }); let (traces, log_normalized_weights, lml_estimate) = importance_sampling(&hierarchical_model, xs, observations, NUM_SAMPLES); // dbg!(&traces[0].data); // return Ok(()); let probs = log_normalized_weights.iter() .map(|w| w.exp()) .collect::>(); let traces = (0..(NUM_SAMPLES as f64).sqrt().trunc() as u32) .map(|_| categorical.random(&mut rng, probs.clone())) .map(|idx| &traces[idx as usize]) .collect::>>(); let mut all_coeffs = vec![]; for i in 0..20 { println!("Trace {}", i); let is_linear = &traces[i]"is_linear"); println!("is_linear = {}", is_linear); let a = traces[i]"coeffs / a"); let b = traces[i]"coeffs / b"); let coeffs = if !*is_linear { let c = traces[i]"coeffs / c"); vec![a, b, c] } else { vec![a, b] }; println!("coeffs: {:?}", coeffs); all_coeffs.push(coeffs); } write("../data/hierarchical_model_is.json", format!("{:?}", all_coeffs))?; dbg!(lml_estimate); Ok(()) }