====================== MongoDB Specifications ====================== This repository holds in progress and completed specification for features of MongoDB, Drivers, and associated products. Also contained is a rudimentary system for producing these documents. Writing Documents ----------------- Write documents using `reStructuredText`_, following the `MongoDB Documentation Style Guidelines `_. Store all source documents in the ``source/`` directory. .. _`reStructuredText`: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html Building Documents ------------------ To build documents issue the ``make`` command in a local copy of this repository. The output PDFs end up in the ``build/`` directory. The build depends on: - `Python Docutils `_ - A functioning basic LaTeX/TeX install with ``pdflatex``. If you run OS X, use `MacTeX`_ ``make all`` will build all documents in the ``source/`` folder. The system builds all targets in ``build/``. Run ``make setup`` to generate (or regenerate) a ``makefile.generated`` file which provides specific targets for all files in the source file so you can choose to compile only some of the files that you need. Once generated, running "``make [file-name-without-extension]``" will rebuild only those files (if needed.) Use ``make clean`` to remove the ``build/`` directory and "``make cleanup``" to remove the LaTeX by-products from ``build/``. .. _`MacTeX` : http://www.tug.org/mactex/ Licensing ---------------- All the specs in this repository are available under the `Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License `_. In the future... ---------------- - Templates will have logos, and templates for authorship, copyright, disclaimers, etc. - Non-PDF output targets. If you have specific feature requests, or need help getting things running, please contact samk@10gen.com.