.DEFAULT_GOAL:=dev PY_SOURCE_FILES=mosec tests examples setup.py RUST_SOURCE_FILES=src/* install: pip install -e .[dev,doc,mixin] pre-commit install rustup toolchain install nightly rustup component add rustfmt --toolchain nightly dev: cargo build @mkdir -p mosec/bin @cp ./target/debug/mosec mosec/bin/mosec pip install -e .[dev] test: dev @pip install -q -r requirements/mixin.txt echo "Running tests for the main logic and mixin(!shm)" pytest tests -vv -s -m "not shm" RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test -vv test_unit: dev echo "Running tests for the main logic" pytest -vv -s tests/test_log.py tests/test_protocol.py tests/test_coordinator.py RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test -vv test_shm: dev @pip install -q -r requirements/mixin.txt echo "Running tests for the shm mixin" pytest tests -vv -s -m "shm" pip uninstall -y -r requirements/mixin.txt test_all: dev @pip install -q -r requirements/mixin.txt echo "Running tests for the all features" pytest tests -vv -s RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test -vv test_chaos: dev @python -m tests.bad_req doc: @cd docs && make html && cd ../ @python -m http.server -d docs/build/html 7291 -b clean: @cargo clean @-rm -rf build/ dist/ .eggs/ site/ *.egg-info .pytest_cache .mypy_cache .ruff_cache @-rm -rf mosec/bin/ @-find . -name '*.pyc' -type f -exec rm -rf {} + @-find . -name '__pycache__' -exec rm -rf {} + package: clean PRODUCTION_MODE=yes python setup.py bdist_wheel cross_compile: clean cibuildwheel --platform linux publish: package twine upload dist/* format: @ruff check --fix ${PY_SOURCE_FILES} @ruff format ${PY_SOURCE_FILES} @cargo +nightly fmt --all lint: @pip install -q -e . @ruff check ${PY_SOURCE_FILES} @-rm mosec/_version.py @pyright --stats @mypy --non-interactive --install-types ${PY_SOURCE_FILES} @cargo +nightly fmt -- --check semantic_lint: @cargo clippy -- -D warnings version: @python -m setuptools_scm add_license: @addlicense -c "MOSEC Authors" **/*.py **/*.rs **/**/*.py dep_license: @cargo license --direct-deps-only --authors --avoid-build-deps --avoid-dev-deps --do-not-bundle --all-features --json > license.json .PHONY: test doc