# `mods!`
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Simpler module declaration, brought to you by [@NikolaiVazquez]! This library enables you to declare modules in ways the current syntax doesn't allow. ## Examples To declare multiple public modules, simply place `pub` before a module list: ```rust mods::mods! { pub puppy, kitty; } ``` This works for all visibility modifiers: ```rust mods::mods! { pub a, b; // Visible anywhere, even outside the module pub(crate) c, d; // Visible anywhere within the crate pub(super) e, f; // Visible to the parent module g, h; // Visible to the current module } ``` Without the `mods!` macro, the same code is much less succinct. This is what the macro expands out to: ```rust pub mod a; pub mod b; pub(crate) mod c; pub(crate) mod d; pub(super) mod e; pub(super) mod f; mod g; mod h; ``` ## Installation This crate is available [on crates.io][crate] and can be used by adding the following to your project's [`Cargo.toml`]: ```toml [dependencies] mods = "1.0.0" ``` ### Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) This library requires Rust 1.9.0 as the minimum version and will work with all subsequent versions. This is because previous versions can't have `mod x;` declarations within submodules [When testing this](https://github.com/nvzqz/mods/runs/508242550) we get an error complaining that the module file is not inside the directory "src". ### Rust 2015 If you're not using [Rust 2018], add this to your crate root (`main.rs` or `lib.rs`): ```rust #[macro_use] extern crate mods; ``` You can then use the macro directly from anywhere: ```rust mods! { pub puppy, kitty; } ``` ## Wishful Thinking It would be wonderful if we could instead have: ```rust pub mod puppy, kitty; ``` Or a syntax that matches `use` imports: ```rust pub mod {puppy, kitty}; ``` ## Changes See [`CHANGELOG.md`] for an exhaustive list of what has changed from one version to another. ## License This project is released under either: - [MIT License](https://github.com/nvzqz/mods/blob/master/LICENSE-MIT) - [Apache License (Version 2.0)](https://github.com/nvzqz/mods/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE) [@NikolaiVazquez]: https://twitter.com/NikolaiVazquez [`Cargo.toml`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html [`CHANGELOG.md`]: https://github.com/nvzqz/mods/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md [crate]: https://crates.io/crates/mods [Rust 2018]: https://blog.rust-lang.org/2018/12/06/Rust-1.31-and-rust-2018.html#rust-2018