use mongodb_ext::{mongo_db, DefaultId, MongoClient, MongoCollection}; #[derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize, Debug, Clone)] pub struct MyLocalType; mongo_db! { #[derive(Debug, Clone)] Database { { use std::collections::HashMap; use super::super::MyLocalType; use mongodb_ext::MongoCollection; } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] Collection1 { map: HashMap, local: MyLocalType }-{ pub fn collection_code() -> bool { true } }; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] Collection2 { counter: u16, name: String }; #[derive(Debug)] Collection3 { something: Option, }; #[derive(Debug)] Collection4<_id: none, version: 29> { #[serde(rename = "thisFieldsNewName")] renamed_field: String, #[serde(skip_serializing)] ignored_field: u64 }; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] Collection5 { #[builder(default = ::SCHEMA_VERSION)] schema_version: i32, }; #[derive(Debug)] Collection6 { #[builder(default = true)] r#type: bool } }-{ pub fn mongo_code() -> bool { true } } } #[test] pub fn check_schema_versions() { use crate::MongoCollection; assert_eq!(mongo::schema::Collection1::SCHEMA_VERSION, 2); assert_eq!(mongo::schema::Collection2::SCHEMA_VERSION, 3); assert_eq!(mongo::schema::Collection3::SCHEMA_VERSION, 1); assert_eq!(mongo::schema::Collection4::SCHEMA_VERSION, 29); } #[test] pub fn check_additional_code() { assert!(mongo::Database::mongo_code()); assert!(mongo::schema::Collection1::collection_code()); } #[test] pub fn check_field_attributes() { use serde_json::ser; let another_one = mongo::schema::Collection4 { renamed_field: String::from("something"), ignored_field: 1, }; assert_eq!( ser::to_string(&another_one).expect("Could not serialize AnotherOne"), String::from("{\"thisFieldsNewName\":\"something\"}") ); } #[test] pub fn check_json_serialization() { use serde_json::{from_value, json, Value}; let my_item: Value = json! ({ "counter": 0, "name": "my_special_item" }); let my_collection_entry: mongo::schema::Collection2 = from_value(my_item).expect("Could not convert json Value to collection document"); assert_eq!( my_collection_entry, mongo::schema::Collection2 { _id: None, counter: 0, name: String::from("my_special_item") } ); } #[test] pub fn check_doc_serialization() { use mongodb::bson::{de::from_document, doc, Document}; let my_item: Document = doc! { "counter": 0, "name": "my_special_item" }; let my_collection_entry: mongo::schema::Collection2 = from_document(my_item) .expect("Could not convert mongodb bson Document to collection document"); assert_eq!( my_collection_entry, mongo::schema::Collection2 { _id: None, counter: 0, name: String::from("my_special_item") } ); } #[test] pub fn check_json_serialization_with_id() { use { mongodb::bson::oid::ObjectId, serde_json::{from_value, json, Value}, }; let my_item: Value = json! ({ "_id": "0123456789ABCDEF01234567", "counter": 0, "name": "my_special_item" }); let my_collection_entry: mongo::schema::Collection2 = from_value(my_item).expect("Could not convert json Value to collection document"); assert_eq!( my_collection_entry, mongo::schema::Collection2 { _id: Some(ObjectId::parse_str("0123456789ABCDEF01234567").unwrap()), counter: 0, name: String::from("my_special_item") } ); } #[test] pub fn check_doc_serialization_with_id() { use mongodb::bson::{de::from_document, doc, oid::ObjectId, Document}; let my_item: Document = doc! { "_id": "0123456789ABCDEF01234567", "counter": 0, "name": "my_special_item" }; let my_collection_entry: mongo::schema::Collection2 = from_document(my_item) .expect("Could not convert mongodb bson Document to collection document"); assert_eq!( my_collection_entry, mongo::schema::Collection2 { _id: Some(ObjectId::parse_str("0123456789ABCDEF01234567").unwrap()), counter: 0, name: String::from("my_special_item") } ); } #[test] pub fn check_constant_names() { assert_eq!("database", mongo::Database::NAME); assert_eq!("collection1", mongo::schema::Collection1::NAME); assert_eq!("collection2", mongo::schema::Collection2::NAME); assert_eq!("collection3", mongo::schema::Collection3::NAME); assert_eq!("collection4", mongo::schema::Collection4::NAME); } /// This test is rather useless, but it's currently the best way to test the `new` / `new_with_client` function. #[test] pub fn check_initializer() { // try to initialize with an invalid connection string if let Err(e) = tokio_test::block_on(mongo::Database::new("invalid connection string")) { // make sure the correct error message is produced assert_eq!( format!("{}", e), String::from("An invalid argument was provided: connection string contains no scheme") ); } else { // this should really not happen panic!("Somehow constructed a database client without a proper connection string") } // initialize with valid connection string let db_handler1 = tokio_test::block_on(mongo::Database::new("mongodb://")).unwrap(); // initialize with Client let _db_handler2 = tokio_test::block_on(mongo::Database::new_with_client(db_handler1.client)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, "collection1"); assert_eq!(, "collection2"); assert_eq!(, "collection3"); assert_eq!(, "collection4"); } #[test] pub fn test_typed_builder() { assert_eq!( mongo::schema::Collection2::builder() .name("Alice".to_string()) .counter(255) .build(), mongo::schema::Collection2 { _id: None, name: "Alice".to_string(), counter: 255 } ); let oid = DefaultId::new(); assert_eq!( mongo::schema::Collection2::builder() .name("Alice".to_string()) .counter(255) ._id(Some(oid.clone())) .build(), mongo::schema::Collection2 { _id: Some(oid), name: "Alice".to_string(), counter: 255 } ); } #[test] pub fn test_schema_version_default() { use mongo::schema::Collection5; assert_eq!( mongo::schema::Collection2::builder() .name("Alice".to_string()) .counter(255) .build(), mongo::schema::Collection2 { _id: None, name: "Alice".to_string(), counter: 255 } ); assert_eq!( mongo::schema::Collection5::builder().build(), mongo::schema::Collection5 { _id: None, schema_version: ::SCHEMA_VERSION } ); } #[test] pub fn test_reserved_keyword_collection_fields() { assert!(mongo::schema::Collection6::builder().build().r#type); }