use modppl::Trie; // inserting a trie into a root and then removing it should yield the previous tries #[test] pub fn test_add_remove_inverse() { let mut root = Trie::::new(); let mut subin = Trie::::new(); subin.w_observe("mother", 1, 2.); subin.w_observe("world", 2, 1.14); let root_before = root.clone(); root.insert("hello", subin.clone()); let subout = root.remove("hello"); assert_eq!(subin, subout.unwrap()); assert_eq!(root_before, root); } // searching the address of a observed weighted value should yield the leaf trie #[test] pub fn test_search_w_observed_value() { let mut root = Trie::::new(); root.w_observe("test", 2, -3.4); let leaf = Trie::leaf(2, -3.4); let found ="test").expect("oberved weighted value not found."); assert_eq!(*found, leaf); root.w_observe("test/deep/nested", 5, -1.2); let found ="test/deep/nested").expect("observed weighted value not found."); let leaf = Trie::leaf(5, -1.2); assert_eq!(*found, leaf); } // searching the address of an inserted subtrie should yield the subtrie #[test] pub fn test_search_inserted_subtrie() { let mut root = Trie::::new(); let mut subin = Trie::::new(); subin.w_observe("a", 3, -3.1); subin.w_observe("b", 1, -0.1); root.insert("child", subin.clone()); let found ="child").expect("inserted subtrie not found."); assert_eq!(*found, subin); root.insert("great/grand/child", subin.clone()); let found ="great/grand/child").expect("inserted subtrie not found."); assert_eq!(*found, subin); } // taking the difference of measured weights before and after // w_observeing a value should yield the weight of the w_observe #[test] pub fn test_weighted_observation() { let mut root = Trie::::new(); root.w_observe("test", 0, -1.3); let w_before= root.weight(); let w_sub = -5.3; root.w_observe("test/deep/nested", 3, w_sub); let w_after = root.weight(); assert_eq!(w_after - w_before, w_sub) } // taking the difference of measured weights before and after // inserting a subtrie should yield the weight of the subtrie #[test] pub fn test_weighted_subtrie() { let mut root = Trie::::new(); let mut sub = Trie::leaf(6, -0.4); sub.w_observe("deep/nested", -4, 0.4); let w_sub = sub.weight(); let w_before = root.weight(); root.insert("test", sub); let w_after = root.weight(); assert_eq!(w_after - w_before, w_sub); } // w_observeing an occupied address should panic #[test] #[should_panic] pub fn test_insert_into_occupied_panic() { let mut root = Trie::<(i32,u8)>::new(); root.w_observe("some/address", (-10431451, 200), -0.5); root.w_observe("some/address", (-1,0), 0.); } // unwrapping the inner value from an empty trie should panic #[test] #[should_panic] pub fn test_unwrap_inner_unchecked_panic() { let root = Trie::::new(); root.expect_inner("failed"); } // taking the inner value from an empty trie should panic #[test] #[should_panic] pub fn test_take_inner_unchecked_panic() { let root = Trie::::new(); root.expect_inner("failed"); } // an assortment of different tests of Trie #[test] pub fn test_trie_extended_example() { let mut trie = Trie::new(); trie.w_observe("hello / world", 1.2, 1.5); trie.w_observe("hello / mom", 1.0, 1.5); trie.w_observe("hello / world / player", 1.0, 1.5); let t ="hello / world"); assert_eq!(t.unwrap().weight(), 3.0); assert_eq!(trie.weight(), 4.5); let mut sub = Trie::new(); sub.w_observe("test", 1.0, 1.5); sub.w_observe("test / leaf", 1.0, 2.0); trie.insert("other", sub); assert_eq!(trie.weight(), 8.0); let helloworld = trie.remove("hello / world").unwrap(); assert_eq!(helloworld.weight(), 3.0); assert_eq!(trie.weight(), 8.0 - 3.0); let mut hw_dup = Trie::leaf(1.1, 1.5); hw_dup.w_observe("player", 1.0, 1.5); assert_ne!(helloworld, hw_dup); let v = hw_dup.take_inner().unwrap(); hw_dup.replace_inner(v+0.1_f32); assert_eq!(helloworld, hw_dup); let l ="player").unwrap(); assert!(l.is_leaf()); let v = l.clone().take_inner().unwrap(); assert_eq!(v, 1.0); }