(function (exports) { 'use strict'; // Avoid circular dependency on EventEmitter by implementing a subset of the interface. class ErrorHandler { constructor() { this.listeners = []; this.unexpectedErrorHandler = function (e) { setTimeout(() => { if (e.stack) { throw new Error(e.message + '\n\n' + e.stack); } throw e; }, 0); }; } emit(e) { this.listeners.forEach((listener) => { listener(e); }); } onUnexpectedError(e) { this.unexpectedErrorHandler(e); this.emit(e); } // For external errors, we don't want the listeners to be called onUnexpectedExternalError(e) { this.unexpectedErrorHandler(e); } } const errorHandler = new ErrorHandler(); function onUnexpectedError(e) { // ignore errors from cancelled promises if (!isCancellationError(e)) { errorHandler.onUnexpectedError(e); } return undefined; } function transformErrorForSerialization(error) { if (error instanceof Error) { let { name, message } = error; const stack = error.stacktrace || error.stack; return { $isError: true, name, message, stack }; } // return as is return error; } const canceledName = 'Canceled'; /** * Checks if the given error is a promise in canceled state */ function isCancellationError(error) { if (error instanceof CancellationError) { return true; } return error instanceof Error && error.name === canceledName && error.message === canceledName; } // !!!IMPORTANT!!! // Do NOT change this class because it is also used as an API-type. class CancellationError extends Error { constructor() { super(canceledName); this.name = this.message; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function once(fn) { const _this = this; let didCall = false; let result; return function () { if (didCall) { return result; } didCall = true; result = fn.apply(_this, arguments); return result; }; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var Iterable; (function (Iterable) { function is(thing) { return thing && typeof thing === 'object' && typeof thing[Symbol.iterator] === 'function'; } Iterable.is = is; const _empty = Object.freeze([]); function empty() { return _empty; } Iterable.empty = empty; function* single(element) { yield element; } Iterable.single = single; function from(iterable) { return iterable || _empty; } Iterable.from = from; function isEmpty(iterable) { return !iterable || iterable[Symbol.iterator]().next().done === true; } Iterable.isEmpty = isEmpty; function first(iterable) { return iterable[Symbol.iterator]().next().value; } Iterable.first = first; function some(iterable, predicate) { for (const element of iterable) { if (predicate(element)) { return true; } } return false; } Iterable.some = some; function find(iterable, predicate) { for (const element of iterable) { if (predicate(element)) { return element; } } return undefined; } Iterable.find = find; function* filter(iterable, predicate) { for (const element of iterable) { if (predicate(element)) { yield element; } } } Iterable.filter = filter; function* map(iterable, fn) { let index = 0; for (const element of iterable) { yield fn(element, index++); } } Iterable.map = map; function* concat(...iterables) { for (const iterable of iterables) { for (const element of iterable) { yield element; } } } Iterable.concat = concat; function* concatNested(iterables) { for (const iterable of iterables) { for (const element of iterable) { yield element; } } } Iterable.concatNested = concatNested; function reduce(iterable, reducer, initialValue) { let value = initialValue; for (const element of iterable) { value = reducer(value, element); } return value; } Iterable.reduce = reduce; /** * Returns an iterable slice of the array, with the same semantics as `array.slice()`. */ function* slice(arr, from, to = arr.length) { if (from < 0) { from += arr.length; } if (to < 0) { to += arr.length; } else if (to > arr.length) { to = arr.length; } for (; from < to; from++) { yield arr[from]; } } Iterable.slice = slice; /** * Consumes `atMost` elements from iterable and returns the consumed elements, * and an iterable for the rest of the elements. */ function consume(iterable, atMost = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { const consumed = []; if (atMost === 0) { return [consumed, iterable]; } const iterator = iterable[Symbol.iterator](); for (let i = 0; i < atMost; i++) { const next = iterator.next(); if (next.done) { return [consumed, Iterable.empty()]; } consumed.push(next.value); } return [consumed, { [Symbol.iterator]() { return iterator; } }]; } Iterable.consume = consume; /** * Returns whether the iterables are the same length and all items are * equal using the comparator function. */ function equals(a, b, comparator = (at, bt) => at === bt) { const ai = a[Symbol.iterator](); const bi = b[Symbol.iterator](); while (true) { const an = ai.next(); const bn = bi.next(); if (an.done !== bn.done) { return false; } else if (an.done) { return true; } else if (!comparator(an.value, bn.value)) { return false; } } } Iterable.equals = equals; })(Iterable || (Iterable = {})); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function trackDisposable(x) { return x; } function setParentOfDisposable(child, parent) { } class MultiDisposeError extends Error { constructor(errors) { super(`Encountered errors while disposing of store. Errors: [${errors.join(', ')}]`); this.errors = errors; } } function dispose(arg) { if (Iterable.is(arg)) { let errors = []; for (const d of arg) { if (d) { try { d.dispose(); } catch (e) { errors.push(e); } } } if (errors.length === 1) { throw errors[0]; } else if (errors.length > 1) { throw new MultiDisposeError(errors); } return Array.isArray(arg) ? [] : arg; } else if (arg) { arg.dispose(); return arg; } } function combinedDisposable(...disposables) { const parent = toDisposable(() => dispose(disposables)); return parent; } function toDisposable(fn) { const self = trackDisposable({ dispose: once(() => { fn(); }) }); return self; } class DisposableStore { constructor() { this._toDispose = new Set(); this._isDisposed = false; } /** * Dispose of all registered disposables and mark this object as disposed. * * Any future disposables added to this object will be disposed of on `add`. */ dispose() { if (this._isDisposed) { return; } this._isDisposed = true; this.clear(); } /** * Returns `true` if this object has been disposed */ get isDisposed() { return this._isDisposed; } /** * Dispose of all registered disposables but do not mark this object as disposed. */ clear() { try { dispose(this._toDispose.values()); } finally { this._toDispose.clear(); } } add(o) { if (!o) { return o; } if (o === this) { throw new Error('Cannot register a disposable on itself!'); } if (this._isDisposed) { if (!DisposableStore.DISABLE_DISPOSED_WARNING) { console.warn(new Error('Trying to add a disposable to a DisposableStore that has already been disposed of. The added object will be leaked!').stack); } } else { this._toDispose.add(o); } return o; } } DisposableStore.DISABLE_DISPOSED_WARNING = false; class Disposable { constructor() { this._store = new DisposableStore(); setParentOfDisposable(this._store); } dispose() { this._store.dispose(); } _register(o) { if (o === this) { throw new Error('Cannot register a disposable on itself!'); } return this._store.add(o); } } Disposable.None = Object.freeze({ dispose() { } }); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class Node { constructor(element) { this.element = element; this.next = Node.Undefined; this.prev = Node.Undefined; } } Node.Undefined = new Node(undefined); class LinkedList { constructor() { this._first = Node.Undefined; this._last = Node.Undefined; this._size = 0; } get size() { return this._size; } isEmpty() { return this._first === Node.Undefined; } clear() { let node = this._first; while (node !== Node.Undefined) { const next = node.next; node.prev = Node.Undefined; node.next = Node.Undefined; node = next; } this._first = Node.Undefined; this._last = Node.Undefined; this._size = 0; } unshift(element) { return this._insert(element, false); } push(element) { return this._insert(element, true); } _insert(element, atTheEnd) { const newNode = new Node(element); if (this._first === Node.Undefined) { this._first = newNode; this._last = newNode; } else if (atTheEnd) { // push const oldLast = this._last; this._last = newNode; newNode.prev = oldLast; oldLast.next = newNode; } else { // unshift const oldFirst = this._first; this._first = newNode; newNode.next = oldFirst; oldFirst.prev = newNode; } this._size += 1; let didRemove = false; return () => { if (!didRemove) { didRemove = true; this._remove(newNode); } }; } shift() { if (this._first === Node.Undefined) { return undefined; } else { const res = this._first.element; this._remove(this._first); return res; } } pop() { if (this._last === Node.Undefined) { return undefined; } else { const res = this._last.element; this._remove(this._last); return res; } } _remove(node) { if (node.prev !== Node.Undefined && node.next !== Node.Undefined) { // middle const anchor = node.prev; anchor.next = node.next; node.next.prev = anchor; } else if (node.prev === Node.Undefined && node.next === Node.Undefined) { // only node this._first = Node.Undefined; this._last = Node.Undefined; } else if (node.next === Node.Undefined) { // last this._last = this._last.prev; this._last.next = Node.Undefined; } else if (node.prev === Node.Undefined) { // first this._first = this._first.next; this._first.prev = Node.Undefined; } // done this._size -= 1; } *[Symbol.iterator]() { let node = this._first; while (node !== Node.Undefined) { yield node.element; node = node.next; } } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var _a$1; const LANGUAGE_DEFAULT = 'en'; let _isWindows = false; let _isMacintosh = false; let _isLinux = false; let _locale = undefined; let _language = LANGUAGE_DEFAULT; let _translationsConfigFile = undefined; let _userAgent = undefined; const globals = (typeof self === 'object' ? self : typeof global === 'object' ? global : {}); let nodeProcess = undefined; if (typeof globals.vscode !== 'undefined' && typeof globals.vscode.process !== 'undefined') { // Native environment (sandboxed) nodeProcess = globals.vscode.process; } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined') { // Native environment (non-sandboxed) nodeProcess = process; } const isElectronProcess = typeof ((_a$1 = nodeProcess === null || nodeProcess === void 0 ? void 0 : nodeProcess.versions) === null || _a$1 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a$1.electron) === 'string'; const isElectronRenderer = isElectronProcess && (nodeProcess === null || nodeProcess === void 0 ? void 0 : nodeProcess.type) === 'renderer'; // Web environment if (typeof navigator === 'object' && !isElectronRenderer) { _userAgent = navigator.userAgent; _isWindows = _userAgent.indexOf('Windows') >= 0; _isMacintosh = _userAgent.indexOf('Macintosh') >= 0; (_userAgent.indexOf('Macintosh') >= 0 || _userAgent.indexOf('iPad') >= 0 || _userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') >= 0) && !!navigator.maxTouchPoints && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0; _isLinux = _userAgent.indexOf('Linux') >= 0; _locale = navigator.language; _language = _locale; } // Native environment else if (typeof nodeProcess === 'object') { _isWindows = (nodeProcess.platform === 'win32'); _isMacintosh = (nodeProcess.platform === 'darwin'); _isLinux = (nodeProcess.platform === 'linux'); _isLinux && !!nodeProcess.env['SNAP'] && !!nodeProcess.env['SNAP_REVISION']; _locale = LANGUAGE_DEFAULT; _language = LANGUAGE_DEFAULT; const rawNlsConfig = nodeProcess.env['VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG']; if (rawNlsConfig) { try { const nlsConfig = JSON.parse(rawNlsConfig); const resolved = nlsConfig.availableLanguages['*']; _locale = nlsConfig.locale; // VSCode's default language is 'en' _language = resolved ? resolved : LANGUAGE_DEFAULT; _translationsConfigFile = nlsConfig._translationsConfigFile; } catch (e) { } } } // Unknown environment else { console.error('Unable to resolve platform.'); } const isWindows = _isWindows; const isMacintosh = _isMacintosh; const isLinux = _isLinux; const userAgent = _userAgent; /** * See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/timers-and-user-prompts.html#:~:text=than%204%2C%20then-,set%20timeout%20to%204,-. * * Works similarly to `setTimeout(0)` but doesn't suffer from the 4ms artificial delay * that browsers set when the nesting level is > 5. */ (() => { if (typeof globals.postMessage === 'function' && !globals.importScripts) { let pending = []; globals.addEventListener('message', (e) => { if (e.data && e.data.vscodeScheduleAsyncWork) { for (let i = 0, len = pending.length; i < len; i++) { const candidate = pending[i]; if (candidate.id === e.data.vscodeScheduleAsyncWork) { pending.splice(i, 1); candidate.callback(); return; } } } }); let lastId = 0; return (callback) => { const myId = ++lastId; pending.push({ id: myId, callback: callback }); globals.postMessage({ vscodeScheduleAsyncWork: myId }, '*'); }; } return (callback) => setTimeout(callback); })(); const isChrome = !!(userAgent && userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') >= 0); !!(userAgent && userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') >= 0); !!(!isChrome && (userAgent && userAgent.indexOf('Safari') >= 0)); !!(userAgent && userAgent.indexOf('Edg/') >= 0); !!(userAgent && userAgent.indexOf('Android') >= 0); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const hasPerformanceNow = (globals.performance && typeof globals.performance.now === 'function'); class StopWatch { constructor(highResolution) { this._highResolution = hasPerformanceNow && highResolution; this._startTime = this._now(); this._stopTime = -1; } static create(highResolution = true) { return new StopWatch(highResolution); } stop() { this._stopTime = this._now(); } elapsed() { if (this._stopTime !== -1) { return this._stopTime - this._startTime; } return this._now() - this._startTime; } _now() { return this._highResolution ? globals.performance.now() : Date.now(); } } var Event; (function (Event) { Event.None = () => Disposable.None; /** * Given an event, returns another event which only fires once. */ function once(event) { return (listener, thisArgs = null, disposables) => { // we need this, in case the event fires during the listener call let didFire = false; let result; result = event(e => { if (didFire) { return; } else if (result) { result.dispose(); } else { didFire = true; } return listener.call(thisArgs, e); }, null, disposables); if (didFire) { result.dispose(); } return result; }; } Event.once = once; /** * @deprecated DO NOT use, this leaks memory */ function map(event, map) { return snapshot((listener, thisArgs = null, disposables) => event(i => listener.call(thisArgs, map(i)), null, disposables)); } Event.map = map; /** * @deprecated DO NOT use, this leaks memory */ function forEach(event, each) { return snapshot((listener, thisArgs = null, disposables) => event(i => { each(i); listener.call(thisArgs, i); }, null, disposables)); } Event.forEach = forEach; function filter(event, filter) { return snapshot((listener, thisArgs = null, disposables) => event(e => filter(e) && listener.call(thisArgs, e), null, disposables)); } Event.filter = filter; /** * Given an event, returns the same event but typed as `Event`. */ function signal(event) { return event; } Event.signal = signal; function any(...events) { return (listener, thisArgs = null, disposables) => combinedDisposable(...events.map(event => event(e => listener.call(thisArgs, e), null, disposables))); } Event.any = any; /** * @deprecated DO NOT use, this leaks memory */ function reduce(event, merge, initial) { let output = initial; return map(event, e => { output = merge(output, e); return output; }); } Event.reduce = reduce; /** * @deprecated DO NOT use, this leaks memory */ function snapshot(event) { let listener; const emitter = new Emitter({ onFirstListenerAdd() { listener = event(emitter.fire, emitter); }, onLastListenerRemove() { listener.dispose(); } }); return emitter.event; } function debouncedListener(event, listener, merge, delay = 100, leading = false) { let output = undefined; let handle = undefined; let numDebouncedCalls = 0; return event(cur => { numDebouncedCalls++; output = merge(output, cur); if (leading && !handle) { listener(output); output = undefined; } clearTimeout(handle); handle = setTimeout(() => { const _output = output; output = undefined; handle = undefined; if (!leading || numDebouncedCalls > 1) { listener(_output); } numDebouncedCalls = 0; }, delay); }); } Event.debouncedListener = debouncedListener; /** * @deprecated this leaks memory, {@link debouncedListener} or {@link DebounceEmitter} instead */ function debounce(event, merge, delay = 100, leading = false, leakWarningThreshold) { let subscription; let output = undefined; let handle = undefined; let numDebouncedCalls = 0; const emitter = new Emitter({ leakWarningThreshold, onFirstListenerAdd() { subscription = event(cur => { numDebouncedCalls++; output = merge(output, cur); if (leading && !handle) { emitter.fire(output); output = undefined; } clearTimeout(handle); handle = setTimeout(() => { const _output = output; output = undefined; handle = undefined; if (!leading || numDebouncedCalls > 1) { emitter.fire(_output); } numDebouncedCalls = 0; }, delay); }); }, onLastListenerRemove() { subscription.dispose(); } }); return emitter.event; } Event.debounce = debounce; /** * @deprecated DO NOT use, this leaks memory */ function latch(event, equals = (a, b) => a === b) { let firstCall = true; let cache; return filter(event, value => { const shouldEmit = firstCall || !equals(value, cache); firstCall = false; cache = value; return shouldEmit; }); } Event.latch = latch; /** * @deprecated DO NOT use, this leaks memory */ function split(event, isT) { return [ Event.filter(event, isT), Event.filter(event, e => !isT(e)), ]; } Event.split = split; /** * @deprecated DO NOT use, this leaks memory */ function buffer(event, flushAfterTimeout = false, _buffer = []) { let buffer = _buffer.slice(); let listener = event(e => { if (buffer) { buffer.push(e); } else { emitter.fire(e); } }); const flush = () => { if (buffer) { buffer.forEach(e => emitter.fire(e)); } buffer = null; }; const emitter = new Emitter({ onFirstListenerAdd() { if (!listener) { listener = event(e => emitter.fire(e)); } }, onFirstListenerDidAdd() { if (buffer) { if (flushAfterTimeout) { setTimeout(flush); } else { flush(); } } }, onLastListenerRemove() { if (listener) { listener.dispose(); } listener = null; } }); return emitter.event; } Event.buffer = buffer; class ChainableEvent { constructor(event) { this.event = event; } map(fn) { return new ChainableEvent(map(this.event, fn)); } forEach(fn) { return new ChainableEvent(forEach(this.event, fn)); } filter(fn) { return new ChainableEvent(filter(this.event, fn)); } reduce(merge, initial) { return new ChainableEvent(reduce(this.event, merge, initial)); } latch() { return new ChainableEvent(latch(this.event)); } debounce(merge, delay = 100, leading = false, leakWarningThreshold) { return new ChainableEvent(debounce(this.event, merge, delay, leading, leakWarningThreshold)); } on(listener, thisArgs, disposables) { return this.event(listener, thisArgs, disposables); } once(listener, thisArgs, disposables) { return once(this.event)(listener, thisArgs, disposables); } } /** * @deprecated DO NOT use, this leaks memory */ function chain(event) { return new ChainableEvent(event); } Event.chain = chain; function fromNodeEventEmitter(emitter, eventName, map = id => id) { const fn = (...args) => result.fire(map(...args)); const onFirstListenerAdd = () => emitter.on(eventName, fn); const onLastListenerRemove = () => emitter.removeListener(eventName, fn); const result = new Emitter({ onFirstListenerAdd, onLastListenerRemove }); return result.event; } Event.fromNodeEventEmitter = fromNodeEventEmitter; function fromDOMEventEmitter(emitter, eventName, map = id => id) { const fn = (...args) => result.fire(map(...args)); const onFirstListenerAdd = () => emitter.addEventListener(eventName, fn); const onLastListenerRemove = () => emitter.removeEventListener(eventName, fn); const result = new Emitter({ onFirstListenerAdd, onLastListenerRemove }); return result.event; } Event.fromDOMEventEmitter = fromDOMEventEmitter; function toPromise(event) { return new Promise(resolve => once(event)(resolve)); } Event.toPromise = toPromise; function runAndSubscribe(event, handler) { handler(undefined); return event(e => handler(e)); } Event.runAndSubscribe = runAndSubscribe; function runAndSubscribeWithStore(event, handler) { let store = null; function run(e) { store === null || store === void 0 ? void 0 : store.dispose(); store = new DisposableStore(); handler(e, store); } run(undefined); const disposable = event(e => run(e)); return toDisposable(() => { disposable.dispose(); store === null || store === void 0 ? void 0 : store.dispose(); }); } Event.runAndSubscribeWithStore = runAndSubscribeWithStore; })(Event || (Event = {})); class EventProfiling { constructor(name) { this._listenerCount = 0; this._invocationCount = 0; this._elapsedOverall = 0; this._name = `${name}_${EventProfiling._idPool++}`; } start(listenerCount) { this._stopWatch = new StopWatch(true); this._listenerCount = listenerCount; } stop() { if (this._stopWatch) { const elapsed = this._stopWatch.elapsed(); this._elapsedOverall += elapsed; this._invocationCount += 1; console.info(`did FIRE ${this._name}: elapsed_ms: ${elapsed.toFixed(5)}, listener: ${this._listenerCount} (elapsed_overall: ${this._elapsedOverall.toFixed(2)}, invocations: ${this._invocationCount})`); this._stopWatch = undefined; } } } EventProfiling._idPool = 0; /** * The Emitter can be used to expose an Event to the public * to fire it from the insides. * Sample: class Document { private readonly _onDidChange = new Emitter<(value:string)=>any>(); public onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event; // getter-style // get onDidChange(): Event<(value:string)=>any> { // return this._onDidChange.event; // } private _doIt() { //... this._onDidChange.fire(value); } } */ class Emitter { constructor(options) { var _a; this._disposed = false; this._options = options; this._leakageMon = undefined; this._perfMon = ((_a = this._options) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a._profName) ? new EventProfiling(this._options._profName) : undefined; } /** * For the public to allow to subscribe * to events from this Emitter */ get event() { if (!this._event) { this._event = (listener, thisArgs, disposables) => { var _a; if (!this._listeners) { this._listeners = new LinkedList(); } const firstListener = this._listeners.isEmpty(); if (firstListener && this._options && this._options.onFirstListenerAdd) { this._options.onFirstListenerAdd(this); } const remove = this._listeners.push(!thisArgs ? listener : [listener, thisArgs]); if (firstListener && this._options && this._options.onFirstListenerDidAdd) { this._options.onFirstListenerDidAdd(this); } if (this._options && this._options.onListenerDidAdd) { this._options.onListenerDidAdd(this, listener, thisArgs); } // check and record this emitter for potential leakage const removeMonitor = (_a = this._leakageMon) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.check(this._listeners.size); const result = toDisposable(() => { if (removeMonitor) { removeMonitor(); } if (!this._disposed) { remove(); if (this._options && this._options.onLastListenerRemove) { const hasListeners = (this._listeners && !this._listeners.isEmpty()); if (!hasListeners) { this._options.onLastListenerRemove(this); } } } }); if (disposables instanceof DisposableStore) { disposables.add(result); } else if (Array.isArray(disposables)) { disposables.push(result); } return result; }; } return this._event; } /** * To be kept private to fire an event to * subscribers */ fire(event) { var _a, _b; if (this._listeners) { // put all [listener,event]-pairs into delivery queue // then emit all event. an inner/nested event might be // the driver of this if (!this._deliveryQueue) { this._deliveryQueue = new LinkedList(); } for (let listener of this._listeners) { this._deliveryQueue.push([listener, event]); } // start/stop performance insight collection (_a = this._perfMon) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.start(this._deliveryQueue.size); while (this._deliveryQueue.size > 0) { const [listener, event] = this._deliveryQueue.shift(); try { if (typeof listener === 'function') { listener.call(undefined, event); } else { listener[0].call(listener[1], event); } } catch (e) { onUnexpectedError(e); } } (_b = this._perfMon) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.stop(); } } dispose() { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; if (!this._disposed) { this._disposed = true; (_a = this._listeners) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.clear(); (_b = this._deliveryQueue) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.clear(); (_d = (_c = this._options) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.onLastListenerRemove) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.call(_c); (_e = this._leakageMon) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.dispose(); } } } /** * @returns whether the provided parameter is a JavaScript Array or not. */ function getAllPropertyNames(obj) { let res = []; let proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj); while (Object.prototype !== proto) { res = res.concat(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto)); proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto); } return res; } function getAllMethodNames(obj) { const methods = []; for (const prop of getAllPropertyNames(obj)) { if (typeof obj[prop] === 'function') { methods.push(prop); } } return methods; } function createProxyObject$1(methodNames, invoke) { const createProxyMethod = (method) => { return function () { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); return invoke(method, args); }; }; let result = {}; for (const methodName of methodNames) { result[methodName] = createProxyMethod(methodName); } return result; } function assertNever(value, message = 'Unreachable') { throw new Error(message); } /** * Uses a LRU cache to make a given parametrized function cached. * Caches just the last value. * The key must be JSON serializable. */ class LRUCachedComputed { constructor(computeFn) { this.computeFn = computeFn; this.lastCache = undefined; this.lastArgKey = undefined; } get(arg) { const key = JSON.stringify(arg); if (this.lastArgKey !== key) { this.lastArgKey = key; this.lastCache = this.computeFn(arg); } return this.lastCache; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class Lazy { constructor(executor) { this.executor = executor; this._didRun = false; } /** * Get the wrapped value. * * This will force evaluation of the lazy value if it has not been resolved yet. Lazy values are only * resolved once. `getValue` will re-throw exceptions that are hit while resolving the value */ getValue() { if (!this._didRun) { try { this._value = this.executor(); } catch (err) { this._error = err; } finally { this._didRun = true; } } if (this._error) { throw this._error; } return this._value; } /** * Get the wrapped value without forcing evaluation. */ get rawValue() { return this._value; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var _a; /** * Escapes regular expression characters in a given string */ function escapeRegExpCharacters(value) { return value.replace(/[\\\{\}\*\+\?\|\^\$\.\[\]\(\)]/g, '\\$&'); } function splitLines(str) { return str.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/); } /** * Returns first index of the string that is not whitespace. * If string is empty or contains only whitespaces, returns -1 */ function firstNonWhitespaceIndex(str) { for (let i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) { const chCode = str.charCodeAt(i); if (chCode !== 32 /* Space */ && chCode !== 9 /* Tab */) { return i; } } return -1; } /** * Returns last index of the string that is not whitespace. * If string is empty or contains only whitespaces, returns -1 */ function lastNonWhitespaceIndex(str, startIndex = str.length - 1) { for (let i = startIndex; i >= 0; i--) { const chCode = str.charCodeAt(i); if (chCode !== 32 /* Space */ && chCode !== 9 /* Tab */) { return i; } } return -1; } function compareSubstring(a, b, aStart = 0, aEnd = a.length, bStart = 0, bEnd = b.length) { for (; aStart < aEnd && bStart < bEnd; aStart++, bStart++) { let codeA = a.charCodeAt(aStart); let codeB = b.charCodeAt(bStart); if (codeA < codeB) { return -1; } else if (codeA > codeB) { return 1; } } const aLen = aEnd - aStart; const bLen = bEnd - bStart; if (aLen < bLen) { return -1; } else if (aLen > bLen) { return 1; } return 0; } function compareSubstringIgnoreCase(a, b, aStart = 0, aEnd = a.length, bStart = 0, bEnd = b.length) { for (; aStart < aEnd && bStart < bEnd; aStart++, bStart++) { let codeA = a.charCodeAt(aStart); let codeB = b.charCodeAt(bStart); if (codeA === codeB) { // equal continue; } if (codeA >= 128 || codeB >= 128) { // not ASCII letters -> fallback to lower-casing strings return compareSubstring(a.toLowerCase(), b.toLowerCase(), aStart, aEnd, bStart, bEnd); } // mapper lower-case ascii letter onto upper-case varinats // [97-122] (lower ascii) --> [65-90] (upper ascii) if (isLowerAsciiLetter(codeA)) { codeA -= 32; } if (isLowerAsciiLetter(codeB)) { codeB -= 32; } // compare both code points const diff = codeA - codeB; if (diff === 0) { continue; } return diff; } const aLen = aEnd - aStart; const bLen = bEnd - bStart; if (aLen < bLen) { return -1; } else if (aLen > bLen) { return 1; } return 0; } function isLowerAsciiLetter(code) { return code >= 97 /* a */ && code <= 122 /* z */; } function isUpperAsciiLetter(code) { return code >= 65 /* A */ && code <= 90 /* Z */; } function startsWithIgnoreCase(str, candidate) { const candidateLength = candidate.length; if (candidate.length > str.length) { return false; } return compareSubstringIgnoreCase(str, candidate, 0, candidateLength) === 0; } /** * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrogate_pair */ function isHighSurrogate(charCode) { return (0xD800 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xDBFF); } /** * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrogate_pair */ function isLowSurrogate(charCode) { return (0xDC00 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xDFFF); } /** * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrogate_pair */ function computeCodePoint(highSurrogate, lowSurrogate) { return ((highSurrogate - 0xD800) << 10) + (lowSurrogate - 0xDC00) + 0x10000; } /** * get the code point that begins at offset `offset` */ function getNextCodePoint(str, len, offset) { const charCode = str.charCodeAt(offset); if (isHighSurrogate(charCode) && offset + 1 < len) { const nextCharCode = str.charCodeAt(offset + 1); if (isLowSurrogate(nextCharCode)) { return computeCodePoint(charCode, nextCharCode); } } return charCode; } class AmbiguousCharacters { constructor(confusableDictionary) { this.confusableDictionary = confusableDictionary; } static getInstance(locales) { return AmbiguousCharacters.cache.get(Array.from(locales)); } static getLocales() { return AmbiguousCharacters._locales.getValue(); } isAmbiguous(codePoint) { return this.confusableDictionary.has(codePoint); } /** * Returns the non basic ASCII code point that the given code point can be confused, * or undefined if such code point does note exist. */ getPrimaryConfusable(codePoint) { return this.confusableDictionary.get(codePoint); } getConfusableCodePoints() { return new Set(this.confusableDictionary.keys()); } } _a = AmbiguousCharacters; AmbiguousCharacters.ambiguousCharacterData = new Lazy(() => { // Generated using https://github.com/hediet/vscode-unicode-data // Stored as key1, value1, key2, value2, ... return 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}); AmbiguousCharacters.cache = new LRUCachedComputed((locales) => { function arrayToMap(arr) { const result = new Map(); for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 2) { result.set(arr[i], arr[i + 1]); } return result; } function mergeMaps(map1, map2) { const result = new Map(map1); for (const [key, value] of map2) { result.set(key, value); } return result; } function intersectMaps(map1, map2) { if (!map1) { return map2; } const result = new Map(); for (const [key, value] of map1) { if (map2.has(key)) { result.set(key, value); } } return result; } const data = _a.ambiguousCharacterData.getValue(); let filteredLocales = locales.filter((l) => !l.startsWith('_') && l in data); if (filteredLocales.length === 0) { filteredLocales = ['_default']; } let languageSpecificMap = undefined; for (const locale of filteredLocales) { const map = arrayToMap(data[locale]); languageSpecificMap = intersectMaps(languageSpecificMap, map); } const commonMap = arrayToMap(data['_common']); const map = mergeMaps(commonMap, languageSpecificMap); return new AmbiguousCharacters(map); }); AmbiguousCharacters._locales = new Lazy(() => Object.keys(AmbiguousCharacters.ambiguousCharacterData.getValue()).filter((k) => !k.startsWith('_'))); class InvisibleCharacters { static getRawData() { // Generated using https://github.com/hediet/vscode-unicode-data return JSON.parse('[9,10,11,12,13,32,127,160,173,847,1564,4447,4448,6068,6069,6155,6156,6157,6158,7355,7356,8192,8193,8194,8195,8196,8197,8198,8199,8200,8201,8202,8203,8204,8205,8206,8207,8234,8235,8236,8237,8238,8239,8287,8288,8289,8290,8291,8292,8293,8294,8295,8296,8297,8298,8299,8300,8301,8302,8303,10240,12288,12644,65024,65025,65026,65027,65028,65029,65030,65031,65032,65033,65034,65035,65036,65037,65038,65039,65279,65440,65520,65521,65522,65523,65524,65525,65526,65527,65528,65532,78844,119155,119156,119157,119158,119159,119160,119161,119162,917504,917505,917506,917507,917508,917509,917510,917511,917512,917513,917514,917515,917516,917517,917518,917519,917520,917521,917522,917523,917524,917525,917526,917527,917528,917529,917530,917531,917532,917533,917534,917535,917536,917537,917538,917539,917540,917541,917542,917543,917544,917545,917546,917547,917548,917549,917550,917551,917552,917553,917554,917555,917556,917557,917558,917559,917560,917561,917562,917563,917564,917565,917566,917567,917568,917569,917570,917571,917572,917573,917574,917575,917576,917577,917578,917579,917580,917581,917582,917583,917584,917585,917586,917587,917588,917589,917590,917591,917592,917593,917594,917595,917596,917597,917598,917599,917600,917601,917602,917603,917604,917605,917606,917607,917608,917609,917610,917611,917612,917613,917614,917615,917616,917617,917618,917619,917620,917621,917622,917623,917624,917625,917626,917627,917628,917629,917630,917631,917760,917761,917762,917763,917764,917765,917766,917767,917768,917769,917770,917771,917772,917773,917774,917775,917776,917777,917778,917779,917780,917781,917782,917783,917784,917785,917786,917787,917788,917789,917790,917791,917792,917793,917794,917795,917796,917797,917798,917799,917800,917801,917802,917803,917804,917805,917806,917807,917808,917809,917810,917811,917812,917813,917814,917815,917816,917817,917818,917819,917820,917821,917822,917823,917824,917825,917826,917827,917828,917829,917830,917831,917832,917833,917834,917835,917836,917837,917838,917839,917840,917841,917842,917843,917844,917845,917846,917847,917848,917849,917850,917851,917852,917853,917854,917855,917856,917857,917858,917859,917860,917861,917862,917863,917864,917865,917866,917867,917868,917869,917870,917871,917872,917873,917874,917875,917876,917877,917878,917879,917880,917881,917882,917883,917884,917885,917886,917887,917888,917889,917890,917891,917892,917893,917894,917895,917896,917897,917898,917899,917900,917901,917902,917903,917904,917905,917906,917907,917908,917909,917910,917911,917912,917913,917914,917915,917916,917917,917918,917919,917920,917921,917922,917923,917924,917925,917926,917927,917928,917929,917930,917931,917932,917933,917934,917935,917936,917937,917938,917939,917940,917941,917942,917943,917944,917945,917946,917947,917948,917949,917950,917951,917952,917953,917954,917955,917956,917957,917958,917959,917960,917961,917962,917963,917964,917965,917966,917967,917968,917969,917970,917971,917972,917973,917974,917975,917976,917977,917978,917979,917980,917981,917982,917983,917984,917985,917986,917987,917988,917989,917990,917991,917992,917993,917994,917995,917996,917997,917998,917999]'); } static getData() { if (!this._data) { this._data = new Set(InvisibleCharacters.getRawData()); } return this._data; } static isInvisibleCharacter(codePoint) { return InvisibleCharacters.getData().has(codePoint); } static get codePoints() { return InvisibleCharacters.getData(); } } InvisibleCharacters._data = undefined; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const INITIALIZE = '$initialize'; class RequestMessage { constructor(vsWorker, req, method, args) { this.vsWorker = vsWorker; this.req = req; this.method = method; this.args = args; this.type = 0 /* Request */; } } class ReplyMessage { constructor(vsWorker, seq, res, err) { this.vsWorker = vsWorker; this.seq = seq; this.res = res; this.err = err; this.type = 1 /* Reply */; } } class SubscribeEventMessage { constructor(vsWorker, req, eventName, arg) { this.vsWorker = vsWorker; this.req = req; this.eventName = eventName; this.arg = arg; this.type = 2 /* SubscribeEvent */; } } class EventMessage { constructor(vsWorker, req, event) { this.vsWorker = vsWorker; this.req = req; this.event = event; this.type = 3 /* Event */; } } class UnsubscribeEventMessage { constructor(vsWorker, req) { this.vsWorker = vsWorker; this.req = req; this.type = 4 /* UnsubscribeEvent */; } } class SimpleWorkerProtocol { constructor(handler) { this._workerId = -1; this._handler = handler; this._lastSentReq = 0; this._pendingReplies = Object.create(null); this._pendingEmitters = new Map(); this._pendingEvents = new Map(); } setWorkerId(workerId) { this._workerId = workerId; } sendMessage(method, args) { const req = String(++this._lastSentReq); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._pendingReplies[req] = { resolve: resolve, reject: reject }; this._send(new RequestMessage(this._workerId, req, method, args)); }); } listen(eventName, arg) { let req = null; const emitter = new Emitter({ onFirstListenerAdd: () => { req = String(++this._lastSentReq); this._pendingEmitters.set(req, emitter); this._send(new SubscribeEventMessage(this._workerId, req, eventName, arg)); }, onLastListenerRemove: () => { this._pendingEmitters.delete(req); this._send(new UnsubscribeEventMessage(this._workerId, req)); req = null; } }); return emitter.event; } handleMessage(message) { if (!message || !message.vsWorker) { return; } if (this._workerId !== -1 && message.vsWorker !== this._workerId) { return; } this._handleMessage(message); } _handleMessage(msg) { switch (msg.type) { case 1 /* Reply */: return this._handleReplyMessage(msg); case 0 /* Request */: return this._handleRequestMessage(msg); case 2 /* SubscribeEvent */: return this._handleSubscribeEventMessage(msg); case 3 /* Event */: return this._handleEventMessage(msg); case 4 /* UnsubscribeEvent */: return this._handleUnsubscribeEventMessage(msg); } } _handleReplyMessage(replyMessage) { if (!this._pendingReplies[replyMessage.seq]) { console.warn('Got reply to unknown seq'); return; } let reply = this._pendingReplies[replyMessage.seq]; delete this._pendingReplies[replyMessage.seq]; if (replyMessage.err) { let err = replyMessage.err; if (replyMessage.err.$isError) { err = new Error(); err.name = replyMessage.err.name; err.message = replyMessage.err.message; err.stack = replyMessage.err.stack; } reply.reject(err); return; } reply.resolve(replyMessage.res); } _handleRequestMessage(requestMessage) { let req = requestMessage.req; let result = this._handler.handleMessage(requestMessage.method, requestMessage.args); result.then((r) => { this._send(new ReplyMessage(this._workerId, req, r, undefined)); }, (e) => { if (e.detail instanceof Error) { // Loading errors have a detail property that points to the actual error e.detail = transformErrorForSerialization(e.detail); } this._send(new ReplyMessage(this._workerId, req, undefined, transformErrorForSerialization(e))); }); } _handleSubscribeEventMessage(msg) { const req = msg.req; const disposable = this._handler.handleEvent(msg.eventName, msg.arg)((event) => { this._send(new EventMessage(this._workerId, req, event)); }); this._pendingEvents.set(req, disposable); } _handleEventMessage(msg) { if (!this._pendingEmitters.has(msg.req)) { console.warn('Got event for unknown req'); return; } this._pendingEmitters.get(msg.req).fire(msg.event); } _handleUnsubscribeEventMessage(msg) { if (!this._pendingEvents.has(msg.req)) { console.warn('Got unsubscribe for unknown req'); return; } this._pendingEvents.get(msg.req).dispose(); this._pendingEvents.delete(msg.req); } _send(msg) { let transfer = []; if (msg.type === 0 /* Request */) { for (let i = 0; i < msg.args.length; i++) { if (msg.args[i] instanceof ArrayBuffer) { transfer.push(msg.args[i]); } } } else if (msg.type === 1 /* Reply */) { if (msg.res instanceof ArrayBuffer) { transfer.push(msg.res); } } this._handler.sendMessage(msg, transfer); } } function propertyIsEvent(name) { // Assume a property is an event if it has a form of "onSomething" return name[0] === 'o' && name[1] === 'n' && isUpperAsciiLetter(name.charCodeAt(2)); } function propertyIsDynamicEvent(name) { // Assume a property is a dynamic event (a method that returns an event) if it has a form of "onDynamicSomething" return /^onDynamic/.test(name) && isUpperAsciiLetter(name.charCodeAt(9)); } function createProxyObject(methodNames, invoke, proxyListen) { const createProxyMethod = (method) => { return function () { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); return invoke(method, args); }; }; const createProxyDynamicEvent = (eventName) => { return function (arg) { return proxyListen(eventName, arg); }; }; let result = {}; for (const methodName of methodNames) { if (propertyIsDynamicEvent(methodName)) { result[methodName] = createProxyDynamicEvent(methodName); continue; } if (propertyIsEvent(methodName)) { result[methodName] = proxyListen(methodName, undefined); continue; } result[methodName] = createProxyMethod(methodName); } return result; } /** * Worker side */ class SimpleWorkerServer { constructor(postMessage, requestHandlerFactory) { this._requestHandlerFactory = requestHandlerFactory; this._requestHandler = null; this._protocol = new SimpleWorkerProtocol({ sendMessage: (msg, transfer) => { postMessage(msg, transfer); }, handleMessage: (method, args) => this._handleMessage(method, args), handleEvent: (eventName, arg) => this._handleEvent(eventName, arg) }); } onmessage(msg) { this._protocol.handleMessage(msg); } _handleMessage(method, args) { if (method === INITIALIZE) { return this.initialize(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); } if (!this._requestHandler || typeof this._requestHandler[method] !== 'function') { return Promise.reject(new Error('Missing requestHandler or method: ' + method)); } try { return Promise.resolve(this._requestHandler[method].apply(this._requestHandler, args)); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } } _handleEvent(eventName, arg) { if (!this._requestHandler) { throw new Error(`Missing requestHandler`); } if (propertyIsDynamicEvent(eventName)) { const event = this._requestHandler[eventName].call(this._requestHandler, arg); if (typeof event !== 'function') { throw new Error(`Missing dynamic event ${eventName} on request handler.`); } return event; } if (propertyIsEvent(eventName)) { const event = this._requestHandler[eventName]; if (typeof event !== 'function') { throw new Error(`Missing event ${eventName} on request handler.`); } return event; } throw new Error(`Malformed event name ${eventName}`); } initialize(workerId, loaderConfig, moduleId, hostMethods) { this._protocol.setWorkerId(workerId); const proxyMethodRequest = (method, args) => { return this._protocol.sendMessage(method, args); }; const proxyListen = (eventName, arg) => { return this._protocol.listen(eventName, arg); }; const hostProxy = createProxyObject(hostMethods, proxyMethodRequest, proxyListen); if (this._requestHandlerFactory) { // static request handler this._requestHandler = this._requestHandlerFactory(hostProxy); return Promise.resolve(getAllMethodNames(this._requestHandler)); } if (loaderConfig) { // Remove 'baseUrl', handling it is beyond scope for now if (typeof loaderConfig.baseUrl !== 'undefined') { delete loaderConfig['baseUrl']; } if (typeof loaderConfig.paths !== 'undefined') { if (typeof loaderConfig.paths.vs !== 'undefined') { delete loaderConfig.paths['vs']; } } if (typeof loaderConfig.trustedTypesPolicy !== undefined) { // don't use, it has been destroyed during serialize delete loaderConfig['trustedTypesPolicy']; } // Since this is in a web worker, enable catching errors loaderConfig.catchError = true; globals.require.config(loaderConfig); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Use the global require to be sure to get the global config // ESM-comment-begin // const req = (globals.require || require); // ESM-comment-end // ESM-uncomment-begin const req = globals.require; // ESM-uncomment-end req([moduleId], (module) => { this._requestHandler = module.create(hostProxy); if (!this._requestHandler) { reject(new Error(`No RequestHandler!`)); return; } resolve(getAllMethodNames(this._requestHandler)); }, reject); }); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Represents information about a specific difference between two sequences. */ class DiffChange { /** * Constructs a new DiffChange with the given sequence information * and content. */ constructor(originalStart, originalLength, modifiedStart, modifiedLength) { //Debug.Assert(originalLength > 0 || modifiedLength > 0, "originalLength and modifiedLength cannot both be <= 0"); this.originalStart = originalStart; this.originalLength = originalLength; this.modifiedStart = modifiedStart; this.modifiedLength = modifiedLength; } /** * The end point (exclusive) of the change in the original sequence. */ getOriginalEnd() { return this.originalStart + this.originalLength; } /** * The end point (exclusive) of the change in the modified sequence. */ getModifiedEnd() { return this.modifiedStart + this.modifiedLength; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function numberHash(val, initialHashVal) { return (((initialHashVal << 5) - initialHashVal) + val) | 0; // hashVal * 31 + ch, keep as int32 } function stringHash(s, hashVal) { hashVal = numberHash(149417, hashVal); for (let i = 0, length = s.length; i < length; i++) { hashVal = numberHash(s.charCodeAt(i), hashVal); } return hashVal; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class StringDiffSequence { constructor(source) { this.source = source; } getElements() { const source = this.source; const characters = new Int32Array(source.length); for (let i = 0, len = source.length; i < len; i++) { characters[i] = source.charCodeAt(i); } return characters; } } function stringDiff(original, modified, pretty) { return new LcsDiff(new StringDiffSequence(original), new StringDiffSequence(modified)).ComputeDiff(pretty).changes; } // // The code below has been ported from a C# implementation in VS // class Debug { static Assert(condition, message) { if (!condition) { throw new Error(message); } } } class MyArray { /** * Copies a range of elements from an Array starting at the specified source index and pastes * them to another Array starting at the specified destination index. The length and the indexes * are specified as 64-bit integers. * sourceArray: * The Array that contains the data to copy. * sourceIndex: * A 64-bit integer that represents the index in the sourceArray at which copying begins. * destinationArray: * The Array that receives the data. * destinationIndex: * A 64-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins. * length: * A 64-bit integer that represents the number of elements to copy. */ static Copy(sourceArray, sourceIndex, destinationArray, destinationIndex, length) { for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { destinationArray[destinationIndex + i] = sourceArray[sourceIndex + i]; } } static Copy2(sourceArray, sourceIndex, destinationArray, destinationIndex, length) { for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { destinationArray[destinationIndex + i] = sourceArray[sourceIndex + i]; } } } /** * A utility class which helps to create the set of DiffChanges from * a difference operation. This class accepts original DiffElements and * modified DiffElements that are involved in a particular change. The * MarkNextChange() method can be called to mark the separation between * distinct changes. At the end, the Changes property can be called to retrieve * the constructed changes. */ class DiffChangeHelper { /** * Constructs a new DiffChangeHelper for the given DiffSequences. */ constructor() { this.m_changes = []; this.m_originalStart = 1073741824 /* MAX_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER */; this.m_modifiedStart = 1073741824 /* MAX_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER */; this.m_originalCount = 0; this.m_modifiedCount = 0; } /** * Marks the beginning of the next change in the set of differences. */ MarkNextChange() { // Only add to the list if there is something to add if (this.m_originalCount > 0 || this.m_modifiedCount > 0) { // Add the new change to our list this.m_changes.push(new DiffChange(this.m_originalStart, this.m_originalCount, this.m_modifiedStart, this.m_modifiedCount)); } // Reset for the next change this.m_originalCount = 0; this.m_modifiedCount = 0; this.m_originalStart = 1073741824 /* MAX_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER */; this.m_modifiedStart = 1073741824 /* MAX_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER */; } /** * Adds the original element at the given position to the elements * affected by the current change. The modified index gives context * to the change position with respect to the original sequence. * @param originalIndex The index of the original element to add. * @param modifiedIndex The index of the modified element that provides corresponding position in the modified sequence. */ AddOriginalElement(originalIndex, modifiedIndex) { // The 'true' start index is the smallest of the ones we've seen this.m_originalStart = Math.min(this.m_originalStart, originalIndex); this.m_modifiedStart = Math.min(this.m_modifiedStart, modifiedIndex); this.m_originalCount++; } /** * Adds the modified element at the given position to the elements * affected by the current change. The original index gives context * to the change position with respect to the modified sequence. * @param originalIndex The index of the original element that provides corresponding position in the original sequence. * @param modifiedIndex The index of the modified element to add. */ AddModifiedElement(originalIndex, modifiedIndex) { // The 'true' start index is the smallest of the ones we've seen this.m_originalStart = Math.min(this.m_originalStart, originalIndex); this.m_modifiedStart = Math.min(this.m_modifiedStart, modifiedIndex); this.m_modifiedCount++; } /** * Retrieves all of the changes marked by the class. */ getChanges() { if (this.m_originalCount > 0 || this.m_modifiedCount > 0) { // Finish up on whatever is left this.MarkNextChange(); } return this.m_changes; } /** * Retrieves all of the changes marked by the class in the reverse order */ getReverseChanges() { if (this.m_originalCount > 0 || this.m_modifiedCount > 0) { // Finish up on whatever is left this.MarkNextChange(); } this.m_changes.reverse(); return this.m_changes; } } /** * An implementation of the difference algorithm described in * "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and its variations" by Eugene W. Myers */ class LcsDiff { /** * Constructs the DiffFinder */ constructor(originalSequence, modifiedSequence, continueProcessingPredicate = null) { this.ContinueProcessingPredicate = continueProcessingPredicate; this._originalSequence = originalSequence; this._modifiedSequence = modifiedSequence; const [originalStringElements, originalElementsOrHash, originalHasStrings] = LcsDiff._getElements(originalSequence); const [modifiedStringElements, modifiedElementsOrHash, modifiedHasStrings] = LcsDiff._getElements(modifiedSequence); this._hasStrings = (originalHasStrings && modifiedHasStrings); this._originalStringElements = originalStringElements; this._originalElementsOrHash = originalElementsOrHash; this._modifiedStringElements = modifiedStringElements; this._modifiedElementsOrHash = modifiedElementsOrHash; this.m_forwardHistory = []; this.m_reverseHistory = []; } static _isStringArray(arr) { return (arr.length > 0 && typeof arr[0] === 'string'); } static _getElements(sequence) { const elements = sequence.getElements(); if (LcsDiff._isStringArray(elements)) { const hashes = new Int32Array(elements.length); for (let i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) { hashes[i] = stringHash(elements[i], 0); } return [elements, hashes, true]; } if (elements instanceof Int32Array) { return [[], elements, false]; } return [[], new Int32Array(elements), false]; } ElementsAreEqual(originalIndex, newIndex) { if (this._originalElementsOrHash[originalIndex] !== this._modifiedElementsOrHash[newIndex]) { return false; } return (this._hasStrings ? this._originalStringElements[originalIndex] === this._modifiedStringElements[newIndex] : true); } ElementsAreStrictEqual(originalIndex, newIndex) { if (!this.ElementsAreEqual(originalIndex, newIndex)) { return false; } const originalElement = LcsDiff._getStrictElement(this._originalSequence, originalIndex); const modifiedElement = LcsDiff._getStrictElement(this._modifiedSequence, newIndex); return (originalElement === modifiedElement); } static _getStrictElement(sequence, index) { if (typeof sequence.getStrictElement === 'function') { return sequence.getStrictElement(index); } return null; } OriginalElementsAreEqual(index1, index2) { if (this._originalElementsOrHash[index1] !== this._originalElementsOrHash[index2]) { return false; } return (this._hasStrings ? this._originalStringElements[index1] === this._originalStringElements[index2] : true); } ModifiedElementsAreEqual(index1, index2) { if (this._modifiedElementsOrHash[index1] !== this._modifiedElementsOrHash[index2]) { return false; } return (this._hasStrings ? this._modifiedStringElements[index1] === this._modifiedStringElements[index2] : true); } ComputeDiff(pretty) { return this._ComputeDiff(0, this._originalElementsOrHash.length - 1, 0, this._modifiedElementsOrHash.length - 1, pretty); } /** * Computes the differences between the original and modified input * sequences on the bounded range. * @returns An array of the differences between the two input sequences. */ _ComputeDiff(originalStart, originalEnd, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd, pretty) { const quitEarlyArr = [false]; let changes = this.ComputeDiffRecursive(originalStart, originalEnd, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd, quitEarlyArr); if (pretty) { // We have to clean up the computed diff to be more intuitive // but it turns out this cannot be done correctly until the entire set // of diffs have been computed changes = this.PrettifyChanges(changes); } return { quitEarly: quitEarlyArr[0], changes: changes }; } /** * Private helper method which computes the differences on the bounded range * recursively. * @returns An array of the differences between the two input sequences. */ ComputeDiffRecursive(originalStart, originalEnd, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd, quitEarlyArr) { quitEarlyArr[0] = false; // Find the start of the differences while (originalStart <= originalEnd && modifiedStart <= modifiedEnd && this.ElementsAreEqual(originalStart, modifiedStart)) { originalStart++; modifiedStart++; } // Find the end of the differences while (originalEnd >= originalStart && modifiedEnd >= modifiedStart && this.ElementsAreEqual(originalEnd, modifiedEnd)) { originalEnd--; modifiedEnd--; } // In the special case where we either have all insertions or all deletions or the sequences are identical if (originalStart > originalEnd || modifiedStart > modifiedEnd) { let changes; if (modifiedStart <= modifiedEnd) { Debug.Assert(originalStart === originalEnd + 1, 'originalStart should only be one more than originalEnd'); // All insertions changes = [ new DiffChange(originalStart, 0, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd - modifiedStart + 1) ]; } else if (originalStart <= originalEnd) { Debug.Assert(modifiedStart === modifiedEnd + 1, 'modifiedStart should only be one more than modifiedEnd'); // All deletions changes = [ new DiffChange(originalStart, originalEnd - originalStart + 1, modifiedStart, 0) ]; } else { Debug.Assert(originalStart === originalEnd + 1, 'originalStart should only be one more than originalEnd'); Debug.Assert(modifiedStart === modifiedEnd + 1, 'modifiedStart should only be one more than modifiedEnd'); // Identical sequences - No differences changes = []; } return changes; } // This problem can be solved using the Divide-And-Conquer technique. const midOriginalArr = [0]; const midModifiedArr = [0]; const result = this.ComputeRecursionPoint(originalStart, originalEnd, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd, midOriginalArr, midModifiedArr, quitEarlyArr); const midOriginal = midOriginalArr[0]; const midModified = midModifiedArr[0]; if (result !== null) { // Result is not-null when there was enough memory to compute the changes while // searching for the recursion point return result; } else if (!quitEarlyArr[0]) { // We can break the problem down recursively by finding the changes in the // First Half: (originalStart, modifiedStart) to (midOriginal, midModified) // Second Half: (midOriginal + 1, minModified + 1) to (originalEnd, modifiedEnd) // NOTE: ComputeDiff() is inclusive, therefore the second range starts on the next point const leftChanges = this.ComputeDiffRecursive(originalStart, midOriginal, modifiedStart, midModified, quitEarlyArr); let rightChanges = []; if (!quitEarlyArr[0]) { rightChanges = this.ComputeDiffRecursive(midOriginal + 1, originalEnd, midModified + 1, modifiedEnd, quitEarlyArr); } else { // We didn't have time to finish the first half, so we don't have time to compute this half. // Consider the entire rest of the sequence different. rightChanges = [ new DiffChange(midOriginal + 1, originalEnd - (midOriginal + 1) + 1, midModified + 1, modifiedEnd - (midModified + 1) + 1) ]; } return this.ConcatenateChanges(leftChanges, rightChanges); } // If we hit here, we quit early, and so can't return anything meaningful return [ new DiffChange(originalStart, originalEnd - originalStart + 1, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd - modifiedStart + 1) ]; } WALKTRACE(diagonalForwardBase, diagonalForwardStart, diagonalForwardEnd, diagonalForwardOffset, diagonalReverseBase, diagonalReverseStart, diagonalReverseEnd, diagonalReverseOffset, forwardPoints, reversePoints, originalIndex, originalEnd, midOriginalArr, modifiedIndex, modifiedEnd, midModifiedArr, deltaIsEven, quitEarlyArr) { let forwardChanges = null; let reverseChanges = null; // First, walk backward through the forward diagonals history let changeHelper = new DiffChangeHelper(); let diagonalMin = diagonalForwardStart; let diagonalMax = diagonalForwardEnd; let diagonalRelative = (midOriginalArr[0] - midModifiedArr[0]) - diagonalForwardOffset; let lastOriginalIndex = -1073741824 /* MIN_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER */; let historyIndex = this.m_forwardHistory.length - 1; do { // Get the diagonal index from the relative diagonal number const diagonal = diagonalRelative + diagonalForwardBase; // Figure out where we came from if (diagonal === diagonalMin || (diagonal < diagonalMax && forwardPoints[diagonal - 1] < forwardPoints[diagonal + 1])) { // Vertical line (the element is an insert) originalIndex = forwardPoints[diagonal + 1]; modifiedIndex = originalIndex - diagonalRelative - diagonalForwardOffset; if (originalIndex < lastOriginalIndex) { changeHelper.MarkNextChange(); } lastOriginalIndex = originalIndex; changeHelper.AddModifiedElement(originalIndex + 1, modifiedIndex); diagonalRelative = (diagonal + 1) - diagonalForwardBase; //Setup for the next iteration } else { // Horizontal line (the element is a deletion) originalIndex = forwardPoints[diagonal - 1] + 1; modifiedIndex = originalIndex - diagonalRelative - diagonalForwardOffset; if (originalIndex < lastOriginalIndex) { changeHelper.MarkNextChange(); } lastOriginalIndex = originalIndex - 1; changeHelper.AddOriginalElement(originalIndex, modifiedIndex + 1); diagonalRelative = (diagonal - 1) - diagonalForwardBase; //Setup for the next iteration } if (historyIndex >= 0) { forwardPoints = this.m_forwardHistory[historyIndex]; diagonalForwardBase = forwardPoints[0]; //We stored this in the first spot diagonalMin = 1; diagonalMax = forwardPoints.length - 1; } } while (--historyIndex >= -1); // Ironically, we get the forward changes as the reverse of the // order we added them since we technically added them backwards forwardChanges = changeHelper.getReverseChanges(); if (quitEarlyArr[0]) { // TODO: Calculate a partial from the reverse diagonals. // For now, just assume everything after the midOriginal/midModified point is a diff let originalStartPoint = midOriginalArr[0] + 1; let modifiedStartPoint = midModifiedArr[0] + 1; if (forwardChanges !== null && forwardChanges.length > 0) { const lastForwardChange = forwardChanges[forwardChanges.length - 1]; originalStartPoint = Math.max(originalStartPoint, lastForwardChange.getOriginalEnd()); modifiedStartPoint = Math.max(modifiedStartPoint, lastForwardChange.getModifiedEnd()); } reverseChanges = [ new DiffChange(originalStartPoint, originalEnd - originalStartPoint + 1, modifiedStartPoint, modifiedEnd - modifiedStartPoint + 1) ]; } else { // Now walk backward through the reverse diagonals history changeHelper = new DiffChangeHelper(); diagonalMin = diagonalReverseStart; diagonalMax = diagonalReverseEnd; diagonalRelative = (midOriginalArr[0] - midModifiedArr[0]) - diagonalReverseOffset; lastOriginalIndex = 1073741824 /* MAX_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER */; historyIndex = (deltaIsEven) ? this.m_reverseHistory.length - 1 : this.m_reverseHistory.length - 2; do { // Get the diagonal index from the relative diagonal number const diagonal = diagonalRelative + diagonalReverseBase; // Figure out where we came from if (diagonal === diagonalMin || (diagonal < diagonalMax && reversePoints[diagonal - 1] >= reversePoints[diagonal + 1])) { // Horizontal line (the element is a deletion)) originalIndex = reversePoints[diagonal + 1] - 1; modifiedIndex = originalIndex - diagonalRelative - diagonalReverseOffset; if (originalIndex > lastOriginalIndex) { changeHelper.MarkNextChange(); } lastOriginalIndex = originalIndex + 1; changeHelper.AddOriginalElement(originalIndex + 1, modifiedIndex + 1); diagonalRelative = (diagonal + 1) - diagonalReverseBase; //Setup for the next iteration } else { // Vertical line (the element is an insertion) originalIndex = reversePoints[diagonal - 1]; modifiedIndex = originalIndex - diagonalRelative - diagonalReverseOffset; if (originalIndex > lastOriginalIndex) { changeHelper.MarkNextChange(); } lastOriginalIndex = originalIndex; changeHelper.AddModifiedElement(originalIndex + 1, modifiedIndex + 1); diagonalRelative = (diagonal - 1) - diagonalReverseBase; //Setup for the next iteration } if (historyIndex >= 0) { reversePoints = this.m_reverseHistory[historyIndex]; diagonalReverseBase = reversePoints[0]; //We stored this in the first spot diagonalMin = 1; diagonalMax = reversePoints.length - 1; } } while (--historyIndex >= -1); // There are cases where the reverse history will find diffs that // are correct, but not intuitive, so we need shift them. reverseChanges = changeHelper.getChanges(); } return this.ConcatenateChanges(forwardChanges, reverseChanges); } /** * Given the range to compute the diff on, this method finds the point: * (midOriginal, midModified) * that exists in the middle of the LCS of the two sequences and * is the point at which the LCS problem may be broken down recursively. * This method will try to keep the LCS trace in memory. If the LCS recursion * point is calculated and the full trace is available in memory, then this method * will return the change list. * @param originalStart The start bound of the original sequence range * @param originalEnd The end bound of the original sequence range * @param modifiedStart The start bound of the modified sequence range * @param modifiedEnd The end bound of the modified sequence range * @param midOriginal The middle point of the original sequence range * @param midModified The middle point of the modified sequence range * @returns The diff changes, if available, otherwise null */ ComputeRecursionPoint(originalStart, originalEnd, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd, midOriginalArr, midModifiedArr, quitEarlyArr) { let originalIndex = 0, modifiedIndex = 0; let diagonalForwardStart = 0, diagonalForwardEnd = 0; let diagonalReverseStart = 0, diagonalReverseEnd = 0; // To traverse the edit graph and produce the proper LCS, our actual // start position is just outside the given boundary originalStart--; modifiedStart--; // We set these up to make the compiler happy, but they will // be replaced before we return with the actual recursion point midOriginalArr[0] = 0; midModifiedArr[0] = 0; // Clear out the history this.m_forwardHistory = []; this.m_reverseHistory = []; // Each cell in the two arrays corresponds to a diagonal in the edit graph. // The integer value in the cell represents the originalIndex of the furthest // reaching point found so far that ends in that diagonal. // The modifiedIndex can be computed mathematically from the originalIndex and the diagonal number. const maxDifferences = (originalEnd - originalStart) + (modifiedEnd - modifiedStart); const numDiagonals = maxDifferences + 1; const forwardPoints = new Int32Array(numDiagonals); const reversePoints = new Int32Array(numDiagonals); // diagonalForwardBase: Index into forwardPoints of the diagonal which passes through (originalStart, modifiedStart) // diagonalReverseBase: Index into reversePoints of the diagonal which passes through (originalEnd, modifiedEnd) const diagonalForwardBase = (modifiedEnd - modifiedStart); const diagonalReverseBase = (originalEnd - originalStart); // diagonalForwardOffset: Geometric offset which allows modifiedIndex to be computed from originalIndex and the // diagonal number (relative to diagonalForwardBase) // diagonalReverseOffset: Geometric offset which allows modifiedIndex to be computed from originalIndex and the // diagonal number (relative to diagonalReverseBase) const diagonalForwardOffset = (originalStart - modifiedStart); const diagonalReverseOffset = (originalEnd - modifiedEnd); // delta: The difference between the end diagonal and the start diagonal. This is used to relate diagonal numbers // relative to the start diagonal with diagonal numbers relative to the end diagonal. // The Even/Oddn-ness of this delta is important for determining when we should check for overlap const delta = diagonalReverseBase - diagonalForwardBase; const deltaIsEven = (delta % 2 === 0); // Here we set up the start and end points as the furthest points found so far // in both the forward and reverse directions, respectively forwardPoints[diagonalForwardBase] = originalStart; reversePoints[diagonalReverseBase] = originalEnd; // Remember if we quit early, and thus need to do a best-effort result instead of a real result. quitEarlyArr[0] = false; // A couple of points: // --With this method, we iterate on the number of differences between the two sequences. // The more differences there actually are, the longer this will take. // --Also, as the number of differences increases, we have to search on diagonals further // away from the reference diagonal (which is diagonalForwardBase for forward, diagonalReverseBase for reverse). // --We extend on even diagonals (relative to the reference diagonal) only when numDifferences // is even and odd diagonals only when numDifferences is odd. for (let numDifferences = 1; numDifferences <= (maxDifferences / 2) + 1; numDifferences++) { let furthestOriginalIndex = 0; let furthestModifiedIndex = 0; // Run the algorithm in the forward direction diagonalForwardStart = this.ClipDiagonalBound(diagonalForwardBase - numDifferences, numDifferences, diagonalForwardBase, numDiagonals); diagonalForwardEnd = this.ClipDiagonalBound(diagonalForwardBase + numDifferences, numDifferences, diagonalForwardBase, numDiagonals); for (let diagonal = diagonalForwardStart; diagonal <= diagonalForwardEnd; diagonal += 2) { // STEP 1: We extend the furthest reaching point in the present diagonal // by looking at the diagonals above and below and picking the one whose point // is further away from the start point (originalStart, modifiedStart) if (diagonal === diagonalForwardStart || (diagonal < diagonalForwardEnd && forwardPoints[diagonal - 1] < forwardPoints[diagonal + 1])) { originalIndex = forwardPoints[diagonal + 1]; } else { originalIndex = forwardPoints[diagonal - 1] + 1; } modifiedIndex = originalIndex - (diagonal - diagonalForwardBase) - diagonalForwardOffset; // Save the current originalIndex so we can test for false overlap in step 3 const tempOriginalIndex = originalIndex; // STEP 2: We can continue to extend the furthest reaching point in the present diagonal // so long as the elements are equal. while (originalIndex < originalEnd && modifiedIndex < modifiedEnd && this.ElementsAreEqual(originalIndex + 1, modifiedIndex + 1)) { originalIndex++; modifiedIndex++; } forwardPoints[diagonal] = originalIndex; if (originalIndex + modifiedIndex > furthestOriginalIndex + furthestModifiedIndex) { furthestOriginalIndex = originalIndex; furthestModifiedIndex = modifiedIndex; } // STEP 3: If delta is odd (overlap first happens on forward when delta is odd) // and diagonal is in the range of reverse diagonals computed for numDifferences-1 // (the previous iteration; we haven't computed reverse diagonals for numDifferences yet) // then check for overlap. if (!deltaIsEven && Math.abs(diagonal - diagonalReverseBase) <= (numDifferences - 1)) { if (originalIndex >= reversePoints[diagonal]) { midOriginalArr[0] = originalIndex; midModifiedArr[0] = modifiedIndex; if (tempOriginalIndex <= reversePoints[diagonal] && 1447 /* MaxDifferencesHistory */ > 0 && numDifferences <= (1447 /* MaxDifferencesHistory */ + 1)) { // BINGO! We overlapped, and we have the full trace in memory! return this.WALKTRACE(diagonalForwardBase, diagonalForwardStart, diagonalForwardEnd, diagonalForwardOffset, diagonalReverseBase, diagonalReverseStart, diagonalReverseEnd, diagonalReverseOffset, forwardPoints, reversePoints, originalIndex, originalEnd, midOriginalArr, modifiedIndex, modifiedEnd, midModifiedArr, deltaIsEven, quitEarlyArr); } else { // Either false overlap, or we didn't have enough memory for the full trace // Just return the recursion point return null; } } } } // Check to see if we should be quitting early, before moving on to the next iteration. const matchLengthOfLongest = ((furthestOriginalIndex - originalStart) + (furthestModifiedIndex - modifiedStart) - numDifferences) / 2; if (this.ContinueProcessingPredicate !== null && !this.ContinueProcessingPredicate(furthestOriginalIndex, matchLengthOfLongest)) { // We can't finish, so skip ahead to generating a result from what we have. quitEarlyArr[0] = true; // Use the furthest distance we got in the forward direction. midOriginalArr[0] = furthestOriginalIndex; midModifiedArr[0] = furthestModifiedIndex; if (matchLengthOfLongest > 0 && 1447 /* MaxDifferencesHistory */ > 0 && numDifferences <= (1447 /* MaxDifferencesHistory */ + 1)) { // Enough of the history is in memory to walk it backwards return this.WALKTRACE(diagonalForwardBase, diagonalForwardStart, diagonalForwardEnd, diagonalForwardOffset, diagonalReverseBase, diagonalReverseStart, diagonalReverseEnd, diagonalReverseOffset, forwardPoints, reversePoints, originalIndex, originalEnd, midOriginalArr, modifiedIndex, modifiedEnd, midModifiedArr, deltaIsEven, quitEarlyArr); } else { // We didn't actually remember enough of the history. //Since we are quitting the diff early, we need to shift back the originalStart and modified start //back into the boundary limits since we decremented their value above beyond the boundary limit. originalStart++; modifiedStart++; return [ new DiffChange(originalStart, originalEnd - originalStart + 1, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd - modifiedStart + 1) ]; } } // Run the algorithm in the reverse direction diagonalReverseStart = this.ClipDiagonalBound(diagonalReverseBase - numDifferences, numDifferences, diagonalReverseBase, numDiagonals); diagonalReverseEnd = this.ClipDiagonalBound(diagonalReverseBase + numDifferences, numDifferences, diagonalReverseBase, numDiagonals); for (let diagonal = diagonalReverseStart; diagonal <= diagonalReverseEnd; diagonal += 2) { // STEP 1: We extend the furthest reaching point in the present diagonal // by looking at the diagonals above and below and picking the one whose point // is further away from the start point (originalEnd, modifiedEnd) if (diagonal === diagonalReverseStart || (diagonal < diagonalReverseEnd && reversePoints[diagonal - 1] >= reversePoints[diagonal + 1])) { originalIndex = reversePoints[diagonal + 1] - 1; } else { originalIndex = reversePoints[diagonal - 1]; } modifiedIndex = originalIndex - (diagonal - diagonalReverseBase) - diagonalReverseOffset; // Save the current originalIndex so we can test for false overlap const tempOriginalIndex = originalIndex; // STEP 2: We can continue to extend the furthest reaching point in the present diagonal // as long as the elements are equal. while (originalIndex > originalStart && modifiedIndex > modifiedStart && this.ElementsAreEqual(originalIndex, modifiedIndex)) { originalIndex--; modifiedIndex--; } reversePoints[diagonal] = originalIndex; // STEP 4: If delta is even (overlap first happens on reverse when delta is even) // and diagonal is in the range of forward diagonals computed for numDifferences // then check for overlap. if (deltaIsEven && Math.abs(diagonal - diagonalForwardBase) <= numDifferences) { if (originalIndex <= forwardPoints[diagonal]) { midOriginalArr[0] = originalIndex; midModifiedArr[0] = modifiedIndex; if (tempOriginalIndex >= forwardPoints[diagonal] && 1447 /* MaxDifferencesHistory */ > 0 && numDifferences <= (1447 /* MaxDifferencesHistory */ + 1)) { // BINGO! We overlapped, and we have the full trace in memory! return this.WALKTRACE(diagonalForwardBase, diagonalForwardStart, diagonalForwardEnd, diagonalForwardOffset, diagonalReverseBase, diagonalReverseStart, diagonalReverseEnd, diagonalReverseOffset, forwardPoints, reversePoints, originalIndex, originalEnd, midOriginalArr, modifiedIndex, modifiedEnd, midModifiedArr, deltaIsEven, quitEarlyArr); } else { // Either false overlap, or we didn't have enough memory for the full trace // Just return the recursion point return null; } } } } // Save current vectors to history before the next iteration if (numDifferences <= 1447 /* MaxDifferencesHistory */) { // We are allocating space for one extra int, which we fill with // the index of the diagonal base index let temp = new Int32Array(diagonalForwardEnd - diagonalForwardStart + 2); temp[0] = diagonalForwardBase - diagonalForwardStart + 1; MyArray.Copy2(forwardPoints, diagonalForwardStart, temp, 1, diagonalForwardEnd - diagonalForwardStart + 1); this.m_forwardHistory.push(temp); temp = new Int32Array(diagonalReverseEnd - diagonalReverseStart + 2); temp[0] = diagonalReverseBase - diagonalReverseStart + 1; MyArray.Copy2(reversePoints, diagonalReverseStart, temp, 1, diagonalReverseEnd - diagonalReverseStart + 1); this.m_reverseHistory.push(temp); } } // If we got here, then we have the full trace in history. We just have to convert it to a change list // NOTE: This part is a bit messy return this.WALKTRACE(diagonalForwardBase, diagonalForwardStart, diagonalForwardEnd, diagonalForwardOffset, diagonalReverseBase, diagonalReverseStart, diagonalReverseEnd, diagonalReverseOffset, forwardPoints, reversePoints, originalIndex, originalEnd, midOriginalArr, modifiedIndex, modifiedEnd, midModifiedArr, deltaIsEven, quitEarlyArr); } /** * Shifts the given changes to provide a more intuitive diff. * While the first element in a diff matches the first element after the diff, * we shift the diff down. * * @param changes The list of changes to shift * @returns The shifted changes */ PrettifyChanges(changes) { // Shift all the changes down first for (let i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) { const change = changes[i]; const originalStop = (i < changes.length - 1) ? changes[i + 1].originalStart : this._originalElementsOrHash.length; const modifiedStop = (i < changes.length - 1) ? changes[i + 1].modifiedStart : this._modifiedElementsOrHash.length; const checkOriginal = change.originalLength > 0; const checkModified = change.modifiedLength > 0; while (change.originalStart + change.originalLength < originalStop && change.modifiedStart + change.modifiedLength < modifiedStop && (!checkOriginal || this.OriginalElementsAreEqual(change.originalStart, change.originalStart + change.originalLength)) && (!checkModified || this.ModifiedElementsAreEqual(change.modifiedStart, change.modifiedStart + change.modifiedLength))) { const startStrictEqual = this.ElementsAreStrictEqual(change.originalStart, change.modifiedStart); const endStrictEqual = this.ElementsAreStrictEqual(change.originalStart + change.originalLength, change.modifiedStart + change.modifiedLength); if (endStrictEqual && !startStrictEqual) { // moving the change down would create an equal change, but the elements are not strict equal break; } change.originalStart++; change.modifiedStart++; } let mergedChangeArr = [null]; if (i < changes.length - 1 && this.ChangesOverlap(changes[i], changes[i + 1], mergedChangeArr)) { changes[i] = mergedChangeArr[0]; changes.splice(i + 1, 1); i--; continue; } } // Shift changes back up until we hit empty or whitespace-only lines for (let i = changes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const change = changes[i]; let originalStop = 0; let modifiedStop = 0; if (i > 0) { const prevChange = changes[i - 1]; originalStop = prevChange.originalStart + prevChange.originalLength; modifiedStop = prevChange.modifiedStart + prevChange.modifiedLength; } const checkOriginal = change.originalLength > 0; const checkModified = change.modifiedLength > 0; let bestDelta = 0; let bestScore = this._boundaryScore(change.originalStart, change.originalLength, change.modifiedStart, change.modifiedLength); for (let delta = 1;; delta++) { const originalStart = change.originalStart - delta; const modifiedStart = change.modifiedStart - delta; if (originalStart < originalStop || modifiedStart < modifiedStop) { break; } if (checkOriginal && !this.OriginalElementsAreEqual(originalStart, originalStart + change.originalLength)) { break; } if (checkModified && !this.ModifiedElementsAreEqual(modifiedStart, modifiedStart + change.modifiedLength)) { break; } const touchingPreviousChange = (originalStart === originalStop && modifiedStart === modifiedStop); const score = ((touchingPreviousChange ? 5 : 0) + this._boundaryScore(originalStart, change.originalLength, modifiedStart, change.modifiedLength)); if (score > bestScore) { bestScore = score; bestDelta = delta; } } change.originalStart -= bestDelta; change.modifiedStart -= bestDelta; const mergedChangeArr = [null]; if (i > 0 && this.ChangesOverlap(changes[i - 1], changes[i], mergedChangeArr)) { changes[i - 1] = mergedChangeArr[0]; changes.splice(i, 1); i++; continue; } } // There could be multiple longest common substrings. // Give preference to the ones containing longer lines if (this._hasStrings) { for (let i = 1, len = changes.length; i < len; i++) { const aChange = changes[i - 1]; const bChange = changes[i]; const matchedLength = bChange.originalStart - aChange.originalStart - aChange.originalLength; const aOriginalStart = aChange.originalStart; const bOriginalEnd = bChange.originalStart + bChange.originalLength; const abOriginalLength = bOriginalEnd - aOriginalStart; const aModifiedStart = aChange.modifiedStart; const bModifiedEnd = bChange.modifiedStart + bChange.modifiedLength; const abModifiedLength = bModifiedEnd - aModifiedStart; // Avoid wasting a lot of time with these searches if (matchedLength < 5 && abOriginalLength < 20 && abModifiedLength < 20) { const t = this._findBetterContiguousSequence(aOriginalStart, abOriginalLength, aModifiedStart, abModifiedLength, matchedLength); if (t) { const [originalMatchStart, modifiedMatchStart] = t; if (originalMatchStart !== aChange.originalStart + aChange.originalLength || modifiedMatchStart !== aChange.modifiedStart + aChange.modifiedLength) { // switch to another sequence that has a better score aChange.originalLength = originalMatchStart - aChange.originalStart; aChange.modifiedLength = modifiedMatchStart - aChange.modifiedStart; bChange.originalStart = originalMatchStart + matchedLength; bChange.modifiedStart = modifiedMatchStart + matchedLength; bChange.originalLength = bOriginalEnd - bChange.originalStart; bChange.modifiedLength = bModifiedEnd - bChange.modifiedStart; } } } } } return changes; } _findBetterContiguousSequence(originalStart, originalLength, modifiedStart, modifiedLength, desiredLength) { if (originalLength < desiredLength || modifiedLength < desiredLength) { return null; } const originalMax = originalStart + originalLength - desiredLength + 1; const modifiedMax = modifiedStart + modifiedLength - desiredLength + 1; let bestScore = 0; let bestOriginalStart = 0; let bestModifiedStart = 0; for (let i = originalStart; i < originalMax; i++) { for (let j = modifiedStart; j < modifiedMax; j++) { const score = this._contiguousSequenceScore(i, j, desiredLength); if (score > 0 && score > bestScore) { bestScore = score; bestOriginalStart = i; bestModifiedStart = j; } } } if (bestScore > 0) { return [bestOriginalStart, bestModifiedStart]; } return null; } _contiguousSequenceScore(originalStart, modifiedStart, length) { let score = 0; for (let l = 0; l < length; l++) { if (!this.ElementsAreEqual(originalStart + l, modifiedStart + l)) { return 0; } score += this._originalStringElements[originalStart + l].length; } return score; } _OriginalIsBoundary(index) { if (index <= 0 || index >= this._originalElementsOrHash.length - 1) { return true; } return (this._hasStrings && /^\s*$/.test(this._originalStringElements[index])); } _OriginalRegionIsBoundary(originalStart, originalLength) { if (this._OriginalIsBoundary(originalStart) || this._OriginalIsBoundary(originalStart - 1)) { return true; } if (originalLength > 0) { const originalEnd = originalStart + originalLength; if (this._OriginalIsBoundary(originalEnd - 1) || this._OriginalIsBoundary(originalEnd)) { return true; } } return false; } _ModifiedIsBoundary(index) { if (index <= 0 || index >= this._modifiedElementsOrHash.length - 1) { return true; } return (this._hasStrings && /^\s*$/.test(this._modifiedStringElements[index])); } _ModifiedRegionIsBoundary(modifiedStart, modifiedLength) { if (this._ModifiedIsBoundary(modifiedStart) || this._ModifiedIsBoundary(modifiedStart - 1)) { return true; } if (modifiedLength > 0) { const modifiedEnd = modifiedStart + modifiedLength; if (this._ModifiedIsBoundary(modifiedEnd - 1) || this._ModifiedIsBoundary(modifiedEnd)) { return true; } } return false; } _boundaryScore(originalStart, originalLength, modifiedStart, modifiedLength) { const originalScore = (this._OriginalRegionIsBoundary(originalStart, originalLength) ? 1 : 0); const modifiedScore = (this._ModifiedRegionIsBoundary(modifiedStart, modifiedLength) ? 1 : 0); return (originalScore + modifiedScore); } /** * Concatenates the two input DiffChange lists and returns the resulting * list. * @param The left changes * @param The right changes * @returns The concatenated list */ ConcatenateChanges(left, right) { let mergedChangeArr = []; if (left.length === 0 || right.length === 0) { return (right.length > 0) ? right : left; } else if (this.ChangesOverlap(left[left.length - 1], right[0], mergedChangeArr)) { // Since we break the problem down recursively, it is possible that we // might recurse in the middle of a change thereby splitting it into // two changes. Here in the combining stage, we detect and fuse those // changes back together const result = new Array(left.length + right.length - 1); MyArray.Copy(left, 0, result, 0, left.length - 1); result[left.length - 1] = mergedChangeArr[0]; MyArray.Copy(right, 1, result, left.length, right.length - 1); return result; } else { const result = new Array(left.length + right.length); MyArray.Copy(left, 0, result, 0, left.length); MyArray.Copy(right, 0, result, left.length, right.length); return result; } } /** * Returns true if the two changes overlap and can be merged into a single * change * @param left The left change * @param right The right change * @param mergedChange The merged change if the two overlap, null otherwise * @returns True if the two changes overlap */ ChangesOverlap(left, right, mergedChangeArr) { Debug.Assert(left.originalStart <= right.originalStart, 'Left change is not less than or equal to right change'); Debug.Assert(left.modifiedStart <= right.modifiedStart, 'Left change is not less than or equal to right change'); if (left.originalStart + left.originalLength >= right.originalStart || left.modifiedStart + left.modifiedLength >= right.modifiedStart) { const originalStart = left.originalStart; let originalLength = left.originalLength; const modifiedStart = left.modifiedStart; let modifiedLength = left.modifiedLength; if (left.originalStart + left.originalLength >= right.originalStart) { originalLength = right.originalStart + right.originalLength - left.originalStart; } if (left.modifiedStart + left.modifiedLength >= right.modifiedStart) { modifiedLength = right.modifiedStart + right.modifiedLength - left.modifiedStart; } mergedChangeArr[0] = new DiffChange(originalStart, originalLength, modifiedStart, modifiedLength); return true; } else { mergedChangeArr[0] = null; return false; } } /** * Helper method used to clip a diagonal index to the range of valid * diagonals. This also decides whether or not the diagonal index, * if it exceeds the boundary, should be clipped to the boundary or clipped * one inside the boundary depending on the Even/Odd status of the boundary * and numDifferences. * @param diagonal The index of the diagonal to clip. * @param numDifferences The current number of differences being iterated upon. * @param diagonalBaseIndex The base reference diagonal. * @param numDiagonals The total number of diagonals. * @returns The clipped diagonal index. */ ClipDiagonalBound(diagonal, numDifferences, diagonalBaseIndex, numDiagonals) { if (diagonal >= 0 && diagonal < numDiagonals) { // Nothing to clip, its in range return diagonal; } // diagonalsBelow: The number of diagonals below the reference diagonal // diagonalsAbove: The number of diagonals above the reference diagonal const diagonalsBelow = diagonalBaseIndex; const diagonalsAbove = numDiagonals - diagonalBaseIndex - 1; const diffEven = (numDifferences % 2 === 0); if (diagonal < 0) { const lowerBoundEven = (diagonalsBelow % 2 === 0); return (diffEven === lowerBoundEven) ? 0 : 1; } else { const upperBoundEven = (diagonalsAbove % 2 === 0); return (diffEven === upperBoundEven) ? numDiagonals - 1 : numDiagonals - 2; } } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ let safeProcess; // Native sandbox environment if (typeof globals.vscode !== 'undefined' && typeof globals.vscode.process !== 'undefined') { const sandboxProcess = globals.vscode.process; safeProcess = { get platform() { return sandboxProcess.platform; }, get arch() { return sandboxProcess.arch; }, get env() { return sandboxProcess.env; }, cwd() { return sandboxProcess.cwd(); } }; } // Native node.js environment else if (typeof process !== 'undefined') { safeProcess = { get platform() { return process.platform; }, get arch() { return process.arch; }, get env() { return process.env; }, cwd() { return process.env['VSCODE_CWD'] || process.cwd(); } }; } // Web environment else { safeProcess = { // Supported get platform() { return isWindows ? 'win32' : isMacintosh ? 'darwin' : 'linux'; }, get arch() { return undefined; /* arch is undefined in web */ }, // Unsupported get env() { return {}; }, cwd() { return '/'; } }; } /** * Provides safe access to the `cwd` property in node.js, sandboxed or web * environments. * * Note: in web, this property is hardcoded to be `/`. */ const cwd = safeProcess.cwd; /** * Provides safe access to the `env` property in node.js, sandboxed or web * environments. * * Note: in web, this property is hardcoded to be `{}`. */ const env = safeProcess.env; /** * Provides safe access to the `platform` property in node.js, sandboxed or web * environments. */ const platform = safeProcess.platform; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const CHAR_UPPERCASE_A = 65; /* A */ const CHAR_LOWERCASE_A = 97; /* a */ const CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z = 90; /* Z */ const CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z = 122; /* z */ const CHAR_DOT = 46; /* . */ const CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH = 47; /* / */ const CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH = 92; /* \ */ const CHAR_COLON = 58; /* : */ const CHAR_QUESTION_MARK = 63; /* ? */ class ErrorInvalidArgType extends Error { constructor(name, expected, actual) { // determiner: 'must be' or 'must not be' let determiner; if (typeof expected === 'string' && expected.indexOf('not ') === 0) { determiner = 'must not be'; expected = expected.replace(/^not /, ''); } else { determiner = 'must be'; } const type = name.indexOf('.') !== -1 ? 'property' : 'argument'; let msg = `The "${name}" ${type} ${determiner} of type ${expected}`; msg += `. Received type ${typeof actual}`; super(msg); this.code = 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE'; } } function validateString(value, name) { if (typeof value !== 'string') { throw new ErrorInvalidArgType(name, 'string', value); } } function isPathSeparator(code) { return code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH || code === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH; } function isPosixPathSeparator(code) { return code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; } function isWindowsDeviceRoot(code) { return (code >= CHAR_UPPERCASE_A && code <= CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z) || (code >= CHAR_LOWERCASE_A && code <= CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z); } // Resolves . and .. elements in a path with directory names function normalizeString(path, allowAboveRoot, separator, isPathSeparator) { let res = ''; let lastSegmentLength = 0; let lastSlash = -1; let dots = 0; let code = 0; for (let i = 0; i <= path.length; ++i) { if (i < path.length) { code = path.charCodeAt(i); } else if (isPathSeparator(code)) { break; } else { code = CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; } if (isPathSeparator(code)) { if (lastSlash === i - 1 || dots === 1) ; else if (dots === 2) { if (res.length < 2 || lastSegmentLength !== 2 || res.charCodeAt(res.length - 1) !== CHAR_DOT || res.charCodeAt(res.length - 2) !== CHAR_DOT) { if (res.length > 2) { const lastSlashIndex = res.lastIndexOf(separator); if (lastSlashIndex === -1) { res = ''; lastSegmentLength = 0; } else { res = res.slice(0, lastSlashIndex); lastSegmentLength = res.length - 1 - res.lastIndexOf(separator); } lastSlash = i; dots = 0; continue; } else if (res.length !== 0) { res = ''; lastSegmentLength = 0; lastSlash = i; dots = 0; continue; } } if (allowAboveRoot) { res += res.length > 0 ? `${separator}..` : '..'; lastSegmentLength = 2; } } else { if (res.length > 0) { res += `${separator}${path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i)}`; } else { res = path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i); } lastSegmentLength = i - lastSlash - 1; } lastSlash = i; dots = 0; } else if (code === CHAR_DOT && dots !== -1) { ++dots; } else { dots = -1; } } return res; } function _format(sep, pathObject) { if (pathObject === null || typeof pathObject !== 'object') { throw new ErrorInvalidArgType('pathObject', 'Object', pathObject); } const dir = pathObject.dir || pathObject.root; const base = pathObject.base || `${pathObject.name || ''}${pathObject.ext || ''}`; if (!dir) { return base; } return dir === pathObject.root ? `${dir}${base}` : `${dir}${sep}${base}`; } const win32 = { // path.resolve([from ...], to) resolve(...pathSegments) { let resolvedDevice = ''; let resolvedTail = ''; let resolvedAbsolute = false; for (let i = pathSegments.length - 1; i >= -1; i--) { let path; if (i >= 0) { path = pathSegments[i]; validateString(path, 'path'); // Skip empty entries if (path.length === 0) { continue; } } else if (resolvedDevice.length === 0) { path = cwd(); } else { // Windows has the concept of drive-specific current working // directories. If we've resolved a drive letter but not yet an // absolute path, get cwd for that drive, or the process cwd if // the drive cwd is not available. We're sure the device is not // a UNC path at this points, because UNC paths are always absolute. path = env[`=${resolvedDevice}`] || cwd(); // Verify that a cwd was found and that it actually points // to our drive. If not, default to the drive's root. if (path === undefined || (path.slice(0, 2).toLowerCase() !== resolvedDevice.toLowerCase() && path.charCodeAt(2) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH)) { path = `${resolvedDevice}\\`; } } const len = path.length; let rootEnd = 0; let device = ''; let isAbsolute = false; const code = path.charCodeAt(0); // Try to match a root if (len === 1) { if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // `path` contains just a path separator rootEnd = 1; isAbsolute = true; } } else if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // Possible UNC root // If we started with a separator, we know we at least have an // absolute path of some kind (UNC or otherwise) isAbsolute = true; if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(1))) { // Matched double path separator at beginning let j = 2; let last = j; // Match 1 or more non-path separators while (j < len && !isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) { j++; } if (j < len && j !== last) { const firstPart = path.slice(last, j); // Matched! last = j; // Match 1 or more path separators while (j < len && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) { j++; } if (j < len && j !== last) { // Matched! last = j; // Match 1 or more non-path separators while (j < len && !isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) { j++; } if (j === len || j !== last) { // We matched a UNC root device = `\\\\${firstPart}\\${path.slice(last, j)}`; rootEnd = j; } } } } else { rootEnd = 1; } } else if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(code) && path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON) { // Possible device root device = path.slice(0, 2); rootEnd = 2; if (len > 2 && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(2))) { // Treat separator following drive name as an absolute path // indicator isAbsolute = true; rootEnd = 3; } } if (device.length > 0) { if (resolvedDevice.length > 0) { if (device.toLowerCase() !== resolvedDevice.toLowerCase()) { // This path points to another device so it is not applicable continue; } } else { resolvedDevice = device; } } if (resolvedAbsolute) { if (resolvedDevice.length > 0) { break; } } else { resolvedTail = `${path.slice(rootEnd)}\\${resolvedTail}`; resolvedAbsolute = isAbsolute; if (isAbsolute && resolvedDevice.length > 0) { break; } } } // At this point the path should be resolved to a full absolute path, // but handle relative paths to be safe (might happen when process.cwd() // fails) // Normalize the tail path resolvedTail = normalizeString(resolvedTail, !resolvedAbsolute, '\\', isPathSeparator); return resolvedAbsolute ? `${resolvedDevice}\\${resolvedTail}` : `${resolvedDevice}${resolvedTail}` || '.'; }, normalize(path) { validateString(path, 'path'); const len = path.length; if (len === 0) { return '.'; } let rootEnd = 0; let device; let isAbsolute = false; const code = path.charCodeAt(0); // Try to match a root if (len === 1) { // `path` contains just a single char, exit early to avoid // unnecessary work return isPosixPathSeparator(code) ? '\\' : path; } if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // Possible UNC root // If we started with a separator, we know we at least have an absolute // path of some kind (UNC or otherwise) isAbsolute = true; if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(1))) { // Matched double path separator at beginning let j = 2; let last = j; // Match 1 or more non-path separators while (j < len && !isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) { j++; } if (j < len && j !== last) { const firstPart = path.slice(last, j); // Matched! last = j; // Match 1 or more path separators while (j < len && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) { j++; } if (j < len && j !== last) { // Matched! last = j; // Match 1 or more non-path separators while (j < len && !isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) { j++; } if (j === len) { // We matched a UNC root only // Return the normalized version of the UNC root since there // is nothing left to process return `\\\\${firstPart}\\${path.slice(last)}\\`; } if (j !== last) { // We matched a UNC root with leftovers device = `\\\\${firstPart}\\${path.slice(last, j)}`; rootEnd = j; } } } } else { rootEnd = 1; } } else if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(code) && path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON) { // Possible device root device = path.slice(0, 2); rootEnd = 2; if (len > 2 && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(2))) { // Treat separator following drive name as an absolute path // indicator isAbsolute = true; rootEnd = 3; } } let tail = rootEnd < len ? normalizeString(path.slice(rootEnd), !isAbsolute, '\\', isPathSeparator) : ''; if (tail.length === 0 && !isAbsolute) { tail = '.'; } if (tail.length > 0 && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(len - 1))) { tail += '\\'; } if (device === undefined) { return isAbsolute ? `\\${tail}` : tail; } return isAbsolute ? `${device}\\${tail}` : `${device}${tail}`; }, isAbsolute(path) { validateString(path, 'path'); const len = path.length; if (len === 0) { return false; } const code = path.charCodeAt(0); return isPathSeparator(code) || // Possible device root (len > 2 && isWindowsDeviceRoot(code) && path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(2))); }, join(...paths) { if (paths.length === 0) { return '.'; } let joined; let firstPart; for (let i = 0; i < paths.length; ++i) { const arg = paths[i]; validateString(arg, 'path'); if (arg.length > 0) { if (joined === undefined) { joined = firstPart = arg; } else { joined += `\\${arg}`; } } } if (joined === undefined) { return '.'; } // Make sure that the joined path doesn't start with two slashes, because // normalize() will mistake it for a UNC path then. // // This step is skipped when it is very clear that the user actually // intended to point at a UNC path. This is assumed when the first // non-empty string arguments starts with exactly two slashes followed by // at least one more non-slash character. // // Note that for normalize() to treat a path as a UNC path it needs to // have at least 2 components, so we don't filter for that here. // This means that the user can use join to construct UNC paths from // a server name and a share name; for example: // path.join('//server', 'share') -> '\\\\server\\share\\') let needsReplace = true; let slashCount = 0; if (typeof firstPart === 'string' && isPathSeparator(firstPart.charCodeAt(0))) { ++slashCount; const firstLen = firstPart.length; if (firstLen > 1 && isPathSeparator(firstPart.charCodeAt(1))) { ++slashCount; if (firstLen > 2) { if (isPathSeparator(firstPart.charCodeAt(2))) { ++slashCount; } else { // We matched a UNC path in the first part needsReplace = false; } } } } if (needsReplace) { // Find any more consecutive slashes we need to replace while (slashCount < joined.length && isPathSeparator(joined.charCodeAt(slashCount))) { slashCount++; } // Replace the slashes if needed if (slashCount >= 2) { joined = `\\${joined.slice(slashCount)}`; } } return win32.normalize(joined); }, // It will solve the relative path from `from` to `to`, for instance: // from = 'C:\\orandea\\test\\aaa' // to = 'C:\\orandea\\impl\\bbb' // The output of the function should be: '..\\..\\impl\\bbb' relative(from, to) { validateString(from, 'from'); validateString(to, 'to'); if (from === to) { return ''; } const fromOrig = win32.resolve(from); const toOrig = win32.resolve(to); if (fromOrig === toOrig) { return ''; } from = fromOrig.toLowerCase(); to = toOrig.toLowerCase(); if (from === to) { return ''; } // Trim any leading backslashes let fromStart = 0; while (fromStart < from.length && from.charCodeAt(fromStart) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { fromStart++; } // Trim trailing backslashes (applicable to UNC paths only) let fromEnd = from.length; while (fromEnd - 1 > fromStart && from.charCodeAt(fromEnd - 1) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { fromEnd--; } const fromLen = fromEnd - fromStart; // Trim any leading backslashes let toStart = 0; while (toStart < to.length && to.charCodeAt(toStart) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { toStart++; } // Trim trailing backslashes (applicable to UNC paths only) let toEnd = to.length; while (toEnd - 1 > toStart && to.charCodeAt(toEnd - 1) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { toEnd--; } const toLen = toEnd - toStart; // Compare paths to find the longest common path from root const length = fromLen < toLen ? fromLen : toLen; let lastCommonSep = -1; let i = 0; for (; i < length; i++) { const fromCode = from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i); if (fromCode !== to.charCodeAt(toStart + i)) { break; } else if (fromCode === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { lastCommonSep = i; } } // We found a mismatch before the first common path separator was seen, so // return the original `to`. if (i !== length) { if (lastCommonSep === -1) { return toOrig; } } else { if (toLen > length) { if (to.charCodeAt(toStart + i) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { // We get here if `from` is the exact base path for `to`. // For example: from='C:\\foo\\bar'; to='C:\\foo\\bar\\baz' return toOrig.slice(toStart + i + 1); } if (i === 2) { // We get here if `from` is the device root. // For example: from='C:\\'; to='C:\\foo' return toOrig.slice(toStart + i); } } if (fromLen > length) { if (from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { // We get here if `to` is the exact base path for `from`. // For example: from='C:\\foo\\bar'; to='C:\\foo' lastCommonSep = i; } else if (i === 2) { // We get here if `to` is the device root. // For example: from='C:\\foo\\bar'; to='C:\\' lastCommonSep = 3; } } if (lastCommonSep === -1) { lastCommonSep = 0; } } let out = ''; // Generate the relative path based on the path difference between `to` and // `from` for (i = fromStart + lastCommonSep + 1; i <= fromEnd; ++i) { if (i === fromEnd || from.charCodeAt(i) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { out += out.length === 0 ? '..' : '\\..'; } } toStart += lastCommonSep; // Lastly, append the rest of the destination (`to`) path that comes after // the common path parts if (out.length > 0) { return `${out}${toOrig.slice(toStart, toEnd)}`; } if (toOrig.charCodeAt(toStart) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { ++toStart; } return toOrig.slice(toStart, toEnd); }, toNamespacedPath(path) { // Note: this will *probably* throw somewhere. if (typeof path !== 'string') { return path; } if (path.length === 0) { return ''; } const resolvedPath = win32.resolve(path); if (resolvedPath.length <= 2) { return path; } if (resolvedPath.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { // Possible UNC root if (resolvedPath.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { const code = resolvedPath.charCodeAt(2); if (code !== CHAR_QUESTION_MARK && code !== CHAR_DOT) { // Matched non-long UNC root, convert the path to a long UNC path return `\\\\?\\UNC\\${resolvedPath.slice(2)}`; } } } else if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(resolvedPath.charCodeAt(0)) && resolvedPath.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON && resolvedPath.charCodeAt(2) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { // Matched device root, convert the path to a long UNC path return `\\\\?\\${resolvedPath}`; } return path; }, dirname(path) { validateString(path, 'path'); const len = path.length; if (len === 0) { return '.'; } let rootEnd = -1; let offset = 0; const code = path.charCodeAt(0); if (len === 1) { // `path` contains just a path separator, exit early to avoid // unnecessary work or a dot. return isPathSeparator(code) ? path : '.'; } // Try to match a root if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // Possible UNC root rootEnd = offset = 1; if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(1))) { // Matched double path separator at beginning let j = 2; let last = j; // Match 1 or more non-path separators while (j < len && !isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) { j++; } if (j < len && j !== last) { // Matched! last = j; // Match 1 or more path separators while (j < len && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) { j++; } if (j < len && j !== last) { // Matched! last = j; // Match 1 or more non-path separators while (j < len && !isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) { j++; } if (j === len) { // We matched a UNC root only return path; } if (j !== last) { // We matched a UNC root with leftovers // Offset by 1 to include the separator after the UNC root to // treat it as a "normal root" on top of a (UNC) root rootEnd = offset = j + 1; } } } } // Possible device root } else if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(code) && path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON) { rootEnd = len > 2 && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(2)) ? 3 : 2; offset = rootEnd; } let end = -1; let matchedSlash = true; for (let i = len - 1; i >= offset; --i) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(i))) { if (!matchedSlash) { end = i; break; } } else { // We saw the first non-path separator matchedSlash = false; } } if (end === -1) { if (rootEnd === -1) { return '.'; } end = rootEnd; } return path.slice(0, end); }, basename(path, ext) { if (ext !== undefined) { validateString(ext, 'ext'); } validateString(path, 'path'); let start = 0; let end = -1; let matchedSlash = true; let i; // Check for a drive letter prefix so as not to mistake the following // path separator as an extra separator at the end of the path that can be // disregarded if (path.length >= 2 && isWindowsDeviceRoot(path.charCodeAt(0)) && path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON) { start = 2; } if (ext !== undefined && ext.length > 0 && ext.length <= path.length) { if (ext === path) { return ''; } let extIdx = ext.length - 1; let firstNonSlashEnd = -1; for (i = path.length - 1; i >= start; --i) { const code = path.charCodeAt(i); if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { start = i + 1; break; } } else { if (firstNonSlashEnd === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, remember this index in case // we need it if the extension ends up not matching matchedSlash = false; firstNonSlashEnd = i + 1; } if (extIdx >= 0) { // Try to match the explicit extension if (code === ext.charCodeAt(extIdx)) { if (--extIdx === -1) { // We matched the extension, so mark this as the end of our path // component end = i; } } else { // Extension does not match, so our result is the entire path // component extIdx = -1; end = firstNonSlashEnd; } } } } if (start === end) { end = firstNonSlashEnd; } else if (end === -1) { end = path.length; } return path.slice(start, end); } for (i = path.length - 1; i >= start; --i) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(i))) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { start = i + 1; break; } } else if (end === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our // path component matchedSlash = false; end = i + 1; } } if (end === -1) { return ''; } return path.slice(start, end); }, extname(path) { validateString(path, 'path'); let start = 0; let startDot = -1; let startPart = 0; let end = -1; let matchedSlash = true; // Track the state of characters (if any) we see before our first dot and // after any path separator we find let preDotState = 0; // Check for a drive letter prefix so as not to mistake the following // path separator as an extra separator at the end of the path that can be // disregarded if (path.length >= 2 && path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON && isWindowsDeviceRoot(path.charCodeAt(0))) { start = startPart = 2; } for (let i = path.length - 1; i >= start; --i) { const code = path.charCodeAt(i); if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { startPart = i + 1; break; } continue; } if (end === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our // extension matchedSlash = false; end = i + 1; } if (code === CHAR_DOT) { // If this is our first dot, mark it as the start of our extension if (startDot === -1) { startDot = i; } else if (preDotState !== 1) { preDotState = 1; } } else if (startDot !== -1) { // We saw a non-dot and non-path separator before our dot, so we should // have a good chance at having a non-empty extension preDotState = -1; } } if (startDot === -1 || end === -1 || // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot preDotState === 0 || // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..' (preDotState === 1 && startDot === end - 1 && startDot === startPart + 1)) { return ''; } return path.slice(startDot, end); }, format: _format.bind(null, '\\'), parse(path) { validateString(path, 'path'); const ret = { root: '', dir: '', base: '', ext: '', name: '' }; if (path.length === 0) { return ret; } const len = path.length; let rootEnd = 0; let code = path.charCodeAt(0); if (len === 1) { if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // `path` contains just a path separator, exit early to avoid // unnecessary work ret.root = ret.dir = path; return ret; } ret.base = ret.name = path; return ret; } // Try to match a root if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // Possible UNC root rootEnd = 1; if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(1))) { // Matched double path separator at beginning let j = 2; let last = j; // Match 1 or more non-path separators while (j < len && !isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) { j++; } if (j < len && j !== last) { // Matched! last = j; // Match 1 or more path separators while (j < len && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) { j++; } if (j < len && j !== last) { // Matched! last = j; // Match 1 or more non-path separators while (j < len && !isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) { j++; } if (j === len) { // We matched a UNC root only rootEnd = j; } else if (j !== last) { // We matched a UNC root with leftovers rootEnd = j + 1; } } } } } else if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(code) && path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON) { // Possible device root if (len <= 2) { // `path` contains just a drive root, exit early to avoid // unnecessary work ret.root = ret.dir = path; return ret; } rootEnd = 2; if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(2))) { if (len === 3) { // `path` contains just a drive root, exit early to avoid // unnecessary work ret.root = ret.dir = path; return ret; } rootEnd = 3; } } if (rootEnd > 0) { ret.root = path.slice(0, rootEnd); } let startDot = -1; let startPart = rootEnd; let end = -1; let matchedSlash = true; let i = path.length - 1; // Track the state of characters (if any) we see before our first dot and // after any path separator we find let preDotState = 0; // Get non-dir info for (; i >= rootEnd; --i) { code = path.charCodeAt(i); if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { startPart = i + 1; break; } continue; } if (end === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our // extension matchedSlash = false; end = i + 1; } if (code === CHAR_DOT) { // If this is our first dot, mark it as the start of our extension if (startDot === -1) { startDot = i; } else if (preDotState !== 1) { preDotState = 1; } } else if (startDot !== -1) { // We saw a non-dot and non-path separator before our dot, so we should // have a good chance at having a non-empty extension preDotState = -1; } } if (end !== -1) { if (startDot === -1 || // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot preDotState === 0 || // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..' (preDotState === 1 && startDot === end - 1 && startDot === startPart + 1)) { ret.base = ret.name = path.slice(startPart, end); } else { ret.name = path.slice(startPart, startDot); ret.base = path.slice(startPart, end); ret.ext = path.slice(startDot, end); } } // If the directory is the root, use the entire root as the `dir` including // the trailing slash if any (`C:\abc` -> `C:\`). Otherwise, strip out the // trailing slash (`C:\abc\def` -> `C:\abc`). if (startPart > 0 && startPart !== rootEnd) { ret.dir = path.slice(0, startPart - 1); } else { ret.dir = ret.root; } return ret; }, sep: '\\', delimiter: ';', win32: null, posix: null }; const posix = { // path.resolve([from ...], to) resolve(...pathSegments) { let resolvedPath = ''; let resolvedAbsolute = false; for (let i = pathSegments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) { const path = i >= 0 ? pathSegments[i] : cwd(); validateString(path, 'path'); // Skip empty entries if (path.length === 0) { continue; } resolvedPath = `${path}/${resolvedPath}`; resolvedAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; } // At this point the path should be resolved to a full absolute path, but // handle relative paths to be safe (might happen when process.cwd() fails) // Normalize the path resolvedPath = normalizeString(resolvedPath, !resolvedAbsolute, '/', isPosixPathSeparator); if (resolvedAbsolute) { return `/${resolvedPath}`; } return resolvedPath.length > 0 ? resolvedPath : '.'; }, normalize(path) { validateString(path, 'path'); if (path.length === 0) { return '.'; } const isAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; const trailingSeparator = path.charCodeAt(path.length - 1) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; // Normalize the path path = normalizeString(path, !isAbsolute, '/', isPosixPathSeparator); if (path.length === 0) { if (isAbsolute) { return '/'; } return trailingSeparator ? './' : '.'; } if (trailingSeparator) { path += '/'; } return isAbsolute ? `/${path}` : path; }, isAbsolute(path) { validateString(path, 'path'); return path.length > 0 && path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; }, join(...paths) { if (paths.length === 0) { return '.'; } let joined; for (let i = 0; i < paths.length; ++i) { const arg = paths[i]; validateString(arg, 'path'); if (arg.length > 0) { if (joined === undefined) { joined = arg; } else { joined += `/${arg}`; } } } if (joined === undefined) { return '.'; } return posix.normalize(joined); }, relative(from, to) { validateString(from, 'from'); validateString(to, 'to'); if (from === to) { return ''; } // Trim leading forward slashes. from = posix.resolve(from); to = posix.resolve(to); if (from === to) { return ''; } const fromStart = 1; const fromEnd = from.length; const fromLen = fromEnd - fromStart; const toStart = 1; const toLen = to.length - toStart; // Compare paths to find the longest common path from root const length = (fromLen < toLen ? fromLen : toLen); let lastCommonSep = -1; let i = 0; for (; i < length; i++) { const fromCode = from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i); if (fromCode !== to.charCodeAt(toStart + i)) { break; } else if (fromCode === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { lastCommonSep = i; } } if (i === length) { if (toLen > length) { if (to.charCodeAt(toStart + i) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { // We get here if `from` is the exact base path for `to`. // For example: from='/foo/bar'; to='/foo/bar/baz' return to.slice(toStart + i + 1); } if (i === 0) { // We get here if `from` is the root // For example: from='/'; to='/foo' return to.slice(toStart + i); } } else if (fromLen > length) { if (from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { // We get here if `to` is the exact base path for `from`. // For example: from='/foo/bar/baz'; to='/foo/bar' lastCommonSep = i; } else if (i === 0) { // We get here if `to` is the root. // For example: from='/foo/bar'; to='/' lastCommonSep = 0; } } } let out = ''; // Generate the relative path based on the path difference between `to` // and `from`. for (i = fromStart + lastCommonSep + 1; i <= fromEnd; ++i) { if (i === fromEnd || from.charCodeAt(i) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { out += out.length === 0 ? '..' : '/..'; } } // Lastly, append the rest of the destination (`to`) path that comes after // the common path parts. return `${out}${to.slice(toStart + lastCommonSep)}`; }, toNamespacedPath(path) { // Non-op on posix systems return path; }, dirname(path) { validateString(path, 'path'); if (path.length === 0) { return '.'; } const hasRoot = path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; let end = -1; let matchedSlash = true; for (let i = path.length - 1; i >= 1; --i) { if (path.charCodeAt(i) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { if (!matchedSlash) { end = i; break; } } else { // We saw the first non-path separator matchedSlash = false; } } if (end === -1) { return hasRoot ? '/' : '.'; } if (hasRoot && end === 1) { return '//'; } return path.slice(0, end); }, basename(path, ext) { if (ext !== undefined) { validateString(ext, 'ext'); } validateString(path, 'path'); let start = 0; let end = -1; let matchedSlash = true; let i; if (ext !== undefined && ext.length > 0 && ext.length <= path.length) { if (ext === path) { return ''; } let extIdx = ext.length - 1; let firstNonSlashEnd = -1; for (i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const code = path.charCodeAt(i); if (code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { start = i + 1; break; } } else { if (firstNonSlashEnd === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, remember this index in case // we need it if the extension ends up not matching matchedSlash = false; firstNonSlashEnd = i + 1; } if (extIdx >= 0) { // Try to match the explicit extension if (code === ext.charCodeAt(extIdx)) { if (--extIdx === -1) { // We matched the extension, so mark this as the end of our path // component end = i; } } else { // Extension does not match, so our result is the entire path // component extIdx = -1; end = firstNonSlashEnd; } } } } if (start === end) { end = firstNonSlashEnd; } else if (end === -1) { end = path.length; } return path.slice(start, end); } for (i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (path.charCodeAt(i) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { start = i + 1; break; } } else if (end === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our // path component matchedSlash = false; end = i + 1; } } if (end === -1) { return ''; } return path.slice(start, end); }, extname(path) { validateString(path, 'path'); let startDot = -1; let startPart = 0; let end = -1; let matchedSlash = true; // Track the state of characters (if any) we see before our first dot and // after any path separator we find let preDotState = 0; for (let i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const code = path.charCodeAt(i); if (code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { startPart = i + 1; break; } continue; } if (end === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our // extension matchedSlash = false; end = i + 1; } if (code === CHAR_DOT) { // If this is our first dot, mark it as the start of our extension if (startDot === -1) { startDot = i; } else if (preDotState !== 1) { preDotState = 1; } } else if (startDot !== -1) { // We saw a non-dot and non-path separator before our dot, so we should // have a good chance at having a non-empty extension preDotState = -1; } } if (startDot === -1 || end === -1 || // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot preDotState === 0 || // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..' (preDotState === 1 && startDot === end - 1 && startDot === startPart + 1)) { return ''; } return path.slice(startDot, end); }, format: _format.bind(null, '/'), parse(path) { validateString(path, 'path'); const ret = { root: '', dir: '', base: '', ext: '', name: '' }; if (path.length === 0) { return ret; } const isAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; let start; if (isAbsolute) { ret.root = '/'; start = 1; } else { start = 0; } let startDot = -1; let startPart = 0; let end = -1; let matchedSlash = true; let i = path.length - 1; // Track the state of characters (if any) we see before our first dot and // after any path separator we find let preDotState = 0; // Get non-dir info for (; i >= start; --i) { const code = path.charCodeAt(i); if (code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { startPart = i + 1; break; } continue; } if (end === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our // extension matchedSlash = false; end = i + 1; } if (code === CHAR_DOT) { // If this is our first dot, mark it as the start of our extension if (startDot === -1) { startDot = i; } else if (preDotState !== 1) { preDotState = 1; } } else if (startDot !== -1) { // We saw a non-dot and non-path separator before our dot, so we should // have a good chance at having a non-empty extension preDotState = -1; } } if (end !== -1) { const start = startPart === 0 && isAbsolute ? 1 : startPart; if (startDot === -1 || // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot preDotState === 0 || // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..' (preDotState === 1 && startDot === end - 1 && startDot === startPart + 1)) { ret.base = ret.name = path.slice(start, end); } else { ret.name = path.slice(start, startDot); ret.base = path.slice(start, end); ret.ext = path.slice(startDot, end); } } if (startPart > 0) { ret.dir = path.slice(0, startPart - 1); } else if (isAbsolute) { ret.dir = '/'; } return ret; }, sep: '/', delimiter: ':', win32: null, posix: null }; posix.win32 = win32.win32 = win32; posix.posix = win32.posix = posix; const normalize = (platform === 'win32' ? win32.normalize : posix.normalize); (platform === 'win32' ? win32.resolve : posix.resolve); (platform === 'win32' ? win32.relative : posix.relative); (platform === 'win32' ? win32.dirname : posix.dirname); const basename = (platform === 'win32' ? win32.basename : posix.basename); const extname = (platform === 'win32' ? win32.extname : posix.extname); const sep = (platform === 'win32' ? win32.sep : posix.sep); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const _schemePattern = /^\w[\w\d+.-]*$/; const _singleSlashStart = /^\//; const _doubleSlashStart = /^\/\//; function _validateUri(ret, _strict) { // scheme, must be set if (!ret.scheme && _strict) { throw new Error(`[UriError]: Scheme is missing: {scheme: "", authority: "${ret.authority}", path: "${ret.path}", query: "${ret.query}", fragment: "${ret.fragment}"}`); } // scheme, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.1 // ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." ) if (ret.scheme && !_schemePattern.test(ret.scheme)) { throw new Error('[UriError]: Scheme contains illegal characters.'); } // path, http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.3 // If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component // must either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character. If a URI // does not contain an authority component, then the path cannot begin // with two slash characters ("//"). if (ret.path) { if (ret.authority) { if (!_singleSlashStart.test(ret.path)) { throw new Error('[UriError]: If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component must either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character'); } } else { if (_doubleSlashStart.test(ret.path)) { throw new Error('[UriError]: If a URI does not contain an authority component, then the path cannot begin with two slash characters ("//")'); } } } } // for a while we allowed uris *without* schemes and this is the migration // for them, e.g. an uri without scheme and without strict-mode warns and falls // back to the file-scheme. that should cause the least carnage and still be a // clear warning function _schemeFix(scheme, _strict) { if (!scheme && !_strict) { return 'file'; } return scheme; } // implements a bit of https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5 function _referenceResolution(scheme, path) { // the slash-character is our 'default base' as we don't // support constructing URIs relative to other URIs. This // also means that we alter and potentially break paths. // see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.1.4 switch (scheme) { case 'https': case 'http': case 'file': if (!path) { path = _slash; } else if (path[0] !== _slash) { path = _slash + path; } break; } return path; } const _empty = ''; const _slash = '/'; const _regexp = /^(([^:/?#]+?):)?(\/\/([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/; /** * Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986. * This class is a simple parser which creates the basic component parts * (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3) with minimal validation * and encoding. * * ```txt * foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose * \_/ \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/ * | | | | | * scheme authority path query fragment * | _____________________|__ * / \ / \ * urn:example:animal:ferret:nose * ``` */ class URI { /** * @internal */ constructor(schemeOrData, authority, path, query, fragment, _strict = false) { if (typeof schemeOrData === 'object') { this.scheme = schemeOrData.scheme || _empty; this.authority = schemeOrData.authority || _empty; this.path = schemeOrData.path || _empty; this.query = schemeOrData.query || _empty; this.fragment = schemeOrData.fragment || _empty; // no validation because it's this URI // that creates uri components. // _validateUri(this); } else { this.scheme = _schemeFix(schemeOrData, _strict); this.authority = authority || _empty; this.path = _referenceResolution(this.scheme, path || _empty); this.query = query || _empty; this.fragment = fragment || _empty; _validateUri(this, _strict); } } static isUri(thing) { if (thing instanceof URI) { return true; } if (!thing) { return false; } return typeof thing.authority === 'string' && typeof thing.fragment === 'string' && typeof thing.path === 'string' && typeof thing.query === 'string' && typeof thing.scheme === 'string' && typeof thing.fsPath === 'string' && typeof thing.with === 'function' && typeof thing.toString === 'function'; } // ---- filesystem path ----------------------- /** * Returns a string representing the corresponding file system path of this URI. * Will handle UNC paths, normalizes windows drive letters to lower-case, and uses the * platform specific path separator. * * * Will *not* validate the path for invalid characters and semantics. * * Will *not* look at the scheme of this URI. * * The result shall *not* be used for display purposes but for accessing a file on disk. * * * The *difference* to `URI#path` is the use of the platform specific separator and the handling * of UNC paths. See the below sample of a file-uri with an authority (UNC path). * * ```ts const u = URI.parse('file://server/c$/folder/file.txt') u.authority === 'server' u.path === '/shares/c$/file.txt' u.fsPath === '\\server\c$\folder\file.txt' ``` * * Using `URI#path` to read a file (using fs-apis) would not be enough because parts of the path, * namely the server name, would be missing. Therefore `URI#fsPath` exists - it's sugar to ease working * with URIs that represent files on disk (`file` scheme). */ get fsPath() { // if (this.scheme !== 'file') { // console.warn(`[UriError] calling fsPath with scheme ${this.scheme}`); // } return uriToFsPath(this, false); } // ---- modify to new ------------------------- with(change) { if (!change) { return this; } let { scheme, authority, path, query, fragment } = change; if (scheme === undefined) { scheme = this.scheme; } else if (scheme === null) { scheme = _empty; } if (authority === undefined) { authority = this.authority; } else if (authority === null) { authority = _empty; } if (path === undefined) { path = this.path; } else if (path === null) { path = _empty; } if (query === undefined) { query = this.query; } else if (query === null) { query = _empty; } if (fragment === undefined) { fragment = this.fragment; } else if (fragment === null) { fragment = _empty; } if (scheme === this.scheme && authority === this.authority && path === this.path && query === this.query && fragment === this.fragment) { return this; } return new Uri(scheme, authority, path, query, fragment); } // ---- parse & validate ------------------------ /** * Creates a new URI from a string, e.g. `http://www.example.com/some/path`, * `file:///usr/home`, or `scheme:with/path`. * * @param value A string which represents an URI (see `URI#toString`). */ static parse(value, _strict = false) { const match = _regexp.exec(value); if (!match) { return new Uri(_empty, _empty, _empty, _empty, _empty); } return new Uri(match[2] || _empty, percentDecode(match[4] || _empty), percentDecode(match[5] || _empty), percentDecode(match[7] || _empty), percentDecode(match[9] || _empty), _strict); } /** * Creates a new URI from a file system path, e.g. `c:\my\files`, * `/usr/home`, or `\\server\share\some\path`. * * The *difference* between `URI#parse` and `URI#file` is that the latter treats the argument * as path, not as stringified-uri. E.g. `URI.file(path)` is **not the same as** * `URI.parse('file://' + path)` because the path might contain characters that are * interpreted (# and ?). See the following sample: * ```ts const good = URI.file('/coding/c#/project1'); good.scheme === 'file'; good.path === '/coding/c#/project1'; good.fragment === ''; const bad = URI.parse('file://' + '/coding/c#/project1'); bad.scheme === 'file'; bad.path === '/coding/c'; // path is now broken bad.fragment === '/project1'; ``` * * @param path A file system path (see `URI#fsPath`) */ static file(path) { let authority = _empty; // normalize to fwd-slashes on windows, // on other systems bwd-slashes are valid // filename character, eg /f\oo/ba\r.txt if (isWindows) { path = path.replace(/\\/g, _slash); } // check for authority as used in UNC shares // or use the path as given if (path[0] === _slash && path[1] === _slash) { const idx = path.indexOf(_slash, 2); if (idx === -1) { authority = path.substring(2); path = _slash; } else { authority = path.substring(2, idx); path = path.substring(idx) || _slash; } } return new Uri('file', authority, path, _empty, _empty); } static from(components) { const result = new Uri(components.scheme, components.authority, components.path, components.query, components.fragment); _validateUri(result, true); return result; } /** * Join a URI path with path fragments and normalizes the resulting path. * * @param uri The input URI. * @param pathFragment The path fragment to add to the URI path. * @returns The resulting URI. */ static joinPath(uri, ...pathFragment) { if (!uri.path) { throw new Error(`[UriError]: cannot call joinPath on URI without path`); } let newPath; if (isWindows && uri.scheme === 'file') { newPath = URI.file(win32.join(uriToFsPath(uri, true), ...pathFragment)).path; } else { newPath = posix.join(uri.path, ...pathFragment); } return uri.with({ path: newPath }); } // ---- printing/externalize --------------------------- /** * Creates a string representation for this URI. It's guaranteed that calling * `URI.parse` with the result of this function creates an URI which is equal * to this URI. * * * The result shall *not* be used for display purposes but for externalization or transport. * * The result will be encoded using the percentage encoding and encoding happens mostly * ignore the scheme-specific encoding rules. * * @param skipEncoding Do not encode the result, default is `false` */ toString(skipEncoding = false) { return _asFormatted(this, skipEncoding); } toJSON() { return this; } static revive(data) { if (!data) { return data; } else if (data instanceof URI) { return data; } else { const result = new Uri(data); result._formatted = data.external; result._fsPath = data._sep === _pathSepMarker ? data.fsPath : null; return result; } } } const _pathSepMarker = isWindows ? 1 : undefined; // This class exists so that URI is compatible with vscode.Uri (API). class Uri extends URI { constructor() { super(...arguments); this._formatted = null; this._fsPath = null; } get fsPath() { if (!this._fsPath) { this._fsPath = uriToFsPath(this, false); } return this._fsPath; } toString(skipEncoding = false) { if (!skipEncoding) { if (!this._formatted) { this._formatted = _asFormatted(this, false); } return this._formatted; } else { // we don't cache that return _asFormatted(this, true); } } toJSON() { const res = { $mid: 1 /* Uri */ }; // cached state if (this._fsPath) { res.fsPath = this._fsPath; res._sep = _pathSepMarker; } if (this._formatted) { res.external = this._formatted; } // uri components if (this.path) { res.path = this.path; } if (this.scheme) { res.scheme = this.scheme; } if (this.authority) { res.authority = this.authority; } if (this.query) { res.query = this.query; } if (this.fragment) { res.fragment = this.fragment; } return res; } } // reserved characters: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.2 const encodeTable = { [58 /* Colon */]: '%3A', [47 /* Slash */]: '%2F', [63 /* QuestionMark */]: '%3F', [35 /* Hash */]: '%23', [91 /* OpenSquareBracket */]: '%5B', [93 /* CloseSquareBracket */]: '%5D', [64 /* AtSign */]: '%40', [33 /* ExclamationMark */]: '%21', [36 /* DollarSign */]: '%24', [38 /* Ampersand */]: '%26', [39 /* SingleQuote */]: '%27', [40 /* OpenParen */]: '%28', [41 /* CloseParen */]: '%29', [42 /* Asterisk */]: '%2A', [43 /* Plus */]: '%2B', [44 /* Comma */]: '%2C', [59 /* Semicolon */]: '%3B', [61 /* Equals */]: '%3D', [32 /* Space */]: '%20', }; function encodeURIComponentFast(uriComponent, allowSlash) { let res = undefined; let nativeEncodePos = -1; for (let pos = 0; pos < uriComponent.length; pos++) { const code = uriComponent.charCodeAt(pos); // unreserved characters: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.3 if ((code >= 97 /* a */ && code <= 122 /* z */) || (code >= 65 /* A */ && code <= 90 /* Z */) || (code >= 48 /* Digit0 */ && code <= 57 /* Digit9 */) || code === 45 /* Dash */ || code === 46 /* Period */ || code === 95 /* Underline */ || code === 126 /* Tilde */ || (allowSlash && code === 47 /* Slash */)) { // check if we are delaying native encode if (nativeEncodePos !== -1) { res += encodeURIComponent(uriComponent.substring(nativeEncodePos, pos)); nativeEncodePos = -1; } // check if we write into a new string (by default we try to return the param) if (res !== undefined) { res += uriComponent.charAt(pos); } } else { // encoding needed, we need to allocate a new string if (res === undefined) { res = uriComponent.substr(0, pos); } // check with default table first const escaped = encodeTable[code]; if (escaped !== undefined) { // check if we are delaying native encode if (nativeEncodePos !== -1) { res += encodeURIComponent(uriComponent.substring(nativeEncodePos, pos)); nativeEncodePos = -1; } // append escaped variant to result res += escaped; } else if (nativeEncodePos === -1) { // use native encode only when needed nativeEncodePos = pos; } } } if (nativeEncodePos !== -1) { res += encodeURIComponent(uriComponent.substring(nativeEncodePos)); } return res !== undefined ? res : uriComponent; } function encodeURIComponentMinimal(path) { let res = undefined; for (let pos = 0; pos < path.length; pos++) { const code = path.charCodeAt(pos); if (code === 35 /* Hash */ || code === 63 /* QuestionMark */) { if (res === undefined) { res = path.substr(0, pos); } res += encodeTable[code]; } else { if (res !== undefined) { res += path[pos]; } } } return res !== undefined ? res : path; } /** * Compute `fsPath` for the given uri */ function uriToFsPath(uri, keepDriveLetterCasing) { let value; if (uri.authority && uri.path.length > 1 && uri.scheme === 'file') { // unc path: file://shares/c$/far/boo value = `//${uri.authority}${uri.path}`; } else if (uri.path.charCodeAt(0) === 47 /* Slash */ && (uri.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 65 /* A */ && uri.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 90 /* Z */ || uri.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 97 /* a */ && uri.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 122 /* z */) && uri.path.charCodeAt(2) === 58 /* Colon */) { if (!keepDriveLetterCasing) { // windows drive letter: file:///c:/far/boo value = uri.path[1].toLowerCase() + uri.path.substr(2); } else { value = uri.path.substr(1); } } else { // other path value = uri.path; } if (isWindows) { value = value.replace(/\//g, '\\'); } return value; } /** * Create the external version of a uri */ function _asFormatted(uri, skipEncoding) { const encoder = !skipEncoding ? encodeURIComponentFast : encodeURIComponentMinimal; let res = ''; let { scheme, authority, path, query, fragment } = uri; if (scheme) { res += scheme; res += ':'; } if (authority || scheme === 'file') { res += _slash; res += _slash; } if (authority) { let idx = authority.indexOf('@'); if (idx !== -1) { // @ const userinfo = authority.substr(0, idx); authority = authority.substr(idx + 1); idx = userinfo.indexOf(':'); if (idx === -1) { res += encoder(userinfo, false); } else { // :@ res += encoder(userinfo.substr(0, idx), false); res += ':'; res += encoder(userinfo.substr(idx + 1), false); } res += '@'; } authority = authority.toLowerCase(); idx = authority.indexOf(':'); if (idx === -1) { res += encoder(authority, false); } else { // : res += encoder(authority.substr(0, idx), false); res += authority.substr(idx); } } if (path) { // lower-case windows drive letters in /C:/fff or C:/fff if (path.length >= 3 && path.charCodeAt(0) === 47 /* Slash */ && path.charCodeAt(2) === 58 /* Colon */) { const code = path.charCodeAt(1); if (code >= 65 /* A */ && code <= 90 /* Z */) { path = `/${String.fromCharCode(code + 32)}:${path.substr(3)}`; // "/c:".length === 3 } } else if (path.length >= 2 && path.charCodeAt(1) === 58 /* Colon */) { const code = path.charCodeAt(0); if (code >= 65 /* A */ && code <= 90 /* Z */) { path = `${String.fromCharCode(code + 32)}:${path.substr(2)}`; // "/c:".length === 3 } } // encode the rest of the path res += encoder(path, true); } if (query) { res += '?'; res += encoder(query, false); } if (fragment) { res += '#'; res += !skipEncoding ? encodeURIComponentFast(fragment, false) : fragment; } return res; } // --- decode function decodeURIComponentGraceful(str) { try { return decodeURIComponent(str); } catch (_a) { if (str.length > 3) { return str.substr(0, 3) + decodeURIComponentGraceful(str.substr(3)); } else { return str; } } } const _rEncodedAsHex = /(%[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z])+/g; function percentDecode(str) { if (!str.match(_rEncodedAsHex)) { return str; } return str.replace(_rEncodedAsHex, (match) => decodeURIComponentGraceful(match)); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * A position in the editor. */ class Position { constructor(lineNumber, column) { this.lineNumber = lineNumber; this.column = column; } /** * Create a new position from this position. * * @param newLineNumber new line number * @param newColumn new column */ with(newLineNumber = this.lineNumber, newColumn = this.column) { if (newLineNumber === this.lineNumber && newColumn === this.column) { return this; } else { return new Position(newLineNumber, newColumn); } } /** * Derive a new position from this position. * * @param deltaLineNumber line number delta * @param deltaColumn column delta */ delta(deltaLineNumber = 0, deltaColumn = 0) { return this.with(this.lineNumber + deltaLineNumber, this.column + deltaColumn); } /** * Test if this position equals other position */ equals(other) { return Position.equals(this, other); } /** * Test if position `a` equals position `b` */ static equals(a, b) { if (!a && !b) { return true; } return (!!a && !!b && a.lineNumber === b.lineNumber && a.column === b.column); } /** * Test if this position is before other position. * If the two positions are equal, the result will be false. */ isBefore(other) { return Position.isBefore(this, other); } /** * Test if position `a` is before position `b`. * If the two positions are equal, the result will be false. */ static isBefore(a, b) { if (a.lineNumber < b.lineNumber) { return true; } if (b.lineNumber < a.lineNumber) { return false; } return a.column < b.column; } /** * Test if this position is before other position. * If the two positions are equal, the result will be true. */ isBeforeOrEqual(other) { return Position.isBeforeOrEqual(this, other); } /** * Test if position `a` is before position `b`. * If the two positions are equal, the result will be true. */ static isBeforeOrEqual(a, b) { if (a.lineNumber < b.lineNumber) { return true; } if (b.lineNumber < a.lineNumber) { return false; } return a.column <= b.column; } /** * A function that compares positions, useful for sorting */ static compare(a, b) { const aLineNumber = a.lineNumber | 0; const bLineNumber = b.lineNumber | 0; if (aLineNumber === bLineNumber) { const aColumn = a.column | 0; const bColumn = b.column | 0; return aColumn - bColumn; } return aLineNumber - bLineNumber; } /** * Clone this position. */ clone() { return new Position(this.lineNumber, this.column); } /** * Convert to a human-readable representation. */ toString() { return '(' + this.lineNumber + ',' + this.column + ')'; } // --- /** * Create a `Position` from an `IPosition`. */ static lift(pos) { return new Position(pos.lineNumber, pos.column); } /** * Test if `obj` is an `IPosition`. */ static isIPosition(obj) { return (obj && (typeof obj.lineNumber === 'number') && (typeof obj.column === 'number')); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * A range in the editor. (startLineNumber,startColumn) is <= (endLineNumber,endColumn) */ class Range { constructor(startLineNumber, startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn) { if ((startLineNumber > endLineNumber) || (startLineNumber === endLineNumber && startColumn > endColumn)) { this.startLineNumber = endLineNumber; this.startColumn = endColumn; this.endLineNumber = startLineNumber; this.endColumn = startColumn; } else { this.startLineNumber = startLineNumber; this.startColumn = startColumn; this.endLineNumber = endLineNumber; this.endColumn = endColumn; } } /** * Test if this range is empty. */ isEmpty() { return Range.isEmpty(this); } /** * Test if `range` is empty. */ static isEmpty(range) { return (range.startLineNumber === range.endLineNumber && range.startColumn === range.endColumn); } /** * Test if position is in this range. If the position is at the edges, will return true. */ containsPosition(position) { return Range.containsPosition(this, position); } /** * Test if `position` is in `range`. If the position is at the edges, will return true. */ static containsPosition(range, position) { if (position.lineNumber < range.startLineNumber || position.lineNumber > range.endLineNumber) { return false; } if (position.lineNumber === range.startLineNumber && position.column < range.startColumn) { return false; } if (position.lineNumber === range.endLineNumber && position.column > range.endColumn) { return false; } return true; } /** * Test if `position` is in `range`. If the position is at the edges, will return false. * @internal */ static strictContainsPosition(range, position) { if (position.lineNumber < range.startLineNumber || position.lineNumber > range.endLineNumber) { return false; } if (position.lineNumber === range.startLineNumber && position.column <= range.startColumn) { return false; } if (position.lineNumber === range.endLineNumber && position.column >= range.endColumn) { return false; } return true; } /** * Test if range is in this range. If the range is equal to this range, will return true. */ containsRange(range) { return Range.containsRange(this, range); } /** * Test if `otherRange` is in `range`. If the ranges are equal, will return true. */ static containsRange(range, otherRange) { if (otherRange.startLineNumber < range.startLineNumber || otherRange.endLineNumber < range.startLineNumber) { return false; } if (otherRange.startLineNumber > range.endLineNumber || otherRange.endLineNumber > range.endLineNumber) { return false; } if (otherRange.startLineNumber === range.startLineNumber && otherRange.startColumn < range.startColumn) { return false; } if (otherRange.endLineNumber === range.endLineNumber && otherRange.endColumn > range.endColumn) { return false; } return true; } /** * Test if `range` is strictly in this range. `range` must start after and end before this range for the result to be true. */ strictContainsRange(range) { return Range.strictContainsRange(this, range); } /** * Test if `otherRange` is strictly in `range` (must start after, and end before). If the ranges are equal, will return false. */ static strictContainsRange(range, otherRange) { if (otherRange.startLineNumber < range.startLineNumber || otherRange.endLineNumber < range.startLineNumber) { return false; } if (otherRange.startLineNumber > range.endLineNumber || otherRange.endLineNumber > range.endLineNumber) { return false; } if (otherRange.startLineNumber === range.startLineNumber && otherRange.startColumn <= range.startColumn) { return false; } if (otherRange.endLineNumber === range.endLineNumber && otherRange.endColumn >= range.endColumn) { return false; } return true; } /** * A reunion of the two ranges. * The smallest position will be used as the start point, and the largest one as the end point. */ plusRange(range) { return Range.plusRange(this, range); } /** * A reunion of the two ranges. * The smallest position will be used as the start point, and the largest one as the end point. */ static plusRange(a, b) { let startLineNumber; let startColumn; let endLineNumber; let endColumn; if (b.startLineNumber < a.startLineNumber) { startLineNumber = b.startLineNumber; startColumn = b.startColumn; } else if (b.startLineNumber === a.startLineNumber) { startLineNumber = b.startLineNumber; startColumn = Math.min(b.startColumn, a.startColumn); } else { startLineNumber = a.startLineNumber; startColumn = a.startColumn; } if (b.endLineNumber > a.endLineNumber) { endLineNumber = b.endLineNumber; endColumn = b.endColumn; } else if (b.endLineNumber === a.endLineNumber) { endLineNumber = b.endLineNumber; endColumn = Math.max(b.endColumn, a.endColumn); } else { endLineNumber = a.endLineNumber; endColumn = a.endColumn; } return new Range(startLineNumber, startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn); } /** * A intersection of the two ranges. */ intersectRanges(range) { return Range.intersectRanges(this, range); } /** * A intersection of the two ranges. */ static intersectRanges(a, b) { let resultStartLineNumber = a.startLineNumber; let resultStartColumn = a.startColumn; let resultEndLineNumber = a.endLineNumber; let resultEndColumn = a.endColumn; let otherStartLineNumber = b.startLineNumber; let otherStartColumn = b.startColumn; let otherEndLineNumber = b.endLineNumber; let otherEndColumn = b.endColumn; if (resultStartLineNumber < otherStartLineNumber) { resultStartLineNumber = otherStartLineNumber; resultStartColumn = otherStartColumn; } else if (resultStartLineNumber === otherStartLineNumber) { resultStartColumn = Math.max(resultStartColumn, otherStartColumn); } if (resultEndLineNumber > otherEndLineNumber) { resultEndLineNumber = otherEndLineNumber; resultEndColumn = otherEndColumn; } else if (resultEndLineNumber === otherEndLineNumber) { resultEndColumn = Math.min(resultEndColumn, otherEndColumn); } // Check if selection is now empty if (resultStartLineNumber > resultEndLineNumber) { return null; } if (resultStartLineNumber === resultEndLineNumber && resultStartColumn > resultEndColumn) { return null; } return new Range(resultStartLineNumber, resultStartColumn, resultEndLineNumber, resultEndColumn); } /** * Test if this range equals other. */ equalsRange(other) { return Range.equalsRange(this, other); } /** * Test if range `a` equals `b`. */ static equalsRange(a, b) { return (!!a && !!b && a.startLineNumber === b.startLineNumber && a.startColumn === b.startColumn && a.endLineNumber === b.endLineNumber && a.endColumn === b.endColumn); } /** * Return the end position (which will be after or equal to the start position) */ getEndPosition() { return Range.getEndPosition(this); } /** * Return the end position (which will be after or equal to the start position) */ static getEndPosition(range) { return new Position(range.endLineNumber, range.endColumn); } /** * Return the start position (which will be before or equal to the end position) */ getStartPosition() { return Range.getStartPosition(this); } /** * Return the start position (which will be before or equal to the end position) */ static getStartPosition(range) { return new Position(range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn); } /** * Transform to a user presentable string representation. */ toString() { return '[' + this.startLineNumber + ',' + this.startColumn + ' -> ' + this.endLineNumber + ',' + this.endColumn + ']'; } /** * Create a new range using this range's start position, and using endLineNumber and endColumn as the end position. */ setEndPosition(endLineNumber, endColumn) { return new Range(this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn); } /** * Create a new range using this range's end position, and using startLineNumber and startColumn as the start position. */ setStartPosition(startLineNumber, startColumn) { return new Range(startLineNumber, startColumn, this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn); } /** * Create a new empty range using this range's start position. */ collapseToStart() { return Range.collapseToStart(this); } /** * Create a new empty range using this range's start position. */ static collapseToStart(range) { return new Range(range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn, range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn); } // --- static fromPositions(start, end = start) { return new Range(start.lineNumber, start.column, end.lineNumber, end.column); } static lift(range) { if (!range) { return null; } return new Range(range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn, range.endLineNumber, range.endColumn); } /** * Test if `obj` is an `IRange`. */ static isIRange(obj) { return (obj && (typeof obj.startLineNumber === 'number') && (typeof obj.startColumn === 'number') && (typeof obj.endLineNumber === 'number') && (typeof obj.endColumn === 'number')); } /** * Test if the two ranges are touching in any way. */ static areIntersectingOrTouching(a, b) { // Check if `a` is before `b` if (a.endLineNumber < b.startLineNumber || (a.endLineNumber === b.startLineNumber && a.endColumn < b.startColumn)) { return false; } // Check if `b` is before `a` if (b.endLineNumber < a.startLineNumber || (b.endLineNumber === a.startLineNumber && b.endColumn < a.startColumn)) { return false; } // These ranges must intersect return true; } /** * Test if the two ranges are intersecting. If the ranges are touching it returns true. */ static areIntersecting(a, b) { // Check if `a` is before `b` if (a.endLineNumber < b.startLineNumber || (a.endLineNumber === b.startLineNumber && a.endColumn <= b.startColumn)) { return false; } // Check if `b` is before `a` if (b.endLineNumber < a.startLineNumber || (b.endLineNumber === a.startLineNumber && b.endColumn <= a.startColumn)) { return false; } // These ranges must intersect return true; } /** * A function that compares ranges, useful for sorting ranges * It will first compare ranges on the startPosition and then on the endPosition */ static compareRangesUsingStarts(a, b) { if (a && b) { const aStartLineNumber = a.startLineNumber | 0; const bStartLineNumber = b.startLineNumber | 0; if (aStartLineNumber === bStartLineNumber) { const aStartColumn = a.startColumn | 0; const bStartColumn = b.startColumn | 0; if (aStartColumn === bStartColumn) { const aEndLineNumber = a.endLineNumber | 0; const bEndLineNumber = b.endLineNumber | 0; if (aEndLineNumber === bEndLineNumber) { const aEndColumn = a.endColumn | 0; const bEndColumn = b.endColumn | 0; return aEndColumn - bEndColumn; } return aEndLineNumber - bEndLineNumber; } return aStartColumn - bStartColumn; } return aStartLineNumber - bStartLineNumber; } const aExists = (a ? 1 : 0); const bExists = (b ? 1 : 0); return aExists - bExists; } /** * A function that compares ranges, useful for sorting ranges * It will first compare ranges on the endPosition and then on the startPosition */ static compareRangesUsingEnds(a, b) { if (a.endLineNumber === b.endLineNumber) { if (a.endColumn === b.endColumn) { if (a.startLineNumber === b.startLineNumber) { return a.startColumn - b.startColumn; } return a.startLineNumber - b.startLineNumber; } return a.endColumn - b.endColumn; } return a.endLineNumber - b.endLineNumber; } /** * Test if the range spans multiple lines. */ static spansMultipleLines(range) { return range.endLineNumber > range.startLineNumber; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const MINIMUM_MATCHING_CHARACTER_LENGTH = 3; function computeDiff(originalSequence, modifiedSequence, continueProcessingPredicate, pretty) { const diffAlgo = new LcsDiff(originalSequence, modifiedSequence, continueProcessingPredicate); return diffAlgo.ComputeDiff(pretty); } class LineSequence { constructor(lines) { const startColumns = []; const endColumns = []; for (let i = 0, length = lines.length; i < length; i++) { startColumns[i] = getFirstNonBlankColumn(lines[i], 1); endColumns[i] = getLastNonBlankColumn(lines[i], 1); } this.lines = lines; this._startColumns = startColumns; this._endColumns = endColumns; } getElements() { const elements = []; for (let i = 0, len = this.lines.length; i < len; i++) { elements[i] = this.lines[i].substring(this._startColumns[i] - 1, this._endColumns[i] - 1); } return elements; } getStrictElement(index) { return this.lines[index]; } getStartLineNumber(i) { return i + 1; } getEndLineNumber(i) { return i + 1; } createCharSequence(shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, startIndex, endIndex) { const charCodes = []; const lineNumbers = []; const columns = []; let len = 0; for (let index = startIndex; index <= endIndex; index++) { const lineContent = this.lines[index]; const startColumn = (shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace ? this._startColumns[index] : 1); const endColumn = (shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace ? this._endColumns[index] : lineContent.length + 1); for (let col = startColumn; col < endColumn; col++) { charCodes[len] = lineContent.charCodeAt(col - 1); lineNumbers[len] = index + 1; columns[len] = col; len++; } } return new CharSequence(charCodes, lineNumbers, columns); } } class CharSequence { constructor(charCodes, lineNumbers, columns) { this._charCodes = charCodes; this._lineNumbers = lineNumbers; this._columns = columns; } getElements() { return this._charCodes; } getStartLineNumber(i) { return this._lineNumbers[i]; } getStartColumn(i) { return this._columns[i]; } getEndLineNumber(i) { return this._lineNumbers[i]; } getEndColumn(i) { return this._columns[i] + 1; } } class CharChange { constructor(originalStartLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalEndLineNumber, originalEndColumn, modifiedStartLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedEndLineNumber, modifiedEndColumn) { this.originalStartLineNumber = originalStartLineNumber; this.originalStartColumn = originalStartColumn; this.originalEndLineNumber = originalEndLineNumber; this.originalEndColumn = originalEndColumn; this.modifiedStartLineNumber = modifiedStartLineNumber; this.modifiedStartColumn = modifiedStartColumn; this.modifiedEndLineNumber = modifiedEndLineNumber; this.modifiedEndColumn = modifiedEndColumn; } static createFromDiffChange(diffChange, originalCharSequence, modifiedCharSequence) { let originalStartLineNumber; let originalStartColumn; let originalEndLineNumber; let originalEndColumn; let modifiedStartLineNumber; let modifiedStartColumn; let modifiedEndLineNumber; let modifiedEndColumn; if (diffChange.originalLength === 0) { originalStartLineNumber = 0; originalStartColumn = 0; originalEndLineNumber = 0; originalEndColumn = 0; } else { originalStartLineNumber = originalCharSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.originalStart); originalStartColumn = originalCharSequence.getStartColumn(diffChange.originalStart); originalEndLineNumber = originalCharSequence.getEndLineNumber(diffChange.originalStart + diffChange.originalLength - 1); originalEndColumn = originalCharSequence.getEndColumn(diffChange.originalStart + diffChange.originalLength - 1); } if (diffChange.modifiedLength === 0) { modifiedStartLineNumber = 0; modifiedStartColumn = 0; modifiedEndLineNumber = 0; modifiedEndColumn = 0; } else { modifiedStartLineNumber = modifiedCharSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.modifiedStart); modifiedStartColumn = modifiedCharSequence.getStartColumn(diffChange.modifiedStart); modifiedEndLineNumber = modifiedCharSequence.getEndLineNumber(diffChange.modifiedStart + diffChange.modifiedLength - 1); modifiedEndColumn = modifiedCharSequence.getEndColumn(diffChange.modifiedStart + diffChange.modifiedLength - 1); } return new CharChange(originalStartLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalEndLineNumber, originalEndColumn, modifiedStartLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedEndLineNumber, modifiedEndColumn); } } function postProcessCharChanges(rawChanges) { if (rawChanges.length <= 1) { return rawChanges; } const result = [rawChanges[0]]; let prevChange = result[0]; for (let i = 1, len = rawChanges.length; i < len; i++) { const currChange = rawChanges[i]; const originalMatchingLength = currChange.originalStart - (prevChange.originalStart + prevChange.originalLength); const modifiedMatchingLength = currChange.modifiedStart - (prevChange.modifiedStart + prevChange.modifiedLength); // Both of the above should be equal, but the continueProcessingPredicate may prevent this from being true const matchingLength = Math.min(originalMatchingLength, modifiedMatchingLength); if (matchingLength < MINIMUM_MATCHING_CHARACTER_LENGTH) { // Merge the current change into the previous one prevChange.originalLength = (currChange.originalStart + currChange.originalLength) - prevChange.originalStart; prevChange.modifiedLength = (currChange.modifiedStart + currChange.modifiedLength) - prevChange.modifiedStart; } else { // Add the current change result.push(currChange); prevChange = currChange; } } return result; } class LineChange { constructor(originalStartLineNumber, originalEndLineNumber, modifiedStartLineNumber, modifiedEndLineNumber, charChanges) { this.originalStartLineNumber = originalStartLineNumber; this.originalEndLineNumber = originalEndLineNumber; this.modifiedStartLineNumber = modifiedStartLineNumber; this.modifiedEndLineNumber = modifiedEndLineNumber; this.charChanges = charChanges; } static createFromDiffResult(shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, diffChange, originalLineSequence, modifiedLineSequence, continueCharDiff, shouldComputeCharChanges, shouldPostProcessCharChanges) { let originalStartLineNumber; let originalEndLineNumber; let modifiedStartLineNumber; let modifiedEndLineNumber; let charChanges = undefined; if (diffChange.originalLength === 0) { originalStartLineNumber = originalLineSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.originalStart) - 1; originalEndLineNumber = 0; } else { originalStartLineNumber = originalLineSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.originalStart); originalEndLineNumber = originalLineSequence.getEndLineNumber(diffChange.originalStart + diffChange.originalLength - 1); } if (diffChange.modifiedLength === 0) { modifiedStartLineNumber = modifiedLineSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.modifiedStart) - 1; modifiedEndLineNumber = 0; } else { modifiedStartLineNumber = modifiedLineSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.modifiedStart); modifiedEndLineNumber = modifiedLineSequence.getEndLineNumber(diffChange.modifiedStart + diffChange.modifiedLength - 1); } if (shouldComputeCharChanges && diffChange.originalLength > 0 && diffChange.originalLength < 20 && diffChange.modifiedLength > 0 && diffChange.modifiedLength < 20 && continueCharDiff()) { // Compute character changes for diff chunks of at most 20 lines... const originalCharSequence = originalLineSequence.createCharSequence(shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, diffChange.originalStart, diffChange.originalStart + diffChange.originalLength - 1); const modifiedCharSequence = modifiedLineSequence.createCharSequence(shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, diffChange.modifiedStart, diffChange.modifiedStart + diffChange.modifiedLength - 1); let rawChanges = computeDiff(originalCharSequence, modifiedCharSequence, continueCharDiff, true).changes; if (shouldPostProcessCharChanges) { rawChanges = postProcessCharChanges(rawChanges); } charChanges = []; for (let i = 0, length = rawChanges.length; i < length; i++) { charChanges.push(CharChange.createFromDiffChange(rawChanges[i], originalCharSequence, modifiedCharSequence)); } } return new LineChange(originalStartLineNumber, originalEndLineNumber, modifiedStartLineNumber, modifiedEndLineNumber, charChanges); } } class DiffComputer { constructor(originalLines, modifiedLines, opts) { this.shouldComputeCharChanges = opts.shouldComputeCharChanges; this.shouldPostProcessCharChanges = opts.shouldPostProcessCharChanges; this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace = opts.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace; this.shouldMakePrettyDiff = opts.shouldMakePrettyDiff; this.originalLines = originalLines; this.modifiedLines = modifiedLines; this.original = new LineSequence(originalLines); this.modified = new LineSequence(modifiedLines); this.continueLineDiff = createContinueProcessingPredicate(opts.maxComputationTime); this.continueCharDiff = createContinueProcessingPredicate(opts.maxComputationTime === 0 ? 0 : Math.min(opts.maxComputationTime, 5000)); // never run after 5s for character changes... } computeDiff() { if (this.original.lines.length === 1 && this.original.lines[0].length === 0) { // empty original => fast path if (this.modified.lines.length === 1 && this.modified.lines[0].length === 0) { return { quitEarly: false, changes: [] }; } return { quitEarly: false, changes: [{ originalStartLineNumber: 1, originalEndLineNumber: 1, modifiedStartLineNumber: 1, modifiedEndLineNumber: this.modified.lines.length, charChanges: [{ modifiedEndColumn: 0, modifiedEndLineNumber: 0, modifiedStartColumn: 0, modifiedStartLineNumber: 0, originalEndColumn: 0, originalEndLineNumber: 0, originalStartColumn: 0, originalStartLineNumber: 0 }] }] }; } if (this.modified.lines.length === 1 && this.modified.lines[0].length === 0) { // empty modified => fast path return { quitEarly: false, changes: [{ originalStartLineNumber: 1, originalEndLineNumber: this.original.lines.length, modifiedStartLineNumber: 1, modifiedEndLineNumber: 1, charChanges: [{ modifiedEndColumn: 0, modifiedEndLineNumber: 0, modifiedStartColumn: 0, modifiedStartLineNumber: 0, originalEndColumn: 0, originalEndLineNumber: 0, originalStartColumn: 0, originalStartLineNumber: 0 }] }] }; } const diffResult = computeDiff(this.original, this.modified, this.continueLineDiff, this.shouldMakePrettyDiff); const rawChanges = diffResult.changes; const quitEarly = diffResult.quitEarly; // The diff is always computed with ignoring trim whitespace // This ensures we get the prettiest diff if (this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace) { const lineChanges = []; for (let i = 0, length = rawChanges.length; i < length; i++) { lineChanges.push(LineChange.createFromDiffResult(this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, rawChanges[i], this.original, this.modified, this.continueCharDiff, this.shouldComputeCharChanges, this.shouldPostProcessCharChanges)); } return { quitEarly: quitEarly, changes: lineChanges }; } // Need to post-process and introduce changes where the trim whitespace is different // Note that we are looping starting at -1 to also cover the lines before the first change const result = []; let originalLineIndex = 0; let modifiedLineIndex = 0; for (let i = -1 /* !!!! */, len = rawChanges.length; i < len; i++) { const nextChange = (i + 1 < len ? rawChanges[i + 1] : null); const originalStop = (nextChange ? nextChange.originalStart : this.originalLines.length); const modifiedStop = (nextChange ? nextChange.modifiedStart : this.modifiedLines.length); while (originalLineIndex < originalStop && modifiedLineIndex < modifiedStop) { const originalLine = this.originalLines[originalLineIndex]; const modifiedLine = this.modifiedLines[modifiedLineIndex]; if (originalLine !== modifiedLine) { // These lines differ only in trim whitespace // Check the leading whitespace { let originalStartColumn = getFirstNonBlankColumn(originalLine, 1); let modifiedStartColumn = getFirstNonBlankColumn(modifiedLine, 1); while (originalStartColumn > 1 && modifiedStartColumn > 1) { const originalChar = originalLine.charCodeAt(originalStartColumn - 2); const modifiedChar = modifiedLine.charCodeAt(modifiedStartColumn - 2); if (originalChar !== modifiedChar) { break; } originalStartColumn--; modifiedStartColumn--; } if (originalStartColumn > 1 || modifiedStartColumn > 1) { this._pushTrimWhitespaceCharChange(result, originalLineIndex + 1, 1, originalStartColumn, modifiedLineIndex + 1, 1, modifiedStartColumn); } } // Check the trailing whitespace { let originalEndColumn = getLastNonBlankColumn(originalLine, 1); let modifiedEndColumn = getLastNonBlankColumn(modifiedLine, 1); const originalMaxColumn = originalLine.length + 1; const modifiedMaxColumn = modifiedLine.length + 1; while (originalEndColumn < originalMaxColumn && modifiedEndColumn < modifiedMaxColumn) { const originalChar = originalLine.charCodeAt(originalEndColumn - 1); const modifiedChar = originalLine.charCodeAt(modifiedEndColumn - 1); if (originalChar !== modifiedChar) { break; } originalEndColumn++; modifiedEndColumn++; } if (originalEndColumn < originalMaxColumn || modifiedEndColumn < modifiedMaxColumn) { this._pushTrimWhitespaceCharChange(result, originalLineIndex + 1, originalEndColumn, originalMaxColumn, modifiedLineIndex + 1, modifiedEndColumn, modifiedMaxColumn); } } } originalLineIndex++; modifiedLineIndex++; } if (nextChange) { // Emit the actual change result.push(LineChange.createFromDiffResult(this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, nextChange, this.original, this.modified, this.continueCharDiff, this.shouldComputeCharChanges, this.shouldPostProcessCharChanges)); originalLineIndex += nextChange.originalLength; modifiedLineIndex += nextChange.modifiedLength; } } return { quitEarly: quitEarly, changes: result }; } _pushTrimWhitespaceCharChange(result, originalLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalEndColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedEndColumn) { if (this._mergeTrimWhitespaceCharChange(result, originalLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalEndColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedEndColumn)) { // Merged into previous return; } let charChanges = undefined; if (this.shouldComputeCharChanges) { charChanges = [new CharChange(originalLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalLineNumber, originalEndColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedEndColumn)]; } result.push(new LineChange(originalLineNumber, originalLineNumber, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedLineNumber, charChanges)); } _mergeTrimWhitespaceCharChange(result, originalLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalEndColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedEndColumn) { const len = result.length; if (len === 0) { return false; } const prevChange = result[len - 1]; if (prevChange.originalEndLineNumber === 0 || prevChange.modifiedEndLineNumber === 0) { // Don't merge with inserts/deletes return false; } if (prevChange.originalEndLineNumber + 1 === originalLineNumber && prevChange.modifiedEndLineNumber + 1 === modifiedLineNumber) { prevChange.originalEndLineNumber = originalLineNumber; prevChange.modifiedEndLineNumber = modifiedLineNumber; if (this.shouldComputeCharChanges && prevChange.charChanges) { prevChange.charChanges.push(new CharChange(originalLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalLineNumber, originalEndColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedEndColumn)); } return true; } return false; } } function getFirstNonBlankColumn(txt, defaultValue) { const r = firstNonWhitespaceIndex(txt); if (r === -1) { return defaultValue; } return r + 1; } function getLastNonBlankColumn(txt, defaultValue) { const r = lastNonWhitespaceIndex(txt); if (r === -1) { return defaultValue; } return r + 2; } function createContinueProcessingPredicate(maximumRuntime) { if (maximumRuntime === 0) { return () => true; } const startTime = Date.now(); return () => { return Date.now() - startTime < maximumRuntime; }; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function toUint8(v) { if (v < 0) { return 0; } if (v > 255 /* MAX_UINT_8 */) { return 255 /* MAX_UINT_8 */; } return v | 0; } function toUint32(v) { if (v < 0) { return 0; } if (v > 4294967295 /* MAX_UINT_32 */) { return 4294967295 /* MAX_UINT_32 */; } return v | 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class PrefixSumComputer { constructor(values) { this.values = values; this.prefixSum = new Uint32Array(values.length); this.prefixSumValidIndex = new Int32Array(1); this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = -1; } insertValues(insertIndex, insertValues) { insertIndex = toUint32(insertIndex); const oldValues = this.values; const oldPrefixSum = this.prefixSum; const insertValuesLen = insertValues.length; if (insertValuesLen === 0) { return false; } this.values = new Uint32Array(oldValues.length + insertValuesLen); this.values.set(oldValues.subarray(0, insertIndex), 0); this.values.set(oldValues.subarray(insertIndex), insertIndex + insertValuesLen); this.values.set(insertValues, insertIndex); if (insertIndex - 1 < this.prefixSumValidIndex[0]) { this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = insertIndex - 1; } this.prefixSum = new Uint32Array(this.values.length); if (this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] >= 0) { this.prefixSum.set(oldPrefixSum.subarray(0, this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] + 1)); } return true; } setValue(index, value) { index = toUint32(index); value = toUint32(value); if (this.values[index] === value) { return false; } this.values[index] = value; if (index - 1 < this.prefixSumValidIndex[0]) { this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = index - 1; } return true; } removeValues(startIndex, count) { startIndex = toUint32(startIndex); count = toUint32(count); const oldValues = this.values; const oldPrefixSum = this.prefixSum; if (startIndex >= oldValues.length) { return false; } const maxCount = oldValues.length - startIndex; if (count >= maxCount) { count = maxCount; } if (count === 0) { return false; } this.values = new Uint32Array(oldValues.length - count); this.values.set(oldValues.subarray(0, startIndex), 0); this.values.set(oldValues.subarray(startIndex + count), startIndex); this.prefixSum = new Uint32Array(this.values.length); if (startIndex - 1 < this.prefixSumValidIndex[0]) { this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = startIndex - 1; } if (this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] >= 0) { this.prefixSum.set(oldPrefixSum.subarray(0, this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] + 1)); } return true; } getTotalSum() { if (this.values.length === 0) { return 0; } return this._getPrefixSum(this.values.length - 1); } /** * Returns the sum of the first `index + 1` many items. * @returns `SUM(0 <= j <= index, values[j])`. */ getPrefixSum(index) { if (index < 0) { return 0; } index = toUint32(index); return this._getPrefixSum(index); } _getPrefixSum(index) { if (index <= this.prefixSumValidIndex[0]) { return this.prefixSum[index]; } let startIndex = this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] + 1; if (startIndex === 0) { this.prefixSum[0] = this.values[0]; startIndex++; } if (index >= this.values.length) { index = this.values.length - 1; } for (let i = startIndex; i <= index; i++) { this.prefixSum[i] = this.prefixSum[i - 1] + this.values[i]; } this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = Math.max(this.prefixSumValidIndex[0], index); return this.prefixSum[index]; } getIndexOf(sum) { sum = Math.floor(sum); // Compute all sums (to get a fully valid prefixSum) this.getTotalSum(); let low = 0; let high = this.values.length - 1; let mid = 0; let midStop = 0; let midStart = 0; while (low <= high) { mid = low + ((high - low) / 2) | 0; midStop = this.prefixSum[mid]; midStart = midStop - this.values[mid]; if (sum < midStart) { high = mid - 1; } else if (sum >= midStop) { low = mid + 1; } else { break; } } return new PrefixSumIndexOfResult(mid, sum - midStart); } } class PrefixSumIndexOfResult { constructor(index, remainder) { this.index = index; this.remainder = remainder; this._prefixSumIndexOfResultBrand = undefined; this.index = index; this.remainder = remainder; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class MirrorTextModel { constructor(uri, lines, eol, versionId) { this._uri = uri; this._lines = lines; this._eol = eol; this._versionId = versionId; this._lineStarts = null; this._cachedTextValue = null; } dispose() { this._lines.length = 0; } get version() { return this._versionId; } getText() { if (this._cachedTextValue === null) { this._cachedTextValue = this._lines.join(this._eol); } return this._cachedTextValue; } onEvents(e) { if (e.eol && e.eol !== this._eol) { this._eol = e.eol; this._lineStarts = null; } // Update my lines const changes = e.changes; for (const change of changes) { this._acceptDeleteRange(change.range); this._acceptInsertText(new Position(change.range.startLineNumber, change.range.startColumn), change.text); } this._versionId = e.versionId; this._cachedTextValue = null; } _ensureLineStarts() { if (!this._lineStarts) { const eolLength = this._eol.length; const linesLength = this._lines.length; const lineStartValues = new Uint32Array(linesLength); for (let i = 0; i < linesLength; i++) { lineStartValues[i] = this._lines[i].length + eolLength; } this._lineStarts = new PrefixSumComputer(lineStartValues); } } /** * All changes to a line's text go through this method */ _setLineText(lineIndex, newValue) { this._lines[lineIndex] = newValue; if (this._lineStarts) { // update prefix sum this._lineStarts.setValue(lineIndex, this._lines[lineIndex].length + this._eol.length); } } _acceptDeleteRange(range) { if (range.startLineNumber === range.endLineNumber) { if (range.startColumn === range.endColumn) { // Nothing to delete return; } // Delete text on the affected line this._setLineText(range.startLineNumber - 1, this._lines[range.startLineNumber - 1].substring(0, range.startColumn - 1) + this._lines[range.startLineNumber - 1].substring(range.endColumn - 1)); return; } // Take remaining text on last line and append it to remaining text on first line this._setLineText(range.startLineNumber - 1, this._lines[range.startLineNumber - 1].substring(0, range.startColumn - 1) + this._lines[range.endLineNumber - 1].substring(range.endColumn - 1)); // Delete middle lines this._lines.splice(range.startLineNumber, range.endLineNumber - range.startLineNumber); if (this._lineStarts) { // update prefix sum this._lineStarts.removeValues(range.startLineNumber, range.endLineNumber - range.startLineNumber); } } _acceptInsertText(position, insertText) { if (insertText.length === 0) { // Nothing to insert return; } const insertLines = splitLines(insertText); if (insertLines.length === 1) { // Inserting text on one line this._setLineText(position.lineNumber - 1, this._lines[position.lineNumber - 1].substring(0, position.column - 1) + insertLines[0] + this._lines[position.lineNumber - 1].substring(position.column - 1)); return; } // Append overflowing text from first line to the end of text to insert insertLines[insertLines.length - 1] += this._lines[position.lineNumber - 1].substring(position.column - 1); // Delete overflowing text from first line and insert text on first line this._setLineText(position.lineNumber - 1, this._lines[position.lineNumber - 1].substring(0, position.column - 1) + insertLines[0]); // Insert new lines & store lengths const newLengths = new Uint32Array(insertLines.length - 1); for (let i = 1; i < insertLines.length; i++) { this._lines.splice(position.lineNumber + i - 1, 0, insertLines[i]); newLengths[i - 1] = insertLines[i].length + this._eol.length; } if (this._lineStarts) { // update prefix sum this._lineStarts.insertValues(position.lineNumber, newLengths); } } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const USUAL_WORD_SEPARATORS = '`~!@#$%^&*()-=+[{]}\\|;:\'",.<>/?'; /** * Create a word definition regular expression based on default word separators. * Optionally provide allowed separators that should be included in words. * * The default would look like this: * /(-?\d*\.\d\w*)|([^\`\~\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\-\=\+\[\{\]\}\\\|\;\:\'\"\,\.\<\>\/\?\s]+)/g */ function createWordRegExp(allowInWords = '') { let source = '(-?\\d*\\.\\d\\w*)|([^'; for (const sep of USUAL_WORD_SEPARATORS) { if (allowInWords.indexOf(sep) >= 0) { continue; } source += '\\' + sep; } source += '\\s]+)'; return new RegExp(source, 'g'); } // catches numbers (including floating numbers) in the first group, and alphanum in the second const DEFAULT_WORD_REGEXP = createWordRegExp(); function ensureValidWordDefinition(wordDefinition) { let result = DEFAULT_WORD_REGEXP; if (wordDefinition && (wordDefinition instanceof RegExp)) { if (!wordDefinition.global) { let flags = 'g'; if (wordDefinition.ignoreCase) { flags += 'i'; } if (wordDefinition.multiline) { flags += 'm'; } if (wordDefinition.unicode) { flags += 'u'; } result = new RegExp(wordDefinition.source, flags); } else { result = wordDefinition; } } result.lastIndex = 0; return result; } const _defaultConfig = { maxLen: 1000, windowSize: 15, timeBudget: 150 }; function getWordAtText(column, wordDefinition, text, textOffset, config = _defaultConfig) { if (text.length > config.maxLen) { // don't throw strings that long at the regexp // but use a sub-string in which a word must occur let start = column - config.maxLen / 2; if (start < 0) { start = 0; } else { textOffset += start; } text = text.substring(start, column + config.maxLen / 2); return getWordAtText(column, wordDefinition, text, textOffset, config); } const t1 = Date.now(); const pos = column - 1 - textOffset; let prevRegexIndex = -1; let match = null; for (let i = 1;; i++) { // check time budget if (Date.now() - t1 >= config.timeBudget) { break; } // reset the index at which the regexp should start matching, also know where it // should stop so that subsequent search don't repeat previous searches const regexIndex = pos - config.windowSize * i; wordDefinition.lastIndex = Math.max(0, regexIndex); const thisMatch = _findRegexMatchEnclosingPosition(wordDefinition, text, pos, prevRegexIndex); if (!thisMatch && match) { // stop: we have something break; } match = thisMatch; // stop: searched at start if (regexIndex <= 0) { break; } prevRegexIndex = regexIndex; } if (match) { const result = { word: match[0], startColumn: textOffset + 1 + match.index, endColumn: textOffset + 1 + match.index + match[0].length }; wordDefinition.lastIndex = 0; return result; } return null; } function _findRegexMatchEnclosingPosition(wordDefinition, text, pos, stopPos) { let match; while (match = wordDefinition.exec(text)) { const matchIndex = match.index || 0; if (matchIndex <= pos && wordDefinition.lastIndex >= pos) { return match; } else if (stopPos > 0 && matchIndex > stopPos) { return null; } } return null; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * A fast character classifier that uses a compact array for ASCII values. */ class CharacterClassifier { constructor(_defaultValue) { const defaultValue = toUint8(_defaultValue); this._defaultValue = defaultValue; this._asciiMap = CharacterClassifier._createAsciiMap(defaultValue); this._map = new Map(); } static _createAsciiMap(defaultValue) { const asciiMap = new Uint8Array(256); for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) { asciiMap[i] = defaultValue; } return asciiMap; } set(charCode, _value) { const value = toUint8(_value); if (charCode >= 0 && charCode < 256) { this._asciiMap[charCode] = value; } else { this._map.set(charCode, value); } } get(charCode) { if (charCode >= 0 && charCode < 256) { return this._asciiMap[charCode]; } else { return (this._map.get(charCode) || this._defaultValue); } } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class Uint8Matrix { constructor(rows, cols, defaultValue) { const data = new Uint8Array(rows * cols); for (let i = 0, len = rows * cols; i < len; i++) { data[i] = defaultValue; } this._data = data; this.rows = rows; this.cols = cols; } get(row, col) { return this._data[row * this.cols + col]; } set(row, col, value) { this._data[row * this.cols + col] = value; } } class StateMachine { constructor(edges) { let maxCharCode = 0; let maxState = 0 /* Invalid */; for (let i = 0, len = edges.length; i < len; i++) { const [from, chCode, to] = edges[i]; if (chCode > maxCharCode) { maxCharCode = chCode; } if (from > maxState) { maxState = from; } if (to > maxState) { maxState = to; } } maxCharCode++; maxState++; const states = new Uint8Matrix(maxState, maxCharCode, 0 /* Invalid */); for (let i = 0, len = edges.length; i < len; i++) { const [from, chCode, to] = edges[i]; states.set(from, chCode, to); } this._states = states; this._maxCharCode = maxCharCode; } nextState(currentState, chCode) { if (chCode < 0 || chCode >= this._maxCharCode) { return 0 /* Invalid */; } return this._states.get(currentState, chCode); } } // State machine for http:// or https:// or file:// let _stateMachine = null; function getStateMachine() { if (_stateMachine === null) { _stateMachine = new StateMachine([ [1 /* Start */, 104 /* h */, 2 /* H */], [1 /* Start */, 72 /* H */, 2 /* H */], [1 /* Start */, 102 /* f */, 6 /* F */], [1 /* Start */, 70 /* F */, 6 /* F */], [2 /* H */, 116 /* t */, 3 /* HT */], [2 /* H */, 84 /* T */, 3 /* HT */], [3 /* HT */, 116 /* t */, 4 /* HTT */], [3 /* HT */, 84 /* T */, 4 /* HTT */], [4 /* HTT */, 112 /* p */, 5 /* HTTP */], [4 /* HTT */, 80 /* P */, 5 /* HTTP */], [5 /* HTTP */, 115 /* s */, 9 /* BeforeColon */], [5 /* HTTP */, 83 /* S */, 9 /* BeforeColon */], [5 /* HTTP */, 58 /* Colon */, 10 /* AfterColon */], [6 /* F */, 105 /* i */, 7 /* FI */], [6 /* F */, 73 /* I */, 7 /* FI */], [7 /* FI */, 108 /* l */, 8 /* FIL */], [7 /* FI */, 76 /* L */, 8 /* FIL */], [8 /* FIL */, 101 /* e */, 9 /* BeforeColon */], [8 /* FIL */, 69 /* E */, 9 /* BeforeColon */], [9 /* BeforeColon */, 58 /* Colon */, 10 /* AfterColon */], [10 /* AfterColon */, 47 /* Slash */, 11 /* AlmostThere */], [11 /* AlmostThere */, 47 /* Slash */, 12 /* End */], ]); } return _stateMachine; } let _classifier = null; function getClassifier() { if (_classifier === null) { _classifier = new CharacterClassifier(0 /* None */); // allow-any-unicode-next-line const FORCE_TERMINATION_CHARACTERS = ' \t<>\'\"、。。、,.:;‘〈「『〔([{「」}])〕』」〉’`~…'; for (let i = 0; i < FORCE_TERMINATION_CHARACTERS.length; i++) { _classifier.set(FORCE_TERMINATION_CHARACTERS.charCodeAt(i), 1 /* ForceTermination */); } const CANNOT_END_WITH_CHARACTERS = '.,;'; for (let i = 0; i < CANNOT_END_WITH_CHARACTERS.length; i++) { _classifier.set(CANNOT_END_WITH_CHARACTERS.charCodeAt(i), 2 /* CannotEndIn */); } } return _classifier; } class LinkComputer { static _createLink(classifier, line, lineNumber, linkBeginIndex, linkEndIndex) { // Do not allow to end link in certain characters... let lastIncludedCharIndex = linkEndIndex - 1; do { const chCode = line.charCodeAt(lastIncludedCharIndex); const chClass = classifier.get(chCode); if (chClass !== 2 /* CannotEndIn */) { break; } lastIncludedCharIndex--; } while (lastIncludedCharIndex > linkBeginIndex); // Handle links enclosed in parens, square brackets and curlys. if (linkBeginIndex > 0) { const charCodeBeforeLink = line.charCodeAt(linkBeginIndex - 1); const lastCharCodeInLink = line.charCodeAt(lastIncludedCharIndex); if ((charCodeBeforeLink === 40 /* OpenParen */ && lastCharCodeInLink === 41 /* CloseParen */) || (charCodeBeforeLink === 91 /* OpenSquareBracket */ && lastCharCodeInLink === 93 /* CloseSquareBracket */) || (charCodeBeforeLink === 123 /* OpenCurlyBrace */ && lastCharCodeInLink === 125 /* CloseCurlyBrace */)) { // Do not end in ) if ( is before the link start // Do not end in ] if [ is before the link start // Do not end in } if { is before the link start lastIncludedCharIndex--; } } return { range: { startLineNumber: lineNumber, startColumn: linkBeginIndex + 1, endLineNumber: lineNumber, endColumn: lastIncludedCharIndex + 2 }, url: line.substring(linkBeginIndex, lastIncludedCharIndex + 1) }; } static computeLinks(model, stateMachine = getStateMachine()) { const classifier = getClassifier(); const result = []; for (let i = 1, lineCount = model.getLineCount(); i <= lineCount; i++) { const line = model.getLineContent(i); const len = line.length; let j = 0; let linkBeginIndex = 0; let linkBeginChCode = 0; let state = 1 /* Start */; let hasOpenParens = false; let hasOpenSquareBracket = false; let inSquareBrackets = false; let hasOpenCurlyBracket = false; while (j < len) { let resetStateMachine = false; const chCode = line.charCodeAt(j); if (state === 13 /* Accept */) { let chClass; switch (chCode) { case 40 /* OpenParen */: hasOpenParens = true; chClass = 0 /* None */; break; case 41 /* CloseParen */: chClass = (hasOpenParens ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */); break; case 91 /* OpenSquareBracket */: inSquareBrackets = true; hasOpenSquareBracket = true; chClass = 0 /* None */; break; case 93 /* CloseSquareBracket */: inSquareBrackets = false; chClass = (hasOpenSquareBracket ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */); break; case 123 /* OpenCurlyBrace */: hasOpenCurlyBracket = true; chClass = 0 /* None */; break; case 125 /* CloseCurlyBrace */: chClass = (hasOpenCurlyBracket ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */); break; /* The following three rules make it that ' or " or ` are allowed inside links if the link began with a different one */ case 39 /* SingleQuote */: chClass = (linkBeginChCode === 34 /* DoubleQuote */ || linkBeginChCode === 96 /* BackTick */) ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */; break; case 34 /* DoubleQuote */: chClass = (linkBeginChCode === 39 /* SingleQuote */ || linkBeginChCode === 96 /* BackTick */) ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */; break; case 96 /* BackTick */: chClass = (linkBeginChCode === 39 /* SingleQuote */ || linkBeginChCode === 34 /* DoubleQuote */) ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */; break; case 42 /* Asterisk */: // `*` terminates a link if the link began with `*` chClass = (linkBeginChCode === 42 /* Asterisk */) ? 1 /* ForceTermination */ : 0 /* None */; break; case 124 /* Pipe */: // `|` terminates a link if the link began with `|` chClass = (linkBeginChCode === 124 /* Pipe */) ? 1 /* ForceTermination */ : 0 /* None */; break; case 32 /* Space */: // ` ` allow space in between [ and ] chClass = (inSquareBrackets ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */); break; default: chClass = classifier.get(chCode); } // Check if character terminates link if (chClass === 1 /* ForceTermination */) { result.push(LinkComputer._createLink(classifier, line, i, linkBeginIndex, j)); resetStateMachine = true; } } else if (state === 12 /* End */) { let chClass; if (chCode === 91 /* OpenSquareBracket */) { // Allow for the authority part to contain ipv6 addresses which contain [ and ] hasOpenSquareBracket = true; chClass = 0 /* None */; } else { chClass = classifier.get(chCode); } // Check if character terminates link if (chClass === 1 /* ForceTermination */) { resetStateMachine = true; } else { state = 13 /* Accept */; } } else { state = stateMachine.nextState(state, chCode); if (state === 0 /* Invalid */) { resetStateMachine = true; } } if (resetStateMachine) { state = 1 /* Start */; hasOpenParens = false; hasOpenSquareBracket = false; hasOpenCurlyBracket = false; // Record where the link started linkBeginIndex = j + 1; linkBeginChCode = chCode; } j++; } if (state === 13 /* Accept */) { result.push(LinkComputer._createLink(classifier, line, i, linkBeginIndex, len)); } } return result; } } /** * Returns an array of all links contains in the provided * document. *Note* that this operation is computational * expensive and should not run in the UI thread. */ function computeLinks(model) { if (!model || typeof model.getLineCount !== 'function' || typeof model.getLineContent !== 'function') { // Unknown caller! return []; } return LinkComputer.computeLinks(model); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class BasicInplaceReplace { constructor() { this._defaultValueSet = [ ['true', 'false'], ['True', 'False'], ['Private', 'Public', 'Friend', 'ReadOnly', 'Partial', 'Protected', 'WriteOnly'], ['public', 'protected', 'private'], ]; } navigateValueSet(range1, text1, range2, text2, up) { if (range1 && text1) { const result = this.doNavigateValueSet(text1, up); if (result) { return { range: range1, value: result }; } } if (range2 && text2) { const result = this.doNavigateValueSet(text2, up); if (result) { return { range: range2, value: result }; } } return null; } doNavigateValueSet(text, up) { const numberResult = this.numberReplace(text, up); if (numberResult !== null) { return numberResult; } return this.textReplace(text, up); } numberReplace(value, up) { const precision = Math.pow(10, value.length - (value.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)); let n1 = Number(value); let n2 = parseFloat(value); if (!isNaN(n1) && !isNaN(n2) && n1 === n2) { if (n1 === 0 && !up) { return null; // don't do negative // } else if(n1 === 9 && up) { // return null; // don't insert 10 into a number } else { n1 = Math.floor(n1 * precision); n1 += up ? precision : -precision; return String(n1 / precision); } } return null; } textReplace(value, up) { return this.valueSetsReplace(this._defaultValueSet, value, up); } valueSetsReplace(valueSets, value, up) { let result = null; for (let i = 0, len = valueSets.length; result === null && i < len; i++) { result = this.valueSetReplace(valueSets[i], value, up); } return result; } valueSetReplace(valueSet, value, up) { let idx = valueSet.indexOf(value); if (idx >= 0) { idx += up ? +1 : -1; if (idx < 0) { idx = valueSet.length - 1; } else { idx %= valueSet.length; } return valueSet[idx]; } return null; } } BasicInplaceReplace.INSTANCE = new BasicInplaceReplace(); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const shortcutEvent = Object.freeze(function (callback, context) { const handle = setTimeout(callback.bind(context), 0); return { dispose() { clearTimeout(handle); } }; }); var CancellationToken; (function (CancellationToken) { function isCancellationToken(thing) { if (thing === CancellationToken.None || thing === CancellationToken.Cancelled) { return true; } if (thing instanceof MutableToken) { return true; } if (!thing || typeof thing !== 'object') { return false; } return typeof thing.isCancellationRequested === 'boolean' && typeof thing.onCancellationRequested === 'function'; } CancellationToken.isCancellationToken = isCancellationToken; CancellationToken.None = Object.freeze({ isCancellationRequested: false, onCancellationRequested: Event.None }); CancellationToken.Cancelled = Object.freeze({ isCancellationRequested: true, onCancellationRequested: shortcutEvent }); })(CancellationToken || (CancellationToken = {})); class MutableToken { constructor() { this._isCancelled = false; this._emitter = null; } cancel() { if (!this._isCancelled) { this._isCancelled = true; if (this._emitter) { this._emitter.fire(undefined); this.dispose(); } } } get isCancellationRequested() { return this._isCancelled; } get onCancellationRequested() { if (this._isCancelled) { return shortcutEvent; } if (!this._emitter) { this._emitter = new Emitter(); } return this._emitter.event; } dispose() { if (this._emitter) { this._emitter.dispose(); this._emitter = null; } } } class CancellationTokenSource { constructor(parent) { this._token = undefined; this._parentListener = undefined; this._parentListener = parent && parent.onCancellationRequested(this.cancel, this); } get token() { if (!this._token) { // be lazy and create the token only when // actually needed this._token = new MutableToken(); } return this._token; } cancel() { if (!this._token) { // save an object by returning the default // cancelled token when cancellation happens // before someone asks for the token this._token = CancellationToken.Cancelled; } else if (this._token instanceof MutableToken) { // actually cancel this._token.cancel(); } } dispose(cancel = false) { if (cancel) { this.cancel(); } if (this._parentListener) { this._parentListener.dispose(); } if (!this._token) { // ensure to initialize with an empty token if we had none this._token = CancellationToken.None; } else if (this._token instanceof MutableToken) { // actually dispose this._token.dispose(); } } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class KeyCodeStrMap { constructor() { this._keyCodeToStr = []; this._strToKeyCode = Object.create(null); } define(keyCode, str) { this._keyCodeToStr[keyCode] = str; this._strToKeyCode[str.toLowerCase()] = keyCode; } keyCodeToStr(keyCode) { return this._keyCodeToStr[keyCode]; } strToKeyCode(str) { return this._strToKeyCode[str.toLowerCase()] || 0 /* Unknown */; } } const uiMap = new KeyCodeStrMap(); const userSettingsUSMap = new KeyCodeStrMap(); const userSettingsGeneralMap = new KeyCodeStrMap(); const EVENT_KEY_CODE_MAP = new Array(230); const scanCodeStrToInt = Object.create(null); const scanCodeLowerCaseStrToInt = Object.create(null); (function () { // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375731(v=vs.85).aspx // See https://github.com/microsoft/node-native-keymap/blob/master/deps/chromium/keyboard_codes_win.h const empty = ''; const mappings = [ // keyCodeOrd, immutable, scanCode, scanCodeStr, keyCode, keyCodeStr, eventKeyCode, vkey, usUserSettingsLabel, generalUserSettingsLabel [0, 1, 0 /* None */, 'None', 0 /* Unknown */, 'unknown', 0, 'VK_UNKNOWN', empty, empty], [0, 1, 1 /* Hyper */, 'Hyper', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 2 /* Super */, 'Super', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 3 /* Fn */, 'Fn', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 4 /* FnLock */, 'FnLock', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 5 /* Suspend */, 'Suspend', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 6 /* Resume */, 'Resume', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 7 /* Turbo */, 'Turbo', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 8 /* Sleep */, 'Sleep', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_SLEEP', empty, empty], [0, 1, 9 /* WakeUp */, 'WakeUp', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [31, 0, 10 /* KeyA */, 'KeyA', 31 /* KeyA */, 'A', 65, 'VK_A', empty, empty], [32, 0, 11 /* KeyB */, 'KeyB', 32 /* KeyB */, 'B', 66, 'VK_B', empty, empty], [33, 0, 12 /* KeyC */, 'KeyC', 33 /* KeyC */, 'C', 67, 'VK_C', empty, empty], [34, 0, 13 /* KeyD */, 'KeyD', 34 /* KeyD */, 'D', 68, 'VK_D', empty, empty], [35, 0, 14 /* KeyE */, 'KeyE', 35 /* KeyE */, 'E', 69, 'VK_E', empty, empty], [36, 0, 15 /* KeyF */, 'KeyF', 36 /* KeyF */, 'F', 70, 'VK_F', empty, empty], [37, 0, 16 /* KeyG */, 'KeyG', 37 /* KeyG */, 'G', 71, 'VK_G', empty, empty], [38, 0, 17 /* KeyH */, 'KeyH', 38 /* KeyH */, 'H', 72, 'VK_H', empty, empty], [39, 0, 18 /* KeyI */, 'KeyI', 39 /* KeyI */, 'I', 73, 'VK_I', empty, empty], [40, 0, 19 /* KeyJ */, 'KeyJ', 40 /* KeyJ */, 'J', 74, 'VK_J', empty, empty], [41, 0, 20 /* KeyK */, 'KeyK', 41 /* KeyK */, 'K', 75, 'VK_K', empty, empty], [42, 0, 21 /* KeyL */, 'KeyL', 42 /* KeyL */, 'L', 76, 'VK_L', empty, empty], [43, 0, 22 /* KeyM */, 'KeyM', 43 /* KeyM */, 'M', 77, 'VK_M', empty, empty], [44, 0, 23 /* KeyN */, 'KeyN', 44 /* KeyN */, 'N', 78, 'VK_N', empty, empty], [45, 0, 24 /* KeyO */, 'KeyO', 45 /* KeyO */, 'O', 79, 'VK_O', empty, empty], [46, 0, 25 /* KeyP */, 'KeyP', 46 /* KeyP */, 'P', 80, 'VK_P', empty, empty], [47, 0, 26 /* KeyQ */, 'KeyQ', 47 /* KeyQ */, 'Q', 81, 'VK_Q', empty, empty], [48, 0, 27 /* KeyR */, 'KeyR', 48 /* KeyR */, 'R', 82, 'VK_R', empty, empty], [49, 0, 28 /* KeyS */, 'KeyS', 49 /* KeyS */, 'S', 83, 'VK_S', empty, empty], [50, 0, 29 /* KeyT */, 'KeyT', 50 /* KeyT */, 'T', 84, 'VK_T', empty, empty], [51, 0, 30 /* KeyU */, 'KeyU', 51 /* KeyU */, 'U', 85, 'VK_U', empty, empty], [52, 0, 31 /* KeyV */, 'KeyV', 52 /* KeyV */, 'V', 86, 'VK_V', empty, empty], [53, 0, 32 /* KeyW */, 'KeyW', 53 /* KeyW */, 'W', 87, 'VK_W', empty, empty], [54, 0, 33 /* KeyX */, 'KeyX', 54 /* KeyX */, 'X', 88, 'VK_X', empty, empty], [55, 0, 34 /* KeyY */, 'KeyY', 55 /* KeyY */, 'Y', 89, 'VK_Y', empty, empty], [56, 0, 35 /* KeyZ */, 'KeyZ', 56 /* KeyZ */, 'Z', 90, 'VK_Z', empty, empty], [22, 0, 36 /* Digit1 */, 'Digit1', 22 /* Digit1 */, '1', 49, 'VK_1', empty, empty], [23, 0, 37 /* Digit2 */, 'Digit2', 23 /* Digit2 */, '2', 50, 'VK_2', empty, empty], [24, 0, 38 /* Digit3 */, 'Digit3', 24 /* Digit3 */, '3', 51, 'VK_3', empty, empty], [25, 0, 39 /* Digit4 */, 'Digit4', 25 /* Digit4 */, '4', 52, 'VK_4', empty, empty], [26, 0, 40 /* Digit5 */, 'Digit5', 26 /* Digit5 */, '5', 53, 'VK_5', empty, empty], [27, 0, 41 /* Digit6 */, 'Digit6', 27 /* Digit6 */, '6', 54, 'VK_6', empty, empty], [28, 0, 42 /* Digit7 */, 'Digit7', 28 /* Digit7 */, '7', 55, 'VK_7', empty, empty], [29, 0, 43 /* Digit8 */, 'Digit8', 29 /* Digit8 */, '8', 56, 'VK_8', empty, empty], [30, 0, 44 /* Digit9 */, 'Digit9', 30 /* Digit9 */, '9', 57, 'VK_9', empty, empty], [21, 0, 45 /* Digit0 */, 'Digit0', 21 /* Digit0 */, '0', 48, 'VK_0', empty, empty], [3, 1, 46 /* Enter */, 'Enter', 3 /* Enter */, 'Enter', 13, 'VK_RETURN', empty, empty], [9, 1, 47 /* Escape */, 'Escape', 9 /* Escape */, 'Escape', 27, 'VK_ESCAPE', empty, empty], [1, 1, 48 /* Backspace */, 'Backspace', 1 /* Backspace */, 'Backspace', 8, 'VK_BACK', empty, empty], [2, 1, 49 /* Tab */, 'Tab', 2 /* Tab */, 'Tab', 9, 'VK_TAB', empty, empty], [10, 1, 50 /* Space */, 'Space', 10 /* Space */, 'Space', 32, 'VK_SPACE', empty, empty], [83, 0, 51 /* Minus */, 'Minus', 83 /* Minus */, '-', 189, 'VK_OEM_MINUS', '-', 'OEM_MINUS'], [81, 0, 52 /* Equal */, 'Equal', 81 /* Equal */, '=', 187, 'VK_OEM_PLUS', '=', 'OEM_PLUS'], [87, 0, 53 /* BracketLeft */, 'BracketLeft', 87 /* BracketLeft */, '[', 219, 'VK_OEM_4', '[', 'OEM_4'], [89, 0, 54 /* BracketRight */, 'BracketRight', 89 /* BracketRight */, ']', 221, 'VK_OEM_6', ']', 'OEM_6'], [88, 0, 55 /* Backslash */, 'Backslash', 88 /* Backslash */, '\\', 220, 'VK_OEM_5', '\\', 'OEM_5'], [0, 0, 56 /* IntlHash */, 'IntlHash', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [80, 0, 57 /* Semicolon */, 'Semicolon', 80 /* Semicolon */, ';', 186, 'VK_OEM_1', ';', 'OEM_1'], [90, 0, 58 /* Quote */, 'Quote', 90 /* Quote */, '\'', 222, 'VK_OEM_7', '\'', 'OEM_7'], [86, 0, 59 /* Backquote */, 'Backquote', 86 /* Backquote */, '`', 192, 'VK_OEM_3', '`', 'OEM_3'], [82, 0, 60 /* Comma */, 'Comma', 82 /* Comma */, ',', 188, 'VK_OEM_COMMA', ',', 'OEM_COMMA'], [84, 0, 61 /* Period */, 'Period', 84 /* Period */, '.', 190, 'VK_OEM_PERIOD', '.', 'OEM_PERIOD'], [85, 0, 62 /* Slash */, 'Slash', 85 /* Slash */, '/', 191, 'VK_OEM_2', '/', 'OEM_2'], [8, 1, 63 /* CapsLock */, 'CapsLock', 8 /* CapsLock */, 'CapsLock', 20, 'VK_CAPITAL', empty, empty], [59, 1, 64 /* F1 */, 'F1', 59 /* F1 */, 'F1', 112, 'VK_F1', empty, empty], [60, 1, 65 /* F2 */, 'F2', 60 /* F2 */, 'F2', 113, 'VK_F2', empty, empty], [61, 1, 66 /* F3 */, 'F3', 61 /* F3 */, 'F3', 114, 'VK_F3', empty, empty], [62, 1, 67 /* F4 */, 'F4', 62 /* F4 */, 'F4', 115, 'VK_F4', empty, empty], [63, 1, 68 /* F5 */, 'F5', 63 /* F5 */, 'F5', 116, 'VK_F5', empty, empty], [64, 1, 69 /* F6 */, 'F6', 64 /* F6 */, 'F6', 117, 'VK_F6', empty, empty], [65, 1, 70 /* F7 */, 'F7', 65 /* F7 */, 'F7', 118, 'VK_F7', empty, empty], [66, 1, 71 /* F8 */, 'F8', 66 /* F8 */, 'F8', 119, 'VK_F8', empty, empty], [67, 1, 72 /* F9 */, 'F9', 67 /* F9 */, 'F9', 120, 'VK_F9', empty, empty], [68, 1, 73 /* F10 */, 'F10', 68 /* F10 */, 'F10', 121, 'VK_F10', empty, empty], [69, 1, 74 /* F11 */, 'F11', 69 /* F11 */, 'F11', 122, 'VK_F11', empty, empty], [70, 1, 75 /* F12 */, 'F12', 70 /* F12 */, 'F12', 123, 'VK_F12', empty, empty], [0, 1, 76 /* PrintScreen */, 'PrintScreen', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [79, 1, 77 /* ScrollLock */, 'ScrollLock', 79 /* ScrollLock */, 'ScrollLock', 145, 'VK_SCROLL', empty, empty], [7, 1, 78 /* Pause */, 'Pause', 7 /* PauseBreak */, 'PauseBreak', 19, 'VK_PAUSE', empty, empty], [19, 1, 79 /* Insert */, 'Insert', 19 /* Insert */, 'Insert', 45, 'VK_INSERT', empty, empty], [14, 1, 80 /* Home */, 'Home', 14 /* Home */, 'Home', 36, 'VK_HOME', empty, empty], [11, 1, 81 /* PageUp */, 'PageUp', 11 /* PageUp */, 'PageUp', 33, 'VK_PRIOR', empty, empty], [20, 1, 82 /* Delete */, 'Delete', 20 /* Delete */, 'Delete', 46, 'VK_DELETE', empty, empty], [13, 1, 83 /* End */, 'End', 13 /* End */, 'End', 35, 'VK_END', empty, empty], [12, 1, 84 /* PageDown */, 'PageDown', 12 /* PageDown */, 'PageDown', 34, 'VK_NEXT', empty, empty], [17, 1, 85 /* ArrowRight */, 'ArrowRight', 17 /* RightArrow */, 'RightArrow', 39, 'VK_RIGHT', 'Right', empty], [15, 1, 86 /* ArrowLeft */, 'ArrowLeft', 15 /* LeftArrow */, 'LeftArrow', 37, 'VK_LEFT', 'Left', empty], [18, 1, 87 /* ArrowDown */, 'ArrowDown', 18 /* DownArrow */, 'DownArrow', 40, 'VK_DOWN', 'Down', empty], [16, 1, 88 /* ArrowUp */, 'ArrowUp', 16 /* UpArrow */, 'UpArrow', 38, 'VK_UP', 'Up', empty], [78, 1, 89 /* NumLock */, 'NumLock', 78 /* NumLock */, 'NumLock', 144, 'VK_NUMLOCK', empty, empty], [108, 1, 90 /* NumpadDivide */, 'NumpadDivide', 108 /* NumpadDivide */, 'NumPad_Divide', 111, 'VK_DIVIDE', empty, empty], [103, 1, 91 /* NumpadMultiply */, 'NumpadMultiply', 103 /* NumpadMultiply */, 'NumPad_Multiply', 106, 'VK_MULTIPLY', empty, empty], [106, 1, 92 /* NumpadSubtract */, 'NumpadSubtract', 106 /* NumpadSubtract */, 'NumPad_Subtract', 109, 'VK_SUBTRACT', empty, empty], [104, 1, 93 /* NumpadAdd */, 'NumpadAdd', 104 /* NumpadAdd */, 'NumPad_Add', 107, 'VK_ADD', empty, empty], [3, 1, 94 /* NumpadEnter */, 'NumpadEnter', 3 /* Enter */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [94, 1, 95 /* Numpad1 */, 'Numpad1', 94 /* Numpad1 */, 'NumPad1', 97, 'VK_NUMPAD1', empty, empty], [95, 1, 96 /* Numpad2 */, 'Numpad2', 95 /* Numpad2 */, 'NumPad2', 98, 'VK_NUMPAD2', empty, empty], [96, 1, 97 /* Numpad3 */, 'Numpad3', 96 /* Numpad3 */, 'NumPad3', 99, 'VK_NUMPAD3', empty, empty], [97, 1, 98 /* Numpad4 */, 'Numpad4', 97 /* Numpad4 */, 'NumPad4', 100, 'VK_NUMPAD4', empty, empty], [98, 1, 99 /* Numpad5 */, 'Numpad5', 98 /* Numpad5 */, 'NumPad5', 101, 'VK_NUMPAD5', empty, empty], [99, 1, 100 /* Numpad6 */, 'Numpad6', 99 /* Numpad6 */, 'NumPad6', 102, 'VK_NUMPAD6', empty, empty], [100, 1, 101 /* Numpad7 */, 'Numpad7', 100 /* Numpad7 */, 'NumPad7', 103, 'VK_NUMPAD7', empty, empty], [101, 1, 102 /* Numpad8 */, 'Numpad8', 101 /* Numpad8 */, 'NumPad8', 104, 'VK_NUMPAD8', empty, empty], [102, 1, 103 /* Numpad9 */, 'Numpad9', 102 /* Numpad9 */, 'NumPad9', 105, 'VK_NUMPAD9', empty, empty], [93, 1, 104 /* Numpad0 */, 'Numpad0', 93 /* Numpad0 */, 'NumPad0', 96, 'VK_NUMPAD0', empty, empty], [107, 1, 105 /* NumpadDecimal */, 'NumpadDecimal', 107 /* NumpadDecimal */, 'NumPad_Decimal', 110, 'VK_DECIMAL', empty, empty], [92, 0, 106 /* IntlBackslash */, 'IntlBackslash', 92 /* IntlBackslash */, 'OEM_102', 226, 'VK_OEM_102', empty, empty], [58, 1, 107 /* ContextMenu */, 'ContextMenu', 58 /* ContextMenu */, 'ContextMenu', 93, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 108 /* Power */, 'Power', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 109 /* NumpadEqual */, 'NumpadEqual', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [71, 1, 110 /* F13 */, 'F13', 71 /* F13 */, 'F13', 124, 'VK_F13', empty, empty], [72, 1, 111 /* F14 */, 'F14', 72 /* F14 */, 'F14', 125, 'VK_F14', empty, empty], [73, 1, 112 /* F15 */, 'F15', 73 /* F15 */, 'F15', 126, 'VK_F15', empty, empty], [74, 1, 113 /* F16 */, 'F16', 74 /* F16 */, 'F16', 127, 'VK_F16', empty, empty], [75, 1, 114 /* F17 */, 'F17', 75 /* F17 */, 'F17', 128, 'VK_F17', empty, empty], [76, 1, 115 /* F18 */, 'F18', 76 /* F18 */, 'F18', 129, 'VK_F18', empty, empty], [77, 1, 116 /* F19 */, 'F19', 77 /* F19 */, 'F19', 130, 'VK_F19', empty, empty], [0, 1, 117 /* F20 */, 'F20', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_F20', empty, empty], [0, 1, 118 /* F21 */, 'F21', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_F21', empty, empty], [0, 1, 119 /* F22 */, 'F22', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_F22', empty, empty], [0, 1, 120 /* F23 */, 'F23', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_F23', empty, empty], [0, 1, 121 /* F24 */, 'F24', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_F24', empty, empty], [0, 1, 122 /* Open */, 'Open', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 123 /* Help */, 'Help', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 124 /* Select */, 'Select', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 125 /* Again */, 'Again', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 126 /* Undo */, 'Undo', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 127 /* Cut */, 'Cut', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 128 /* Copy */, 'Copy', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 129 /* Paste */, 'Paste', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 130 /* Find */, 'Find', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 131 /* AudioVolumeMute */, 'AudioVolumeMute', 112 /* AudioVolumeMute */, 'AudioVolumeMute', 173, 'VK_VOLUME_MUTE', empty, empty], [0, 1, 132 /* AudioVolumeUp */, 'AudioVolumeUp', 113 /* AudioVolumeUp */, 'AudioVolumeUp', 175, 'VK_VOLUME_UP', empty, empty], [0, 1, 133 /* AudioVolumeDown */, 'AudioVolumeDown', 114 /* AudioVolumeDown */, 'AudioVolumeDown', 174, 'VK_VOLUME_DOWN', empty, empty], [105, 1, 134 /* NumpadComma */, 'NumpadComma', 105 /* NUMPAD_SEPARATOR */, 'NumPad_Separator', 108, 'VK_SEPARATOR', empty, empty], [110, 0, 135 /* IntlRo */, 'IntlRo', 110 /* ABNT_C1 */, 'ABNT_C1', 193, 'VK_ABNT_C1', empty, empty], [0, 1, 136 /* KanaMode */, 'KanaMode', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 0, 137 /* IntlYen */, 'IntlYen', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 138 /* Convert */, 'Convert', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 139 /* NonConvert */, 'NonConvert', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 140 /* Lang1 */, 'Lang1', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 141 /* Lang2 */, 'Lang2', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 142 /* Lang3 */, 'Lang3', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 143 /* Lang4 */, 'Lang4', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 144 /* Lang5 */, 'Lang5', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 145 /* Abort */, 'Abort', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 146 /* Props */, 'Props', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 147 /* NumpadParenLeft */, 'NumpadParenLeft', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 148 /* NumpadParenRight */, 'NumpadParenRight', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 149 /* NumpadBackspace */, 'NumpadBackspace', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 150 /* NumpadMemoryStore */, 'NumpadMemoryStore', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 151 /* NumpadMemoryRecall */, 'NumpadMemoryRecall', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 152 /* NumpadMemoryClear */, 'NumpadMemoryClear', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 153 /* NumpadMemoryAdd */, 'NumpadMemoryAdd', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 154 /* NumpadMemorySubtract */, 'NumpadMemorySubtract', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 155 /* NumpadClear */, 'NumpadClear', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 156 /* NumpadClearEntry */, 'NumpadClearEntry', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [5, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 5 /* Ctrl */, 'Ctrl', 17, 'VK_CONTROL', empty, empty], [4, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 4 /* Shift */, 'Shift', 16, 'VK_SHIFT', empty, empty], [6, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 6 /* Alt */, 'Alt', 18, 'VK_MENU', empty, empty], [57, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 57 /* Meta */, 'Meta', 0, 'VK_COMMAND', empty, empty], [5, 1, 157 /* ControlLeft */, 'ControlLeft', 5 /* Ctrl */, empty, 0, 'VK_LCONTROL', empty, empty], [4, 1, 158 /* ShiftLeft */, 'ShiftLeft', 4 /* Shift */, empty, 0, 'VK_LSHIFT', empty, empty], [6, 1, 159 /* AltLeft */, 'AltLeft', 6 /* Alt */, empty, 0, 'VK_LMENU', empty, empty], [57, 1, 160 /* MetaLeft */, 'MetaLeft', 57 /* Meta */, empty, 0, 'VK_LWIN', empty, empty], [5, 1, 161 /* ControlRight */, 'ControlRight', 5 /* Ctrl */, empty, 0, 'VK_RCONTROL', empty, empty], [4, 1, 162 /* ShiftRight */, 'ShiftRight', 4 /* Shift */, empty, 0, 'VK_RSHIFT', empty, empty], [6, 1, 163 /* AltRight */, 'AltRight', 6 /* Alt */, empty, 0, 'VK_RMENU', empty, empty], [57, 1, 164 /* MetaRight */, 'MetaRight', 57 /* Meta */, empty, 0, 'VK_RWIN', empty, empty], [0, 1, 165 /* BrightnessUp */, 'BrightnessUp', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 166 /* BrightnessDown */, 'BrightnessDown', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 167 /* MediaPlay */, 'MediaPlay', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 168 /* MediaRecord */, 'MediaRecord', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 169 /* MediaFastForward */, 'MediaFastForward', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 170 /* MediaRewind */, 'MediaRewind', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [114, 1, 171 /* MediaTrackNext */, 'MediaTrackNext', 119 /* MediaTrackNext */, 'MediaTrackNext', 176, 'VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK', empty, empty], [115, 1, 172 /* MediaTrackPrevious */, 'MediaTrackPrevious', 120 /* MediaTrackPrevious */, 'MediaTrackPrevious', 177, 'VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK', empty, empty], [116, 1, 173 /* MediaStop */, 'MediaStop', 121 /* MediaStop */, 'MediaStop', 178, 'VK_MEDIA_STOP', empty, empty], [0, 1, 174 /* Eject */, 'Eject', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [117, 1, 175 /* MediaPlayPause */, 'MediaPlayPause', 122 /* MediaPlayPause */, 'MediaPlayPause', 179, 'VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE', empty, empty], [0, 1, 176 /* MediaSelect */, 'MediaSelect', 123 /* LaunchMediaPlayer */, 'LaunchMediaPlayer', 181, 'VK_MEDIA_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT', empty, empty], [0, 1, 177 /* LaunchMail */, 'LaunchMail', 124 /* LaunchMail */, 'LaunchMail', 180, 'VK_MEDIA_LAUNCH_MAIL', empty, empty], [0, 1, 178 /* LaunchApp2 */, 'LaunchApp2', 125 /* LaunchApp2 */, 'LaunchApp2', 183, 'VK_MEDIA_LAUNCH_APP2', empty, empty], [0, 1, 179 /* LaunchApp1 */, 'LaunchApp1', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_MEDIA_LAUNCH_APP1', empty, empty], [0, 1, 180 /* SelectTask */, 'SelectTask', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 181 /* LaunchScreenSaver */, 'LaunchScreenSaver', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 182 /* BrowserSearch */, 'BrowserSearch', 115 /* BrowserSearch */, 'BrowserSearch', 170, 'VK_BROWSER_SEARCH', empty, empty], [0, 1, 183 /* BrowserHome */, 'BrowserHome', 116 /* BrowserHome */, 'BrowserHome', 172, 'VK_BROWSER_HOME', empty, empty], [112, 1, 184 /* BrowserBack */, 'BrowserBack', 117 /* BrowserBack */, 'BrowserBack', 166, 'VK_BROWSER_BACK', empty, empty], [113, 1, 185 /* BrowserForward */, 'BrowserForward', 118 /* BrowserForward */, 'BrowserForward', 167, 'VK_BROWSER_FORWARD', empty, empty], [0, 1, 186 /* BrowserStop */, 'BrowserStop', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_BROWSER_STOP', empty, empty], [0, 1, 187 /* BrowserRefresh */, 'BrowserRefresh', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_BROWSER_REFRESH', empty, empty], [0, 1, 188 /* BrowserFavorites */, 'BrowserFavorites', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES', empty, empty], [0, 1, 189 /* ZoomToggle */, 'ZoomToggle', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 190 /* MailReply */, 'MailReply', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 191 /* MailForward */, 'MailForward', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], [0, 1, 192 /* MailSend */, 'MailSend', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty], // See https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2010JulSep/att-0182/keyCode-spec.html // If an Input Method Editor is processing key input and the event is keydown, return 229. [109, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 109 /* KEY_IN_COMPOSITION */, 'KeyInComposition', 229, empty, empty, empty], [111, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 111 /* ABNT_C2 */, 'ABNT_C2', 194, 'VK_ABNT_C2', empty, empty], [91, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 91 /* OEM_8 */, 'OEM_8', 223, 'VK_OEM_8', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_CLEAR', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_KANA', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_HANGUL', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_JUNJA', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_FINAL', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_HANJA', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_KANJI', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_CONVERT', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_NONCONVERT', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_ACCEPT', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_MODECHANGE', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_SELECT', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_PRINT', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_EXECUTE', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_SNAPSHOT', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_HELP', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_APPS', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_PROCESSKEY', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_PACKET', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_DBE_SBCSCHAR', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_DBE_DBCSCHAR', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_ATTN', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_CRSEL', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_EXSEL', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_EREOF', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_PLAY', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_ZOOM', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_NONAME', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_PA1', empty, empty], [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_OEM_CLEAR', empty, empty], ]; let seenKeyCode = []; let seenScanCode = []; for (const mapping of mappings) { const [_keyCodeOrd, immutable, scanCode, scanCodeStr, keyCode, keyCodeStr, eventKeyCode, vkey, usUserSettingsLabel, generalUserSettingsLabel] = mapping; if (!seenScanCode[scanCode]) { seenScanCode[scanCode] = true; scanCodeStrToInt[scanCodeStr] = scanCode; scanCodeLowerCaseStrToInt[scanCodeStr.toLowerCase()] = scanCode; } if (!seenKeyCode[keyCode]) { seenKeyCode[keyCode] = true; if (!keyCodeStr) { throw new Error(`String representation missing for key code ${keyCode} around scan code ${scanCodeStr}`); } uiMap.define(keyCode, keyCodeStr); userSettingsUSMap.define(keyCode, usUserSettingsLabel || keyCodeStr); userSettingsGeneralMap.define(keyCode, generalUserSettingsLabel || usUserSettingsLabel || keyCodeStr); } if (eventKeyCode) { EVENT_KEY_CODE_MAP[eventKeyCode] = keyCode; } } })(); var KeyCodeUtils; (function (KeyCodeUtils) { function toString(keyCode) { return uiMap.keyCodeToStr(keyCode); } KeyCodeUtils.toString = toString; function fromString(key) { return uiMap.strToKeyCode(key); } KeyCodeUtils.fromString = fromString; function toUserSettingsUS(keyCode) { return userSettingsUSMap.keyCodeToStr(keyCode); } KeyCodeUtils.toUserSettingsUS = toUserSettingsUS; function toUserSettingsGeneral(keyCode) { return userSettingsGeneralMap.keyCodeToStr(keyCode); } KeyCodeUtils.toUserSettingsGeneral = toUserSettingsGeneral; function fromUserSettings(key) { return userSettingsUSMap.strToKeyCode(key) || userSettingsGeneralMap.strToKeyCode(key); } KeyCodeUtils.fromUserSettings = fromUserSettings; function toElectronAccelerator(keyCode) { if (keyCode >= 93 /* Numpad0 */ && keyCode <= 108 /* NumpadDivide */) { // [Electron Accelerators] Electron is able to parse numpad keys, but unfortunately it // renders them just as regular keys in menus. For example, num0 is rendered as "0", // numdiv is rendered as "/", numsub is rendered as "-". // // This can lead to incredible confusion, as it makes numpad based keybindings indistinguishable // from keybindings based on regular keys. // // We therefore need to fall back to custom rendering for numpad keys. return null; } switch (keyCode) { case 16 /* UpArrow */: return 'Up'; case 18 /* DownArrow */: return 'Down'; case 15 /* LeftArrow */: return 'Left'; case 17 /* RightArrow */: return 'Right'; } return uiMap.keyCodeToStr(keyCode); } KeyCodeUtils.toElectronAccelerator = toElectronAccelerator; })(KeyCodeUtils || (KeyCodeUtils = {})); function KeyChord(firstPart, secondPart) { const chordPart = ((secondPart & 0x0000FFFF) << 16) >>> 0; return (firstPart | chordPart) >>> 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * A selection in the editor. * The selection is a range that has an orientation. */ class Selection extends Range { constructor(selectionStartLineNumber, selectionStartColumn, positionLineNumber, positionColumn) { super(selectionStartLineNumber, selectionStartColumn, positionLineNumber, positionColumn); this.selectionStartLineNumber = selectionStartLineNumber; this.selectionStartColumn = selectionStartColumn; this.positionLineNumber = positionLineNumber; this.positionColumn = positionColumn; } /** * Transform to a human-readable representation. */ toString() { return '[' + this.selectionStartLineNumber + ',' + this.selectionStartColumn + ' -> ' + this.positionLineNumber + ',' + this.positionColumn + ']'; } /** * Test if equals other selection. */ equalsSelection(other) { return (Selection.selectionsEqual(this, other)); } /** * Test if the two selections are equal. */ static selectionsEqual(a, b) { return (a.selectionStartLineNumber === b.selectionStartLineNumber && a.selectionStartColumn === b.selectionStartColumn && a.positionLineNumber === b.positionLineNumber && a.positionColumn === b.positionColumn); } /** * Get directions (LTR or RTL). */ getDirection() { if (this.selectionStartLineNumber === this.startLineNumber && this.selectionStartColumn === this.startColumn) { return 0 /* LTR */; } return 1 /* RTL */; } /** * Create a new selection with a different `positionLineNumber` and `positionColumn`. */ setEndPosition(endLineNumber, endColumn) { if (this.getDirection() === 0 /* LTR */) { return new Selection(this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn); } return new Selection(endLineNumber, endColumn, this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn); } /** * Get the position at `positionLineNumber` and `positionColumn`. */ getPosition() { return new Position(this.positionLineNumber, this.positionColumn); } /** * Get the position at the start of the selection. */ getSelectionStart() { return new Position(this.selectionStartLineNumber, this.selectionStartColumn); } /** * Create a new selection with a different `selectionStartLineNumber` and `selectionStartColumn`. */ setStartPosition(startLineNumber, startColumn) { if (this.getDirection() === 0 /* LTR */) { return new Selection(startLineNumber, startColumn, this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn); } return new Selection(this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn, startLineNumber, startColumn); } // ---- /** * Create a `Selection` from one or two positions */ static fromPositions(start, end = start) { return new Selection(start.lineNumber, start.column, end.lineNumber, end.column); } /** * Creates a `Selection` from a range, given a direction. */ static fromRange(range, direction) { if (direction === 0 /* LTR */) { return new Selection(range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn, range.endLineNumber, range.endColumn); } else { return new Selection(range.endLineNumber, range.endColumn, range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn); } } /** * Create a `Selection` from an `ISelection`. */ static liftSelection(sel) { return new Selection(sel.selectionStartLineNumber, sel.selectionStartColumn, sel.positionLineNumber, sel.positionColumn); } /** * `a` equals `b`. */ static selectionsArrEqual(a, b) { if (a && !b || !a && b) { return false; } if (!a && !b) { return true; } if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0, len = a.length; i < len; i++) { if (!this.selectionsEqual(a[i], b[i])) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Test if `obj` is an `ISelection`. */ static isISelection(obj) { return (obj && (typeof obj.selectionStartLineNumber === 'number') && (typeof obj.selectionStartColumn === 'number') && (typeof obj.positionLineNumber === 'number') && (typeof obj.positionColumn === 'number')); } /** * Create with a direction. */ static createWithDirection(startLineNumber, startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn, direction) { if (direction === 0 /* LTR */) { return new Selection(startLineNumber, startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn); } return new Selection(endLineNumber, endColumn, startLineNumber, startColumn); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Vertical Lane in the overview ruler of the editor. */ var OverviewRulerLane$1; (function (OverviewRulerLane) { OverviewRulerLane[OverviewRulerLane["Left"] = 1] = "Left"; OverviewRulerLane[OverviewRulerLane["Center"] = 2] = "Center"; OverviewRulerLane[OverviewRulerLane["Right"] = 4] = "Right"; OverviewRulerLane[OverviewRulerLane["Full"] = 7] = "Full"; })(OverviewRulerLane$1 || (OverviewRulerLane$1 = {})); /** * Position in the minimap to render the decoration. */ var MinimapPosition$1; (function (MinimapPosition) { MinimapPosition[MinimapPosition["Inline"] = 1] = "Inline"; MinimapPosition[MinimapPosition["Gutter"] = 2] = "Gutter"; })(MinimapPosition$1 || (MinimapPosition$1 = {})); var InjectedTextCursorStops$1; (function (InjectedTextCursorStops) { InjectedTextCursorStops[InjectedTextCursorStops["Both"] = 0] = "Both"; InjectedTextCursorStops[InjectedTextCursorStops["Right"] = 1] = "Right"; InjectedTextCursorStops[InjectedTextCursorStops["Left"] = 2] = "Left"; InjectedTextCursorStops[InjectedTextCursorStops["None"] = 3] = "None"; })(InjectedTextCursorStops$1 || (InjectedTextCursorStops$1 = {})); /** * @internal */ function shouldSynchronizeModel(model) { return (!model.isTooLargeForSyncing() && !model.isForSimpleWidget); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var __awaiter$2 = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; var __asyncValues = (undefined && undefined.__asyncValues) || function (o) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i; return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i); function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; } function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); } }; function isThenable(obj) { return !!obj && typeof obj.then === 'function'; } //#endregion //#region Promises var Promises; (function (Promises) { /** * A drop-in replacement for `Promise.all` with the only difference * that the method awaits every promise to either fulfill or reject. * * Similar to `Promise.all`, only the first error will be returned * if any. */ function settled(promises) { return __awaiter$2(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let firstError = undefined; const result = yield Promise.all(promises.map(promise => promise.then(value => value, error => { if (!firstError) { firstError = error; } return undefined; // do not rethrow so that other promises can settle }))); if (typeof firstError !== 'undefined') { throw firstError; } return result; // cast is needed and protected by the `throw` above }); } Promises.settled = settled; /** * A helper to create a new `Promise` with a body that is a promise * itself. By default, an error that raises from the async body will * end up as a unhandled rejection, so this utility properly awaits the * body and rejects the promise as a normal promise does without async * body. * * This method should only be used in rare cases where otherwise `async` * cannot be used (e.g. when callbacks are involved that require this). */ function withAsyncBody(bodyFn) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor return new Promise((resolve, reject) => __awaiter$2(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { try { yield bodyFn(resolve, reject); } catch (error) { reject(error); } })); } Promises.withAsyncBody = withAsyncBody; })(Promises || (Promises = {})); /** * A rich implementation for an `AsyncIterable`. */ class AsyncIterableObject { constructor(executor) { this._state = 0 /* Initial */; this._results = []; this._error = null; this._onStateChanged = new Emitter(); queueMicrotask(() => __awaiter$2(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const writer = { emitOne: (item) => this.emitOne(item), emitMany: (items) => this.emitMany(items), reject: (error) => this.reject(error) }; try { yield Promise.resolve(executor(writer)); this.resolve(); } catch (err) { this.reject(err); } finally { writer.emitOne = undefined; writer.emitMany = undefined; writer.reject = undefined; } })); } static fromArray(items) { return new AsyncIterableObject((writer) => { writer.emitMany(items); }); } static fromPromise(promise) { return new AsyncIterableObject((emitter) => __awaiter$2(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { emitter.emitMany(yield promise); })); } static fromPromises(promises) { return new AsyncIterableObject((emitter) => __awaiter$2(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { yield Promise.all(promises.map((p) => __awaiter$2(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return emitter.emitOne(yield p); }))); })); } static merge(iterables) { return new AsyncIterableObject((emitter) => __awaiter$2(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { yield Promise.all(iterables.map((iterable) => { var iterable_1, iterable_1_1; return __awaiter$2(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { var e_1, _a; try { for (iterable_1 = __asyncValues(iterable); iterable_1_1 = yield iterable_1.next(), !iterable_1_1.done;) { const item = iterable_1_1.value; emitter.emitOne(item); } } catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; } finally { try { if (iterable_1_1 && !iterable_1_1.done && (_a = iterable_1.return)) yield _a.call(iterable_1); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; } } }); })); })); } [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { let i = 0; return { next: () => __awaiter$2(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { do { if (this._state === 2 /* DoneError */) { throw this._error; } if (i < this._results.length) { return { done: false, value: this._results[i++] }; } if (this._state === 1 /* DoneOK */) { return { done: true, value: undefined }; } yield Event.toPromise(this._onStateChanged.event); } while (true); }) }; } static map(iterable, mapFn) { return new AsyncIterableObject((emitter) => __awaiter$2(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { var e_2, _a; try { for (var iterable_2 = __asyncValues(iterable), iterable_2_1; iterable_2_1 = yield iterable_2.next(), !iterable_2_1.done;) { const item = iterable_2_1.value; emitter.emitOne(mapFn(item)); } } catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; } finally { try { if (iterable_2_1 && !iterable_2_1.done && (_a = iterable_2.return)) yield _a.call(iterable_2); } finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; } } })); } map(mapFn) { return AsyncIterableObject.map(this, mapFn); } static filter(iterable, filterFn) { return new AsyncIterableObject((emitter) => __awaiter$2(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { var e_3, _a; try { for (var iterable_3 = __asyncValues(iterable), iterable_3_1; iterable_3_1 = yield iterable_3.next(), !iterable_3_1.done;) { const item = iterable_3_1.value; if (filterFn(item)) { emitter.emitOne(item); } } } catch (e_3_1) { e_3 = { error: e_3_1 }; } finally { try { if (iterable_3_1 && !iterable_3_1.done && (_a = iterable_3.return)) yield _a.call(iterable_3); } finally { if (e_3) throw e_3.error; } } })); } filter(filterFn) { return AsyncIterableObject.filter(this, filterFn); } static coalesce(iterable) { return AsyncIterableObject.filter(iterable, item => !!item); } coalesce() { return AsyncIterableObject.coalesce(this); } static toPromise(iterable) { var iterable_4, iterable_4_1; var e_4, _a; return __awaiter$2(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const result = []; try { for (iterable_4 = __asyncValues(iterable); iterable_4_1 = yield iterable_4.next(), !iterable_4_1.done;) { const item = iterable_4_1.value; result.push(item); } } catch (e_4_1) { e_4 = { error: e_4_1 }; } finally { try { if (iterable_4_1 && !iterable_4_1.done && (_a = iterable_4.return)) yield _a.call(iterable_4); } finally { if (e_4) throw e_4.error; } } return result; }); } toPromise() { return AsyncIterableObject.toPromise(this); } /** * The value will be appended at the end. * * **NOTE** If `resolve()` or `reject()` have already been called, this method has no effect. */ emitOne(value) { if (this._state !== 0 /* Initial */) { return; } // it is important to add new values at the end, // as we may have iterators already running on the array this._results.push(value); this._onStateChanged.fire(); } /** * The values will be appended at the end. * * **NOTE** If `resolve()` or `reject()` have already been called, this method has no effect. */ emitMany(values) { if (this._state !== 0 /* Initial */) { return; } // it is important to add new values at the end, // as we may have iterators already running on the array this._results = this._results.concat(values); this._onStateChanged.fire(); } /** * Calling `resolve()` will mark the result array as complete. * * **NOTE** `resolve()` must be called, otherwise all consumers of this iterable will hang indefinitely, similar to a non-resolved promise. * **NOTE** If `resolve()` or `reject()` have already been called, this method has no effect. */ resolve() { if (this._state !== 0 /* Initial */) { return; } this._state = 1 /* DoneOK */; this._onStateChanged.fire(); } /** * Writing an error will permanently invalidate this iterable. * The current users will receive an error thrown, as will all future users. * * **NOTE** If `resolve()` or `reject()` have already been called, this method has no effect. */ reject(error) { if (this._state !== 0 /* Initial */) { return; } this._state = 2 /* DoneError */; this._error = error; this._onStateChanged.fire(); } } AsyncIterableObject.EMPTY = AsyncIterableObject.fromArray([]); //#endregion /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @deprecated please use `IUriIdentityService.extUri.isEqualOrParent` instead. If * you are in a context without services, consider to pass down the `extUri` from the * outside, or use `extUriBiasedIgnorePathCase` if you know what you are doing. */ function isEqualOrParent(base, parentCandidate, ignoreCase, separator = sep) { if (base === parentCandidate) { return true; } if (!base || !parentCandidate) { return false; } if (parentCandidate.length > base.length) { return false; } if (ignoreCase) { const beginsWith = startsWithIgnoreCase(base, parentCandidate); if (!beginsWith) { return false; } if (parentCandidate.length === base.length) { return true; // same path, different casing } let sepOffset = parentCandidate.length; if (parentCandidate.charAt(parentCandidate.length - 1) === separator) { sepOffset--; // adjust the expected sep offset in case our candidate already ends in separator character } return base.charAt(sepOffset) === separator; } if (parentCandidate.charAt(parentCandidate.length - 1) !== separator) { parentCandidate += separator; } return base.indexOf(parentCandidate) === 0; } var _b; class LinkedMap { constructor() { this[_b] = 'LinkedMap'; this._map = new Map(); this._head = undefined; this._tail = undefined; this._size = 0; this._state = 0; } clear() { this._map.clear(); this._head = undefined; this._tail = undefined; this._size = 0; this._state++; } isEmpty() { return !this._head && !this._tail; } get size() { return this._size; } get first() { var _c; return (_c = this._head) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.value; } get last() { var _c; return (_c = this._tail) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.value; } has(key) { return this._map.has(key); } get(key, touch = 0 /* None */) { const item = this._map.get(key); if (!item) { return undefined; } if (touch !== 0 /* None */) { this.touch(item, touch); } return item.value; } set(key, value, touch = 0 /* None */) { let item = this._map.get(key); if (item) { item.value = value; if (touch !== 0 /* None */) { this.touch(item, touch); } } else { item = { key, value, next: undefined, previous: undefined }; switch (touch) { case 0 /* None */: this.addItemLast(item); break; case 1 /* AsOld */: this.addItemFirst(item); break; case 2 /* AsNew */: this.addItemLast(item); break; default: this.addItemLast(item); break; } this._map.set(key, item); this._size++; } return this; } delete(key) { return !!this.remove(key); } remove(key) { const item = this._map.get(key); if (!item) { return undefined; } this._map.delete(key); this.removeItem(item); this._size--; return item.value; } shift() { if (!this._head && !this._tail) { return undefined; } if (!this._head || !this._tail) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } const item = this._head; this._map.delete(item.key); this.removeItem(item); this._size--; return item.value; } forEach(callbackfn, thisArg) { const state = this._state; let current = this._head; while (current) { if (thisArg) { callbackfn.bind(thisArg)(current.value, current.key, this); } else { callbackfn(current.value, current.key, this); } if (this._state !== state) { throw new Error(`LinkedMap got modified during iteration.`); } current = current.next; } } keys() { const map = this; const state = this._state; let current = this._head; const iterator = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return iterator; }, next() { if (map._state !== state) { throw new Error(`LinkedMap got modified during iteration.`); } if (current) { const result = { value: current.key, done: false }; current = current.next; return result; } else { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } } }; return iterator; } values() { const map = this; const state = this._state; let current = this._head; const iterator = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return iterator; }, next() { if (map._state !== state) { throw new Error(`LinkedMap got modified during iteration.`); } if (current) { const result = { value: current.value, done: false }; current = current.next; return result; } else { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } } }; return iterator; } entries() { const map = this; const state = this._state; let current = this._head; const iterator = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return iterator; }, next() { if (map._state !== state) { throw new Error(`LinkedMap got modified during iteration.`); } if (current) { const result = { value: [current.key, current.value], done: false }; current = current.next; return result; } else { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } } }; return iterator; } [(_b = Symbol.toStringTag, Symbol.iterator)]() { return this.entries(); } trimOld(newSize) { if (newSize >= this.size) { return; } if (newSize === 0) { this.clear(); return; } let current = this._head; let currentSize = this.size; while (current && currentSize > newSize) { this._map.delete(current.key); current = current.next; currentSize--; } this._head = current; this._size = currentSize; if (current) { current.previous = undefined; } this._state++; } addItemFirst(item) { // First time Insert if (!this._head && !this._tail) { this._tail = item; } else if (!this._head) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } else { item.next = this._head; this._head.previous = item; } this._head = item; this._state++; } addItemLast(item) { // First time Insert if (!this._head && !this._tail) { this._head = item; } else if (!this._tail) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } else { item.previous = this._tail; this._tail.next = item; } this._tail = item; this._state++; } removeItem(item) { if (item === this._head && item === this._tail) { this._head = undefined; this._tail = undefined; } else if (item === this._head) { // This can only happen if size === 1 which is handled // by the case above. if (!item.next) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } item.next.previous = undefined; this._head = item.next; } else if (item === this._tail) { // This can only happen if size === 1 which is handled // by the case above. if (!item.previous) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } item.previous.next = undefined; this._tail = item.previous; } else { const next = item.next; const previous = item.previous; if (!next || !previous) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } next.previous = previous; previous.next = next; } item.next = undefined; item.previous = undefined; this._state++; } touch(item, touch) { if (!this._head || !this._tail) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } if ((touch !== 1 /* AsOld */ && touch !== 2 /* AsNew */)) { return; } if (touch === 1 /* AsOld */) { if (item === this._head) { return; } const next = item.next; const previous = item.previous; // Unlink the item if (item === this._tail) { // previous must be defined since item was not head but is tail // So there are more than on item in the map previous.next = undefined; this._tail = previous; } else { // Both next and previous are not undefined since item was neither head nor tail. next.previous = previous; previous.next = next; } // Insert the node at head item.previous = undefined; item.next = this._head; this._head.previous = item; this._head = item; this._state++; } else if (touch === 2 /* AsNew */) { if (item === this._tail) { return; } const next = item.next; const previous = item.previous; // Unlink the item. if (item === this._head) { // next must be defined since item was not tail but is head // So there are more than on item in the map next.previous = undefined; this._head = next; } else { // Both next and previous are not undefined since item was neither head nor tail. next.previous = previous; previous.next = next; } item.next = undefined; item.previous = this._tail; this._tail.next = item; this._tail = item; this._state++; } } toJSON() { const data = []; this.forEach((value, key) => { data.push([key, value]); }); return data; } fromJSON(data) { this.clear(); for (const [key, value] of data) { this.set(key, value); } } } class LRUCache extends LinkedMap { constructor(limit, ratio = 1) { super(); this._limit = limit; this._ratio = Math.min(Math.max(0, ratio), 1); } get limit() { return this._limit; } set limit(limit) { this._limit = limit; this.checkTrim(); } get(key, touch = 2 /* AsNew */) { return super.get(key, touch); } peek(key) { return super.get(key, 0 /* None */); } set(key, value) { super.set(key, value, 2 /* AsNew */); this.checkTrim(); return this; } checkTrim() { if (this.size > this._limit) { this.trimOld(Math.round(this._limit * this._ratio)); } } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const GLOBSTAR = '**'; const GLOB_SPLIT = '/'; const PATH_REGEX = '[/\\\\]'; // any slash or backslash const NO_PATH_REGEX = '[^/\\\\]'; // any non-slash and non-backslash const ALL_FORWARD_SLASHES = /\//g; function starsToRegExp(starCount) { switch (starCount) { case 0: return ''; case 1: return `${NO_PATH_REGEX}*?`; // 1 star matches any number of characters except path separator (/ and \) - non greedy (?) default: // Matches: (Path Sep OR Path Val followed by Path Sep OR Path Sep followed by Path Val) 0-many times // Group is non capturing because we don't need to capture at all (?:...) // Overall we use non-greedy matching because it could be that we match too much return `(?:${PATH_REGEX}|${NO_PATH_REGEX}+${PATH_REGEX}|${PATH_REGEX}${NO_PATH_REGEX}+)*?`; } } function splitGlobAware(pattern, splitChar) { if (!pattern) { return []; } const segments = []; let inBraces = false; let inBrackets = false; let curVal = ''; for (const char of pattern) { switch (char) { case splitChar: if (!inBraces && !inBrackets) { segments.push(curVal); curVal = ''; continue; } break; case '{': inBraces = true; break; case '}': inBraces = false; break; case '[': inBrackets = true; break; case ']': inBrackets = false; break; } curVal += char; } // Tail if (curVal) { segments.push(curVal); } return segments; } function parseRegExp(pattern) { if (!pattern) { return ''; } let regEx = ''; // Split up into segments for each slash found const segments = splitGlobAware(pattern, GLOB_SPLIT); // Special case where we only have globstars if (segments.every(s => s === GLOBSTAR)) { regEx = '.*'; } // Build regex over segments else { let previousSegmentWasGlobStar = false; segments.forEach((segment, index) => { // Globstar is special if (segment === GLOBSTAR) { // if we have more than one globstar after another, just ignore it if (!previousSegmentWasGlobStar) { regEx += starsToRegExp(2); previousSegmentWasGlobStar = true; } return; } // States let inBraces = false; let braceVal = ''; let inBrackets = false; let bracketVal = ''; for (const char of segment) { // Support brace expansion if (char !== '}' && inBraces) { braceVal += char; continue; } // Support brackets if (inBrackets && (char !== ']' || !bracketVal) /* ] is literally only allowed as first character in brackets to match it */) { let res; // range operator if (char === '-') { res = char; } // negation operator (only valid on first index in bracket) else if ((char === '^' || char === '!') && !bracketVal) { res = '^'; } // glob split matching is not allowed within character ranges // see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/glob.7.html else if (char === GLOB_SPLIT) { res = ''; } // anything else gets escaped else { res = escapeRegExpCharacters(char); } bracketVal += res; continue; } switch (char) { case '{': inBraces = true; continue; case '[': inBrackets = true; continue; case '}': { const choices = splitGlobAware(braceVal, ','); // Converts {foo,bar} => [foo|bar] const braceRegExp = `(?:${choices.map(c => parseRegExp(c)).join('|')})`; regEx += braceRegExp; inBraces = false; braceVal = ''; break; } case ']': regEx += ('[' + bracketVal + ']'); inBrackets = false; bracketVal = ''; break; case '?': regEx += NO_PATH_REGEX; // 1 ? matches any single character except path separator (/ and \) continue; case '*': regEx += starsToRegExp(1); continue; default: regEx += escapeRegExpCharacters(char); } } // Tail: Add the slash we had split on if there is more to come and the remaining pattern is not a globstar // For example if pattern: some/**/*.js we want the "/" after some to be included in the RegEx to prevent // a folder called "something" to match as well. // However, if pattern: some/**, we tolerate that we also match on "something" because our globstar behaviour // is to match 0-N segments. if (index < segments.length - 1 && (segments[index + 1] !== GLOBSTAR || index + 2 < segments.length)) { regEx += PATH_REGEX; } // reset state previousSegmentWasGlobStar = false; }); } return regEx; } // regexes to check for trivial glob patterns that just check for String#endsWith const T1 = /^\*\*\/\*\.[\w\.-]+$/; // **/*.something const T2 = /^\*\*\/([\w\.-]+)\/?$/; // **/something const T3 = /^{\*\*\/[\*\.]?[\w\.-]+\/?(,\*\*\/[\*\.]?[\w\.-]+\/?)*}$/; // {**/*.something,**/*.else} or {**/package.json,**/project.json} const T3_2 = /^{\*\*\/[\*\.]?[\w\.-]+(\/(\*\*)?)?(,\*\*\/[\*\.]?[\w\.-]+(\/(\*\*)?)?)*}$/; // Like T3, with optional trailing /** const T4 = /^\*\*((\/[\w\.-]+)+)\/?$/; // **/something/else const T5 = /^([\w\.-]+(\/[\w\.-]+)*)\/?$/; // something/else const CACHE = new LRUCache(10000); // bounded to 10000 elements const FALSE = function () { return false; }; const NULL = function () { return null; }; function parsePattern(arg1, options) { if (!arg1) { return NULL; } // Handle IRelativePattern let pattern; if (typeof arg1 !== 'string') { pattern = arg1.pattern; } else { pattern = arg1; } // Whitespace trimming pattern = pattern.trim(); // Check cache const patternKey = `${pattern}_${!!options.trimForExclusions}`; let parsedPattern = CACHE.get(patternKey); if (parsedPattern) { return wrapRelativePattern(parsedPattern, arg1); } // Check for Trivials let match; if (T1.test(pattern)) { // common pattern: **/*.txt just need endsWith check const base = pattern.substr(4); // '**/*'.length === 4 parsedPattern = function (path, basename) { return typeof path === 'string' && path.endsWith(base) ? pattern : null; }; } else if (match = T2.exec(trimForExclusions(pattern, options))) { // common pattern: **/some.txt just need basename check parsedPattern = trivia2(match[1], pattern); } else if ((options.trimForExclusions ? T3_2 : T3).test(pattern)) { // repetition of common patterns (see above) {**/*.txt,**/*.png} parsedPattern = trivia3(pattern, options); } else if (match = T4.exec(trimForExclusions(pattern, options))) { // common pattern: **/something/else just need endsWith check parsedPattern = trivia4and5(match[1].substr(1), pattern, true); } else if (match = T5.exec(trimForExclusions(pattern, options))) { // common pattern: something/else just need equals check parsedPattern = trivia4and5(match[1], pattern, false); } // Otherwise convert to pattern else { parsedPattern = toRegExp(pattern); } // Cache CACHE.set(patternKey, parsedPattern); return wrapRelativePattern(parsedPattern, arg1); } function wrapRelativePattern(parsedPattern, arg2) { if (typeof arg2 === 'string') { return parsedPattern; } return function (path, basename) { if (!isEqualOrParent(path, arg2.base, !isLinux)) { // skip glob matching if `base` is not a parent of `path` return null; } // Given we have checked `base` being a parent of `path`, // we can now remove the `base` portion of the `path` // and only match on the remaining path components return parsedPattern(path.substr(arg2.base.length + 1), basename); }; } function trimForExclusions(pattern, options) { return options.trimForExclusions && pattern.endsWith('/**') ? pattern.substr(0, pattern.length - 2) : pattern; // dropping **, tailing / is dropped later } // common pattern: **/some.txt just need basename check function trivia2(base, originalPattern) { const slashBase = `/${base}`; const backslashBase = `\\${base}`; const parsedPattern = function (path, basename) { if (typeof path !== 'string') { return null; } if (basename) { return basename === base ? originalPattern : null; } return path === base || path.endsWith(slashBase) || path.endsWith(backslashBase) ? originalPattern : null; }; const basenames = [base]; parsedPattern.basenames = basenames; parsedPattern.patterns = [originalPattern]; parsedPattern.allBasenames = basenames; return parsedPattern; } // repetition of common patterns (see above) {**/*.txt,**/*.png} function trivia3(pattern, options) { const parsedPatterns = aggregateBasenameMatches(pattern.slice(1, -1).split(',') .map(pattern => parsePattern(pattern, options)) .filter(pattern => pattern !== NULL), pattern); const n = parsedPatterns.length; if (!n) { return NULL; } if (n === 1) { return parsedPatterns[0]; } const parsedPattern = function (path, basename) { for (let i = 0, n = parsedPatterns.length; i < n; i++) { if (parsedPatterns[i](path, basename)) { return pattern; } } return null; }; const withBasenames = parsedPatterns.find(pattern => !!pattern.allBasenames); if (withBasenames) { parsedPattern.allBasenames = withBasenames.allBasenames; } const allPaths = parsedPatterns.reduce((all, current) => current.allPaths ? all.concat(current.allPaths) : all, []); if (allPaths.length) { parsedPattern.allPaths = allPaths; } return parsedPattern; } // common patterns: **/something/else just need endsWith check, something/else just needs and equals check function trivia4and5(targetPath, pattern, matchPathEnds) { const usingPosixSep = sep === posix.sep; const nativePath = usingPosixSep ? targetPath : targetPath.replace(ALL_FORWARD_SLASHES, sep); const nativePathEnd = sep + nativePath; const targetPathEnd = posix.sep + targetPath; const parsedPattern = matchPathEnds ? function (testPath, basename) { return typeof testPath === 'string' && ((testPath === nativePath || testPath.endsWith(nativePathEnd)) || !usingPosixSep && (testPath === targetPath || testPath.endsWith(targetPathEnd))) ? pattern : null; } : function (testPath, basename) { return typeof testPath === 'string' && (testPath === nativePath || (!usingPosixSep && testPath === targetPath)) ? pattern : null; }; parsedPattern.allPaths = [(matchPathEnds ? '*/' : './') + targetPath]; return parsedPattern; } function toRegExp(pattern) { try { const regExp = new RegExp(`^${parseRegExp(pattern)}$`); return function (path) { regExp.lastIndex = 0; // reset RegExp to its initial state to reuse it! return typeof path === 'string' && regExp.test(path) ? pattern : null; }; } catch (error) { return NULL; } } function match(arg1, path, hasSibling) { if (!arg1 || typeof path !== 'string') { return false; } return parse(arg1)(path, undefined, hasSibling); } function parse(arg1, options = {}) { if (!arg1) { return FALSE; } // Glob with String if (typeof arg1 === 'string' || isRelativePattern(arg1)) { const parsedPattern = parsePattern(arg1, options); if (parsedPattern === NULL) { return FALSE; } const resultPattern = function (path, basename) { return !!parsedPattern(path, basename); }; if (parsedPattern.allBasenames) { resultPattern.allBasenames = parsedPattern.allBasenames; } if (parsedPattern.allPaths) { resultPattern.allPaths = parsedPattern.allPaths; } return resultPattern; } // Glob with Expression return parsedExpression(arg1, options); } function isRelativePattern(obj) { const rp = obj; if (!rp) { return false; } return typeof rp.base === 'string' && typeof rp.pattern === 'string'; } function parsedExpression(expression, options) { const parsedPatterns = aggregateBasenameMatches(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(expression) .map(pattern => parseExpressionPattern(pattern, expression[pattern], options)) .filter(pattern => pattern !== NULL)); const n = parsedPatterns.length; if (!n) { return NULL; } if (!parsedPatterns.some(parsedPattern => !!parsedPattern.requiresSiblings)) { if (n === 1) { return parsedPatterns[0]; } const resultExpression = function (path, basename) { for (let i = 0, n = parsedPatterns.length; i < n; i++) { // Pattern matches path const result = parsedPatterns[i](path, basename); if (result) { return result; } } return null; }; const withBasenames = parsedPatterns.find(pattern => !!pattern.allBasenames); if (withBasenames) { resultExpression.allBasenames = withBasenames.allBasenames; } const allPaths = parsedPatterns.reduce((all, current) => current.allPaths ? all.concat(current.allPaths) : all, []); if (allPaths.length) { resultExpression.allPaths = allPaths; } return resultExpression; } const resultExpression = function (path, base, hasSibling) { let name = undefined; for (let i = 0, n = parsedPatterns.length; i < n; i++) { // Pattern matches path const parsedPattern = parsedPatterns[i]; if (parsedPattern.requiresSiblings && hasSibling) { if (!base) { base = basename(path); } if (!name) { name = base.substr(0, base.length - extname(path).length); } } const result = parsedPattern(path, base, name, hasSibling); if (result) { return result; } } return null; }; const withBasenames = parsedPatterns.find(pattern => !!pattern.allBasenames); if (withBasenames) { resultExpression.allBasenames = withBasenames.allBasenames; } const allPaths = parsedPatterns.reduce((all, current) => current.allPaths ? all.concat(current.allPaths) : all, []); if (allPaths.length) { resultExpression.allPaths = allPaths; } return resultExpression; } function parseExpressionPattern(pattern, value, options) { if (value === false) { return NULL; // pattern is disabled } const parsedPattern = parsePattern(pattern, options); if (parsedPattern === NULL) { return NULL; } // Expression Pattern is if (typeof value === 'boolean') { return parsedPattern; } // Expression Pattern is if (value) { const when = value.when; if (typeof when === 'string') { const result = (path, basename, name, hasSibling) => { if (!hasSibling || !parsedPattern(path, basename)) { return null; } const clausePattern = when.replace('$(basename)', name); const matched = hasSibling(clausePattern); return isThenable(matched) ? matched.then(m => m ? pattern : null) : matched ? pattern : null; }; result.requiresSiblings = true; return result; } } // Expression is Anything return parsedPattern; } function aggregateBasenameMatches(parsedPatterns, result) { const basenamePatterns = parsedPatterns.filter(parsedPattern => !!parsedPattern.basenames); if (basenamePatterns.length < 2) { return parsedPatterns; } const basenames = basenamePatterns.reduce((all, current) => { const basenames = current.basenames; return basenames ? all.concat(basenames) : all; }, []); let patterns; if (result) { patterns = []; for (let i = 0, n = basenames.length; i < n; i++) { patterns.push(result); } } else { patterns = basenamePatterns.reduce((all, current) => { const patterns = current.patterns; return patterns ? all.concat(patterns) : all; }, []); } const aggregate = function (path, basename) { if (typeof path !== 'string') { return null; } if (!basename) { let i; for (i = path.length; i > 0; i--) { const ch = path.charCodeAt(i - 1); if (ch === 47 /* Slash */ || ch === 92 /* Backslash */) { break; } } basename = path.substr(i); } const index = basenames.indexOf(basename); return index !== -1 ? patterns[index] : null; }; aggregate.basenames = basenames; aggregate.patterns = patterns; aggregate.allBasenames = basenames; const aggregatedPatterns = parsedPatterns.filter(parsedPattern => !parsedPattern.basenames); aggregatedPatterns.push(aggregate); return aggregatedPatterns; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function score(selector, candidateUri, candidateLanguage, candidateIsSynchronized) { if (Array.isArray(selector)) { // array -> take max individual value let ret = 0; for (const filter of selector) { const value = score(filter, candidateUri, candidateLanguage, candidateIsSynchronized); if (value === 10) { return value; // already at the highest } if (value > ret) { ret = value; } } return ret; } else if (typeof selector === 'string') { if (!candidateIsSynchronized) { return 0; } // short-hand notion, desugars to // 'fooLang' -> { language: 'fooLang'} // '*' -> { language: '*' } if (selector === '*') { return 5; } else if (selector === candidateLanguage) { return 10; } else { return 0; } } else if (selector) { // filter -> select accordingly, use defaults for scheme const { language, pattern, scheme, hasAccessToAllModels } = selector; // TODO: microsoft/TypeScript#42768 if (!candidateIsSynchronized && !hasAccessToAllModels) { return 0; } let ret = 0; if (scheme) { if (scheme === candidateUri.scheme) { ret = 10; } else if (scheme === '*') { ret = 5; } else { return 0; } } if (language) { if (language === candidateLanguage) { ret = 10; } else if (language === '*') { ret = Math.max(ret, 5); } else { return 0; } } if (pattern) { let normalizedPattern; if (typeof pattern === 'string') { normalizedPattern = pattern; } else { // Since this pattern has a `base` property, we need // to normalize this path first before passing it on // because we will compare it against `Uri.fsPath` // which uses platform specific separators. // Refs: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/99938 normalizedPattern = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, pattern), { base: normalize(pattern.base) }); } if (normalizedPattern === candidateUri.fsPath || match(normalizedPattern, candidateUri.fsPath)) { ret = 10; } else { return 0; } } return ret; } else { return 0; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function isExclusive(selector) { if (typeof selector === 'string') { return false; } else if (Array.isArray(selector)) { return selector.every(isExclusive); } else { return !!selector.exclusive; // TODO: microsoft/TypeScript#42768 } } class LanguageFeatureRegistry { constructor() { this._clock = 0; this._entries = []; this._onDidChange = new Emitter(); } get onDidChange() { return this._onDidChange.event; } register(selector, provider) { let entry = { selector, provider, _score: -1, _time: this._clock++ }; this._entries.push(entry); this._lastCandidate = undefined; this._onDidChange.fire(this._entries.length); return toDisposable(() => { if (entry) { const idx = this._entries.indexOf(entry); if (idx >= 0) { this._entries.splice(idx, 1); this._lastCandidate = undefined; this._onDidChange.fire(this._entries.length); entry = undefined; } } }); } has(model) { return this.all(model).length > 0; } all(model) { if (!model) { return []; } this._updateScores(model); const result = []; // from registry for (let entry of this._entries) { if (entry._score > 0) { result.push(entry.provider); } } return result; } ordered(model) { const result = []; this._orderedForEach(model, entry => result.push(entry.provider)); return result; } orderedGroups(model) { const result = []; let lastBucket; let lastBucketScore; this._orderedForEach(model, entry => { if (lastBucket && lastBucketScore === entry._score) { lastBucket.push(entry.provider); } else { lastBucketScore = entry._score; lastBucket = [entry.provider]; result.push(lastBucket); } }); return result; } _orderedForEach(model, callback) { if (!model) { return; } this._updateScores(model); for (const entry of this._entries) { if (entry._score > 0) { callback(entry); } } } _updateScores(model) { const candidate = { uri: model.uri.toString(), language: model.getLanguageId() }; if (this._lastCandidate && this._lastCandidate.language === candidate.language && this._lastCandidate.uri === candidate.uri) { // nothing has changed return; } this._lastCandidate = candidate; for (let entry of this._entries) { entry._score = score(entry.selector, model.uri, model.getLanguageId(), shouldSynchronizeModel(model)); if (isExclusive(entry.selector) && entry._score > 0) { // support for one exclusive selector that overwrites // any other selector for (let entry of this._entries) { entry._score = 0; } entry._score = 1000; break; } } // needs sorting this._entries.sort(LanguageFeatureRegistry._compareByScoreAndTime); } static _compareByScoreAndTime(a, b) { if (a._score < b._score) { return 1; } else if (a._score > b._score) { return -1; } else if (a._time < b._time) { return 1; } else if (a._time > b._time) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var __awaiter$1 = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; class TokenizationRegistry { constructor() { this._map = new Map(); this._factories = new Map(); this._onDidChange = new Emitter(); this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event; this._colorMap = null; } fire(languages) { this._onDidChange.fire({ changedLanguages: languages, changedColorMap: false }); } register(language, support) { this._map.set(language, support); this.fire([language]); return toDisposable(() => { if (this._map.get(language) !== support) { return; } this._map.delete(language); this.fire([language]); }); } registerFactory(languageId, factory) { var _a; (_a = this._factories.get(languageId)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.dispose(); const myData = new TokenizationSupportFactoryData(this, languageId, factory); this._factories.set(languageId, myData); return toDisposable(() => { const v = this._factories.get(languageId); if (!v || v !== myData) { return; } this._factories.delete(languageId); v.dispose(); }); } getOrCreate(languageId) { return __awaiter$1(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { // check first if the support is already set const tokenizationSupport = this.get(languageId); if (tokenizationSupport) { return tokenizationSupport; } const factory = this._factories.get(languageId); if (!factory || factory.isResolved) { // no factory or factory.resolve already finished return null; } yield factory.resolve(); return this.get(languageId); }); } get(language) { return (this._map.get(language) || null); } isResolved(languageId) { const tokenizationSupport = this.get(languageId); if (tokenizationSupport) { return true; } const factory = this._factories.get(languageId); if (!factory || factory.isResolved) { return true; } return false; } setColorMap(colorMap) { this._colorMap = colorMap; this._onDidChange.fire({ changedLanguages: Array.from(this._map.keys()), changedColorMap: true }); } getColorMap() { return this._colorMap; } getDefaultBackground() { if (this._colorMap && this._colorMap.length > 2 /* DefaultBackground */) { return this._colorMap[2 /* DefaultBackground */]; } return null; } } class TokenizationSupportFactoryData extends Disposable { constructor(_registry, _languageId, _factory) { super(); this._registry = _registry; this._languageId = _languageId; this._factory = _factory; this._isDisposed = false; this._resolvePromise = null; this._isResolved = false; } get isResolved() { return this._isResolved; } dispose() { this._isDisposed = true; super.dispose(); } resolve() { return __awaiter$1(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!this._resolvePromise) { this._resolvePromise = this._create(); } return this._resolvePromise; }); } _create() { return __awaiter$1(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const value = yield Promise.resolve(this._factory.createTokenizationSupport()); this._isResolved = true; if (value && !this._isDisposed) { this._register(this._registry.register(this._languageId, value)); } }); } } // Selects all codicon names encapsulated in the `$()` syntax and wraps the /** * The Codicon library is a set of default icons that are built-in in VS Code. * * In the product (outside of base) Codicons should only be used as defaults. In order to have all icons in VS Code * themeable, component should define new, UI component specific icons using `iconRegistry.registerIcon`. * In that call a Codicon can be named as default. */ class Codicon { constructor(id, definition, description) { this.id = id; this.definition = definition; this.description = description; Codicon._allCodicons.push(this); } get classNames() { return 'codicon codicon-' + this.id; } // classNamesArray is useful for migrating to ES6 classlist get classNamesArray() { return ['codicon', 'codicon-' + this.id]; } get cssSelector() { return '.codicon.codicon-' + this.id; } /** * @returns Returns all default icons covered by the codicon font. Only to be used by the icon registry in platform. */ static getAll() { return Codicon._allCodicons; } } // registry Codicon._allCodicons = []; // built-in icons, with image name Codicon.add = new Codicon('add', { fontCharacter: '\\ea60' }); Codicon.plus = new Codicon('plus', Codicon.add.definition); Codicon.gistNew = new Codicon('gist-new', Codicon.add.definition); Codicon.repoCreate = new Codicon('repo-create', Codicon.add.definition); Codicon.lightbulb = new Codicon('lightbulb', { fontCharacter: '\\ea61' }); Codicon.lightBulb = new Codicon('light-bulb', { fontCharacter: '\\ea61' }); Codicon.repo = new Codicon('repo', { fontCharacter: '\\ea62' }); Codicon.repoDelete = new Codicon('repo-delete', { fontCharacter: '\\ea62' }); Codicon.gistFork = new Codicon('gist-fork', { fontCharacter: '\\ea63' }); Codicon.repoForked = new Codicon('repo-forked', { fontCharacter: '\\ea63' }); Codicon.gitPullRequest = new Codicon('git-pull-request', { fontCharacter: '\\ea64' }); Codicon.gitPullRequestAbandoned = new Codicon('git-pull-request-abandoned', { fontCharacter: '\\ea64' }); Codicon.recordKeys = new Codicon('record-keys', { fontCharacter: '\\ea65' }); Codicon.keyboard = new Codicon('keyboard', { fontCharacter: '\\ea65' }); Codicon.tag = new Codicon('tag', { fontCharacter: '\\ea66' }); Codicon.tagAdd = new Codicon('tag-add', { fontCharacter: '\\ea66' }); Codicon.tagRemove = new Codicon('tag-remove', { fontCharacter: '\\ea66' }); Codicon.person = new Codicon('person', { fontCharacter: '\\ea67' }); Codicon.personFollow = new Codicon('person-follow', { fontCharacter: '\\ea67' }); Codicon.personOutline = new Codicon('person-outline', { fontCharacter: '\\ea67' }); Codicon.personFilled = new Codicon('person-filled', { fontCharacter: '\\ea67' }); Codicon.gitBranch = new Codicon('git-branch', { fontCharacter: '\\ea68' }); Codicon.gitBranchCreate = new Codicon('git-branch-create', { fontCharacter: '\\ea68' }); Codicon.gitBranchDelete = new Codicon('git-branch-delete', { fontCharacter: '\\ea68' }); Codicon.sourceControl = new Codicon('source-control', { fontCharacter: '\\ea68' }); Codicon.mirror = new Codicon('mirror', { fontCharacter: '\\ea69' }); Codicon.mirrorPublic = new Codicon('mirror-public', { fontCharacter: '\\ea69' }); Codicon.star = new Codicon('star', { fontCharacter: '\\ea6a' }); Codicon.starAdd = new Codicon('star-add', { fontCharacter: '\\ea6a' }); Codicon.starDelete = new Codicon('star-delete', { fontCharacter: '\\ea6a' }); Codicon.starEmpty = new Codicon('star-empty', { fontCharacter: '\\ea6a' }); Codicon.comment = new Codicon('comment', { fontCharacter: '\\ea6b' }); Codicon.commentAdd = new Codicon('comment-add', { fontCharacter: '\\ea6b' }); Codicon.alert = new Codicon('alert', { fontCharacter: '\\ea6c' }); Codicon.warning = new Codicon('warning', { fontCharacter: '\\ea6c' }); Codicon.search = new Codicon('search', { fontCharacter: '\\ea6d' }); Codicon.searchSave = new Codicon('search-save', { fontCharacter: '\\ea6d' }); Codicon.logOut = new Codicon('log-out', { fontCharacter: '\\ea6e' }); Codicon.signOut = new Codicon('sign-out', { fontCharacter: '\\ea6e' }); Codicon.logIn = new Codicon('log-in', { fontCharacter: '\\ea6f' }); Codicon.signIn = new Codicon('sign-in', { fontCharacter: '\\ea6f' }); Codicon.eye = new Codicon('eye', { fontCharacter: '\\ea70' }); Codicon.eyeUnwatch = new Codicon('eye-unwatch', { fontCharacter: '\\ea70' }); Codicon.eyeWatch = new Codicon('eye-watch', { fontCharacter: '\\ea70' }); Codicon.circleFilled = new Codicon('circle-filled', { fontCharacter: '\\ea71' }); Codicon.primitiveDot = new Codicon('primitive-dot', { fontCharacter: '\\ea71' }); Codicon.closeDirty = new Codicon('close-dirty', { fontCharacter: '\\ea71' }); Codicon.debugBreakpoint = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint', { fontCharacter: '\\ea71' }); Codicon.debugBreakpointDisabled = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-disabled', { fontCharacter: '\\ea71' }); Codicon.debugHint = new Codicon('debug-hint', { fontCharacter: '\\ea71' }); Codicon.primitiveSquare = new Codicon('primitive-square', { fontCharacter: '\\ea72' }); Codicon.edit = new Codicon('edit', { fontCharacter: '\\ea73' }); Codicon.pencil = new Codicon('pencil', { fontCharacter: '\\ea73' }); Codicon.info = new Codicon('info', { fontCharacter: '\\ea74' }); Codicon.issueOpened = new Codicon('issue-opened', { fontCharacter: '\\ea74' }); Codicon.gistPrivate = new Codicon('gist-private', { fontCharacter: '\\ea75' }); Codicon.gitForkPrivate = new Codicon('git-fork-private', { fontCharacter: '\\ea75' }); Codicon.lock = new Codicon('lock', { fontCharacter: '\\ea75' }); Codicon.mirrorPrivate = new Codicon('mirror-private', { fontCharacter: '\\ea75' }); Codicon.close = new Codicon('close', { fontCharacter: '\\ea76' }); Codicon.removeClose = new Codicon('remove-close', { fontCharacter: '\\ea76' }); Codicon.x = new Codicon('x', { fontCharacter: '\\ea76' }); Codicon.repoSync = new Codicon('repo-sync', { fontCharacter: '\\ea77' }); Codicon.sync = new Codicon('sync', { fontCharacter: '\\ea77' }); Codicon.clone = new Codicon('clone', { fontCharacter: '\\ea78' }); Codicon.desktopDownload = new Codicon('desktop-download', { fontCharacter: '\\ea78' }); Codicon.beaker = new Codicon('beaker', { fontCharacter: '\\ea79' }); Codicon.microscope = new Codicon('microscope', { fontCharacter: '\\ea79' }); Codicon.vm = new Codicon('vm', { fontCharacter: '\\ea7a' }); Codicon.deviceDesktop = new Codicon('device-desktop', { fontCharacter: '\\ea7a' }); Codicon.file = new Codicon('file', { fontCharacter: '\\ea7b' }); Codicon.fileText = new Codicon('file-text', { fontCharacter: '\\ea7b' }); Codicon.more = new Codicon('more', { fontCharacter: '\\ea7c' }); Codicon.ellipsis = new Codicon('ellipsis', { fontCharacter: '\\ea7c' }); Codicon.kebabHorizontal = new Codicon('kebab-horizontal', { fontCharacter: '\\ea7c' }); Codicon.mailReply = new Codicon('mail-reply', { fontCharacter: '\\ea7d' }); Codicon.reply = new Codicon('reply', { fontCharacter: '\\ea7d' }); Codicon.organization = new Codicon('organization', { fontCharacter: '\\ea7e' }); Codicon.organizationFilled = new Codicon('organization-filled', { fontCharacter: '\\ea7e' }); Codicon.organizationOutline = new Codicon('organization-outline', { fontCharacter: '\\ea7e' }); Codicon.newFile = new Codicon('new-file', { fontCharacter: '\\ea7f' }); Codicon.fileAdd = new Codicon('file-add', { fontCharacter: '\\ea7f' }); Codicon.newFolder = new Codicon('new-folder', { fontCharacter: '\\ea80' }); Codicon.fileDirectoryCreate = new Codicon('file-directory-create', { fontCharacter: '\\ea80' }); Codicon.trash = new Codicon('trash', { fontCharacter: '\\ea81' }); Codicon.trashcan = new Codicon('trashcan', { fontCharacter: '\\ea81' }); Codicon.history = new Codicon('history', { fontCharacter: '\\ea82' }); Codicon.clock = new Codicon('clock', { fontCharacter: '\\ea82' }); Codicon.folder = new Codicon('folder', { fontCharacter: '\\ea83' }); Codicon.fileDirectory = new Codicon('file-directory', { fontCharacter: '\\ea83' }); Codicon.symbolFolder = new Codicon('symbol-folder', { fontCharacter: '\\ea83' }); Codicon.logoGithub = new Codicon('logo-github', { fontCharacter: '\\ea84' }); Codicon.markGithub = new Codicon('mark-github', { fontCharacter: '\\ea84' }); Codicon.github = new Codicon('github', { fontCharacter: '\\ea84' }); Codicon.terminal = new Codicon('terminal', { fontCharacter: '\\ea85' }); Codicon.console = new Codicon('console', { fontCharacter: '\\ea85' }); Codicon.repl = new Codicon('repl', { fontCharacter: '\\ea85' }); Codicon.zap = new Codicon('zap', { fontCharacter: '\\ea86' }); Codicon.symbolEvent = new Codicon('symbol-event', { fontCharacter: '\\ea86' }); Codicon.error = new Codicon('error', { fontCharacter: '\\ea87' }); Codicon.stop = new Codicon('stop', { fontCharacter: '\\ea87' }); Codicon.variable = new Codicon('variable', { fontCharacter: '\\ea88' }); Codicon.symbolVariable = new Codicon('symbol-variable', { fontCharacter: '\\ea88' }); Codicon.array = new Codicon('array', { fontCharacter: '\\ea8a' }); Codicon.symbolArray = new Codicon('symbol-array', { fontCharacter: '\\ea8a' }); Codicon.symbolModule = new Codicon('symbol-module', { fontCharacter: '\\ea8b' }); Codicon.symbolPackage = new Codicon('symbol-package', { fontCharacter: '\\ea8b' }); Codicon.symbolNamespace = new Codicon('symbol-namespace', { fontCharacter: '\\ea8b' }); Codicon.symbolObject = new Codicon('symbol-object', { fontCharacter: '\\ea8b' }); Codicon.symbolMethod = new Codicon('symbol-method', { fontCharacter: '\\ea8c' }); Codicon.symbolFunction = new Codicon('symbol-function', { fontCharacter: '\\ea8c' }); Codicon.symbolConstructor = new Codicon('symbol-constructor', { fontCharacter: '\\ea8c' }); Codicon.symbolBoolean = new Codicon('symbol-boolean', { fontCharacter: '\\ea8f' }); Codicon.symbolNull = new Codicon('symbol-null', { fontCharacter: '\\ea8f' }); Codicon.symbolNumeric = new Codicon('symbol-numeric', { fontCharacter: '\\ea90' }); Codicon.symbolNumber = new Codicon('symbol-number', { fontCharacter: '\\ea90' }); Codicon.symbolStructure = new Codicon('symbol-structure', { fontCharacter: '\\ea91' }); Codicon.symbolStruct = new Codicon('symbol-struct', { fontCharacter: '\\ea91' }); Codicon.symbolParameter = new Codicon('symbol-parameter', { fontCharacter: '\\ea92' }); Codicon.symbolTypeParameter = new Codicon('symbol-type-parameter', { fontCharacter: '\\ea92' }); Codicon.symbolKey = new Codicon('symbol-key', { fontCharacter: '\\ea93' }); Codicon.symbolText = new Codicon('symbol-text', { fontCharacter: '\\ea93' }); Codicon.symbolReference = new Codicon('symbol-reference', { fontCharacter: '\\ea94' }); Codicon.goToFile = new Codicon('go-to-file', { fontCharacter: '\\ea94' }); Codicon.symbolEnum = new Codicon('symbol-enum', { fontCharacter: '\\ea95' }); Codicon.symbolValue = new Codicon('symbol-value', { fontCharacter: '\\ea95' }); Codicon.symbolRuler = new Codicon('symbol-ruler', { fontCharacter: '\\ea96' }); Codicon.symbolUnit = new Codicon('symbol-unit', { fontCharacter: '\\ea96' }); Codicon.activateBreakpoints = new Codicon('activate-breakpoints', { fontCharacter: '\\ea97' }); Codicon.archive = new Codicon('archive', { fontCharacter: '\\ea98' }); Codicon.arrowBoth = new Codicon('arrow-both', { fontCharacter: '\\ea99' }); Codicon.arrowDown = new Codicon('arrow-down', { fontCharacter: '\\ea9a' }); Codicon.arrowLeft = new Codicon('arrow-left', { fontCharacter: '\\ea9b' }); Codicon.arrowRight = new Codicon('arrow-right', { fontCharacter: '\\ea9c' }); Codicon.arrowSmallDown = new Codicon('arrow-small-down', { fontCharacter: '\\ea9d' }); Codicon.arrowSmallLeft = new Codicon('arrow-small-left', { fontCharacter: '\\ea9e' }); Codicon.arrowSmallRight = new Codicon('arrow-small-right', { fontCharacter: '\\ea9f' }); Codicon.arrowSmallUp = new Codicon('arrow-small-up', { fontCharacter: '\\eaa0' }); Codicon.arrowUp = new Codicon('arrow-up', { fontCharacter: '\\eaa1' }); Codicon.bell = new Codicon('bell', { fontCharacter: '\\eaa2' }); Codicon.bold = new Codicon('bold', { fontCharacter: '\\eaa3' }); Codicon.book = new Codicon('book', { fontCharacter: '\\eaa4' }); Codicon.bookmark = new Codicon('bookmark', { fontCharacter: '\\eaa5' }); Codicon.debugBreakpointConditionalUnverified = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-conditional-unverified', { fontCharacter: '\\eaa6' }); Codicon.debugBreakpointConditional = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-conditional', { fontCharacter: '\\eaa7' }); Codicon.debugBreakpointConditionalDisabled = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-conditional-disabled', { fontCharacter: '\\eaa7' }); Codicon.debugBreakpointDataUnverified = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-data-unverified', { fontCharacter: '\\eaa8' }); Codicon.debugBreakpointData = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-data', { fontCharacter: '\\eaa9' }); Codicon.debugBreakpointDataDisabled = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-data-disabled', { fontCharacter: '\\eaa9' }); Codicon.debugBreakpointLogUnverified = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-log-unverified', { fontCharacter: '\\eaaa' }); Codicon.debugBreakpointLog = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-log', { fontCharacter: '\\eaab' }); Codicon.debugBreakpointLogDisabled = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-log-disabled', { fontCharacter: '\\eaab' }); Codicon.briefcase = new Codicon('briefcase', { fontCharacter: '\\eaac' }); Codicon.broadcast = new Codicon('broadcast', { fontCharacter: '\\eaad' }); Codicon.browser = new Codicon('browser', { fontCharacter: '\\eaae' }); Codicon.bug = new Codicon('bug', { fontCharacter: '\\eaaf' }); Codicon.calendar = new Codicon('calendar', { fontCharacter: '\\eab0' }); Codicon.caseSensitive = new Codicon('case-sensitive', { fontCharacter: '\\eab1' }); Codicon.check = new Codicon('check', { fontCharacter: '\\eab2' }); Codicon.checklist = new Codicon('checklist', { fontCharacter: '\\eab3' }); Codicon.chevronDown = new Codicon('chevron-down', { fontCharacter: '\\eab4' }); Codicon.dropDownButton = new Codicon('drop-down-button', Codicon.chevronDown.definition); Codicon.chevronLeft = new Codicon('chevron-left', { fontCharacter: '\\eab5' }); Codicon.chevronRight = new Codicon('chevron-right', { fontCharacter: '\\eab6' }); Codicon.chevronUp = new Codicon('chevron-up', { fontCharacter: '\\eab7' }); Codicon.chromeClose = new Codicon('chrome-close', { fontCharacter: '\\eab8' }); Codicon.chromeMaximize = new Codicon('chrome-maximize', { fontCharacter: '\\eab9' }); Codicon.chromeMinimize = new Codicon('chrome-minimize', { fontCharacter: '\\eaba' }); Codicon.chromeRestore = new Codicon('chrome-restore', { fontCharacter: '\\eabb' }); Codicon.circleOutline = new Codicon('circle-outline', { fontCharacter: '\\eabc' }); Codicon.debugBreakpointUnverified = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-unverified', { fontCharacter: '\\eabc' }); Codicon.circleSlash = new Codicon('circle-slash', { fontCharacter: '\\eabd' }); Codicon.circuitBoard = new Codicon('circuit-board', { fontCharacter: '\\eabe' }); Codicon.clearAll = new Codicon('clear-all', { fontCharacter: '\\eabf' }); Codicon.clippy = new Codicon('clippy', { fontCharacter: '\\eac0' }); Codicon.closeAll = new Codicon('close-all', { fontCharacter: '\\eac1' }); Codicon.cloudDownload = new Codicon('cloud-download', { fontCharacter: '\\eac2' }); Codicon.cloudUpload = new Codicon('cloud-upload', { fontCharacter: '\\eac3' }); Codicon.code = new Codicon('code', { fontCharacter: '\\eac4' }); Codicon.collapseAll = new Codicon('collapse-all', { fontCharacter: '\\eac5' }); Codicon.colorMode = new Codicon('color-mode', { fontCharacter: '\\eac6' }); Codicon.commentDiscussion = new Codicon('comment-discussion', { fontCharacter: '\\eac7' }); Codicon.compareChanges = new Codicon('compare-changes', { fontCharacter: '\\eafd' }); Codicon.creditCard = new Codicon('credit-card', { fontCharacter: '\\eac9' }); Codicon.dash = new Codicon('dash', { fontCharacter: '\\eacc' }); Codicon.dashboard = new Codicon('dashboard', { fontCharacter: '\\eacd' }); Codicon.database = new Codicon('database', { fontCharacter: '\\eace' }); Codicon.debugContinue = new Codicon('debug-continue', { fontCharacter: '\\eacf' }); Codicon.debugDisconnect = new Codicon('debug-disconnect', { fontCharacter: '\\ead0' }); Codicon.debugPause = new Codicon('debug-pause', { fontCharacter: '\\ead1' }); Codicon.debugRestart = new Codicon('debug-restart', { fontCharacter: '\\ead2' }); Codicon.debugStart = new Codicon('debug-start', { fontCharacter: '\\ead3' }); Codicon.debugStepInto = new Codicon('debug-step-into', { fontCharacter: '\\ead4' }); Codicon.debugStepOut = new Codicon('debug-step-out', { fontCharacter: '\\ead5' }); Codicon.debugStepOver = new Codicon('debug-step-over', { fontCharacter: '\\ead6' }); Codicon.debugStop = new Codicon('debug-stop', { fontCharacter: '\\ead7' }); Codicon.debug = new Codicon('debug', { fontCharacter: '\\ead8' }); Codicon.deviceCameraVideo = new Codicon('device-camera-video', { fontCharacter: '\\ead9' }); Codicon.deviceCamera = new Codicon('device-camera', { fontCharacter: '\\eada' }); Codicon.deviceMobile = new Codicon('device-mobile', { fontCharacter: '\\eadb' }); Codicon.diffAdded = new Codicon('diff-added', { fontCharacter: '\\eadc' }); Codicon.diffIgnored = new Codicon('diff-ignored', { fontCharacter: '\\eadd' }); Codicon.diffModified = new Codicon('diff-modified', { fontCharacter: '\\eade' }); Codicon.diffRemoved = new Codicon('diff-removed', { fontCharacter: '\\eadf' }); Codicon.diffRenamed = new Codicon('diff-renamed', { fontCharacter: '\\eae0' }); Codicon.diff = new Codicon('diff', { fontCharacter: '\\eae1' }); Codicon.discard = new Codicon('discard', { fontCharacter: '\\eae2' }); Codicon.editorLayout = new Codicon('editor-layout', { fontCharacter: '\\eae3' }); Codicon.emptyWindow = new Codicon('empty-window', { fontCharacter: '\\eae4' }); Codicon.exclude = new Codicon('exclude', { fontCharacter: '\\eae5' }); Codicon.extensions = new Codicon('extensions', { fontCharacter: '\\eae6' }); Codicon.eyeClosed = new Codicon('eye-closed', { fontCharacter: '\\eae7' }); Codicon.fileBinary = new Codicon('file-binary', { fontCharacter: '\\eae8' }); Codicon.fileCode = new Codicon('file-code', { fontCharacter: '\\eae9' }); Codicon.fileMedia = new Codicon('file-media', { fontCharacter: '\\eaea' }); Codicon.filePdf = new Codicon('file-pdf', { fontCharacter: '\\eaeb' }); Codicon.fileSubmodule = new Codicon('file-submodule', { fontCharacter: '\\eaec' }); Codicon.fileSymlinkDirectory = new Codicon('file-symlink-directory', { fontCharacter: '\\eaed' }); Codicon.fileSymlinkFile = new Codicon('file-symlink-file', { fontCharacter: '\\eaee' }); Codicon.fileZip = new Codicon('file-zip', { fontCharacter: '\\eaef' }); Codicon.files = new Codicon('files', { fontCharacter: '\\eaf0' }); Codicon.filter = new Codicon('filter', { fontCharacter: '\\eaf1' }); Codicon.flame = new Codicon('flame', { fontCharacter: '\\eaf2' }); Codicon.foldDown = new Codicon('fold-down', { fontCharacter: '\\eaf3' }); Codicon.foldUp = new Codicon('fold-up', { fontCharacter: '\\eaf4' }); Codicon.fold = new Codicon('fold', { fontCharacter: '\\eaf5' }); Codicon.folderActive = new Codicon('folder-active', { fontCharacter: '\\eaf6' }); Codicon.folderOpened = new Codicon('folder-opened', { fontCharacter: '\\eaf7' }); Codicon.gear = new Codicon('gear', { fontCharacter: '\\eaf8' }); Codicon.gift = new Codicon('gift', { fontCharacter: '\\eaf9' }); Codicon.gistSecret = new Codicon('gist-secret', { fontCharacter: '\\eafa' }); Codicon.gist = new Codicon('gist', { fontCharacter: '\\eafb' }); Codicon.gitCommit = new Codicon('git-commit', { fontCharacter: '\\eafc' }); Codicon.gitCompare = new Codicon('git-compare', { fontCharacter: '\\eafd' }); Codicon.gitMerge = new Codicon('git-merge', { fontCharacter: '\\eafe' }); Codicon.githubAction = new Codicon('github-action', { fontCharacter: '\\eaff' }); Codicon.githubAlt = new Codicon('github-alt', { fontCharacter: '\\eb00' }); Codicon.globe = new Codicon('globe', { fontCharacter: '\\eb01' }); Codicon.grabber = new Codicon('grabber', { fontCharacter: '\\eb02' }); Codicon.graph = new Codicon('graph', { fontCharacter: '\\eb03' }); Codicon.gripper = new Codicon('gripper', { fontCharacter: '\\eb04' }); Codicon.heart = new Codicon('heart', { fontCharacter: '\\eb05' }); Codicon.home = new Codicon('home', { fontCharacter: '\\eb06' }); Codicon.horizontalRule = new Codicon('horizontal-rule', { fontCharacter: '\\eb07' }); Codicon.hubot = new Codicon('hubot', { fontCharacter: '\\eb08' }); Codicon.inbox = new Codicon('inbox', { fontCharacter: '\\eb09' }); Codicon.issueClosed = new Codicon('issue-closed', { fontCharacter: '\\eba4' }); Codicon.issueReopened = new Codicon('issue-reopened', { fontCharacter: '\\eb0b' }); Codicon.issues = new Codicon('issues', { fontCharacter: '\\eb0c' }); Codicon.italic = new Codicon('italic', { fontCharacter: '\\eb0d' }); Codicon.jersey = new Codicon('jersey', { fontCharacter: '\\eb0e' }); Codicon.json = new Codicon('json', { fontCharacter: '\\eb0f' }); Codicon.kebabVertical = new Codicon('kebab-vertical', { fontCharacter: '\\eb10' }); Codicon.key = new Codicon('key', { fontCharacter: '\\eb11' }); Codicon.law = new Codicon('law', { fontCharacter: '\\eb12' }); Codicon.lightbulbAutofix = new Codicon('lightbulb-autofix', { fontCharacter: '\\eb13' }); Codicon.linkExternal = new Codicon('link-external', { fontCharacter: '\\eb14' }); Codicon.link = new Codicon('link', { fontCharacter: '\\eb15' }); Codicon.listOrdered = new Codicon('list-ordered', { fontCharacter: '\\eb16' }); Codicon.listUnordered = new Codicon('list-unordered', { fontCharacter: '\\eb17' }); Codicon.liveShare = new Codicon('live-share', { fontCharacter: '\\eb18' }); Codicon.loading = new Codicon('loading', { fontCharacter: '\\eb19' }); Codicon.location = new Codicon('location', { fontCharacter: '\\eb1a' }); Codicon.mailRead = new Codicon('mail-read', { fontCharacter: '\\eb1b' }); Codicon.mail = new Codicon('mail', { fontCharacter: '\\eb1c' }); Codicon.markdown = new Codicon('markdown', { fontCharacter: '\\eb1d' }); Codicon.megaphone = new Codicon('megaphone', { fontCharacter: '\\eb1e' }); Codicon.mention = new Codicon('mention', { fontCharacter: '\\eb1f' }); Codicon.milestone = new Codicon('milestone', { fontCharacter: '\\eb20' }); Codicon.mortarBoard = new Codicon('mortar-board', { fontCharacter: '\\eb21' }); Codicon.move = new Codicon('move', { fontCharacter: '\\eb22' }); Codicon.multipleWindows = new Codicon('multiple-windows', { fontCharacter: '\\eb23' }); Codicon.mute = new Codicon('mute', { fontCharacter: '\\eb24' }); Codicon.noNewline = new Codicon('no-newline', { fontCharacter: '\\eb25' }); Codicon.note = new Codicon('note', { fontCharacter: '\\eb26' }); Codicon.octoface = new Codicon('octoface', { fontCharacter: '\\eb27' }); Codicon.openPreview = new Codicon('open-preview', { fontCharacter: '\\eb28' }); Codicon.package_ = new Codicon('package', { fontCharacter: '\\eb29' }); Codicon.paintcan = new Codicon('paintcan', { fontCharacter: '\\eb2a' }); Codicon.pin = new Codicon('pin', { fontCharacter: '\\eb2b' }); Codicon.play = new Codicon('play', { fontCharacter: '\\eb2c' }); Codicon.run = new Codicon('run', { fontCharacter: '\\eb2c' }); Codicon.plug = new Codicon('plug', { fontCharacter: '\\eb2d' }); Codicon.preserveCase = new Codicon('preserve-case', { fontCharacter: '\\eb2e' }); Codicon.preview = new Codicon('preview', { fontCharacter: '\\eb2f' }); Codicon.project = new Codicon('project', { fontCharacter: '\\eb30' }); Codicon.pulse = new Codicon('pulse', { fontCharacter: '\\eb31' }); Codicon.question = new Codicon('question', { fontCharacter: '\\eb32' }); Codicon.quote = new Codicon('quote', { fontCharacter: '\\eb33' }); Codicon.radioTower = new Codicon('radio-tower', { fontCharacter: '\\eb34' }); Codicon.reactions = new Codicon('reactions', { fontCharacter: '\\eb35' }); Codicon.references = new Codicon('references', { fontCharacter: '\\eb36' }); Codicon.refresh = new Codicon('refresh', { fontCharacter: '\\eb37' }); Codicon.regex = new Codicon('regex', { fontCharacter: '\\eb38' }); Codicon.remoteExplorer = new Codicon('remote-explorer', { fontCharacter: '\\eb39' }); Codicon.remote = new Codicon('remote', { fontCharacter: '\\eb3a' }); Codicon.remove = new Codicon('remove', { fontCharacter: '\\eb3b' }); Codicon.replaceAll = new Codicon('replace-all', { fontCharacter: '\\eb3c' }); Codicon.replace = new Codicon('replace', { fontCharacter: '\\eb3d' }); Codicon.repoClone = new Codicon('repo-clone', { fontCharacter: '\\eb3e' }); Codicon.repoForcePush = new Codicon('repo-force-push', { fontCharacter: '\\eb3f' }); Codicon.repoPull = new Codicon('repo-pull', { fontCharacter: '\\eb40' }); Codicon.repoPush = new Codicon('repo-push', { fontCharacter: '\\eb41' }); Codicon.report = new Codicon('report', { fontCharacter: '\\eb42' }); Codicon.requestChanges = new Codicon('request-changes', { fontCharacter: '\\eb43' }); Codicon.rocket = new Codicon('rocket', { fontCharacter: '\\eb44' }); Codicon.rootFolderOpened = new Codicon('root-folder-opened', { fontCharacter: '\\eb45' }); Codicon.rootFolder = new Codicon('root-folder', { fontCharacter: '\\eb46' }); Codicon.rss = new Codicon('rss', { fontCharacter: '\\eb47' }); Codicon.ruby = new Codicon('ruby', { fontCharacter: '\\eb48' }); Codicon.saveAll = new Codicon('save-all', { fontCharacter: '\\eb49' }); Codicon.saveAs = new Codicon('save-as', { fontCharacter: '\\eb4a' }); Codicon.save = new Codicon('save', { fontCharacter: '\\eb4b' }); Codicon.screenFull = new Codicon('screen-full', { fontCharacter: '\\eb4c' }); Codicon.screenNormal = new Codicon('screen-normal', { fontCharacter: '\\eb4d' }); Codicon.searchStop = new Codicon('search-stop', { fontCharacter: '\\eb4e' }); Codicon.server = new Codicon('server', { fontCharacter: '\\eb50' }); Codicon.settingsGear = new Codicon('settings-gear', { fontCharacter: '\\eb51' }); Codicon.settings = new Codicon('settings', { fontCharacter: '\\eb52' }); Codicon.shield = new Codicon('shield', { fontCharacter: '\\eb53' }); Codicon.smiley = new Codicon('smiley', { fontCharacter: '\\eb54' }); Codicon.sortPrecedence = new Codicon('sort-precedence', { fontCharacter: '\\eb55' }); Codicon.splitHorizontal = new Codicon('split-horizontal', { fontCharacter: '\\eb56' }); Codicon.splitVertical = new Codicon('split-vertical', { fontCharacter: '\\eb57' }); Codicon.squirrel = new Codicon('squirrel', { fontCharacter: '\\eb58' }); Codicon.starFull = new Codicon('star-full', { fontCharacter: '\\eb59' }); Codicon.starHalf = new Codicon('star-half', { fontCharacter: '\\eb5a' }); Codicon.symbolClass = new Codicon('symbol-class', { fontCharacter: '\\eb5b' }); Codicon.symbolColor = new Codicon('symbol-color', { fontCharacter: '\\eb5c' }); Codicon.symbolCustomColor = new Codicon('symbol-customcolor', { fontCharacter: '\\eb5c' }); Codicon.symbolConstant = new Codicon('symbol-constant', { fontCharacter: '\\eb5d' }); Codicon.symbolEnumMember = new Codicon('symbol-enum-member', { fontCharacter: '\\eb5e' }); Codicon.symbolField = new Codicon('symbol-field', { fontCharacter: '\\eb5f' }); Codicon.symbolFile = new Codicon('symbol-file', { fontCharacter: '\\eb60' }); Codicon.symbolInterface = new Codicon('symbol-interface', { fontCharacter: '\\eb61' }); Codicon.symbolKeyword = new Codicon('symbol-keyword', { fontCharacter: '\\eb62' }); Codicon.symbolMisc = new Codicon('symbol-misc', { fontCharacter: '\\eb63' }); Codicon.symbolOperator = new Codicon('symbol-operator', { fontCharacter: '\\eb64' }); Codicon.symbolProperty = new Codicon('symbol-property', { fontCharacter: '\\eb65' }); Codicon.wrench = new Codicon('wrench', { fontCharacter: '\\eb65' }); Codicon.wrenchSubaction = new Codicon('wrench-subaction', { fontCharacter: '\\eb65' }); Codicon.symbolSnippet = new Codicon('symbol-snippet', { fontCharacter: '\\eb66' }); Codicon.tasklist = new Codicon('tasklist', { fontCharacter: '\\eb67' }); Codicon.telescope = new Codicon('telescope', { fontCharacter: '\\eb68' }); Codicon.textSize = new Codicon('text-size', { fontCharacter: '\\eb69' }); Codicon.threeBars = new Codicon('three-bars', { fontCharacter: '\\eb6a' }); Codicon.thumbsdown = new Codicon('thumbsdown', { fontCharacter: '\\eb6b' }); Codicon.thumbsup = new Codicon('thumbsup', { fontCharacter: '\\eb6c' }); Codicon.tools = new Codicon('tools', { fontCharacter: '\\eb6d' }); Codicon.triangleDown = new Codicon('triangle-down', { fontCharacter: '\\eb6e' }); Codicon.triangleLeft = new Codicon('triangle-left', { fontCharacter: '\\eb6f' }); Codicon.triangleRight = new Codicon('triangle-right', { fontCharacter: '\\eb70' }); Codicon.triangleUp = new Codicon('triangle-up', { fontCharacter: '\\eb71' }); Codicon.twitter = new Codicon('twitter', { fontCharacter: '\\eb72' }); Codicon.unfold = new Codicon('unfold', { fontCharacter: '\\eb73' }); Codicon.unlock = new Codicon('unlock', { fontCharacter: '\\eb74' }); Codicon.unmute = new Codicon('unmute', { fontCharacter: '\\eb75' }); Codicon.unverified = new Codicon('unverified', { fontCharacter: '\\eb76' }); Codicon.verified = new Codicon('verified', { fontCharacter: '\\eb77' }); Codicon.versions = new Codicon('versions', { fontCharacter: '\\eb78' }); Codicon.vmActive = new Codicon('vm-active', { fontCharacter: '\\eb79' }); Codicon.vmOutline = new Codicon('vm-outline', { fontCharacter: '\\eb7a' }); Codicon.vmRunning = new Codicon('vm-running', { fontCharacter: '\\eb7b' }); Codicon.watch = new Codicon('watch', { fontCharacter: '\\eb7c' }); Codicon.whitespace = new Codicon('whitespace', { fontCharacter: '\\eb7d' }); Codicon.wholeWord = new Codicon('whole-word', { fontCharacter: '\\eb7e' }); Codicon.window = new Codicon('window', { fontCharacter: '\\eb7f' }); Codicon.wordWrap = new Codicon('word-wrap', { fontCharacter: '\\eb80' }); Codicon.zoomIn = new Codicon('zoom-in', { fontCharacter: '\\eb81' }); Codicon.zoomOut = new Codicon('zoom-out', { fontCharacter: '\\eb82' }); Codicon.listFilter = new Codicon('list-filter', { fontCharacter: '\\eb83' }); Codicon.listFlat = new Codicon('list-flat', { fontCharacter: '\\eb84' }); Codicon.listSelection = new Codicon('list-selection', { fontCharacter: '\\eb85' }); Codicon.selection = new Codicon('selection', { fontCharacter: '\\eb85' }); Codicon.listTree = new Codicon('list-tree', { fontCharacter: '\\eb86' }); Codicon.debugBreakpointFunctionUnverified = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-function-unverified', { fontCharacter: '\\eb87' }); Codicon.debugBreakpointFunction = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-function', { fontCharacter: '\\eb88' }); Codicon.debugBreakpointFunctionDisabled = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-function-disabled', { fontCharacter: '\\eb88' }); Codicon.debugStackframeActive = new Codicon('debug-stackframe-active', { fontCharacter: '\\eb89' }); Codicon.debugStackframeDot = new Codicon('debug-stackframe-dot', { fontCharacter: '\\eb8a' }); Codicon.debugStackframe = new Codicon('debug-stackframe', { fontCharacter: '\\eb8b' }); Codicon.debugStackframeFocused = new Codicon('debug-stackframe-focused', { fontCharacter: '\\eb8b' }); Codicon.debugBreakpointUnsupported = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-unsupported', { fontCharacter: '\\eb8c' }); Codicon.symbolString = new Codicon('symbol-string', { fontCharacter: '\\eb8d' }); Codicon.debugReverseContinue = new Codicon('debug-reverse-continue', { fontCharacter: '\\eb8e' }); Codicon.debugStepBack = new Codicon('debug-step-back', { fontCharacter: '\\eb8f' }); Codicon.debugRestartFrame = new Codicon('debug-restart-frame', { fontCharacter: '\\eb90' }); Codicon.callIncoming = new Codicon('call-incoming', { fontCharacter: '\\eb92' }); Codicon.callOutgoing = new Codicon('call-outgoing', { fontCharacter: '\\eb93' }); Codicon.menu = new Codicon('menu', { fontCharacter: '\\eb94' }); Codicon.expandAll = new Codicon('expand-all', { fontCharacter: '\\eb95' }); Codicon.feedback = new Codicon('feedback', { fontCharacter: '\\eb96' }); Codicon.groupByRefType = new Codicon('group-by-ref-type', { fontCharacter: '\\eb97' }); Codicon.ungroupByRefType = new Codicon('ungroup-by-ref-type', { fontCharacter: '\\eb98' }); Codicon.account = new Codicon('account', { fontCharacter: '\\eb99' }); Codicon.bellDot = new Codicon('bell-dot', { fontCharacter: '\\eb9a' }); Codicon.debugConsole = new Codicon('debug-console', { fontCharacter: '\\eb9b' }); Codicon.library = new Codicon('library', { fontCharacter: '\\eb9c' }); Codicon.output = new Codicon('output', { fontCharacter: '\\eb9d' }); Codicon.runAll = new Codicon('run-all', { fontCharacter: '\\eb9e' }); Codicon.syncIgnored = new Codicon('sync-ignored', { fontCharacter: '\\eb9f' }); Codicon.pinned = new Codicon('pinned', { fontCharacter: '\\eba0' }); Codicon.githubInverted = new Codicon('github-inverted', { fontCharacter: '\\eba1' }); Codicon.debugAlt = new Codicon('debug-alt', { fontCharacter: '\\eb91' }); Codicon.serverProcess = new Codicon('server-process', { fontCharacter: '\\eba2' }); Codicon.serverEnvironment = new Codicon('server-environment', { fontCharacter: '\\eba3' }); Codicon.pass = new Codicon('pass', { fontCharacter: '\\eba4' }); Codicon.stopCircle = new Codicon('stop-circle', { fontCharacter: '\\eba5' }); Codicon.playCircle = new Codicon('play-circle', { fontCharacter: '\\eba6' }); Codicon.record = new Codicon('record', { fontCharacter: '\\eba7' }); Codicon.debugAltSmall = new Codicon('debug-alt-small', { fontCharacter: '\\eba8' }); Codicon.vmConnect = new Codicon('vm-connect', { fontCharacter: '\\eba9' }); Codicon.cloud = new Codicon('cloud', { fontCharacter: '\\ebaa' }); Codicon.merge = new Codicon('merge', { fontCharacter: '\\ebab' }); Codicon.exportIcon = new Codicon('export', { fontCharacter: '\\ebac' }); Codicon.graphLeft = new Codicon('graph-left', { fontCharacter: '\\ebad' }); Codicon.magnet = new Codicon('magnet', { fontCharacter: '\\ebae' }); Codicon.notebook = new Codicon('notebook', { fontCharacter: '\\ebaf' }); Codicon.redo = new Codicon('redo', { fontCharacter: '\\ebb0' }); Codicon.checkAll = new Codicon('check-all', { fontCharacter: '\\ebb1' }); Codicon.pinnedDirty = new Codicon('pinned-dirty', { fontCharacter: '\\ebb2' }); Codicon.passFilled = new Codicon('pass-filled', { fontCharacter: '\\ebb3' }); Codicon.circleLargeFilled = new Codicon('circle-large-filled', { fontCharacter: '\\ebb4' }); Codicon.circleLargeOutline = new Codicon('circle-large-outline', { fontCharacter: '\\ebb5' }); Codicon.combine = new Codicon('combine', { fontCharacter: '\\ebb6' }); Codicon.gather = new Codicon('gather', { fontCharacter: '\\ebb6' }); Codicon.table = new Codicon('table', { fontCharacter: '\\ebb7' }); Codicon.variableGroup = new Codicon('variable-group', { fontCharacter: '\\ebb8' }); Codicon.typeHierarchy = new Codicon('type-hierarchy', { fontCharacter: '\\ebb9' }); Codicon.typeHierarchySub = new Codicon('type-hierarchy-sub', { fontCharacter: '\\ebba' }); Codicon.typeHierarchySuper = new Codicon('type-hierarchy-super', { fontCharacter: '\\ebbb' }); Codicon.gitPullRequestCreate = new Codicon('git-pull-request-create', { fontCharacter: '\\ebbc' }); Codicon.runAbove = new Codicon('run-above', { fontCharacter: '\\ebbd' }); Codicon.runBelow = new Codicon('run-below', { fontCharacter: '\\ebbe' }); Codicon.notebookTemplate = new Codicon('notebook-template', { fontCharacter: '\\ebbf' }); Codicon.debugRerun = new Codicon('debug-rerun', { fontCharacter: '\\ebc0' }); Codicon.workspaceTrusted = new Codicon('workspace-trusted', { fontCharacter: '\\ebc1' }); Codicon.workspaceUntrusted = new Codicon('workspace-untrusted', { fontCharacter: '\\ebc2' }); Codicon.workspaceUnspecified = new Codicon('workspace-unspecified', { fontCharacter: '\\ebc3' }); Codicon.terminalCmd = new Codicon('terminal-cmd', { fontCharacter: '\\ebc4' }); Codicon.terminalDebian = new Codicon('terminal-debian', { fontCharacter: '\\ebc5' }); Codicon.terminalLinux = new Codicon('terminal-linux', { fontCharacter: '\\ebc6' }); Codicon.terminalPowershell = new Codicon('terminal-powershell', { fontCharacter: '\\ebc7' }); Codicon.terminalTmux = new Codicon('terminal-tmux', { fontCharacter: '\\ebc8' }); Codicon.terminalUbuntu = new Codicon('terminal-ubuntu', { fontCharacter: '\\ebc9' }); Codicon.terminalBash = new Codicon('terminal-bash', { fontCharacter: '\\ebca' }); Codicon.arrowSwap = new Codicon('arrow-swap', { fontCharacter: '\\ebcb' }); Codicon.copy = new Codicon('copy', { fontCharacter: '\\ebcc' }); Codicon.personAdd = new Codicon('person-add', { fontCharacter: '\\ebcd' }); Codicon.filterFilled = new Codicon('filter-filled', { fontCharacter: '\\ebce' }); Codicon.wand = new Codicon('wand', { fontCharacter: '\\ebcf' }); Codicon.debugLineByLine = new Codicon('debug-line-by-line', { fontCharacter: '\\ebd0' }); Codicon.inspect = new Codicon('inspect', { fontCharacter: '\\ebd1' }); Codicon.layers = new Codicon('layers', { fontCharacter: '\\ebd2' }); Codicon.layersDot = new Codicon('layers-dot', { fontCharacter: '\\ebd3' }); Codicon.layersActive = new Codicon('layers-active', { fontCharacter: '\\ebd4' }); Codicon.compass = new Codicon('compass', { fontCharacter: '\\ebd5' }); Codicon.compassDot = new Codicon('compass-dot', { fontCharacter: '\\ebd6' }); Codicon.compassActive = new Codicon('compass-active', { fontCharacter: '\\ebd7' }); Codicon.azure = new Codicon('azure', { fontCharacter: '\\ebd8' }); Codicon.issueDraft = new Codicon('issue-draft', { fontCharacter: '\\ebd9' }); Codicon.gitPullRequestClosed = new Codicon('git-pull-request-closed', { fontCharacter: '\\ebda' }); Codicon.gitPullRequestDraft = new Codicon('git-pull-request-draft', { fontCharacter: '\\ebdb' }); Codicon.debugAll = new Codicon('debug-all', { fontCharacter: '\\ebdc' }); Codicon.debugCoverage = new Codicon('debug-coverage', { fontCharacter: '\\ebdd' }); Codicon.runErrors = new Codicon('run-errors', { fontCharacter: '\\ebde' }); Codicon.folderLibrary = new Codicon('folder-library', { fontCharacter: '\\ebdf' }); Codicon.debugContinueSmall = new Codicon('debug-continue-small', { fontCharacter: '\\ebe0' }); Codicon.beakerStop = new Codicon('beaker-stop', { fontCharacter: '\\ebe1' }); Codicon.graphLine = new Codicon('graph-line', { fontCharacter: '\\ebe2' }); Codicon.graphScatter = new Codicon('graph-scatter', { fontCharacter: '\\ebe3' }); Codicon.pieChart = new Codicon('pie-chart', { fontCharacter: '\\ebe4' }); Codicon.bracket = new Codicon('bracket', Codicon.json.definition); Codicon.bracketDot = new Codicon('bracket-dot', { fontCharacter: '\\ebe5' }); Codicon.bracketError = new Codicon('bracket-error', { fontCharacter: '\\ebe6' }); Codicon.lockSmall = new Codicon('lock-small', { fontCharacter: '\\ebe7' }); Codicon.azureDevops = new Codicon('azure-devops', { fontCharacter: '\\ebe8' }); Codicon.verifiedFilled = new Codicon('verified-filled', { fontCharacter: '\\ebe9' }); Codicon.newLine = new Codicon('newline', { fontCharacter: '\\ebea' }); Codicon.layout = new Codicon('layout', { fontCharacter: '\\ebeb' }); Codicon.layoutActivitybarLeft = new Codicon('layout-activitybar-left', { fontCharacter: '\\ebec' }); Codicon.layoutActivitybarRight = new Codicon('layout-activitybar-right', { fontCharacter: '\\ebed' }); Codicon.layoutPanelLeft = new Codicon('layout-panel-left', { fontCharacter: '\\ebee' }); Codicon.layoutPanelCenter = new Codicon('layout-panel-center', { fontCharacter: '\\ebef' }); Codicon.layoutPanelJustify = new Codicon('layout-panel-justify', { fontCharacter: '\\ebf0' }); Codicon.layoutPanelRight = new Codicon('layout-panel-right', { fontCharacter: '\\ebf1' }); Codicon.layoutPanel = new Codicon('layout-panel', { fontCharacter: '\\ebf2' }); Codicon.layoutSidebarLeft = new Codicon('layout-sidebar-left', { fontCharacter: '\\ebf3' }); Codicon.layoutSidebarRight = new Codicon('layout-sidebar-right', { fontCharacter: '\\ebf4' }); Codicon.layoutStatusbar = new Codicon('layout-statusbar', { fontCharacter: '\\ebf5' }); Codicon.layoutMenubar = new Codicon('layout-menubar', { fontCharacter: '\\ebf6' }); Codicon.layoutCentered = new Codicon('layout-centered', { fontCharacter: '\\ebf7' }); Codicon.target = new Codicon('target', { fontCharacter: '\\ebf8' }); // derived icons, that could become separate icons Codicon.dialogError = new Codicon('dialog-error', Codicon.error.definition); Codicon.dialogWarning = new Codicon('dialog-warning', Codicon.warning.definition); Codicon.dialogInfo = new Codicon('dialog-info', Codicon.info.definition); Codicon.dialogClose = new Codicon('dialog-close', Codicon.close.definition); Codicon.treeItemExpanded = new Codicon('tree-item-expanded', Codicon.chevronDown.definition); // collapsed is done with rotation Codicon.treeFilterOnTypeOn = new Codicon('tree-filter-on-type-on', Codicon.listFilter.definition); Codicon.treeFilterOnTypeOff = new Codicon('tree-filter-on-type-off', Codicon.listSelection.definition); Codicon.treeFilterClear = new Codicon('tree-filter-clear', Codicon.close.definition); Codicon.treeItemLoading = new Codicon('tree-item-loading', Codicon.loading.definition); Codicon.menuSelection = new Codicon('menu-selection', Codicon.check.definition); Codicon.menuSubmenu = new Codicon('menu-submenu', Codicon.chevronRight.definition); Codicon.menuBarMore = new Codicon('menubar-more', Codicon.more.definition); Codicon.scrollbarButtonLeft = new Codicon('scrollbar-button-left', Codicon.triangleLeft.definition); Codicon.scrollbarButtonRight = new Codicon('scrollbar-button-right', Codicon.triangleRight.definition); Codicon.scrollbarButtonUp = new Codicon('scrollbar-button-up', Codicon.triangleUp.definition); Codicon.scrollbarButtonDown = new Codicon('scrollbar-button-down', Codicon.triangleDown.definition); Codicon.toolBarMore = new Codicon('toolbar-more', Codicon.more.definition); Codicon.quickInputBack = new Codicon('quick-input-back', Codicon.arrowLeft.definition); var CSSIcon; (function (CSSIcon) { CSSIcon.iconNameSegment = '[A-Za-z0-9]+'; CSSIcon.iconNameExpression = '[A-Za-z0-9-]+'; CSSIcon.iconModifierExpression = '~[A-Za-z]+'; CSSIcon.iconNameCharacter = '[A-Za-z0-9~-]'; const cssIconIdRegex = new RegExp(`^(${CSSIcon.iconNameExpression})(${CSSIcon.iconModifierExpression})?$`); function asClassNameArray(icon) { if (icon instanceof Codicon) { return ['codicon', 'codicon-' + icon.id]; } const match = cssIconIdRegex.exec(icon.id); if (!match) { return asClassNameArray(Codicon.error); } let [, id, modifier] = match; const classNames = ['codicon', 'codicon-' + id]; if (modifier) { classNames.push('codicon-modifier-' + modifier.substr(1)); } return classNames; } CSSIcon.asClassNameArray = asClassNameArray; function asClassName(icon) { return asClassNameArray(icon).join(' '); } CSSIcon.asClassName = asClassName; function asCSSSelector(icon) { return '.' + asClassNameArray(icon).join('.'); } CSSIcon.asCSSSelector = asCSSSelector; })(CSSIcon || (CSSIcon = {})); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class Token { constructor(offset, type, language) { this._tokenBrand = undefined; this.offset = offset; this.type = type; this.language = language; } toString() { return '(' + this.offset + ', ' + this.type + ')'; } } /** * @internal */ var CompletionItemKinds; (function (CompletionItemKinds) { const byKind = new Map(); byKind.set(0 /* Method */, Codicon.symbolMethod); byKind.set(1 /* Function */, Codicon.symbolFunction); byKind.set(2 /* Constructor */, Codicon.symbolConstructor); byKind.set(3 /* Field */, Codicon.symbolField); byKind.set(4 /* Variable */, Codicon.symbolVariable); byKind.set(5 /* Class */, Codicon.symbolClass); byKind.set(6 /* Struct */, Codicon.symbolStruct); byKind.set(7 /* Interface */, Codicon.symbolInterface); byKind.set(8 /* Module */, Codicon.symbolModule); byKind.set(9 /* Property */, Codicon.symbolProperty); byKind.set(10 /* Event */, Codicon.symbolEvent); byKind.set(11 /* Operator */, Codicon.symbolOperator); byKind.set(12 /* Unit */, Codicon.symbolUnit); byKind.set(13 /* Value */, Codicon.symbolValue); byKind.set(15 /* Enum */, Codicon.symbolEnum); byKind.set(14 /* Constant */, Codicon.symbolConstant); byKind.set(15 /* Enum */, Codicon.symbolEnum); byKind.set(16 /* EnumMember */, Codicon.symbolEnumMember); byKind.set(17 /* Keyword */, Codicon.symbolKeyword); byKind.set(27 /* Snippet */, Codicon.symbolSnippet); byKind.set(18 /* Text */, Codicon.symbolText); byKind.set(19 /* Color */, Codicon.symbolColor); byKind.set(20 /* File */, Codicon.symbolFile); byKind.set(21 /* Reference */, Codicon.symbolReference); byKind.set(22 /* Customcolor */, Codicon.symbolCustomColor); byKind.set(23 /* Folder */, Codicon.symbolFolder); byKind.set(24 /* TypeParameter */, Codicon.symbolTypeParameter); byKind.set(25 /* User */, Codicon.account); byKind.set(26 /* Issue */, Codicon.issues); /** * @internal */ function toIcon(kind) { let codicon = byKind.get(kind); if (!codicon) { console.info('No codicon found for CompletionItemKind ' + kind); codicon = Codicon.symbolProperty; } return codicon; } CompletionItemKinds.toIcon = toIcon; const data = new Map(); data.set('method', 0 /* Method */); data.set('function', 1 /* Function */); data.set('constructor', 2 /* Constructor */); data.set('field', 3 /* Field */); data.set('variable', 4 /* Variable */); data.set('class', 5 /* Class */); data.set('struct', 6 /* Struct */); data.set('interface', 7 /* Interface */); data.set('module', 8 /* Module */); data.set('property', 9 /* Property */); data.set('event', 10 /* Event */); data.set('operator', 11 /* Operator */); data.set('unit', 12 /* Unit */); data.set('value', 13 /* Value */); data.set('constant', 14 /* Constant */); data.set('enum', 15 /* Enum */); data.set('enum-member', 16 /* EnumMember */); data.set('enumMember', 16 /* EnumMember */); data.set('keyword', 17 /* Keyword */); data.set('snippet', 27 /* Snippet */); data.set('text', 18 /* Text */); data.set('color', 19 /* Color */); data.set('file', 20 /* File */); data.set('reference', 21 /* Reference */); data.set('customcolor', 22 /* Customcolor */); data.set('folder', 23 /* Folder */); data.set('type-parameter', 24 /* TypeParameter */); data.set('typeParameter', 24 /* TypeParameter */); data.set('account', 25 /* User */); data.set('issue', 26 /* Issue */); /** * @internal */ function fromString(value, strict) { let res = data.get(value); if (typeof res === 'undefined' && !strict) { res = 9 /* Property */; } return res; } CompletionItemKinds.fromString = fromString; })(CompletionItemKinds || (CompletionItemKinds = {})); /** * How an {@link InlineCompletionsProvider inline completion provider} was triggered. */ var InlineCompletionTriggerKind$1; (function (InlineCompletionTriggerKind) { /** * Completion was triggered automatically while editing. * It is sufficient to return a single completion item in this case. */ InlineCompletionTriggerKind[InlineCompletionTriggerKind["Automatic"] = 0] = "Automatic"; /** * Completion was triggered explicitly by a user gesture. * Return multiple completion items to enable cycling through them. */ InlineCompletionTriggerKind[InlineCompletionTriggerKind["Explicit"] = 1] = "Explicit"; })(InlineCompletionTriggerKind$1 || (InlineCompletionTriggerKind$1 = {})); var SignatureHelpTriggerKind$1; (function (SignatureHelpTriggerKind) { SignatureHelpTriggerKind[SignatureHelpTriggerKind["Invoke"] = 1] = "Invoke"; SignatureHelpTriggerKind[SignatureHelpTriggerKind["TriggerCharacter"] = 2] = "TriggerCharacter"; SignatureHelpTriggerKind[SignatureHelpTriggerKind["ContentChange"] = 3] = "ContentChange"; })(SignatureHelpTriggerKind$1 || (SignatureHelpTriggerKind$1 = {})); /** * A document highlight kind. */ var DocumentHighlightKind$1; (function (DocumentHighlightKind) { /** * A textual occurrence. */ DocumentHighlightKind[DocumentHighlightKind["Text"] = 0] = "Text"; /** * Read-access of a symbol, like reading a variable. */ DocumentHighlightKind[DocumentHighlightKind["Read"] = 1] = "Read"; /** * Write-access of a symbol, like writing to a variable. */ DocumentHighlightKind[DocumentHighlightKind["Write"] = 2] = "Write"; })(DocumentHighlightKind$1 || (DocumentHighlightKind$1 = {})); /** * @internal */ var SymbolKinds; (function (SymbolKinds) { const byKind = new Map(); byKind.set(0 /* File */, Codicon.symbolFile); byKind.set(1 /* Module */, Codicon.symbolModule); byKind.set(2 /* Namespace */, Codicon.symbolNamespace); byKind.set(3 /* Package */, Codicon.symbolPackage); byKind.set(4 /* Class */, Codicon.symbolClass); byKind.set(5 /* Method */, Codicon.symbolMethod); byKind.set(6 /* Property */, Codicon.symbolProperty); byKind.set(7 /* Field */, Codicon.symbolField); byKind.set(8 /* Constructor */, Codicon.symbolConstructor); byKind.set(9 /* Enum */, Codicon.symbolEnum); byKind.set(10 /* Interface */, Codicon.symbolInterface); byKind.set(11 /* Function */, Codicon.symbolFunction); byKind.set(12 /* Variable */, Codicon.symbolVariable); byKind.set(13 /* Constant */, Codicon.symbolConstant); byKind.set(14 /* String */, Codicon.symbolString); byKind.set(15 /* Number */, Codicon.symbolNumber); byKind.set(16 /* Boolean */, Codicon.symbolBoolean); byKind.set(17 /* Array */, Codicon.symbolArray); byKind.set(18 /* Object */, Codicon.symbolObject); byKind.set(19 /* Key */, Codicon.symbolKey); byKind.set(20 /* Null */, Codicon.symbolNull); byKind.set(21 /* EnumMember */, Codicon.symbolEnumMember); byKind.set(22 /* Struct */, Codicon.symbolStruct); byKind.set(23 /* Event */, Codicon.symbolEvent); byKind.set(24 /* Operator */, Codicon.symbolOperator); byKind.set(25 /* TypeParameter */, Codicon.symbolTypeParameter); /** * @internal */ function toIcon(kind) { let icon = byKind.get(kind); if (!icon) { console.info('No codicon found for SymbolKind ' + kind); icon = Codicon.symbolProperty; } return icon; } SymbolKinds.toIcon = toIcon; })(SymbolKinds || (SymbolKinds = {})); /** * @internal */ var Command; (function (Command) { /** * @internal */ function is(obj) { if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') { return false; } return typeof obj.id === 'string' && typeof obj.title === 'string'; } Command.is = is; })(Command || (Command = {})); var InlayHintKind$1; (function (InlayHintKind) { InlayHintKind[InlayHintKind["Other"] = 0] = "Other"; InlayHintKind[InlayHintKind["Type"] = 1] = "Type"; InlayHintKind[InlayHintKind["Parameter"] = 2] = "Parameter"; })(InlayHintKind$1 || (InlayHintKind$1 = {})); // --- feature registries ------ /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new LanguageFeatureRegistry(); /** * @internal */ new TokenizationRegistry(); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // THIS IS A GENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY. var AccessibilitySupport; (function (AccessibilitySupport) { /** * This should be the browser case where it is not known if a screen reader is attached or no. */ AccessibilitySupport[AccessibilitySupport["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown"; AccessibilitySupport[AccessibilitySupport["Disabled"] = 1] = "Disabled"; AccessibilitySupport[AccessibilitySupport["Enabled"] = 2] = "Enabled"; })(AccessibilitySupport || (AccessibilitySupport = {})); var CompletionItemInsertTextRule; (function (CompletionItemInsertTextRule) { /** * Adjust whitespace/indentation of multiline insert texts to * match the current line indentation. */ CompletionItemInsertTextRule[CompletionItemInsertTextRule["KeepWhitespace"] = 1] = "KeepWhitespace"; /** * `insertText` is a snippet. */ CompletionItemInsertTextRule[CompletionItemInsertTextRule["InsertAsSnippet"] = 4] = "InsertAsSnippet"; })(CompletionItemInsertTextRule || (CompletionItemInsertTextRule = {})); var CompletionItemKind; (function (CompletionItemKind) { CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Method"] = 0] = "Method"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Function"] = 1] = "Function"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Constructor"] = 2] = "Constructor"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Field"] = 3] = "Field"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Variable"] = 4] = "Variable"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Class"] = 5] = "Class"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Struct"] = 6] = "Struct"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Interface"] = 7] = "Interface"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Module"] = 8] = "Module"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Property"] = 9] = "Property"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Event"] = 10] = "Event"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Operator"] = 11] = "Operator"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Unit"] = 12] = "Unit"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Value"] = 13] = "Value"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Constant"] = 14] = "Constant"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Enum"] = 15] = "Enum"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["EnumMember"] = 16] = "EnumMember"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Keyword"] = 17] = "Keyword"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Text"] = 18] = "Text"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Color"] = 19] = "Color"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["File"] = 20] = "File"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Reference"] = 21] = "Reference"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Customcolor"] = 22] = "Customcolor"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Folder"] = 23] = "Folder"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["TypeParameter"] = 24] = "TypeParameter"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["User"] = 25] = "User"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Issue"] = 26] = "Issue"; CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Snippet"] = 27] = "Snippet"; })(CompletionItemKind || (CompletionItemKind = {})); var CompletionItemTag; (function (CompletionItemTag) { CompletionItemTag[CompletionItemTag["Deprecated"] = 1] = "Deprecated"; })(CompletionItemTag || (CompletionItemTag = {})); /** * How a suggest provider was triggered. */ var CompletionTriggerKind; (function (CompletionTriggerKind) { CompletionTriggerKind[CompletionTriggerKind["Invoke"] = 0] = "Invoke"; CompletionTriggerKind[CompletionTriggerKind["TriggerCharacter"] = 1] = "TriggerCharacter"; CompletionTriggerKind[CompletionTriggerKind["TriggerForIncompleteCompletions"] = 2] = "TriggerForIncompleteCompletions"; })(CompletionTriggerKind || (CompletionTriggerKind = {})); /** * A positioning preference for rendering content widgets. */ var ContentWidgetPositionPreference; (function (ContentWidgetPositionPreference) { /** * Place the content widget exactly at a position */ ContentWidgetPositionPreference[ContentWidgetPositionPreference["EXACT"] = 0] = "EXACT"; /** * Place the content widget above a position */ ContentWidgetPositionPreference[ContentWidgetPositionPreference["ABOVE"] = 1] = "ABOVE"; /** * Place the content widget below a position */ ContentWidgetPositionPreference[ContentWidgetPositionPreference["BELOW"] = 2] = "BELOW"; })(ContentWidgetPositionPreference || (ContentWidgetPositionPreference = {})); /** * Describes the reason the cursor has changed its position. */ var CursorChangeReason; (function (CursorChangeReason) { /** * Unknown or not set. */ CursorChangeReason[CursorChangeReason["NotSet"] = 0] = "NotSet"; /** * A `model.setValue()` was called. */ CursorChangeReason[CursorChangeReason["ContentFlush"] = 1] = "ContentFlush"; /** * The `model` has been changed outside of this cursor and the cursor recovers its position from associated markers. */ CursorChangeReason[CursorChangeReason["RecoverFromMarkers"] = 2] = "RecoverFromMarkers"; /** * There was an explicit user gesture. */ CursorChangeReason[CursorChangeReason["Explicit"] = 3] = "Explicit"; /** * There was a Paste. */ CursorChangeReason[CursorChangeReason["Paste"] = 4] = "Paste"; /** * There was an Undo. */ CursorChangeReason[CursorChangeReason["Undo"] = 5] = "Undo"; /** * There was a Redo. */ CursorChangeReason[CursorChangeReason["Redo"] = 6] = "Redo"; })(CursorChangeReason || (CursorChangeReason = {})); /** * The default end of line to use when instantiating models. */ var DefaultEndOfLine; (function (DefaultEndOfLine) { /** * Use line feed (\n) as the end of line character. */ DefaultEndOfLine[DefaultEndOfLine["LF"] = 1] = "LF"; /** * Use carriage return and line feed (\r\n) as the end of line character. */ DefaultEndOfLine[DefaultEndOfLine["CRLF"] = 2] = "CRLF"; })(DefaultEndOfLine || (DefaultEndOfLine = {})); /** * A document highlight kind. */ var DocumentHighlightKind; (function (DocumentHighlightKind) { /** * A textual occurrence. */ DocumentHighlightKind[DocumentHighlightKind["Text"] = 0] = "Text"; /** * Read-access of a symbol, like reading a variable. */ DocumentHighlightKind[DocumentHighlightKind["Read"] = 1] = "Read"; /** * Write-access of a symbol, like writing to a variable. */ DocumentHighlightKind[DocumentHighlightKind["Write"] = 2] = "Write"; })(DocumentHighlightKind || (DocumentHighlightKind = {})); /** * Configuration options for auto indentation in the editor */ var EditorAutoIndentStrategy; (function (EditorAutoIndentStrategy) { EditorAutoIndentStrategy[EditorAutoIndentStrategy["None"] = 0] = "None"; EditorAutoIndentStrategy[EditorAutoIndentStrategy["Keep"] = 1] = "Keep"; EditorAutoIndentStrategy[EditorAutoIndentStrategy["Brackets"] = 2] = "Brackets"; EditorAutoIndentStrategy[EditorAutoIndentStrategy["Advanced"] = 3] = "Advanced"; EditorAutoIndentStrategy[EditorAutoIndentStrategy["Full"] = 4] = "Full"; })(EditorAutoIndentStrategy || (EditorAutoIndentStrategy = {})); var EditorOption; (function (EditorOption) { EditorOption[EditorOption["acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter"] = 0] = "acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter"; EditorOption[EditorOption["acceptSuggestionOnEnter"] = 1] = "acceptSuggestionOnEnter"; EditorOption[EditorOption["accessibilitySupport"] = 2] = "accessibilitySupport"; EditorOption[EditorOption["accessibilityPageSize"] = 3] = "accessibilityPageSize"; EditorOption[EditorOption["ariaLabel"] = 4] = "ariaLabel"; EditorOption[EditorOption["autoClosingBrackets"] = 5] = "autoClosingBrackets"; EditorOption[EditorOption["autoClosingDelete"] = 6] = "autoClosingDelete"; EditorOption[EditorOption["autoClosingOvertype"] = 7] = "autoClosingOvertype"; EditorOption[EditorOption["autoClosingQuotes"] = 8] = "autoClosingQuotes"; EditorOption[EditorOption["autoIndent"] = 9] = "autoIndent"; EditorOption[EditorOption["automaticLayout"] = 10] = "automaticLayout"; EditorOption[EditorOption["autoSurround"] = 11] = "autoSurround"; EditorOption[EditorOption["bracketPairColorization"] = 12] = "bracketPairColorization"; EditorOption[EditorOption["guides"] = 13] = "guides"; EditorOption[EditorOption["codeLens"] = 14] = "codeLens"; EditorOption[EditorOption["codeLensFontFamily"] = 15] = "codeLensFontFamily"; EditorOption[EditorOption["codeLensFontSize"] = 16] = "codeLensFontSize"; EditorOption[EditorOption["colorDecorators"] = 17] = "colorDecorators"; EditorOption[EditorOption["columnSelection"] = 18] = "columnSelection"; EditorOption[EditorOption["comments"] = 19] = "comments"; EditorOption[EditorOption["contextmenu"] = 20] = "contextmenu"; EditorOption[EditorOption["copyWithSyntaxHighlighting"] = 21] = "copyWithSyntaxHighlighting"; EditorOption[EditorOption["cursorBlinking"] = 22] = "cursorBlinking"; EditorOption[EditorOption["cursorSmoothCaretAnimation"] = 23] = "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation"; EditorOption[EditorOption["cursorStyle"] = 24] = "cursorStyle"; EditorOption[EditorOption["cursorSurroundingLines"] = 25] = "cursorSurroundingLines"; EditorOption[EditorOption["cursorSurroundingLinesStyle"] = 26] = "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle"; EditorOption[EditorOption["cursorWidth"] = 27] = "cursorWidth"; EditorOption[EditorOption["disableLayerHinting"] = 28] = "disableLayerHinting"; EditorOption[EditorOption["disableMonospaceOptimizations"] = 29] = "disableMonospaceOptimizations"; EditorOption[EditorOption["domReadOnly"] = 30] = "domReadOnly"; EditorOption[EditorOption["dragAndDrop"] = 31] = "dragAndDrop"; EditorOption[EditorOption["emptySelectionClipboard"] = 32] = "emptySelectionClipboard"; EditorOption[EditorOption["extraEditorClassName"] = 33] = "extraEditorClassName"; EditorOption[EditorOption["fastScrollSensitivity"] = 34] = "fastScrollSensitivity"; EditorOption[EditorOption["find"] = 35] = "find"; EditorOption[EditorOption["fixedOverflowWidgets"] = 36] = "fixedOverflowWidgets"; EditorOption[EditorOption["folding"] = 37] = "folding"; EditorOption[EditorOption["foldingStrategy"] = 38] = "foldingStrategy"; EditorOption[EditorOption["foldingHighlight"] = 39] = "foldingHighlight"; EditorOption[EditorOption["foldingImportsByDefault"] = 40] = "foldingImportsByDefault"; EditorOption[EditorOption["foldingMaximumRegions"] = 41] = "foldingMaximumRegions"; EditorOption[EditorOption["unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine"] = 42] = "unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine"; EditorOption[EditorOption["fontFamily"] = 43] = "fontFamily"; EditorOption[EditorOption["fontInfo"] = 44] = "fontInfo"; EditorOption[EditorOption["fontLigatures"] = 45] = "fontLigatures"; EditorOption[EditorOption["fontSize"] = 46] = "fontSize"; EditorOption[EditorOption["fontWeight"] = 47] = "fontWeight"; EditorOption[EditorOption["formatOnPaste"] = 48] = "formatOnPaste"; EditorOption[EditorOption["formatOnType"] = 49] = "formatOnType"; EditorOption[EditorOption["glyphMargin"] = 50] = "glyphMargin"; EditorOption[EditorOption["gotoLocation"] = 51] = "gotoLocation"; EditorOption[EditorOption["hideCursorInOverviewRuler"] = 52] = "hideCursorInOverviewRuler"; EditorOption[EditorOption["hover"] = 53] = "hover"; EditorOption[EditorOption["inDiffEditor"] = 54] = "inDiffEditor"; EditorOption[EditorOption["inlineSuggest"] = 55] = "inlineSuggest"; EditorOption[EditorOption["letterSpacing"] = 56] = "letterSpacing"; EditorOption[EditorOption["lightbulb"] = 57] = "lightbulb"; EditorOption[EditorOption["lineDecorationsWidth"] = 58] = "lineDecorationsWidth"; EditorOption[EditorOption["lineHeight"] = 59] = "lineHeight"; EditorOption[EditorOption["lineNumbers"] = 60] = "lineNumbers"; EditorOption[EditorOption["lineNumbersMinChars"] = 61] = "lineNumbersMinChars"; EditorOption[EditorOption["linkedEditing"] = 62] = "linkedEditing"; EditorOption[EditorOption["links"] = 63] = "links"; EditorOption[EditorOption["matchBrackets"] = 64] = "matchBrackets"; EditorOption[EditorOption["minimap"] = 65] = "minimap"; EditorOption[EditorOption["mouseStyle"] = 66] = "mouseStyle"; EditorOption[EditorOption["mouseWheelScrollSensitivity"] = 67] = "mouseWheelScrollSensitivity"; EditorOption[EditorOption["mouseWheelZoom"] = 68] = "mouseWheelZoom"; EditorOption[EditorOption["multiCursorMergeOverlapping"] = 69] = "multiCursorMergeOverlapping"; EditorOption[EditorOption["multiCursorModifier"] = 70] = "multiCursorModifier"; EditorOption[EditorOption["multiCursorPaste"] = 71] = "multiCursorPaste"; EditorOption[EditorOption["occurrencesHighlight"] = 72] = "occurrencesHighlight"; EditorOption[EditorOption["overviewRulerBorder"] = 73] = "overviewRulerBorder"; EditorOption[EditorOption["overviewRulerLanes"] = 74] = "overviewRulerLanes"; EditorOption[EditorOption["padding"] = 75] = "padding"; EditorOption[EditorOption["parameterHints"] = 76] = "parameterHints"; EditorOption[EditorOption["peekWidgetDefaultFocus"] = 77] = "peekWidgetDefaultFocus"; EditorOption[EditorOption["definitionLinkOpensInPeek"] = 78] = "definitionLinkOpensInPeek"; EditorOption[EditorOption["quickSuggestions"] = 79] = "quickSuggestions"; EditorOption[EditorOption["quickSuggestionsDelay"] = 80] = "quickSuggestionsDelay"; EditorOption[EditorOption["readOnly"] = 81] = "readOnly"; EditorOption[EditorOption["renameOnType"] = 82] = "renameOnType"; EditorOption[EditorOption["renderControlCharacters"] = 83] = "renderControlCharacters"; EditorOption[EditorOption["renderFinalNewline"] = 84] = "renderFinalNewline"; EditorOption[EditorOption["renderLineHighlight"] = 85] = "renderLineHighlight"; EditorOption[EditorOption["renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus"] = 86] = "renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus"; EditorOption[EditorOption["renderValidationDecorations"] = 87] = "renderValidationDecorations"; EditorOption[EditorOption["renderWhitespace"] = 88] = "renderWhitespace"; EditorOption[EditorOption["revealHorizontalRightPadding"] = 89] = "revealHorizontalRightPadding"; EditorOption[EditorOption["roundedSelection"] = 90] = "roundedSelection"; EditorOption[EditorOption["rulers"] = 91] = "rulers"; EditorOption[EditorOption["scrollbar"] = 92] = "scrollbar"; EditorOption[EditorOption["scrollBeyondLastColumn"] = 93] = "scrollBeyondLastColumn"; EditorOption[EditorOption["scrollBeyondLastLine"] = 94] = "scrollBeyondLastLine"; EditorOption[EditorOption["scrollPredominantAxis"] = 95] = "scrollPredominantAxis"; EditorOption[EditorOption["selectionClipboard"] = 96] = "selectionClipboard"; EditorOption[EditorOption["selectionHighlight"] = 97] = "selectionHighlight"; EditorOption[EditorOption["selectOnLineNumbers"] = 98] = "selectOnLineNumbers"; EditorOption[EditorOption["showFoldingControls"] = 99] = "showFoldingControls"; EditorOption[EditorOption["showUnused"] = 100] = "showUnused"; EditorOption[EditorOption["snippetSuggestions"] = 101] = "snippetSuggestions"; EditorOption[EditorOption["smartSelect"] = 102] = "smartSelect"; EditorOption[EditorOption["smoothScrolling"] = 103] = "smoothScrolling"; EditorOption[EditorOption["stickyTabStops"] = 104] = "stickyTabStops"; EditorOption[EditorOption["stopRenderingLineAfter"] = 105] = "stopRenderingLineAfter"; EditorOption[EditorOption["suggest"] = 106] = "suggest"; EditorOption[EditorOption["suggestFontSize"] = 107] = "suggestFontSize"; EditorOption[EditorOption["suggestLineHeight"] = 108] = "suggestLineHeight"; EditorOption[EditorOption["suggestOnTriggerCharacters"] = 109] = "suggestOnTriggerCharacters"; EditorOption[EditorOption["suggestSelection"] = 110] = "suggestSelection"; EditorOption[EditorOption["tabCompletion"] = 111] = "tabCompletion"; EditorOption[EditorOption["tabIndex"] = 112] = "tabIndex"; EditorOption[EditorOption["unicodeHighlighting"] = 113] = "unicodeHighlighting"; EditorOption[EditorOption["unusualLineTerminators"] = 114] = "unusualLineTerminators"; EditorOption[EditorOption["useShadowDOM"] = 115] = "useShadowDOM"; EditorOption[EditorOption["useTabStops"] = 116] = "useTabStops"; EditorOption[EditorOption["wordSeparators"] = 117] = "wordSeparators"; EditorOption[EditorOption["wordWrap"] = 118] = "wordWrap"; EditorOption[EditorOption["wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters"] = 119] = "wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters"; EditorOption[EditorOption["wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters"] = 120] = "wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters"; EditorOption[EditorOption["wordWrapColumn"] = 121] = "wordWrapColumn"; EditorOption[EditorOption["wordWrapOverride1"] = 122] = "wordWrapOverride1"; EditorOption[EditorOption["wordWrapOverride2"] = 123] = "wordWrapOverride2"; EditorOption[EditorOption["wrappingIndent"] = 124] = "wrappingIndent"; EditorOption[EditorOption["wrappingStrategy"] = 125] = "wrappingStrategy"; EditorOption[EditorOption["showDeprecated"] = 126] = "showDeprecated"; EditorOption[EditorOption["inlayHints"] = 127] = "inlayHints"; EditorOption[EditorOption["editorClassName"] = 128] = "editorClassName"; EditorOption[EditorOption["pixelRatio"] = 129] = "pixelRatio"; EditorOption[EditorOption["tabFocusMode"] = 130] = "tabFocusMode"; EditorOption[EditorOption["layoutInfo"] = 131] = "layoutInfo"; EditorOption[EditorOption["wrappingInfo"] = 132] = "wrappingInfo"; })(EditorOption || (EditorOption = {})); /** * End of line character preference. */ var EndOfLinePreference; (function (EndOfLinePreference) { /** * Use the end of line character identified in the text buffer. */ EndOfLinePreference[EndOfLinePreference["TextDefined"] = 0] = "TextDefined"; /** * Use line feed (\n) as the end of line character. */ EndOfLinePreference[EndOfLinePreference["LF"] = 1] = "LF"; /** * Use carriage return and line feed (\r\n) as the end of line character. */ EndOfLinePreference[EndOfLinePreference["CRLF"] = 2] = "CRLF"; })(EndOfLinePreference || (EndOfLinePreference = {})); /** * End of line character preference. */ var EndOfLineSequence; (function (EndOfLineSequence) { /** * Use line feed (\n) as the end of line character. */ EndOfLineSequence[EndOfLineSequence["LF"] = 0] = "LF"; /** * Use carriage return and line feed (\r\n) as the end of line character. */ EndOfLineSequence[EndOfLineSequence["CRLF"] = 1] = "CRLF"; })(EndOfLineSequence || (EndOfLineSequence = {})); /** * Describes what to do with the indentation when pressing Enter. */ var IndentAction; (function (IndentAction) { /** * Insert new line and copy the previous line's indentation. */ IndentAction[IndentAction["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Insert new line and indent once (relative to the previous line's indentation). */ IndentAction[IndentAction["Indent"] = 1] = "Indent"; /** * Insert two new lines: * - the first one indented which will hold the cursor * - the second one at the same indentation level */ IndentAction[IndentAction["IndentOutdent"] = 2] = "IndentOutdent"; /** * Insert new line and outdent once (relative to the previous line's indentation). */ IndentAction[IndentAction["Outdent"] = 3] = "Outdent"; })(IndentAction || (IndentAction = {})); var InjectedTextCursorStops; (function (InjectedTextCursorStops) { InjectedTextCursorStops[InjectedTextCursorStops["Both"] = 0] = "Both"; InjectedTextCursorStops[InjectedTextCursorStops["Right"] = 1] = "Right"; InjectedTextCursorStops[InjectedTextCursorStops["Left"] = 2] = "Left"; InjectedTextCursorStops[InjectedTextCursorStops["None"] = 3] = "None"; })(InjectedTextCursorStops || (InjectedTextCursorStops = {})); var InlayHintKind; (function (InlayHintKind) { InlayHintKind[InlayHintKind["Other"] = 0] = "Other"; InlayHintKind[InlayHintKind["Type"] = 1] = "Type"; InlayHintKind[InlayHintKind["Parameter"] = 2] = "Parameter"; })(InlayHintKind || (InlayHintKind = {})); /** * How an {@link InlineCompletionsProvider inline completion provider} was triggered. */ var InlineCompletionTriggerKind; (function (InlineCompletionTriggerKind) { /** * Completion was triggered automatically while editing. * It is sufficient to return a single completion item in this case. */ InlineCompletionTriggerKind[InlineCompletionTriggerKind["Automatic"] = 0] = "Automatic"; /** * Completion was triggered explicitly by a user gesture. * Return multiple completion items to enable cycling through them. */ InlineCompletionTriggerKind[InlineCompletionTriggerKind["Explicit"] = 1] = "Explicit"; })(InlineCompletionTriggerKind || (InlineCompletionTriggerKind = {})); /** * Virtual Key Codes, the value does not hold any inherent meaning. * Inspired somewhat from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375731(v=vs.85).aspx * But these are "more general", as they should work across browsers & OS`s. */ var KeyCode; (function (KeyCode) { KeyCode[KeyCode["DependsOnKbLayout"] = -1] = "DependsOnKbLayout"; /** * Placed first to cover the 0 value of the enum. */ KeyCode[KeyCode["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Backspace"] = 1] = "Backspace"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Tab"] = 2] = "Tab"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Enter"] = 3] = "Enter"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Shift"] = 4] = "Shift"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Ctrl"] = 5] = "Ctrl"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Alt"] = 6] = "Alt"; KeyCode[KeyCode["PauseBreak"] = 7] = "PauseBreak"; KeyCode[KeyCode["CapsLock"] = 8] = "CapsLock"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Escape"] = 9] = "Escape"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Space"] = 10] = "Space"; KeyCode[KeyCode["PageUp"] = 11] = "PageUp"; KeyCode[KeyCode["PageDown"] = 12] = "PageDown"; KeyCode[KeyCode["End"] = 13] = "End"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Home"] = 14] = "Home"; KeyCode[KeyCode["LeftArrow"] = 15] = "LeftArrow"; KeyCode[KeyCode["UpArrow"] = 16] = "UpArrow"; KeyCode[KeyCode["RightArrow"] = 17] = "RightArrow"; KeyCode[KeyCode["DownArrow"] = 18] = "DownArrow"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Insert"] = 19] = "Insert"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Delete"] = 20] = "Delete"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit0"] = 21] = "Digit0"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit1"] = 22] = "Digit1"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit2"] = 23] = "Digit2"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit3"] = 24] = "Digit3"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit4"] = 25] = "Digit4"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit5"] = 26] = "Digit5"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit6"] = 27] = "Digit6"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit7"] = 28] = "Digit7"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit8"] = 29] = "Digit8"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit9"] = 30] = "Digit9"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyA"] = 31] = "KeyA"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyB"] = 32] = "KeyB"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyC"] = 33] = "KeyC"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyD"] = 34] = "KeyD"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyE"] = 35] = "KeyE"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyF"] = 36] = "KeyF"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyG"] = 37] = "KeyG"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyH"] = 38] = "KeyH"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyI"] = 39] = "KeyI"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyJ"] = 40] = "KeyJ"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyK"] = 41] = "KeyK"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyL"] = 42] = "KeyL"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyM"] = 43] = "KeyM"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyN"] = 44] = "KeyN"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyO"] = 45] = "KeyO"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyP"] = 46] = "KeyP"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyQ"] = 47] = "KeyQ"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyR"] = 48] = "KeyR"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyS"] = 49] = "KeyS"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyT"] = 50] = "KeyT"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyU"] = 51] = "KeyU"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyV"] = 52] = "KeyV"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyW"] = 53] = "KeyW"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyX"] = 54] = "KeyX"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyY"] = 55] = "KeyY"; KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyZ"] = 56] = "KeyZ"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Meta"] = 57] = "Meta"; KeyCode[KeyCode["ContextMenu"] = 58] = "ContextMenu"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F1"] = 59] = "F1"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F2"] = 60] = "F2"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F3"] = 61] = "F3"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F4"] = 62] = "F4"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F5"] = 63] = "F5"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F6"] = 64] = "F6"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F7"] = 65] = "F7"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F8"] = 66] = "F8"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F9"] = 67] = "F9"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F10"] = 68] = "F10"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F11"] = 69] = "F11"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F12"] = 70] = "F12"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F13"] = 71] = "F13"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F14"] = 72] = "F14"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F15"] = 73] = "F15"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F16"] = 74] = "F16"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F17"] = 75] = "F17"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F18"] = 76] = "F18"; KeyCode[KeyCode["F19"] = 77] = "F19"; KeyCode[KeyCode["NumLock"] = 78] = "NumLock"; KeyCode[KeyCode["ScrollLock"] = 79] = "ScrollLock"; /** * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. * For the US standard keyboard, the ';:' key */ KeyCode[KeyCode["Semicolon"] = 80] = "Semicolon"; /** * For any country/region, the '+' key * For the US standard keyboard, the '=+' key */ KeyCode[KeyCode["Equal"] = 81] = "Equal"; /** * For any country/region, the ',' key * For the US standard keyboard, the ',<' key */ KeyCode[KeyCode["Comma"] = 82] = "Comma"; /** * For any country/region, the '-' key * For the US standard keyboard, the '-_' key */ KeyCode[KeyCode["Minus"] = 83] = "Minus"; /** * For any country/region, the '.' key * For the US standard keyboard, the '.>' key */ KeyCode[KeyCode["Period"] = 84] = "Period"; /** * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. * For the US standard keyboard, the '/?' key */ KeyCode[KeyCode["Slash"] = 85] = "Slash"; /** * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. * For the US standard keyboard, the '`~' key */ KeyCode[KeyCode["Backquote"] = 86] = "Backquote"; /** * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. * For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key */ KeyCode[KeyCode["BracketLeft"] = 87] = "BracketLeft"; /** * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. * For the US standard keyboard, the '\|' key */ KeyCode[KeyCode["Backslash"] = 88] = "Backslash"; /** * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. * For the US standard keyboard, the ']}' key */ KeyCode[KeyCode["BracketRight"] = 89] = "BracketRight"; /** * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. * For the US standard keyboard, the ''"' key */ KeyCode[KeyCode["Quote"] = 90] = "Quote"; /** * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. */ KeyCode[KeyCode["OEM_8"] = 91] = "OEM_8"; /** * Either the angle bracket key or the backslash key on the RT 102-key keyboard. */ KeyCode[KeyCode["IntlBackslash"] = 92] = "IntlBackslash"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad0"] = 93] = "Numpad0"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad1"] = 94] = "Numpad1"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad2"] = 95] = "Numpad2"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad3"] = 96] = "Numpad3"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad4"] = 97] = "Numpad4"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad5"] = 98] = "Numpad5"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad6"] = 99] = "Numpad6"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad7"] = 100] = "Numpad7"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad8"] = 101] = "Numpad8"; KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad9"] = 102] = "Numpad9"; KeyCode[KeyCode["NumpadMultiply"] = 103] = "NumpadMultiply"; KeyCode[KeyCode["NumpadAdd"] = 104] = "NumpadAdd"; KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_SEPARATOR"] = 105] = "NUMPAD_SEPARATOR"; KeyCode[KeyCode["NumpadSubtract"] = 106] = "NumpadSubtract"; KeyCode[KeyCode["NumpadDecimal"] = 107] = "NumpadDecimal"; KeyCode[KeyCode["NumpadDivide"] = 108] = "NumpadDivide"; /** * Cover all key codes when IME is processing input. */ KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_IN_COMPOSITION"] = 109] = "KEY_IN_COMPOSITION"; KeyCode[KeyCode["ABNT_C1"] = 110] = "ABNT_C1"; KeyCode[KeyCode["ABNT_C2"] = 111] = "ABNT_C2"; KeyCode[KeyCode["AudioVolumeMute"] = 112] = "AudioVolumeMute"; KeyCode[KeyCode["AudioVolumeUp"] = 113] = "AudioVolumeUp"; KeyCode[KeyCode["AudioVolumeDown"] = 114] = "AudioVolumeDown"; KeyCode[KeyCode["BrowserSearch"] = 115] = "BrowserSearch"; KeyCode[KeyCode["BrowserHome"] = 116] = "BrowserHome"; KeyCode[KeyCode["BrowserBack"] = 117] = "BrowserBack"; KeyCode[KeyCode["BrowserForward"] = 118] = "BrowserForward"; KeyCode[KeyCode["MediaTrackNext"] = 119] = "MediaTrackNext"; KeyCode[KeyCode["MediaTrackPrevious"] = 120] = "MediaTrackPrevious"; KeyCode[KeyCode["MediaStop"] = 121] = "MediaStop"; KeyCode[KeyCode["MediaPlayPause"] = 122] = "MediaPlayPause"; KeyCode[KeyCode["LaunchMediaPlayer"] = 123] = "LaunchMediaPlayer"; KeyCode[KeyCode["LaunchMail"] = 124] = "LaunchMail"; KeyCode[KeyCode["LaunchApp2"] = 125] = "LaunchApp2"; /** * Placed last to cover the length of the enum. * Please do not depend on this value! */ KeyCode[KeyCode["MAX_VALUE"] = 126] = "MAX_VALUE"; })(KeyCode || (KeyCode = {})); var MarkerSeverity; (function (MarkerSeverity) { MarkerSeverity[MarkerSeverity["Hint"] = 1] = "Hint"; MarkerSeverity[MarkerSeverity["Info"] = 2] = "Info"; MarkerSeverity[MarkerSeverity["Warning"] = 4] = "Warning"; MarkerSeverity[MarkerSeverity["Error"] = 8] = "Error"; })(MarkerSeverity || (MarkerSeverity = {})); var MarkerTag; (function (MarkerTag) { MarkerTag[MarkerTag["Unnecessary"] = 1] = "Unnecessary"; MarkerTag[MarkerTag["Deprecated"] = 2] = "Deprecated"; })(MarkerTag || (MarkerTag = {})); /** * Position in the minimap to render the decoration. */ var MinimapPosition; (function (MinimapPosition) { MinimapPosition[MinimapPosition["Inline"] = 1] = "Inline"; MinimapPosition[MinimapPosition["Gutter"] = 2] = "Gutter"; })(MinimapPosition || (MinimapPosition = {})); /** * Type of hit element with the mouse in the editor. */ var MouseTargetType; (function (MouseTargetType) { /** * Mouse is on top of an unknown element. */ MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["UNKNOWN"] = 0] = "UNKNOWN"; /** * Mouse is on top of the textarea used for input. */ MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["TEXTAREA"] = 1] = "TEXTAREA"; /** * Mouse is on top of the glyph margin */ MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["GUTTER_GLYPH_MARGIN"] = 2] = "GUTTER_GLYPH_MARGIN"; /** * Mouse is on top of the line numbers */ MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["GUTTER_LINE_NUMBERS"] = 3] = "GUTTER_LINE_NUMBERS"; /** * Mouse is on top of the line decorations */ MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["GUTTER_LINE_DECORATIONS"] = 4] = "GUTTER_LINE_DECORATIONS"; /** * Mouse is on top of the whitespace left in the gutter by a view zone. */ MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["GUTTER_VIEW_ZONE"] = 5] = "GUTTER_VIEW_ZONE"; /** * Mouse is on top of text in the content. */ MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["CONTENT_TEXT"] = 6] = "CONTENT_TEXT"; /** * Mouse is on top of empty space in the content (e.g. after line text or below last line) */ MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["CONTENT_EMPTY"] = 7] = "CONTENT_EMPTY"; /** * Mouse is on top of a view zone in the content. */ MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["CONTENT_VIEW_ZONE"] = 8] = "CONTENT_VIEW_ZONE"; /** * Mouse is on top of a content widget. */ MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["CONTENT_WIDGET"] = 9] = "CONTENT_WIDGET"; /** * Mouse is on top of the decorations overview ruler. */ MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["OVERVIEW_RULER"] = 10] = "OVERVIEW_RULER"; /** * Mouse is on top of a scrollbar. */ MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["SCROLLBAR"] = 11] = "SCROLLBAR"; /** * Mouse is on top of an overlay widget. */ MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["OVERLAY_WIDGET"] = 12] = "OVERLAY_WIDGET"; /** * Mouse is outside of the editor. */ MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["OUTSIDE_EDITOR"] = 13] = "OUTSIDE_EDITOR"; })(MouseTargetType || (MouseTargetType = {})); /** * A positioning preference for rendering overlay widgets. */ var OverlayWidgetPositionPreference; (function (OverlayWidgetPositionPreference) { /** * Position the overlay widget in the top right corner */ OverlayWidgetPositionPreference[OverlayWidgetPositionPreference["TOP_RIGHT_CORNER"] = 0] = "TOP_RIGHT_CORNER"; /** * Position the overlay widget in the bottom right corner */ OverlayWidgetPositionPreference[OverlayWidgetPositionPreference["BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER"] = 1] = "BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER"; /** * Position the overlay widget in the top center */ OverlayWidgetPositionPreference[OverlayWidgetPositionPreference["TOP_CENTER"] = 2] = "TOP_CENTER"; })(OverlayWidgetPositionPreference || (OverlayWidgetPositionPreference = {})); /** * Vertical Lane in the overview ruler of the editor. */ var OverviewRulerLane; (function (OverviewRulerLane) { OverviewRulerLane[OverviewRulerLane["Left"] = 1] = "Left"; OverviewRulerLane[OverviewRulerLane["Center"] = 2] = "Center"; OverviewRulerLane[OverviewRulerLane["Right"] = 4] = "Right"; OverviewRulerLane[OverviewRulerLane["Full"] = 7] = "Full"; })(OverviewRulerLane || (OverviewRulerLane = {})); var PositionAffinity; (function (PositionAffinity) { /** * Prefers the left most position. */ PositionAffinity[PositionAffinity["Left"] = 0] = "Left"; /** * Prefers the right most position. */ PositionAffinity[PositionAffinity["Right"] = 1] = "Right"; /** * No preference. */ PositionAffinity[PositionAffinity["None"] = 2] = "None"; })(PositionAffinity || (PositionAffinity = {})); var RenderLineNumbersType; (function (RenderLineNumbersType) { RenderLineNumbersType[RenderLineNumbersType["Off"] = 0] = "Off"; RenderLineNumbersType[RenderLineNumbersType["On"] = 1] = "On"; RenderLineNumbersType[RenderLineNumbersType["Relative"] = 2] = "Relative"; RenderLineNumbersType[RenderLineNumbersType["Interval"] = 3] = "Interval"; RenderLineNumbersType[RenderLineNumbersType["Custom"] = 4] = "Custom"; })(RenderLineNumbersType || (RenderLineNumbersType = {})); var RenderMinimap; (function (RenderMinimap) { RenderMinimap[RenderMinimap["None"] = 0] = "None"; RenderMinimap[RenderMinimap["Text"] = 1] = "Text"; RenderMinimap[RenderMinimap["Blocks"] = 2] = "Blocks"; })(RenderMinimap || (RenderMinimap = {})); var ScrollType; (function (ScrollType) { ScrollType[ScrollType["Smooth"] = 0] = "Smooth"; ScrollType[ScrollType["Immediate"] = 1] = "Immediate"; })(ScrollType || (ScrollType = {})); var ScrollbarVisibility; (function (ScrollbarVisibility) { ScrollbarVisibility[ScrollbarVisibility["Auto"] = 1] = "Auto"; ScrollbarVisibility[ScrollbarVisibility["Hidden"] = 2] = "Hidden"; ScrollbarVisibility[ScrollbarVisibility["Visible"] = 3] = "Visible"; })(ScrollbarVisibility || (ScrollbarVisibility = {})); /** * The direction of a selection. */ var SelectionDirection; (function (SelectionDirection) { /** * The selection starts above where it ends. */ SelectionDirection[SelectionDirection["LTR"] = 0] = "LTR"; /** * The selection starts below where it ends. */ SelectionDirection[SelectionDirection["RTL"] = 1] = "RTL"; })(SelectionDirection || (SelectionDirection = {})); var SignatureHelpTriggerKind; (function (SignatureHelpTriggerKind) { SignatureHelpTriggerKind[SignatureHelpTriggerKind["Invoke"] = 1] = "Invoke"; SignatureHelpTriggerKind[SignatureHelpTriggerKind["TriggerCharacter"] = 2] = "TriggerCharacter"; SignatureHelpTriggerKind[SignatureHelpTriggerKind["ContentChange"] = 3] = "ContentChange"; })(SignatureHelpTriggerKind || (SignatureHelpTriggerKind = {})); /** * A symbol kind. */ var SymbolKind; (function (SymbolKind) { SymbolKind[SymbolKind["File"] = 0] = "File"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Module"] = 1] = "Module"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Namespace"] = 2] = "Namespace"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Package"] = 3] = "Package"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Class"] = 4] = "Class"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Method"] = 5] = "Method"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Property"] = 6] = "Property"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Field"] = 7] = "Field"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Constructor"] = 8] = "Constructor"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Enum"] = 9] = "Enum"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Interface"] = 10] = "Interface"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Function"] = 11] = "Function"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Variable"] = 12] = "Variable"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Constant"] = 13] = "Constant"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["String"] = 14] = "String"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Number"] = 15] = "Number"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Boolean"] = 16] = "Boolean"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Array"] = 17] = "Array"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Object"] = 18] = "Object"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Key"] = 19] = "Key"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Null"] = 20] = "Null"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["EnumMember"] = 21] = "EnumMember"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Struct"] = 22] = "Struct"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Event"] = 23] = "Event"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Operator"] = 24] = "Operator"; SymbolKind[SymbolKind["TypeParameter"] = 25] = "TypeParameter"; })(SymbolKind || (SymbolKind = {})); var SymbolTag; (function (SymbolTag) { SymbolTag[SymbolTag["Deprecated"] = 1] = "Deprecated"; })(SymbolTag || (SymbolTag = {})); /** * The kind of animation in which the editor's cursor should be rendered. */ var TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle; (function (TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle) { /** * Hidden */ TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle[TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle["Hidden"] = 0] = "Hidden"; /** * Blinking */ TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle[TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle["Blink"] = 1] = "Blink"; /** * Blinking with smooth fading */ TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle[TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle["Smooth"] = 2] = "Smooth"; /** * Blinking with prolonged filled state and smooth fading */ TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle[TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle["Phase"] = 3] = "Phase"; /** * Expand collapse animation on the y axis */ TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle[TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle["Expand"] = 4] = "Expand"; /** * No-Blinking */ TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle[TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle["Solid"] = 5] = "Solid"; })(TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle || (TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle = {})); /** * The style in which the editor's cursor should be rendered. */ var TextEditorCursorStyle; (function (TextEditorCursorStyle) { /** * As a vertical line (sitting between two characters). */ TextEditorCursorStyle[TextEditorCursorStyle["Line"] = 1] = "Line"; /** * As a block (sitting on top of a character). */ TextEditorCursorStyle[TextEditorCursorStyle["Block"] = 2] = "Block"; /** * As a horizontal line (sitting under a character). */ TextEditorCursorStyle[TextEditorCursorStyle["Underline"] = 3] = "Underline"; /** * As a thin vertical line (sitting between two characters). */ TextEditorCursorStyle[TextEditorCursorStyle["LineThin"] = 4] = "LineThin"; /** * As an outlined block (sitting on top of a character). */ TextEditorCursorStyle[TextEditorCursorStyle["BlockOutline"] = 5] = "BlockOutline"; /** * As a thin horizontal line (sitting under a character). */ TextEditorCursorStyle[TextEditorCursorStyle["UnderlineThin"] = 6] = "UnderlineThin"; })(TextEditorCursorStyle || (TextEditorCursorStyle = {})); /** * Describes the behavior of decorations when typing/editing near their edges. * Note: Please do not edit the values, as they very carefully match `DecorationRangeBehavior` */ var TrackedRangeStickiness; (function (TrackedRangeStickiness) { TrackedRangeStickiness[TrackedRangeStickiness["AlwaysGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges"] = 0] = "AlwaysGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges"; TrackedRangeStickiness[TrackedRangeStickiness["NeverGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges"] = 1] = "NeverGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges"; TrackedRangeStickiness[TrackedRangeStickiness["GrowsOnlyWhenTypingBefore"] = 2] = "GrowsOnlyWhenTypingBefore"; TrackedRangeStickiness[TrackedRangeStickiness["GrowsOnlyWhenTypingAfter"] = 3] = "GrowsOnlyWhenTypingAfter"; })(TrackedRangeStickiness || (TrackedRangeStickiness = {})); /** * Describes how to indent wrapped lines. */ var WrappingIndent; (function (WrappingIndent) { /** * No indentation => wrapped lines begin at column 1. */ WrappingIndent[WrappingIndent["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Same => wrapped lines get the same indentation as the parent. */ WrappingIndent[WrappingIndent["Same"] = 1] = "Same"; /** * Indent => wrapped lines get +1 indentation toward the parent. */ WrappingIndent[WrappingIndent["Indent"] = 2] = "Indent"; /** * DeepIndent => wrapped lines get +2 indentation toward the parent. */ WrappingIndent[WrappingIndent["DeepIndent"] = 3] = "DeepIndent"; })(WrappingIndent || (WrappingIndent = {})); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class KeyMod { static chord(firstPart, secondPart) { return KeyChord(firstPart, secondPart); } } KeyMod.CtrlCmd = 2048 /* CtrlCmd */; KeyMod.Shift = 1024 /* Shift */; KeyMod.Alt = 512 /* Alt */; KeyMod.WinCtrl = 256 /* WinCtrl */; function createMonacoBaseAPI() { return { editor: undefined, languages: undefined, CancellationTokenSource: CancellationTokenSource, Emitter: Emitter, KeyCode: KeyCode, KeyMod: KeyMod, Position: Position, Range: Range, Selection: Selection, SelectionDirection: SelectionDirection, MarkerSeverity: MarkerSeverity, MarkerTag: MarkerTag, Uri: URI, Token: Token }; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function leftIsWordBounday(wordSeparators, text, textLength, matchStartIndex, matchLength) { if (matchStartIndex === 0) { // Match starts at start of string return true; } const charBefore = text.charCodeAt(matchStartIndex - 1); if (wordSeparators.get(charBefore) !== 0 /* Regular */) { // The character before the match is a word separator return true; } if (charBefore === 13 /* CarriageReturn */ || charBefore === 10 /* LineFeed */) { // The character before the match is line break or carriage return. return true; } if (matchLength > 0) { const firstCharInMatch = text.charCodeAt(matchStartIndex); if (wordSeparators.get(firstCharInMatch) !== 0 /* Regular */) { // The first character inside the match is a word separator return true; } } return false; } function rightIsWordBounday(wordSeparators, text, textLength, matchStartIndex, matchLength) { if (matchStartIndex + matchLength === textLength) { // Match ends at end of string return true; } const charAfter = text.charCodeAt(matchStartIndex + matchLength); if (wordSeparators.get(charAfter) !== 0 /* Regular */) { // The character after the match is a word separator return true; } if (charAfter === 13 /* CarriageReturn */ || charAfter === 10 /* LineFeed */) { // The character after the match is line break or carriage return. return true; } if (matchLength > 0) { const lastCharInMatch = text.charCodeAt(matchStartIndex + matchLength - 1); if (wordSeparators.get(lastCharInMatch) !== 0 /* Regular */) { // The last character in the match is a word separator return true; } } return false; } function isValidMatch(wordSeparators, text, textLength, matchStartIndex, matchLength) { return (leftIsWordBounday(wordSeparators, text, textLength, matchStartIndex, matchLength) && rightIsWordBounday(wordSeparators, text, textLength, matchStartIndex, matchLength)); } class Searcher { constructor(wordSeparators, searchRegex) { this._wordSeparators = wordSeparators; this._searchRegex = searchRegex; this._prevMatchStartIndex = -1; this._prevMatchLength = 0; } reset(lastIndex) { this._searchRegex.lastIndex = lastIndex; this._prevMatchStartIndex = -1; this._prevMatchLength = 0; } next(text) { const textLength = text.length; let m; do { if (this._prevMatchStartIndex + this._prevMatchLength === textLength) { // Reached the end of the line return null; } m = this._searchRegex.exec(text); if (!m) { return null; } const matchStartIndex = m.index; const matchLength = m[0].length; if (matchStartIndex === this._prevMatchStartIndex && matchLength === this._prevMatchLength) { if (matchLength === 0) { // the search result is an empty string and won't advance `regex.lastIndex`, so `regex.exec` will stuck here // we attempt to recover from that by advancing by two if surrogate pair found and by one otherwise if (getNextCodePoint(text, textLength, this._searchRegex.lastIndex) > 0xFFFF) { this._searchRegex.lastIndex += 2; } else { this._searchRegex.lastIndex += 1; } continue; } // Exit early if the regex matches the same range twice return null; } this._prevMatchStartIndex = matchStartIndex; this._prevMatchLength = matchLength; if (!this._wordSeparators || isValidMatch(this._wordSeparators, text, textLength, matchStartIndex, matchLength)) { return m; } } while (m); return null; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class UnicodeTextModelHighlighter { static computeUnicodeHighlights(model, options, range) { const startLine = range ? range.startLineNumber : 1; const endLine = range ? range.endLineNumber : model.getLineCount(); const codePointHighlighter = new CodePointHighlighter(options); const candidates = codePointHighlighter.getCandidateCodePoints(); let regex; if (candidates === 'allNonBasicAscii') { regex = new RegExp('[^\\t\\n\\r\\x20-\\x7E]', 'g'); } else { regex = new RegExp(`${buildRegExpCharClassExpr(Array.from(candidates))}`, 'g'); } const searcher = new Searcher(null, regex); const ranges = []; let hasMore = false; let m; let ambiguousCharacterCount = 0; let invisibleCharacterCount = 0; let nonBasicAsciiCharacterCount = 0; forLoop: for (let lineNumber = startLine, lineCount = endLine; lineNumber <= lineCount; lineNumber++) { const lineContent = model.getLineContent(lineNumber); const lineLength = lineContent.length; // Reset regex to search from the beginning searcher.reset(0); do { m = searcher.next(lineContent); if (m) { let startIndex = m.index; let endIndex = m.index + m[0].length; // Extend range to entire code point if (startIndex > 0) { const charCodeBefore = lineContent.charCodeAt(startIndex - 1); if (isHighSurrogate(charCodeBefore)) { startIndex--; } } if (endIndex + 1 < lineLength) { const charCodeBefore = lineContent.charCodeAt(endIndex - 1); if (isHighSurrogate(charCodeBefore)) { endIndex++; } } const str = lineContent.substring(startIndex, endIndex); const highlightReason = codePointHighlighter.shouldHighlightNonBasicASCII(str); if (highlightReason !== 0 /* None */) { if (highlightReason === 3 /* Ambiguous */) { ambiguousCharacterCount++; } else if (highlightReason === 2 /* Invisible */) { invisibleCharacterCount++; } else if (highlightReason === 1 /* NonBasicASCII */) { nonBasicAsciiCharacterCount++; } else { assertNever(); } const MAX_RESULT_LENGTH = 1000; if (ranges.length >= MAX_RESULT_LENGTH) { hasMore = true; break forLoop; } ranges.push(new Range(lineNumber, startIndex + 1, lineNumber, endIndex + 1)); } } } while (m); } return { ranges, hasMore, ambiguousCharacterCount, invisibleCharacterCount, nonBasicAsciiCharacterCount }; } static computeUnicodeHighlightReason(char, options) { const codePointHighlighter = new CodePointHighlighter(options); const reason = codePointHighlighter.shouldHighlightNonBasicASCII(char); switch (reason) { case 0 /* None */: return null; case 2 /* Invisible */: return { kind: 1 /* Invisible */ }; case 3 /* Ambiguous */: { const codePoint = char.codePointAt(0); const primaryConfusable = codePointHighlighter.ambiguousCharacters.getPrimaryConfusable(codePoint); const notAmbiguousInLocales = AmbiguousCharacters.getLocales().filter((l) => !AmbiguousCharacters.getInstance(new Set([...options.allowedLocales, l])).isAmbiguous(codePoint)); return { kind: 0 /* Ambiguous */, confusableWith: String.fromCodePoint(primaryConfusable), notAmbiguousInLocales }; } case 1 /* NonBasicASCII */: return { kind: 2 /* NonBasicAscii */ }; } } } function buildRegExpCharClassExpr(codePoints, flags) { const src = `[${escapeRegExpCharacters(codePoints.map((i) => String.fromCodePoint(i)).join(''))}]`; return src; } class CodePointHighlighter { constructor(options) { this.options = options; this.allowedCodePoints = new Set(options.allowedCodePoints); this.ambiguousCharacters = AmbiguousCharacters.getInstance(new Set(options.allowedLocales)); } getCandidateCodePoints() { if (this.options.nonBasicASCII) { return 'allNonBasicAscii'; } const set = new Set(); if (this.options.invisibleCharacters) { for (const cp of InvisibleCharacters.codePoints) { set.add(cp); } } if (this.options.ambiguousCharacters) { for (const cp of this.ambiguousCharacters.getConfusableCodePoints()) { set.add(cp); } } for (const cp of this.allowedCodePoints) { set.delete(cp); } return set; } shouldHighlightNonBasicASCII(character) { const codePoint = character.codePointAt(0); if (this.allowedCodePoints.has(codePoint)) { return 0 /* None */; } if (this.options.nonBasicASCII) { return 1 /* NonBasicASCII */; } if (this.options.invisibleCharacters) { const isAllowedInvisibleCharacter = character === ' ' || character === '\n' || character === '\t'; // TODO check for emojis if (!isAllowedInvisibleCharacter && InvisibleCharacters.isInvisibleCharacter(codePoint)) { return 2 /* Invisible */; } } if (this.options.ambiguousCharacters) { if (this.ambiguousCharacters.isAmbiguous(codePoint)) { return 3 /* Ambiguous */; } } return 0 /* None */; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var __awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; /** * @internal */ class MirrorModel extends MirrorTextModel { get uri() { return this._uri; } get eol() { return this._eol; } getValue() { return this.getText(); } getLinesContent() { return this._lines.slice(0); } getLineCount() { return this._lines.length; } getLineContent(lineNumber) { return this._lines[lineNumber - 1]; } getWordAtPosition(position, wordDefinition) { const wordAtText = getWordAtText(position.column, ensureValidWordDefinition(wordDefinition), this._lines[position.lineNumber - 1], 0); if (wordAtText) { return new Range(position.lineNumber, wordAtText.startColumn, position.lineNumber, wordAtText.endColumn); } return null; } words(wordDefinition) { const lines = this._lines; const wordenize = this._wordenize.bind(this); let lineNumber = 0; let lineText = ''; let wordRangesIdx = 0; let wordRanges = []; return { *[Symbol.iterator]() { while (true) { if (wordRangesIdx < wordRanges.length) { const value = lineText.substring(wordRanges[wordRangesIdx].start, wordRanges[wordRangesIdx].end); wordRangesIdx += 1; yield value; } else { if (lineNumber < lines.length) { lineText = lines[lineNumber]; wordRanges = wordenize(lineText, wordDefinition); wordRangesIdx = 0; lineNumber += 1; } else { break; } } } } }; } getLineWords(lineNumber, wordDefinition) { const content = this._lines[lineNumber - 1]; const ranges = this._wordenize(content, wordDefinition); const words = []; for (const range of ranges) { words.push({ word: content.substring(range.start, range.end), startColumn: range.start + 1, endColumn: range.end + 1 }); } return words; } _wordenize(content, wordDefinition) { const result = []; let match; wordDefinition.lastIndex = 0; // reset lastIndex just to be sure while (match = wordDefinition.exec(content)) { if (match[0].length === 0) { // it did match the empty string break; } result.push({ start: match.index, end: match.index + match[0].length }); } return result; } getValueInRange(range) { range = this._validateRange(range); if (range.startLineNumber === range.endLineNumber) { return this._lines[range.startLineNumber - 1].substring(range.startColumn - 1, range.endColumn - 1); } const lineEnding = this._eol; const startLineIndex = range.startLineNumber - 1; const endLineIndex = range.endLineNumber - 1; const resultLines = []; resultLines.push(this._lines[startLineIndex].substring(range.startColumn - 1)); for (let i = startLineIndex + 1; i < endLineIndex; i++) { resultLines.push(this._lines[i]); } resultLines.push(this._lines[endLineIndex].substring(0, range.endColumn - 1)); return resultLines.join(lineEnding); } offsetAt(position) { position = this._validatePosition(position); this._ensureLineStarts(); return this._lineStarts.getPrefixSum(position.lineNumber - 2) + (position.column - 1); } positionAt(offset) { offset = Math.floor(offset); offset = Math.max(0, offset); this._ensureLineStarts(); const out = this._lineStarts.getIndexOf(offset); const lineLength = this._lines[out.index].length; // Ensure we return a valid position return { lineNumber: 1 + out.index, column: 1 + Math.min(out.remainder, lineLength) }; } _validateRange(range) { const start = this._validatePosition({ lineNumber: range.startLineNumber, column: range.startColumn }); const end = this._validatePosition({ lineNumber: range.endLineNumber, column: range.endColumn }); if (start.lineNumber !== range.startLineNumber || start.column !== range.startColumn || end.lineNumber !== range.endLineNumber || end.column !== range.endColumn) { return { startLineNumber: start.lineNumber, startColumn: start.column, endLineNumber: end.lineNumber, endColumn: end.column }; } return range; } _validatePosition(position) { if (!Position.isIPosition(position)) { throw new Error('bad position'); } let { lineNumber, column } = position; let hasChanged = false; if (lineNumber < 1) { lineNumber = 1; column = 1; hasChanged = true; } else if (lineNumber > this._lines.length) { lineNumber = this._lines.length; column = this._lines[lineNumber - 1].length + 1; hasChanged = true; } else { const maxCharacter = this._lines[lineNumber - 1].length + 1; if (column < 1) { column = 1; hasChanged = true; } else if (column > maxCharacter) { column = maxCharacter; hasChanged = true; } } if (!hasChanged) { return position; } else { return { lineNumber, column }; } } } /** * @internal */ class EditorSimpleWorker { constructor(host, foreignModuleFactory) { this._host = host; this._models = Object.create(null); this._foreignModuleFactory = foreignModuleFactory; this._foreignModule = null; } dispose() { this._models = Object.create(null); } _getModel(uri) { return this._models[uri]; } _getModels() { const all = []; Object.keys(this._models).forEach((key) => all.push(this._models[key])); return all; } acceptNewModel(data) { this._models[data.url] = new MirrorModel(URI.parse(data.url), data.lines, data.EOL, data.versionId); } acceptModelChanged(strURL, e) { if (!this._models[strURL]) { return; } const model = this._models[strURL]; model.onEvents(e); } acceptRemovedModel(strURL) { if (!this._models[strURL]) { return; } delete this._models[strURL]; } computeUnicodeHighlights(url, options, range) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const model = this._getModel(url); if (!model) { return { ranges: [], hasMore: false, ambiguousCharacterCount: 0, invisibleCharacterCount: 0, nonBasicAsciiCharacterCount: 0 }; } return UnicodeTextModelHighlighter.computeUnicodeHighlights(model, options, range); }); } // ---- BEGIN diff -------------------------------------------------------------------------- computeDiff(originalUrl, modifiedUrl, ignoreTrimWhitespace, maxComputationTime) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const original = this._getModel(originalUrl); const modified = this._getModel(modifiedUrl); if (!original || !modified) { return null; } const originalLines = original.getLinesContent(); const modifiedLines = modified.getLinesContent(); const diffComputer = new DiffComputer(originalLines, modifiedLines, { shouldComputeCharChanges: true, shouldPostProcessCharChanges: true, shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace: ignoreTrimWhitespace, shouldMakePrettyDiff: true, maxComputationTime: maxComputationTime }); const diffResult = diffComputer.computeDiff(); const identical = (diffResult.changes.length > 0 ? false : this._modelsAreIdentical(original, modified)); return { quitEarly: diffResult.quitEarly, identical: identical, changes: diffResult.changes }; }); } _modelsAreIdentical(original, modified) { const originalLineCount = original.getLineCount(); const modifiedLineCount = modified.getLineCount(); if (originalLineCount !== modifiedLineCount) { return false; } for (let line = 1; line <= originalLineCount; line++) { const originalLine = original.getLineContent(line); const modifiedLine = modified.getLineContent(line); if (originalLine !== modifiedLine) { return false; } } return true; } computeMoreMinimalEdits(modelUrl, edits) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const model = this._getModel(modelUrl); if (!model) { return edits; } const result = []; let lastEol = undefined; edits = edits.slice(0).sort((a, b) => { if (a.range && b.range) { return Range.compareRangesUsingStarts(a.range, b.range); } // eol only changes should go to the end const aRng = a.range ? 0 : 1; const bRng = b.range ? 0 : 1; return aRng - bRng; }); for (let { range, text, eol } of edits) { if (typeof eol === 'number') { lastEol = eol; } if (Range.isEmpty(range) && !text) { // empty change continue; } const original = model.getValueInRange(range); text = text.replace(/\r\n|\n|\r/g, model.eol); if (original === text) { // noop continue; } // make sure diff won't take too long if (Math.max(text.length, original.length) > EditorSimpleWorker._diffLimit) { result.push({ range, text }); continue; } // compute diff between original and edit.text const changes = stringDiff(original, text, false); const editOffset = model.offsetAt(Range.lift(range).getStartPosition()); for (const change of changes) { const start = model.positionAt(editOffset + change.originalStart); const end = model.positionAt(editOffset + change.originalStart + change.originalLength); const newEdit = { text: text.substr(change.modifiedStart, change.modifiedLength), range: { startLineNumber: start.lineNumber, startColumn: start.column, endLineNumber: end.lineNumber, endColumn: end.column } }; if (model.getValueInRange(newEdit.range) !== newEdit.text) { result.push(newEdit); } } } if (typeof lastEol === 'number') { result.push({ eol: lastEol, text: '', range: { startLineNumber: 0, startColumn: 0, endLineNumber: 0, endColumn: 0 } }); } return result; }); } // ---- END minimal edits --------------------------------------------------------------- computeLinks(modelUrl) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const model = this._getModel(modelUrl); if (!model) { return null; } return computeLinks(model); }); } textualSuggest(modelUrls, leadingWord, wordDef, wordDefFlags) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const sw = new StopWatch(true); const wordDefRegExp = new RegExp(wordDef, wordDefFlags); const seen = new Set(); outer: for (let url of modelUrls) { const model = this._getModel(url); if (!model) { continue; } for (let word of model.words(wordDefRegExp)) { if (word === leadingWord || !isNaN(Number(word))) { continue; } seen.add(word); if (seen.size > EditorSimpleWorker._suggestionsLimit) { break outer; } } } return { words: Array.from(seen), duration: sw.elapsed() }; }); } // ---- END suggest -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //#region -- word ranges -- computeWordRanges(modelUrl, range, wordDef, wordDefFlags) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const model = this._getModel(modelUrl); if (!model) { return Object.create(null); } const wordDefRegExp = new RegExp(wordDef, wordDefFlags); const result = Object.create(null); for (let line = range.startLineNumber; line < range.endLineNumber; line++) { const words = model.getLineWords(line, wordDefRegExp); for (const word of words) { if (!isNaN(Number(word.word))) { continue; } let array = result[word.word]; if (!array) { array = []; result[word.word] = array; } array.push({ startLineNumber: line, startColumn: word.startColumn, endLineNumber: line, endColumn: word.endColumn }); } } return result; }); } //#endregion navigateValueSet(modelUrl, range, up, wordDef, wordDefFlags) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const model = this._getModel(modelUrl); if (!model) { return null; } const wordDefRegExp = new RegExp(wordDef, wordDefFlags); if (range.startColumn === range.endColumn) { range = { startLineNumber: range.startLineNumber, startColumn: range.startColumn, endLineNumber: range.endLineNumber, endColumn: range.endColumn + 1 }; } const selectionText = model.getValueInRange(range); const wordRange = model.getWordAtPosition({ lineNumber: range.startLineNumber, column: range.startColumn }, wordDefRegExp); if (!wordRange) { return null; } const word = model.getValueInRange(wordRange); const result = BasicInplaceReplace.INSTANCE.navigateValueSet(range, selectionText, wordRange, word, up); return result; }); } // ---- BEGIN foreign module support -------------------------------------------------------------------------- loadForeignModule(moduleId, createData, foreignHostMethods) { const proxyMethodRequest = (method, args) => { return this._host.fhr(method, args); }; const foreignHost = createProxyObject$1(foreignHostMethods, proxyMethodRequest); const ctx = { host: foreignHost, getMirrorModels: () => { return this._getModels(); } }; if (this._foreignModuleFactory) { this._foreignModule = this._foreignModuleFactory(ctx, createData); // static foreing module return Promise.resolve(getAllMethodNames(this._foreignModule)); } // ESM-comment-begin // return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // require([moduleId], (foreignModule: { create: IForeignModuleFactory }) => { // this._foreignModule = foreignModule.create(ctx, createData); // // resolve(types.getAllMethodNames(this._foreignModule)); // // }, reject); // }); // ESM-comment-end // ESM-uncomment-begin return Promise.reject(new Error(`Unexpected usage`)); // ESM-uncomment-end } // foreign method request fmr(method, args) { if (!this._foreignModule || typeof this._foreignModule[method] !== 'function') { return Promise.reject(new Error('Missing requestHandler or method: ' + method)); } try { return Promise.resolve(this._foreignModule[method].apply(this._foreignModule, args)); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } } } // ---- END diff -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---- BEGIN minimal edits --------------------------------------------------------------- EditorSimpleWorker._diffLimit = 100000; // ---- BEGIN suggest -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EditorSimpleWorker._suggestionsLimit = 10000; if (typeof importScripts === 'function') { // Running in a web worker globals.monaco = createMonacoBaseAPI(); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ let initialized = false; function initialize(foreignModule) { if (initialized) { return; } initialized = true; const simpleWorker = new SimpleWorkerServer((msg) => { self.postMessage(msg); }, (host) => new EditorSimpleWorker(host, foreignModule)); self.onmessage = (e) => { simpleWorker.onmessage(e.data); }; } self.onmessage = (e) => { // Ignore first message in this case and initialize if not yet initialized if (!initialized) { initialize(null); } }; exports.initialize = initialize; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); return exports; })({});