functions: "f_expansions_write": &f_expansions_write command: expansions.write params: file: expansions.yml redacted: true variables: - &compile_task_group_template name: compile_task_group_template max_hosts: 1 tasks: [] setup_task: - func: "f_expansions_write" - func: "apply compile expansions" - func: "set task expansion macros" - func: "f_expansions_write" teardown_task: - func: "f_expansions_write" - func: "attach scons logs" - func: "attach report" - func: "attach artifacts" - func: "kill processes" - func: "save code coverage data" - func: "save mongo coredumps" - func: "save failed unittests" - func: "save UndoDB recordings" - func: "save unstripped dbtest" - func: "save hang analyzer debugger files" - func: "save disk statistics" - func: "save system resource information" - func: "save libfuzzertest corpora" - func: "remove files" vars: files: >- src/resmoke_error_code src/build/scons/config.log src/*.gcda.gcov src/gcov-intermediate-files.tgz src/*.core src/*.mdmp mongo-coredumps.tgz src/dist-unittests/bin/* src/dist-unittests/lib/* mongo-unittests.tgz src/debugger*.* src/mongo-hanganalyzer.tgz diskstats.tgz system-resource-info.tgz ${report_file|src/report.json} ${archive_file|src/archive.json} setup_group_can_fail_task: true setup_group: - command: manifest.load - func: "git get project and add git tag" - func: "set task expansion macros" - func: "f_expansions_write" - func: "kill processes" - func: "cleanup environment" # The python virtual environment is installed in ${workdir}, which is created in # "set up venv". - func: "set up venv" - func: "upload pip requirements" - func: "get all modified patch files" - func: "f_expansions_write" - func: "configure evergreen api credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - func: "f_expansions_write" - func: "set up credentials" - func: "use WiredTiger develop" # noop if ${use_wt_develop} is not "true" - func: "set up win mount script" - func: "generate compile expansions" - func: "f_expansions_write" teardown_group: - func: "f_expansions_write" - func: "umount shared scons directory" - func: "cleanup environment" timeout: - func: "f_expansions_write" - func: "run hang analyzer" - func: "wait for resmoke to shutdown" task_groups: - <<: *compile_task_group_template name: compile_test_and_package_parallel_core_stream_TG tasks: - compile_dist_test tasks: - name: archive_dist_test tags: [] depends_on: - name: compile_dist_test commands: - *f_expansions_write - func: "scons compile" vars: targets: >- archive-dist-test task_compile_flags: >- PREFIX=dist-test ## compile - build all scons targets except unittests ## - name: compile_dist_test tags: [] depends_on: [] commands: - func: "scons compile" vars: targets: >- install-dist-test ${additional_compile_targets|} task_compile_flags: >- PREFIX=dist-test - name: burn_in_tags_gen tags: [] depends_on: - name: archive_dist_test commands: - command: manifest.load - func: "git get project and add git tag" - func: "set up venv" - func: "upload pip requirements" - func: "configure evergreen api credentials" - func: "generate burn in tags" vars: max_revisions: 25 repeat_tests_secs: 600 repeat_tests_min: 2 repeat_tests_max: 1000 buildvariants: - &enterprise-rhel-80-64-bit-dynamic-required-template name: enterprise-rhel-80-64-bit-dynamic-required display_name: "! Shared Library Enterprise RHEL 8.0" cron: "0 */4 * * *" # Every 4 hours starting at midnight modules: - enterprise run_on: - rhel80-small expansions: &enterprise-rhel-80-64-bit-dynamic-required-expansions additional_package_targets: archive-mongocryptd archive-mongocryptd-debug archive-mh archive-mh-debug compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=rhel80 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_v3_gcc.vars --link-model=dynamic csfle_task_compile_flags: SHLINKFLAGS_EXTRA="-Wl,-Bsymbolic -Wl,--no-gnu-unique" CCFLAGS="-fno-gnu-unique" multiversion_platform: rhel80 multiversion_edition: enterprise has_packages: false scons_cache_scope: shared scons_cache_mode: all jstestfuzz_num_generated_files: 40 jstestfuzz_concurrent_num_files: 10 target_resmoke_time: 10 max_sub_suites: 5 idle_timeout_factor: 1.5 exec_timeout_factor: 1.5 large_distro_name: rhel80-medium burn_in_tag_buildvariants: enterprise-rhel-80-64-bit-dynamic-required burn_in_tag_compile_distro: rhelx-80 # burn_in_tag_compile_task_group_name: compile-name num_scons_link_jobs_available: 0.99 tasks: - name: burn_in_tags_gen - name: compile_test_and_package_parallel_core_stream_TG distros: - rhel80-xlarge