use http::{request::Builder, Method, Version}; use monoio_http::common::body::{Body, FixedBody, HttpBody}; use tracing_subscriber::FmtSubscriber; #[monoio::main(enable_timer = true)] async fn main() { let subscriber = FmtSubscriber::builder() .with_max_level(tracing::Level::DEBUG) .finish(); // Initialize the tracing subscriber tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber) .expect("Failed to set up the tracing subscriber"); let h1_client = monoio_http_client::Builder::new().http1_client().build(); let client1 = h1_client.clone(); let client2 = h1_client.clone(); let h = monoio::spawn(async move { let body = HttpBody::fixed_body(None); let request = Builder::new() .method(Method::GET) .uri("") .version(Version::HTTP_11) .header(http::header::HOST, "") .header(http::header::ACCEPT, "*/*") .header(http::header::USER_AGENT, "monoio-http") .body(body) .unwrap(); tracing::debug!("starting request"); let resp = client1 .send_request(request) .await .expect("Request send failed"); let (parts, mut body) = resp.into_parts(); println!("{:?}", parts); while let Some(Ok(data)) = body.next_data().await { println!("{:?}", data); } }); for _ in 0..3 { let body = HttpBody::fixed_body(None); let request = Builder::new() .method(Method::GET) .uri("") .version(Version::HTTP_11) .header(http::header::HOST, "") .header(http::header::ACCEPT, "*/*") .header(http::header::USER_AGENT, "monoio-http") .body(body) .unwrap(); let resp = client2 .send_request(request) .await .expect("Request send failed"); let (parts, mut body) = resp.into_parts(); println!("{:?}", parts); while let Some(Ok(data)) = body.next_data().await { println!("{:?}", data); } } h.await; }