# `monero-rust` A proof-of-concept Monero SDK oriented towards use by Dart. Seeks to provide bindings for Rust crates such as `monero-serai` (soon to be `monero-wallet` and `monero-oxide` less soon) and `cuprate` (soon™). ## Development - Install `cbindgen`: `cargo install --force cbindgen`. - To generate `monero-rust.h` C bindings for Rust, use `cbindgen` in the `monero-rust` directory: ``` cbindgen --config cbindgen.toml --crate monero-rust --output monero-rust.h ``` # Roadmap - Scan transactions for incoming funds. - Match wallet2 API. - `monero-wallet-cli` - `monero-wallet-rpc` - `monerod` - Securely zero memory after secrets are used. # Acknowledgements - Thank you Luke "kayabaNerve" Parker and Serai for `monero-serai`. - Thank you Diego "rehrar" Salazar and Cypher Stack for commissioning me to prove this concept via the https://github.com/cypherstack/libxmr project.