use std::convert::TryFrom; use mogwai::model::Model; use mogwai_dom::{core::channel::broadcast, prelude::*}; use wasm_bindgen_test::*; wasm_bindgen_test_configure!(run_in_browser); #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn expand_this_builder() { let _ = html! {
}; } #[test] fn node_self_closing() { futures_lite::future::block_on(async { // not all nodes are void nodes let div = SsrDom::try_from(html! { }) .unwrap(); let div: String = div.html_string().await; assert_eq!(&div, r#""#); let div = SsrDom::try_from(html! { }) .unwrap(); let div = div.html_string().await; assert_eq!(&div, r#""#); }); } #[test] fn node_self_closing_gt_1_att() { futures_lite::future::block_on(async { let bldr: ViewBuilder = html! {}; match &bldr.initial_values[0] { Update::Attribute(HashPatch::Insert(k, v)) => { assert_eq!("href", k.as_str()); assert_eq!("", v.as_str()); } att => panic!("unmatched attribute: {:?}", att), } // not all nodes are void nodes let div = SsrDom::try_from(html! {}).unwrap(); let div: String = div.html_string().await; assert_eq!(&div, r#""#); let div = SsrDom::try_from(html! {}) .unwrap(); let div: String = div.html_string().await; assert_eq!( &div, r#""# ); }); } #[test] fn by_hand() { futures_lite::future::block_on(async { let builder: ViewBuilder = ViewBuilder::element("a") .with_single_attrib_stream("href", "") .with_single_attrib_stream("class", "a_link") .append(ViewBuilder::text("a text node")); assert_eq!( r#"a text node"#, SsrDom::try_from(builder).unwrap().html_string().await ); }); } #[test] fn node() { futures_lite::future::block_on(async { let div: String = SsrDom::try_from(html! { "a text node" }) .unwrap() .html_string() .await; assert_eq!( &div, r#"a text node"# ); }); } #[test] fn block_in_text() { futures_lite::future::block_on(async { let x: u32 = 66; let s: String = SsrDom::try_from(html! {
"just a string with the number" {format!("{}", x)} "<- blah blah"
}) .unwrap() .html_string() .await; assert_eq!( s, format!("
just a string with the number 66 <- blah blah
") ); }); } #[test] fn block_at_end_of_text() { futures_lite::future::block_on(async { let x: u32 = 66; let s: String = SsrDom::try_from(html! {
"just a string with the number" {format!("{}", x)}
}) .unwrap() .html_string() .await; assert_eq!(&s, "
just a string with the number 66
"); }); } #[test] fn lt_in_text() { futures_lite::future::block_on(async { let s: String = SsrDom::try_from(html! {
"this is text <- text"
}) .unwrap() .html_string() .await; assert_eq!(s, "
this is text <- text
"); }); } #[test] fn allow_attributes_on_next_line() { futures_lite::future::block_on(async { let _: String = SsrDom::try_from(html! {
"A string"
}) .unwrap() .html_string() .await; }); } #[test] fn rsx_cookbook() { let (_tx, rx) = broadcast::bounded::(1.try_into().unwrap()); let _ = signed_in_view_builder( &User { username: "oona".to_string(), o_image: None, }, rx.clone(), rx.clone(), rx.clone(), rx, ); } struct User { username: String, o_image: Option, } fn signed_in_view_builder( user: &User, home_class: impl Stream + Send + 'static, editor_class: impl Stream + Send + 'static, settings_class: impl Stream + Send + 'static, profile_class: impl Stream + Send + 'static, ) -> ViewBuilder { let o_image: Option = user .o_image .as_ref() .map(|image| { if image.is_empty() { None } else { Some(html! { }) } }) .flatten(); html! { } } #[test] pub fn function_style_rsx() { fn _signed_in_view_builder( user: &User, home_class: impl Stream + Send + 'static, editor_class: impl Stream + Send + 'static, settings_class: impl Stream + Send + 'static, profile_class: impl Stream + Send + 'static, ) -> ViewBuilder { // ANCHOR: rsx_conditional_dom let o_image: Option = user .o_image .as_ref() .map(|image| { if image.is_empty() { None } else { Some(html! { }) } }) .flatten(); rsx! { ul(class="nav navbar-nav pull-xs-right") { li(class="nav-item") { a(class=home_class, href="#/"){ " Home" } } li(class="nav-item") { a(class=editor_class, href="#/editor") { i(class="ion-compose") { " New Post" } } } li(class="nav-item") { a(class=settings_class, href="#/settings") { i(class="ion-gear-a"){ " Settings" } } } li(class="nav-item") { a(class=profile_class, href=format!("#/profile/{}", user.username)) { {o_image} {format!(" {}", user.username)} } } } } // ANCHOR_END: rsx_conditional_dom } } #[test] fn rsx_same_as_html() { futures_lite::future::block_on(async { let html = SsrDom::try_from(html! {


}) .unwrap(); let html_string = html.html_string().await; let rsx = SsrDom::try_from(rsx! { p{ div(class="my_class"){ "Hello" }} }) .unwrap(); let rsx_string = rsx.html_string().await; assert_eq!(html_string, rsx_string, "rsx and html to not agree"); }); } #[derive(Clone)] struct Row { id: Model, label: Model, selected: Model, } impl Row { fn new(id: usize, label: impl Into) -> Self { Row { id: Model::new(id), label: Model::new(label), selected: Model::new(false), } } fn viewbuilder(self) -> ViewBuilder { rsx! { tr( key =|id| id.to_string()), class =|is_selected| if is_selected { "danger" } else { "" }.to_string()) ) { td(class="col-md-1"){{|id| id.to_string()) }} td(class="col-md-4"){ a() {{ self.label.clone() }} } td(class="col-md-1"){ a() { span(class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove", aria_hidden="true") {} } } td(class="col-md-6"){ } } } } } impl TryFrom for JsDom { type Error = anyhow::Error; fn try_from(value: Row) -> Result { value.viewbuilder().try_into() } } #[wasm_bindgen_test] async fn benchmark_row_clone() { let row = Row::new(0, "hello"); let proto_node = JsDom::try_from(row.clone()) .unwrap() .ossify(); fn compare_str(id: usize, label: &str) -> String { format!( r#"{id}{label}"# ) } let html_string = proto_node.html_string().await; assert_eq!(compare_str(0, "hello"), html_string); let hydrated_node = proto_node.hydrate(row.clone().viewbuilder()).unwrap();; row.label.replace("kia ora").await; mogwai::time::wait_millis(10).await; let html_string = hydrated_node.html_string().await; assert_eq!(compare_str(1, "kia ora"), html_string); }