# moss-fmt
## Description
moss-fmt is an executable tool that searches a directory of zips and extracts
only the specified files to a new directory, renaming them to identifiable names
in the process. The main reason being formatting files for
## Installation
### Via Cargo (Recommended)
moss-fmt can be installed via [Cargo](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/), which
comes with [Rustup](https://www.rust-lang.org/learn/get-started) via:
``` sh
cargo install moss-fmt
### Manually building
You may manually build the source code using:
``` sh
$ git clone https://github.com/CJohnson19/moss-fmt.git
$ cd moss-fmt
$ cargo build --release
The binary will then be in `target/release/moss-fmt`.
## Usage
``` sh
moss-fmt [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --dir
### Flags
- `-h`, `--help`: print help information
- `-V`, `--version`: print version number
- `-v`, `--verbose`: print information about each operation performed
### Options
- `-d`, `--dir`: Relative path to a directory with zip files you want to search.
Multiple directories may be provided.
- `-f`, `--filename`: Filename to search for in each zip. Multiple file names
can be provided.
- `--filter-dir`: Folder to exclude from search in each zip. Defaults to
`__MACOSX` and `node_modules`.
- `-o`, `--output`: Directory to store resulting files. Defaults to current
working directory.
- `-l`, `--log-file`: File to store run information like zips without a file or
files that are compressed using unsupported methods. Defaults to `moss-fmt.log`
## Features
- Renaming of files to individually identifiable names. `index.js` turns into
- No artifacts retained from the extraction process, only the files you want get
- Filtering of file's parent folders, that means no `__MACOSX` or `node_modules`
to deal with.