function is_number(x) return x: Int or x: Long end function is_int(x) return x: Int or x: Long end function gcd(a,b) while b!=0 h = b; b = a%b; a = h end return a end function fac(n) y = 1 for i in 1..n y = y*i end return y end function flatten_associative(t,op) if t: List a = t[1..].map(|x| flatten_associative(x,op)) if t[0]==op v = [op] for x in a if x: List and x[0]==op for y in x[1..] v.push(y) end else v.push(x) end end return v else return [t[0]]+a end else return t end end function flatten(t) t = flatten_associative(t,"+") t = flatten_associative(t,"*") return t end function bag_add(m,x,n) if x in m m[x]+=n else m[x] = n end end function rest_prod(t) if len(t)==3 return t[2] else return ["*"]+t[2..] end end function simplify_sum(a) sum = 0 m = {} for x in a if is_number(x) sum+=x else if x: List and x[0]=="*" and is_number(x[1]) bag_add(m,rest_prod(x),x[1]) else bag_add(m,x,1) end end end v = list(m.items().map(|[x,n]| x if n==1 else ["*",n,x])) v.sort() if sum==0 if len(v)==1 return v[0] else return ["+"]+v end else if len(v)==0 return sum else v.push(sum) return ["+"]+v end end end function simplify_prod(a) prod = 1 v = [] for x in a if is_number(x) if x==0 then return 0 end prod*=x else v.push(x) end end if prod==1 if len(v)==1 return v[0] else return ["*"]+v end else if len(v)==0 return prod else return ["*",prod]+v end end end simplify_table = { "sin": |[x]| 0 if is_int(x) and x==0 else ["sin",x], "cos": |[x]| 1 if is_int(x) and x==0 else ["cos",x] } function simplify_rec(t) if t: List op = t[0] a = t[1..].map(simplify_rec) if op=="*" return simplify_prod(a) elif op=="+" return simplify_sum(a) elif op=="^" if is_number(a[0]) and is_number(a[1]) return a[0]^a[1] elif a[1]==1 return a[0] elif a[1]==0 return 1 else return [op]+a end elif op=="/" if a[0]==0 return 0 elif a[1]==1 return a[0] elif is_int(a[0]) and is_int(a[1]) p = abs(a[0]); q = abs(a[1]) s = sgn(a[0])*sgn(a[1]) d = gcd(p,q) return ["/",s*p//d,q//d] else return [op]+a end elif op=="fac" and is_number(a[0]) return fac(a[0]) elif op in simplify_table return simplify_table[op](a) else return [op]+a end else return t end end function simplify(t) return simplify_rec(flatten(t)) end diff_table = { "+": |a,id| ["+"]|t| diff(t,id)), "*": fn|a,id| if len(a)==2 if is_certainly_const(a[0],id) return ["*",a[0],diff(a[1],id)] elif is_certainly_const(a[1],id) return ["*",diff(a[0],id),a[1]] else return ["+", ["*",a[0],diff(a[1],id)], ["*",diff(a[0],id),a[1]]] end else v = ["+"] for i in len(a) v.push(["*",a[..i-1],diff(a[i],id),a[i+1..]].chain()) end return v end end, "/": fn|[f,g],id| return ["/", ["+", ["*",diff(f,id),g], ["*",-1,f,diff(g,id)]], ["^",g,2]] end, "^": fn|[f,g],id| if is_certainly_const(g,id) return ["*", ["*",g,["^",f,["+",g,-1]]], diff(f,id)] else panic() end end, "sin": |[f],id| ["*",diff(f,id),["cos",f]], "cos": |[f],id| ["*",-1,diff(f,id),["sin",f]] } function is_certainly_const(t,id) if is_number(t) or t: String and t[0]!=id return true else return false end end function diff(t,id) if t: String and t==id return 1 elif t: List and t[0] in diff_table return diff_table[t[0]](t[1..],id) elif is_certainly_const(t,id) return 0 else return ["diff",t,id] end end function substitute(t,m) if t: List return [t[0]]+t[1..].map(|u| substitute(u,m)) elif t: String and t in m return m[t] else return t end end function sum(t,id,m,n) return ((m..n) .map(|k| substitute(t,{id: k})) .reduce(|x,y| ["+",x,y])) end function diffn(f,id,n) for k in n f = simplify(diff(f,id)) end return f end function taylor(t,id,id0,n) return simplify((0..n) .map(|k| ["*", ["/",substitute(diffn(t,id,k),{id: id0}),fac(k)], ["^",["+",id,["*",-1,id0]],k]]) .reduce(|x,y| ["+",x,y])) end function expand(t) if t: List and t[0]=="*" return t[1..].map(expand).reduce(fn|x,y| if x: List and x[0]=="+" if y: List and y[0]=="+" return ["+"]+(x[1..]*y[1..]).map(|[u,v]| ["*",u,v]) else return ["+"]+x[1..].map(|u| ["*",u,y]) end elif y: List and y[0]=="+" return ["+"]+y[1..].map(|v| ["*",x,v]) else return ["*",x,y] end end) else return t end end eval_table = { "diff": fn|a| f = a[0]; id = a[1] if len(a)==3 for k in a[2] f = simplify(diff(f,id)) end return f else return simplify(diff(f,id)) end end, "simplify": |[t]| simplify(t), "sum": fn|[[op,id,m],n,t]| if m: Int and n: Int return simplify(sum(t,id,m,n)) else return ["sum",[op,id,m],n,t] end end, "taylor": fn|[t,id,id0,n]| return taylor(t,id,id0,n) end, "expand": fn|[t]| return flatten(expand(flatten(t))) end } function eval(t,m=null) if not m is null t = substitute(t,m) end if t: List if t[0] in eval_table return eval_table[t[0]](t[1..].map(eval)) else return [t[0]]+t[1..].map(eval) end else return t end end