// Some code samples // to check if the applied style is correct within foo.bar; // Let's check some class with a quoted identifier final encapsulated partial operator record 'Quoted record "whatever"' "Quoted record" /* Few imports */ import Foo.Bar "Foo import" annotation (ignore = false); import Baz = Foo.Baz; import Bar.*; import Bark.{Foo, Bar, Baz}; import Ark.{ Bar, Baz}; // Some extension extends .Bark.Bark() annotation (); // Now some other class specifiers! inner outer record Inner = der(.Foo.Baz, Foo, bar) "Der?"; redeclare final inner package Foo = input Foo.Bar[1, 2](x = 2 + 3) "Foo"; protected // Now protected section flow constant Foo.Baz Bar = 2, Baar; parameter Real Foo(start = 2, fixed = false), Bar if false; annotation (Icon()); end 'Quoted record "whatever"'; // Now some model! final partial model FooModel "Foo model" extends .Bark.Bark( break connect(a.b, c), anotherUselessVar = break); // Some conditional expressions parameter Real[1] foo = if bar then 2 elseif baz then 3 else 4; Integer[1, 3, 4] bar = if true then 1 elseif baz < 2 then 3 else 2; Real smallest = (Modelica.Math.Vectors.sort({4, 2, 5, 1}))[1]; protected // Here we have two comments /* And they are separated with a single blank line */ String A = toString([2.12, -4.34; -2.56, -1.67]); SI.Length[3] 'length of "whatever"'( start = 0, min = -1, max = 1, nominal = 0) = {1 * 0.25 for i in 1 : 3}; public redeclare Foo x(y = z) = Bar annotation ( Placement( transformation( extent = {{-20, -10}, {20, 10}}, rotation = 90, origin = {-98, 4}), iconTransformation( extent = {{-40, -10}, {40, 10}}, rotation = 90, origin = {-68, 0}))); initial equation if foo == Types.Dynamics.FixedInitial then bar = bar_start; elseif foo == Types.Dynamics.SteadyStateInitial then der(bar) = 0; end if; equation a = -b * c "Equation"; x * (-y) = 2 ^ z / (m - n); foo = if bar then 0 else 3; foo = bar( x, y = y, z = baz( a, b)); /* If-else blocks */ if foo then // comment bar = baz * bar; else bar = 0; // another end if; if a < b then if x < 0 then m = n; elseif x < y then m = 2 * n; else m = 0; end if; else m = n ^ 2; end if; /* For loop */ for i in 1 : n loop h[i] = c[i] * T[i]; end for; for i in 1 : m loop for j in 1 : n loop connect(a[i], b[i, k]); end for; end for; /* Wrapped equations */ foo = foo * pi * bar ^ 2 / 4; foo = bar * baz * (bark - bam); /* Nested wrapping */ a_nominal = Z_factor * func_a(foo = b_nominal, bar = c) * Av * Y * func_b( x_nominal * p_nominal * d_nominal, x_small = d_limit * d_small) "Description"; /* Arrays */ volumes = { diameter[i] * diameter[i] * 0.25 * length[i] for i in 1 : n}; foo = sum( bar[i] - baz[i] for i in 1 : 10); points = { {-98, -60}, { -64, -60}, {-64, -63.4667}, {-27.1111, -63.4667}}; foo = (bar - 1) ^ 3 * (1 - (baz + 12) / (10 * (baz + 1)) + sum( (1 - 2 * (foo - k) / ((foo + 1) * k * (k + 1))) * 1 / (k - 1) * ((bar - 1) / r) ^ (k - 3) for k in 1 : 42)); /* Matrices */ extent = [-10, 110; 10, 90]; extent = [ -10, 110; 10, 90]; a[:, :] = [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]; m[:, :] = Math.Matrices.sort( [ Math.Vectors.length(v1), Math.Vectors.length(v2); Math.Vectors.length(v1 + v2), Math.Vectors.length(v2 - v1)]); end FooModel; // And now functions! final pure function Foo "Return something" extends .Modelica.Icons.Function; input Integer a "Aaa"; output Real result "Length"; protected Real b "Bbb"; parameter Integer control = 0 annotation ( choices( choice = 0 "Foo", choice = 1 "Bar")); algorithm (A, B, C) := foo.bar.baz(a); (D, , E) := foo.bar.baz(b); ( , G, (H, J)) := foo.bar.baz(c); foo := { { bar[i] + j * (baz[i] - ber[i]) / n for i in 1 : n} for j in 1 : m}; bar := { { foo[i] + j * (baz[i] - foo[i]) / n for i in 1 : n} for j in 1 : m}; baz := aaa + bbb * (ccc + ddd - eee) - fff * ggg; external "C" foo[1].bar[2] = baz( x, y, z) annotation (Library = "doesn't matter"); annotation (smoothOrder = 2); end Foo; impure function Baz "To check annotations after empty sections" algorithm annotation (); end Baz; function Baz "To check annotations after decriptions" annotation (); end Baz; function Extern "To check annotations to external functions" external annotation (); annotation (); end Extern; partial function Bar "Just in case" initial algorithm x := y; /* If statement */ foo := if a == 1 then bar else baz "What is this about?"; /* Multiline statements */ y := u1 > 0 and u2 > 0 and u3 > 0 and u4 > 0; y := u1 > 0 or u2 > 0 or u3 > 0 or u4 > 0; Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print( "foo" + "bar" + "baz"); end Bar; // And some enums type Foo = enumeration(Foo1, foo2) "foo enum"; type Foo = enumeration( Foo1, foo2) "foo enum"; type Foo = enumeration( Foo1 "foo1", foo2) "foo enum with description of one element";