#![allow(clippy::unwrap_used, clippy::expect_used)] //! Taken from official [demo1](https://mosaik.readthedocs.io/en/3.3.3/tutorials/demo1.html) //! collects all data it receives each step in a dictionary (including the current simulation time) //! and simply prints everything at the end of the simulation. use clap::Parser; use log::error; use mosaik_api::{ run_simulation, tcp::ConnectionDirection, types::{ Attr, CreateResult, InputData, Meta, ModelDescription, OutputData, OutputRequest, SimId, SimulatorType, Time, }, MosaikApi, }; use serde_json::{Map, Value}; use std::{ collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap}, net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr}, sync::LazyLock, }; #[derive(Parser, Debug)] struct Args { /// The local addres mosaik connects to, or none if we connect to them #[structopt(short, long)] addr: Option, } pub fn main() { //get the address if there is one let args = Args::parse(); env_logger::init(); let address = match args.addr { //case if we connect us to mosaik Some(addr) => { ConnectionDirection::ConnectToAddress(addr.parse().expect("Address is not parseable.")) } //case if mosaik connects to us None => { // Alternatively: "".parse().expect("Address is not parseable.") let addr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 3456); ConnectionDirection::ListenOnAddress(addr) } }; //initialize the simulator. let simulator = Collector::new(); //start build_connection in the library. if let Err(e) = run_simulation(address, simulator) { error!("Error running Collector: {:?}", e); } } struct Collector { eid: Option, data: BTreeMap>>, } static META: LazyLock = LazyLock::new(|| { Meta::new( SimulatorType::EventBased, HashMap::from([( "Monitor".to_string(), ModelDescription { public: true, params: &[], attrs: &[], trigger: None, any_inputs: Some(true), persistent: None, }, )]), None, ) }); impl Collector { fn new() -> Self { Collector { eid: None, data: BTreeMap::new(), } } } impl MosaikApi for Collector { fn init( &mut self, _sid: SimId, _time_resolution: f64, _sim_params: Map, ) -> Result<&'static Meta, String> { Ok(&META) } fn create( &mut self, num: usize, model_name: String, _model_params: Map, ) -> Result, String> { if num > 1 || self.eid.is_some() { return Err("Can only create one instance of Monitor.".into()); } self.eid = Some("Monitor".to_string()); Ok(vec![CreateResult::new( self.eid.clone().unwrap(), model_name, )]) } fn setup_done(&self) -> Result<(), String> { Ok(()) } fn step( &mut self, time: Time, inputs: InputData, _max_advance: Time, ) -> Result, String> { if let Some(data) = inputs.get(self.eid.as_ref().unwrap()) { for (attr, values) in data { for (src, value) in values { self.data .entry(src.clone()) .or_default() .entry(attr.clone()) .or_default() .insert(time, value.as_f64().unwrap().round() as i64); } } } Ok(None) } fn stop(&self) { println!("Collected data:"); let sims: Vec<_> = self.data.iter().collect(); for (sim, sim_data) in sims { println!("- {sim}:"); let attrs: Vec<_> = sim_data.iter().collect(); for (attr, values) in attrs { println!(" - {attr}: {values:?}"); } } } fn get_data(&self, _outputs: OutputRequest) -> Result { unimplemented!() } }