#+TITLE: Moebius Tools * Time ** Serialize and deserialize *datetime* A *datetime* bject using a specific format #+begin_example "%d/%m/%YT%H:%M:%S%.f%Z" #+end_example Route in : *moebious_tools::time::dt_gen_format* ** Trait for object with *datetime* For *structs* that will be used as a data for measuriments, must consider add *HasDtGen* to incorpore to the features of the *momebious system* Rounte in : *moebius_tools::time::has_dt_gen* and the trait is *HasDtGen* ** Añadir la dependencia. Mientras no se publique en los repositorios públicos, será necesario enlazar al repositorio /gitlab/ la dependencia. En *Cargo.toml* del módulo que estés creando, añade (ojo con la versión): #+begin_example moebious-tools = {version="0.1.0", git = "https://gitlab.com/centro-sismologico/moebious-tools" } #+end_example