use glutin::config::ConfigTemplateBuilder; use glutin::context::{ContextApi, ContextAttributesBuilder}; use glutin::display::GetGlDisplay; use glutin::prelude::{GlConfig, GlDisplay, NotCurrentGlContextSurfaceAccessor}; use glutin::surface::{GlSurface, SurfaceAttributesBuilder, SwapInterval, WindowSurface}; use glutin_winit::DisplayBuilder; use raw_window_handle::HasRawWindowHandle; use winit::event::{ElementState, Event, VirtualKeyCode, WindowEvent}; use winit::event_loop::{ControlFlow, EventLoop}; use winit::window::WindowBuilder; use rand::Rng; use femtovg::{renderer::OpenGl, Align, Baseline, Canvas, Color, FontId, Paint, Path}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::num::NonZeroU32; use morphorm::Units::*; use morphorm::*; #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct Widget { child: Vec, width: Units, height: Units, min_width: Units, max_width: Units, min_height: Units, max_height: Units, left: Units, right: Units, top: Units, bottom: Units, min_left: Units, max_left: Units, max_right: Units, min_right: Units, min_top: Units, max_top: Units, min_bottom: Units, max_bottom: Units, child_left: Units, child_right: Units, child_top: Units, child_bottom: Units, row_between: Units, col_between: Units, layout_type: LayoutType, position_type: PositionType, color: femtovg::Color, id: u32, } impl Widget { pub fn new(id: u32, width: Units, height: Units) -> Self { let random_red: u8 = rand::thread_rng().gen(); let random_green: u8 = rand::thread_rng().gen(); let random_blue: u8 = rand::thread_rng().gen(); Self { id, color: femtovg::Color::rgb(random_red, random_green, random_blue), width, height, ..Default::default() } } } impl Node for Widget { type Store = (); type Tree = (); type ChildIter<'t> = std::slice::Iter<'t, Widget>; type CacheKey = u32; type SubLayout<'a> = (); fn children<'t>(&'t self, _tree: &'t Self::Tree) -> Self::ChildIter<'t> { self.child.iter() } fn key(&self) -> Self::CacheKey { } fn visible(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> bool { true } fn width(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.width) } fn height(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.height) } fn min_width(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.min_width) } fn max_width(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.max_width) } fn min_height(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.min_height) } fn max_height(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.max_height) } fn layout_type(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.layout_type) } fn position_type(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.position_type) } fn left(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.left) } fn right(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.right) } fn top(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some( } fn bottom(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.bottom) } fn content_size<'a>( &self, _store: &Self::Store, _sublayout: &mut Self::SubLayout<'a>, _parent_width: Option, _parent_height: Option, ) -> Option<(f32, f32)> { None } fn child_left(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.child_left) } fn child_right(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.child_right) } fn child_top(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.child_top) } fn child_bottom(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.child_bottom) } fn row_between(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.row_between) } fn col_between(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.col_between) } fn min_left(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.min_left) } fn max_left(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.max_left) } fn min_right(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.min_right) } fn max_right(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.max_right) } fn min_top(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.min_top) } fn max_top(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.max_top) } fn min_bottom(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.min_bottom) } fn max_bottom(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(self.max_bottom) } fn border_left(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(Units::Pixels(0.0)) } fn border_right(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(Units::Pixels(0.0)) } fn border_top(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(Units::Pixels(0.0)) } fn border_bottom(&self, _store: &Self::Store) -> Option { Some(Units::Pixels(0.0)) } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct LayoutCache { rect: HashMap, } impl Cache for LayoutCache { type Node = Widget; fn set_bounds(&mut self, node: &Self::Node, posx: f32, posy: f32, width: f32, height: f32) { if let Some(rect) = self.rect.get_mut(&node.key()) { rect.0 = width; rect.1 = height; rect.2 = posx; rect.3 = posy; } else { self.rect.insert(node.key(), (width, height, posx, posy)); } } fn width(&self, node: &Self::Node) -> f32 { if let Some(rect) = self.rect.get(&node.key()) { return rect.0; } 0.0 } fn height(&self, node: &Self::Node) -> f32 { if let Some(rect) = self.rect.get(&node.key()) { return rect.1; } 0.0 } fn posx(&self, node: &Self::Node) -> f32 { if let Some(rect) = self.rect.get(&node.key()) { return rect.2; } 0.0 } fn posy(&self, node: &Self::Node) -> f32 { if let Some(rect) = self.rect.get(&node.key()) { return rect.3; } 0.0 } } fn main() { let mut cache = LayoutCache::default(); let mut root = Widget::new(0, Pixels(600.0), Pixels(600.0)); root.child.push(Widget::new(1, Pixels(400.0), Pixels(400.0))); root.layout(&mut cache, &(), &(), &mut ()); render(cache, root); } pub fn render(mut cache: LayoutCache, mut root: Widget) { let events_loop = EventLoop::new(); let (mut canvas, window, context, surface) = { let window_builder = WindowBuilder::new().with_inner_size(winit::dpi::PhysicalSize::new(600, 600)).with_title("Morphorm Demo"); let template = ConfigTemplateBuilder::new().with_alpha_size(8); let display_builder = DisplayBuilder::new().with_window_builder(Some(window_builder)); let (window, gl_config) = display_builder .build(&events_loop, template, |configs| { // Find the config with the maximum number of samples, so our triangle will // be smooth. configs .reduce(|accum, config| { let transparency_check = config.supports_transparency().unwrap_or(false) & !accum.supports_transparency().unwrap_or(false); if transparency_check || config.num_samples() < accum.num_samples() { config } else { accum } }) .unwrap() }) .unwrap(); let window = window.unwrap(); let raw_window_handle = Some(window.raw_window_handle()); let gl_display = gl_config.display(); let context_attributes = ContextAttributesBuilder::new().build(raw_window_handle); let fallback_context_attributes = ContextAttributesBuilder::new().with_context_api(ContextApi::Gles(None)).build(raw_window_handle); let mut not_current_gl_context = Some(unsafe { gl_display.create_context(&gl_config, &context_attributes).unwrap_or_else(|_| { gl_display.create_context(&gl_config, &fallback_context_attributes).expect("failed to create context") }) }); let (width, height): (u32, u32) = window.inner_size().into(); let raw_window_handle = window.raw_window_handle(); let attrs = SurfaceAttributesBuilder::::new().build( raw_window_handle, NonZeroU32::new(width).unwrap(), NonZeroU32::new(height).unwrap(), ); let surface = unsafe { gl_config.display().create_window_surface(&gl_config, &attrs).unwrap() }; let gl_context = not_current_gl_context.take().unwrap().make_current(&surface).unwrap(); surface.set_swap_interval(&gl_context, SwapInterval::DontWait).unwrap(); let renderer = unsafe { OpenGl::new_from_function_cstr(|s| gl_display.get_proc_address(s) as *const _) } .expect("Cannot create renderer"); let mut canvas = Canvas::new(renderer).expect("Cannot create canvas"); let size = window.inner_size(); canvas.set_size(size.width, size.height, 1.0); canvas.clear_rect(0, 0, size.width, size.height, Color::rgb(255, 80, 80)); (canvas, window, gl_context, surface) }; let font = canvas.add_font("examples/common/Roboto-Regular.ttf").expect("Failed to load font file"); |event, _, control_flow| { *control_flow = ControlFlow::Wait; match event { Event::LoopDestroyed => return, Event::WindowEvent { ref event, .. } => match event { WindowEvent::Resized(size) => { surface.resize(&context, size.width.try_into().unwrap(), size.height.try_into().unwrap()); root.width = Units::Pixels(size.width as f32); root.height = Units::Pixels(size.height as f32); root.layout(&mut cache, &(), &(), &mut ()); } WindowEvent::CloseRequested => *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit, WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { device_id: _, input, is_synthetic: _ } => { if input.virtual_keycode == Some(VirtualKeyCode::H) && input.state == ElementState::Pressed { print_node(&root, &cache, &(), true, false, String::new()); } } _ => (), }, Event::RedrawRequested(_) => { let dpi_factor = window.scale_factor(); let size = window.inner_size(); canvas.set_size(size.width as u32, size.height as u32, dpi_factor as f32); canvas.clear_rect(0, 0, size.width as u32, size.height as u32, Color::rgbf(0.3, 0.3, 0.32)); draw_node(&root, &cache, &mut canvas, font); canvas.flush(); surface.swap_buffers(&context).unwrap(); } Event::MainEventsCleared => window.request_redraw(), _ => (), } }); } fn draw_node(node: &Widget, cache: &LayoutCache, canvas: &mut Canvas, font: FontId) { let posx = cache.posx(node); let posy = cache.posy(node); let width = cache.width(node); let height = cache.height(node); let color = node.color; let mut path = Path::new(); path.rect(posx, posy, width, height); let paint = Paint::color(color); canvas.fill_path(&mut path, &paint); let mut paint = Paint::color(Color::black()); paint.set_font_size(24.0); paint.set_text_align(Align::Center); paint.set_text_baseline(Baseline::Middle); paint.set_font(&vec![font]); let _ = canvas.fill_text(posx + width / 2.0, posy + height / 2.0, &node.key().to_string(), &paint); for child in (&node).children(&()) { draw_node(child, cache, canvas, font); } }