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Do not use this driver if you need support for other versions of MongoDB. Installation ------------ #### Dependencies - [Rust 1.30+ with Cargo](http://rust-lang.org) #### Importing The driver is available on crates.io. To use the MongoDB driver in your code, add the bson and mongodb packages to your `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [dependencies] bson = "0.13.0" mongodb_h2co3 = "0.3.11" ``` Alternately, you can use the MongoDB driver with SSL support. To do this, you must have OpenSSL installed on your system. Then, enable the `ssl` feature for MongoDB in your Cargo.toml: ```toml [dependencies] # ... mongodb-h2co3 = { version = "0.3.11", features = ["ssl"] } ``` Then, import the bson and driver libraries within your code. ```rust #[macro_use(bson, doc)] extern crate bson; extern crate mongodb_h2co3; ``` Examples -------- Here's a basic example of driver usage: ```rust use bson::Bson; use mongodb_h2co3::{Client, ThreadedClient}; use mongodb_h2co3::db::ThreadedDatabase; fn main() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017) .expect("Failed to initialize standalone client."); let coll = client.db("test").collection("movies"); let doc = doc! { "title": "Jaws", "array": [ 1, 2, 3 ], }; // Insert document into 'test.movies' collection coll.insert_one(doc.clone(), None) .ok().expect("Failed to insert document."); // Find the document and receive a cursor let mut cursor = coll.find(Some(doc.clone()), None) .ok().expect("Failed to execute find."); let item = cursor.next(); // cursor.next() returns an Option> match item { Some(Ok(doc)) => match doc.get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => println!("{}", title), _ => panic!("Expected title to be a string!"), }, Some(Err(_)) => panic!("Failed to get next from server!"), None => panic!("Server returned no results!"), } } ``` To connect with SSL, use either `ClientOptions::with_ssl` or `ClientOptions::with_unauthenticated_ssl` and then `Client::connect_with_options`. Afterwards, the client can be used as above (note that the server will have to be configured to accept SSL connections and that you'll have to generate your own keys and certificates): ```rust use bson::Bson; use mongodb_h2co3::{Client, ClientOptions, ThreadedClient}; use mongodb_h2co3::db::ThreadedDatabase; fn main() { // Path to file containing trusted server certificates. let ca_file = "path/to/ca.crt"; // Path to file containing client certificate. let certificate = "path/to/client.crt"; // Path to file containing the client private key. let key_file = "path/to/client.key"; // Whether or not to verify that the server certificate is valid. Unless you're just testing out something locally, this should ALWAYS be true. let verify_peer = true; let options = ClientOptions::with_ssl(ca_file, certificate, key_file, verify_peer); let client = Client::connect_with_options("localhost", 27017, options) .expect("Failed to initialize standalone client."); // Insert document into 'test.movies' collection coll.insert_one(doc.clone(), None) .ok().expect("Failed to insert document."); ... } ``` Testing ------- The driver test suite is largely composed of integration tests and behavioral unit-tests, relying on the official [MongoDB specifications repo](https://github.com/mongodb/specifications). The easiest way to thoroughly test the driver is to set your fork up with TravisCI. However, if you'd rather test the driver locally, you'll need to setup integration and specification tests. > NOTE: Each integration test uses a unique database/collection to allow tests to be parallelized, and will drop their dependencies before running. However, effects are _not_ cleaned up afterwards. #### Setting up integration tests All integration tests run on the default MongoDB port, 27017. Before running the tests, ensure that a test database is setup to listen on that port. If you don't have mongodb installed, download and install a version from [the MongoDB Download Center](https://www.mongodb.com/download-center). You can see a full list of versions being tested on Travis in [the travis config](/.travis.yml). After installation, run a MongoDB server on 27017: ``` mkdir -p ./data/test_db mongod --dbpath ./data/test_db ``` #### Setting up the specifications submodule Pull in the specifications submodule at `tests/json/data/specs`. ``` git submodule update --init ``` #### Running Tests Run tests like a regular Rust program: ``` cargo test --verbose ```