use bson::Bson; use mongodb::{Client, ThreadedClient}; use mongodb::db::ThreadedDatabase; use mongodb::coll::options::{FindOptions, FindOneAndUpdateOptions, IndexModel, IndexOptions, ReturnDocument}; #[test] fn find_sorted() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("find_sorted"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop collection"); // Insert document let doc1 = doc! { "title": "Jaws" }; let doc2 = doc! { "title": "Back to the Future" }; let doc3 = doc! { "title": "Dobby" }; coll.insert_many(vec![doc1.clone(), doc2.clone(), doc3.clone()], None) .expect("Failed to insert documents."); // Find document let mut opts = FindOptions::new(); opts.sort = Some(doc! { "title": 1 }); let mut cursor = coll.find(None, Some(opts)).expect( "Failed to execute find command.", ); let results = cursor.next_n(3).expect("Failed to retrieve documents."); // Assert expected titles of documents match results[0].get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("Back to the Future", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), }; match results[1].get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("Dobby", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), }; match results[2].get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("Jaws", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), }; assert!(; } #[test] fn find_and_insert() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("find_and_insert"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop collection"); // Insert document let doc = doc! { "title": "Jaws" }; coll.insert_one(doc, None).expect( "Failed to insert document", ); // Find document let mut cursor = coll.find(None, None).expect( "Failed to execute find command.", ); let result = match { Some(Ok(res)) => res, Some(Err(_)) => panic!("Received error from ''."), None => panic!("Expected bson."), }; // Assert expected title of document match result.get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("Jaws", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), }; assert!(; } #[test] fn find_and_insert_one() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("find_and_insert_one"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database"); // Insert document let doc = doc! { "title": "Jaws" }; coll.insert_one(doc, None).expect( "Failed to insert document", ); // Find single document let result = coll.find_one(None, None).expect( "Failed to execute find command.", ); assert!(result.is_some()); // Assert expected title of document match result.unwrap().get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("Jaws", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), }; } #[test] fn find_one_and_delete() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("find_one_and_delete"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database"); // Insert documents let doc1 = doc! { "title": "Jaws" }; let doc2 = doc! { "title": "Back to the Future" }; coll.insert_many(vec![doc1.clone(), doc2.clone()], None) .expect("Failed to insert documents."); // Find and Delete document let result = coll.find_one_and_delete(doc2.clone(), None).expect( "Failed to execute find_one_and_delete command.", ); match result.unwrap().get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("Back to the Future", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), } // Validate state of collection let mut cursor = coll.find(None, None).expect( "Failed to execute find command.", ); let result = match { Some(Ok(res)) => res, Some(Err(_)) => panic!("Received error from ''."), None => panic!("Expected bson."), }; match result.get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("Jaws", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), } assert!(; } #[test] fn find_one_and_replace() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("find_one_and_replace"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database"); // Insert documents let doc1 = doc! { "title": "Jaws" }; let doc2 = doc! { "title": "Back to the Future" }; let doc3 = doc! { "title": "12 Angry Men" }; coll.insert_many(vec![doc1.clone(), doc2.clone(), doc3.clone()], None) .expect("Failed to insert documents into collection."); // Replace single document let result = coll.find_one_and_replace(doc2.clone(), doc3.clone(), None) .expect("Failed to execute find_one_and_replace command."); match result.unwrap().get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("Back to the Future", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), } // Validate state of collection let mut cursor = coll.find(None, None).expect( "Failed to execute find command.", ); let results = cursor.next_n(3).expect("Failed to get next 3 from cursor."); assert_eq!(3, results.len()); // Assert expected title of documents match results[0].get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("Jaws", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), }; match results[1].get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("12 Angry Men", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), }; match results[2].get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("12 Angry Men", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), }; // Replace with 'new' option let mut opts = FindOneAndUpdateOptions::new(); opts.return_document = Some(ReturnDocument::After); let result = coll.find_one_and_replace(doc3.clone(), doc2.clone(), Some(opts)) .expect("Failed to execute find_one_and_replace command."); match result.unwrap().get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("Back to the Future", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), } } #[test] fn find_one_and_update() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("find_one_and_update"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database"); // Insert documents let doc1 = doc! { "title": "Jaws" }; let doc2 = doc! { "title": "Back to the Future" }; let doc3 = doc! { "title": "12 Angry Men" }; coll.insert_many(vec![doc1.clone(), doc2.clone(), doc3.clone()], None) .expect("Failed to insert documents into collection."); // Update single document let update = doc! { "$set": { "director": "Robert Zemeckis" } }; let result = coll.find_one_and_update(doc2.clone(), update, None) .expect("Failed to execute find_one_and_update command."); match result.unwrap().get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("Back to the Future", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), } // Validate state of collection let mut cursor = coll.find(None, None).expect( "Failed to execute find command.", ); let results = cursor.next_n(3).expect("Failed to get next 3 from cursor."); assert_eq!(3, results.len()); // Assert director attributes assert!(results[0].get("director").is_none()); assert!(results[2].get("director").is_none()); match results[1].get("director") { Some(&Bson::String(ref director)) => assert_eq!("Robert Zemeckis", director), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), } } #[test] fn aggregate() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("aggregate"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database"); // Insert documents let doc1 = doc! { "tags": ["a", "b", "c"] }; let doc2 = doc! { "tags": ["a", "b", "d"] }; let doc3 = doc! { "tags": ["d", "e", "f"] }; coll.insert_many(vec![doc1.clone(), doc2.clone(), doc3.clone()], None) .expect("Failed to execute insert_many command."); // Build aggregation pipeline to unwind tag arrays and group distinct tags let project = doc! { "$project": { "tags": 1 } }; let unwind = doc! { "$unwind": "$tags" }; let group = doc! { "$group": { "_id": "$tags" } }; // Aggregate let mut cursor = coll.aggregate(vec![project, unwind, group], None).expect( "Failed to execute aggregate command.", ); let results = cursor.next_n(10).expect( "Failed to get next 10 from cursor.", ); assert_eq!(6, results.len()); // Grab ids from aggregated docs let vec: Vec<_> = results .iter() .filter_map(|bdoc| match bdoc.get("_id") { Some(&Bson::String(ref tag)) => Some(tag.to_owned()), _ => None, }) .collect(); // Validate that all distinct tags were received. assert_eq!(6, vec.len()); assert!(vec.contains(&"a".to_owned())); assert!(vec.contains(&"b".to_owned())); assert!(vec.contains(&"c".to_owned())); assert!(vec.contains(&"d".to_owned())); assert!(vec.contains(&"e".to_owned())); assert!(vec.contains(&"f".to_owned())); } #[test] fn count() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("count"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database"); // Insert documents let doc1 = doc! { "title": "Jaws" }; let doc2 = doc! { "title": "Back to the Future" }; let mut vec = vec![doc1.clone()]; for _ in 0..10 { vec.push(doc2.clone()); } coll.insert_many(vec, None).expect( "Failed to insert documents.", ); let count_doc1 = coll.count(Some(doc1), None).expect( "Failed to execute count.", ); assert_eq!(1, count_doc1); let count_doc2 = coll.count(Some(doc2), None).expect( "Failed to execute count.", ); assert_eq!(10, count_doc2); let count_all = coll.count(None, None).expect("Failed to execute count."); assert_eq!(11, count_all); let no_doc = doc! { "title": "Houdini" }; let count_none = coll.count(Some(no_doc), None).expect( "Failed to execute count.", ); assert_eq!(0, count_none); } #[test] fn distinct_none() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("distinct_none"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database"); let distinct_titles = coll.distinct("title", None, None).expect( "Failed to execute 'distinct'.", ); assert_eq!(0, distinct_titles.len()); } #[test] fn distinct_one() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("distinct_one"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database"); let doc2 = doc! { "title": "Back to the Future" }; coll.insert_one(doc2, None).expect( "Failed to insert document.", ); let distinct_titles = coll.distinct("title", None, None).expect( "Failed to execute 'distinct'.", ); assert_eq!(1, distinct_titles.len()); } #[test] fn distinct() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("distinct"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database"); // Insert documents let doc1 = doc! { "title": "Jaws", "director": "MB" }; let doc2 = doc! { "title": "Back to the Future" }; let doc3 = doc! { "title": "12 Angry Men", "director": "MB" }; let mut vec = vec![doc1.clone()]; for _ in 0..4 { vec.push(doc2.clone()); } for _ in 0..60 { vec.push(doc3.clone()); } coll.insert_many(vec, None).expect( "Failed to insert documents.", ); // Distinct titles over all documents let distinct_titles = coll.distinct("title", None, None).expect( "Failed to execute 'distinct'.", ); assert_eq!(3, distinct_titles.len()); let titles: Vec<_> = distinct_titles .iter() .filter_map(|bson| match *bson { Bson::String(ref title) => Some(title.to_owned()), _ => None, }) .collect(); assert_eq!(3, titles.len()); assert!(titles.contains(&"Jaws".to_owned())); assert!(titles.contains(&"Back to the Future".to_owned())); assert!(titles.contains(&"12 Angry Men".to_owned())); // Distinct titles over documents with certain director let filter = doc! { "director": "MB" }; let distinct_titles = coll.distinct("title", Some(filter), None).expect( "Failed to execute 'distinct'.", ); assert_eq!(2, distinct_titles.len()); let titles: Vec<_> = distinct_titles .iter() .filter_map(|bson| match *bson { Bson::String(ref title) => Some(title.to_owned()), _ => None, }) .collect(); assert_eq!(2, titles.len()); assert!(titles.contains(&"Jaws".to_owned())); assert!(titles.contains(&"12 Angry Men".to_owned())); } #[test] fn insert_many() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("insert_many"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database"); // Insert documents let doc1 = doc! { "title": "Jaws" }; let doc2 = doc! { "title": "Back to the Future" }; coll.insert_many(vec![doc1, doc2], None).expect( "Failed to insert documents.", ); // Find documents let mut cursor = coll.find(None, None).expect( "Failed to execute find command.", ); let results = cursor.next_n(2).expect("Failed to get next 2 from cursor."); assert_eq!(2, results.len()); // Assert expected title of documents match results[0].get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("Jaws", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), } match results[1].get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("Back to the Future", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), } } #[test] fn delete_one() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("delete_one"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database"); // Insert documents let doc1 = doc! { "title": "Jaws" }; let doc2 = doc! { "title": "Back to the Future" }; coll.insert_many(vec![doc1.clone(), doc2.clone()], None) .expect("Failed to insert documents."); // Delete document coll.delete_one(doc2.clone(), None).expect( "Failed to delete document.", ); let mut cursor = coll.find(None, None).expect( "Failed to execute find command.", ); let result = match { Some(Ok(res)) => res, Some(Err(_)) => panic!("Received error from ''."), None => panic!("Expected bson."), }; match result.get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("Jaws", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), } assert!(; } #[test] fn delete_many() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("delete_many"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database"); // Insert documents let doc1 = doc! { "title": "Jaws" }; let doc2 = doc! { "title": "Back to the Future" }; coll.insert_many(vec![doc1.clone(), doc2.clone(), doc2.clone()], None) .expect("Failed to insert documents into collection."); // Delete document coll.delete_many(doc2.clone(), None).expect( "Failed to delete documents.", ); let mut cursor = coll.find(None, None).expect( "Failed to execute find command.", ); let result = match { Some(Ok(res)) => res, Some(Err(_)) => panic!("Received error from ''."), None => panic!("Expected bson."), }; match result.get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("Jaws", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), } assert!(; } #[test] fn replace_one() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("replace_one"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database"); // Insert documents let doc1 = doc! { "title": "Jaws" }; let doc2 = doc! { "title": "Back to the Future" }; let doc3 = doc! { "title": "12 Angry Men" }; coll.insert_many(vec![doc1.clone(), doc2.clone(), doc3.clone()], None) .expect("Failed to insert documents into collection."); // Replace single document coll.replace_one(doc2.clone(), doc3.clone(), None).expect( "Failed to replace document.", ); let mut cursor = coll.find(None, None).expect( "Failed to execute find command.", ); let results = cursor.next_n(3).expect("Failed to get next 3 from cursor."); assert_eq!(3, results.len()); // Assert expected title of documents match results[0].get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("Jaws", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), }; match results[1].get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("12 Angry Men", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), }; match results[2].get("title") { Some(&Bson::String(ref title)) => assert_eq!("12 Angry Men", title), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), }; } #[test] fn update_one() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("update_one"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database"); // Insert documents let doc1 = doc! { "title": "Jaws" }; let doc2 = doc! { "title": "Back to the Future" }; let doc3 = doc! { "title": "12 Angry Men" }; coll.insert_many(vec![doc1.clone(), doc2.clone(), doc3.clone()], None) .expect("Failed to insert documents into collection."); // Update single document let update = doc! { "$set": { "director": "Robert Zemeckis" } }; coll.update_one(doc2.clone(), update, None).expect( "Failed to update document.", ); let mut cursor = coll.find(None, None).expect( "Failed to execute find command.", ); let results = cursor.next_n(3).expect("Failed to get next 3 from cursor."); assert_eq!(3, results.len()); // Assert director attributes assert!(results[0].get("director").is_none()); assert!(results[2].get("director").is_none()); match results[1].get("director") { Some(&Bson::String(ref director)) => assert_eq!("Robert Zemeckis", director), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String!"), } } #[test] fn update_many() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("update_many"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database"); // Insert documents let doc1 = doc! { "title": "Jaws" }; let doc2 = doc! { "title": "Back to the Future" }; let doc3 = doc! { "title": "12 Angry Men" }; coll.insert_many( vec![doc1.clone(), doc2.clone(), doc3.clone(), doc2.clone()], None, ).expect("Failed to insert documents into collection."); // Update single document let update = doc! { "$set": { "director": "Robert Zemeckis" } }; coll.update_many(doc2.clone(), update, None).expect( "Failed to update documents.", ); let mut cursor = coll.find(None, None).expect( "Failed to execute find command.", ); let results = cursor.next_n(4).expect("Failed to get next 4 from cursor."); assert_eq!(4, results.len()); // Assert director attributes assert!(results[0].get("director").is_none()); assert!(results[2].get("director").is_none()); match results[1].get("director") { Some(&Bson::String(ref director)) => assert_eq!("Robert Zemeckis", director), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String for director!"), } match results[3].get("director") { Some(&Bson::String(ref director)) => assert_eq!("Robert Zemeckis", director), _ => panic!("Expected Bson::String for director!"), } } #[test] fn create_list_drop_indexes() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("create_list_drop_indexes"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database."); let mut opts1 = IndexOptions::new(); = Some("nid".to_owned()); // Test name option let index1 = IndexModel::new( doc! { "n": 1, "id": 1 }, Some(opts1), ); // Test negative value and index name generation let index2 = IndexModel::new( doc! { "test": -1, "height": 1, }, None, ); coll.create_indexes(vec![index1, index2]).unwrap(); let mut cursor = coll.list_indexes().unwrap(); let results = cursor.next_n(5).unwrap(); assert_eq!(3, results.len()); // Assert first inserted index match results[1].get("key") { Some(&Bson::Document(ref keys)) => { match keys.get("n") { Some(&Bson::I32(ref i)) => assert_eq!(1, *i), _ => panic!("Expected key 'n => 1'."), } match keys.get("id") { Some(&Bson::I32(ref i)) => assert_eq!(1, *i), _ => panic!("Expected key 'id => 1'."), } } _ => panic!("keys not found for first index."), } match results[1].get("name") { Some(&Bson::String(ref name)) => assert_eq!("nid", name), _ => panic!("Expected first index to have a name."), } // Assert second inserted index match results[2].get("key") { Some(&Bson::Document(ref keys)) => { match keys.get("test") { Some(&Bson::I32(ref i)) => assert_eq!(-1, *i), _ => panic!("Expected key 'test => -1'."), } match keys.get("height") { Some(&Bson::I32(ref i)) => assert_eq!(1, *i), _ => panic!("Expected key 'height => 1'."), } } _ => panic!("keys not found for second index."), } match results[2].get("name") { Some(&Bson::String(ref name)) => assert_eq!("test_-1_height_1", name), _ => panic!("Expected first index to have a name."), } // Drop and ensure coll.drop_index_string("nid".to_owned()).unwrap(); let mut cursor = coll.list_indexes().unwrap(); let results = cursor.next_n(5).unwrap(); assert_eq!(2, results.len()); coll.drop_index( doc! { "test": -1, "height": 1, }, None, ).unwrap(); let mut cursor = coll.list_indexes().unwrap(); let results = cursor.next_n(5).unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, results.len()); } #[test] fn create_text_hashed_2d_2dsphere_index() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("create_text_hashed_2d_2dsphere_index"); coll.create_index(doc! {"a": "text" }, None).expect( "Failed to create text indexes", ); coll.create_index(doc! { "b": "hashed" }, None).expect( "Failed to create hashed indexes", ); coll.create_index(doc! { "c": "2d" }, None).expect( "Failed to create 2d indexes", ); coll.create_index(doc! { "d": "2dsphere" }, None).expect( "Failed to create 2dsphere indexes", ); } #[test] fn block_ill_formed_index_models() { assert!(IndexModel::new(doc!{ "test": 1.1 }, None).name().is_err()); assert!( IndexModel::new(doc!{ "test": 1i64 }, None) .name() .is_err() ); assert!( IndexModel::new(doc!{ "test": "arbitrystr" }, None) .name() .is_err() ); } #[test] fn create_query_text_index() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("create_query_text_index"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop collection"); let mut index_opt = IndexOptions::new(); index_opt.weights = Some(doc!{ "title": 10, "content": 5 }); coll.create_index( doc!{ "title": "text", "content": "text", }, Some(index_opt), ).unwrap(); let doc1 = doc! { "title": "keyword keyword keyword", "content": "nonkeyword", "id": 1 }; let doc2 = doc! { "title": "nonkeyword", "content": "keyword keyword keyword", "id": 2 }; let doc3 = doc! { "title": "nonkeyword", "content": "nonkeyword", "id": 3 }; coll.insert_many(vec![doc1.clone(), doc2.clone(), doc3.clone()], None) .unwrap(); let count = coll.count(Some(doc!{ "$text": { "$search": "keyword" }}), None) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(count, 2); let mut opts = FindOptions::new(); opts.projection = Some(doc!{ "score": { "$meta": "textScore" }}); opts.sort = Some(doc!{ "score": { "$meta": "textScore" }}); let mut cursor = coll.find( Some(doc!{ "$text": { "$search": "keyword" }}), Some(opts), ).unwrap(); let results = cursor.next_n(2).unwrap(); match results[0].get("id").unwrap() { &Bson::I32(id) => assert_eq!(1, id), _ => panic!("Why is id not a i32?"), }; match results[1].get("id").unwrap() { &Bson::I32(id) => assert_eq!(2, id), _ => panic!("Why is id not a i32?"), }; let count = coll.count( Some(doc!{ "$text": { "$search": "keyword nonkeyword" }}), None, ).unwrap(); assert_eq!(count, 3); } #[test] fn drop_all_indexes() { let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017).unwrap(); let db = client.db("test-client-coll"); let coll = db.collection("drop_all_indexes"); coll.drop().expect("Failed to drop database."); let mut opts1 = IndexOptions::new(); = Some("nid".to_owned()); // Test name option let index1 = IndexModel::new( doc! { "n": 1, "id": 1, }, Some(opts1), ); // Test negative value and index name generation let index2 = IndexModel::new( doc! { "test": -1, "height": 1, }, None, ); coll.create_indexes(vec![index1, index2]).unwrap(); coll.drop_indexes().unwrap(); let mut cursor = coll.list_indexes().unwrap(); let results = cursor.next_n(5).unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, results.len()); }