use moth::{serve, Site, Sites, ScriptResult, OpaqueJsonPointer, Endpoint, EndpointMap}; use lmfu::json::{JsonFile, Value as JsonValue, Path as JsonPath}; use rustgit::{Remote, Repository, Reference, Error as GitError}; use std::{sync::{Arc, RwLock, Mutex}, io::Read, env::args}; use lmfu::strpool::{Pool, PoolStr}; use upon::{Engine as UponEngine}; use lmfu::{LiteMap, HashMap}; use core::str::from_utf8; use cpio::NewcReader; mod wasm; mod handle; mod deploy; use wasm::WasmThread; use handle::{Handle, TemplateParams}; use deploy::Deployer; fn init_logger() { use simplelog::*; let config = ConfigBuilder::new().set_location_level(LevelFilter::Off).build(); let _ = SimpleLogger::init(LevelFilter::Info, config); } struct WasmApp { pool: Pool, name: PoolStr, domain: PoolStr, routes: Endpoint, on_404: Endpoint, upon_engine: UponEngine<'static>, threads: RwLock>>, assets: HashMap>, repo: RwLock>>, #[allow(dead_code)] db_remote: Remote, } impl Site for WasmApp { fn pool(&self) -> &Pool { &self.pool } fn name(&self) -> &str { & } fn hostname(&self) -> &str { &self.domain } fn routes(&self) -> &Endpoint { &self.routes } fn on_404(&self) -> &Endpoint { &self.on_404 } fn check_upload_token(&self, _token: &str) -> Option { /*todo*/ None } fn upload_progress(&self, _token: &str, _to_append: &[u8]) { /*todo*/ } fn end_of_upload(&self, _token: &str, _success: bool) { /*todo*/ } fn render_template(&self, name: PoolStr, parameters: LiteMap) -> Result { /*let asset = match self.assets.get(&name) { Some(asset) => Ok(asset), None => Err(log::error!("Missing template: {}", name)), }?; let template_src = match core::str::from_utf8(asset) { Ok(template) => Ok(template), Err(_) => Err(log::error!("Invalid bytes in template: {}", name)), }?;*/ let template = match self.upon_engine.compile("Hello {{ }}!") { Ok(template) => Ok(template), Err(e) => Err(log::error!("Failed to compile template {}: {}", name, e)), }?; let renderer = template.render_from_fn(|members| { use upon::*; if members.len() == 1 { let ValueMember { op, access } = members[0]; if let (ValueAccessOp::Direct, ValueAccess::Key(key)) = (op, access) { match parameters.get_by(|probe| (**probe).cmp(key)) { Some(string) => Ok(Value::String(string.clone())), None => Err(format!("Unknown template parameter: {}", key)), } } else { Err("Invalid access: only direct references are supported".into()) } } else { Err("Invalid access: only direct references are supported".into()) } }); match renderer.to_string() { Ok(output) => Ok(output), Err(e) => Err(log::error!("Failed to render template {}: {}", name, e)), } } fn open_static(&self, path: &str) -> Option<&[u8]> { self.assets.get(path).map(|a| &**a) } fn prepare_tls(&self, script_threads: usize) { let mut threads = self.threads.write().unwrap(); while threads.len() < script_threads { let new_thread = { let first_thread = threads[0].lock().unwrap(); Mutex::new(first_thread.clone()) }; threads.push(new_thread); } } fn parse_json(&self, json: &str, thread_index: usize) -> Result { let threads =; let mut thread = threads[thread_index].lock().unwrap(); match thread.parse_json(json) { Ok(opaq_ptr) => Ok(opaq_ptr), Err(trap) => Err(log::error!("{}", trap)), } } fn dump_json(&self, json: OpaqueJsonPointer, thread_index: usize) -> Result { let threads =; let mut thread = threads[thread_index].lock().unwrap(); match thread.dump_json(json) { Ok(string) => Ok(string), Err(trap) => Err(log::error!("{}", trap)), } } fn process_script( &self, script: PoolStr, read_only: bool, path_vars: &[String], body: OpaqueJsonPointer, thread_index: usize, ) -> Result { let threads =; let mut thread = threads[thread_index].lock().unwrap(); let db_token = 0; let result = thread.call_script_fn(&*script, read_only, &self.repo, db_token, body, path_vars); let script_result = match result { Ok(script_result) => script_result, Err(trap) => return Err(log::error!("{}", trap)), }; match script_result { (None, Some(json_ptr)) => Ok(ScriptResult::Json(json_ptr)), (Some((template, parameters)), None) => Ok(ScriptResult::Template { template, parameters }), (_, _) => Err(()), } } } impl WasmApp { pub fn new(cpio: &[u8], hostname: &str) -> Result { let mut site_wasm = None; let mut config_json = None; let pool = Pool::new(); let mut assets: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); let mut file = cpio; loop { let mut reader = NewcReader::new(file).map_err(|_| log::error!("Invalid CPIO archive"))?; if reader.entry().is_trailer() { break; } let size = reader.entry().file_size() as usize; let read_content = |reader: &mut NewcReader<_>| { let mut content = Vec::with_capacity(size); assert_eq!(reader.read_to_end(&mut content).ok(), Some(size)); content.into_boxed_slice() }; match reader.entry().name() { "site.wasm" => site_wasm = Some(read_content(&mut reader)), "config.json" => config_json = Some(read_content(&mut reader)), _ => { let content = read_content(&mut reader); assets.insert_ref(reader.entry().name(), content); }, } file = reader.finish().map_err(|_| log::error!("Invalid CPIO archive"))?; } let config_json = match config_json { Some(json) => Ok(json), None => Err(log::error!("no config.json")) }?; let config_json = match from_utf8(&config_json) { Ok(json) => Ok(json), Err(_) => Err(log::error!("Invalid bytes in config.json")), }?; let config = match JsonFile::with_key_pool(Some(config_json), pool.clone()) { Ok(config) => Ok(config), Err(e) => Err(log::error!("Invalid config.json: {:?}", e)), }?; let routes = parse_routes(&config, &pool, &JsonPath::new().i_str("routes"))?; let on_404 = parse_routes(&config, &pool, &JsonPath::new().i_str("on_404"))?; let db_path = JsonPath::new().i_str("database"); let db_remote = match Remote::parse(&config, &db_path) { Ok(db_remote) => Ok(db_remote), Err(e) => Err(log::error!("Invalid remote database access config: {:?}", e)), }?; let branch = match config.get(&db_path.i_str("branch")).as_string() { Some(string) => Ok(string), None => Err(log::error!("Invalid branch config: must be a string")), }?; let mut repo = Repository::new(); // quick bypass toggle if true { match repo.clone(&db_remote, Reference::Branch(branch), Some(1)) { Ok(()) | Err(GitError::NoSuchReference) => Ok(()), Err(e) => Err(log::error!("Failed to clone database: {:?}", e)), }?; } let wasm_thread = match site_wasm { Some(site_wasm) => match WasmThread::new(&site_wasm, pool.clone()) { Some(wasm_thread) => Ok(wasm_thread), None => Err(log::error!("Failed to instantiate site.wasm")), }, None => Err(log::error!("no site.wasm")), }?; let domain = pool.intern(hostname); let name = domain.clone(); Ok(WasmApp { pool, name, domain, routes, on_404, upon_engine: UponEngine::new(), threads: RwLock::new(vec![Mutex::new(wasm_thread)]), assets, repo: RwLock::new(Arc::new(RwLock::new(repo))), db_remote, }) } } fn main() { let pool = Pool::get_static_pool(); let filename = args().last(); let filename = filename.as_deref().unwrap_or("-h"); if filename == "-h" || filename == "--help" { println!("Usage:"); println!(" moth config.json Start the server with a configuration file"); println!(" moth -h/--help Print this usage info"); println!(""); println!("The configuration file must be a valid JSON file with the following properties:"); println!(" request_threads Number of threads handling incoming requests"); println!(" script_threads Number of threads handling script executions"); println!(" render_threads Number of threads handling template renderings"); println!(" max_service_cpio_mb Maximum file of uploaded service bundles"); println!(" hostname Hostname for the deployment service"); println!(" listen_addr Listening address (example:"); return; } let config = match std::fs::read_to_string(&filename) { Ok(file) => file, Err(_) => panic!("Failed to read config file {}", filename), }; let config = match JsonFile::with_key_pool(Some(&config), pool) { Ok(file) => file, Err(e) => panic!("Failed to parse config file: {}", e), }; let get = |prop| config.get(&JsonPath::new().i_str(prop)); let get_num = |prop| match get(prop).as_num() { Some(value) => value as usize, None => panic!("Invalid property '{}' in config file", prop), }; let get_str = |prop| match get(prop).as_string() { Some(string) => string.clone(), None => panic!("Invalid property '{}' in config file", prop), }; const MB: usize = 1024 * 1024; let request_threads = get_num("request_threads"); let script_threads = get_num("request_threads"); let render_threads = get_num("render_threads"); let upload_limit = get_num("max_service_cpio_mb") * MB; let hostname = get_str("hostname"); let listen_addr = get_str("listen_addr"); init_logger(); let sites = Sites::new(request_threads, script_threads, render_threads); let deployer = Deployer::new(hostname, upload_limit, sites.clone()); sites.insert(Box::new(deployer)); serve(listen_addr.as_str(), sites); } fn parse_routes(file: &JsonFile, pool: &Pool, path: &JsonPath) -> Result { match file.get(path) { JsonValue::Array(length) => { if *length != 2 { return Err(log::error!("Invalid route (array != 2 items)")); } // access (rw/ro) let read_only = match file.get(&path.clone().i_num(0)) { JsonValue::String(s) if s == "ro" => true, JsonValue::String(s) if s == "rw" => false, _ => return Err(log::error!("Invalid route (access must be ro/rw)")), }; let fn_name = match file.get(&path.clone().i_num(1)) { JsonValue::String(fn_name) => pool.intern(fn_name), _ => return Err(log::error!("Invalid route (function name must be a string)")), }; Ok(Endpoint::ScriptExec(read_only, fn_name)) }, JsonValue::Object(keys) => { let mut items = HashMap::new(); let mut default = None; let mut wildcard = None; for key in keys { let sub_path = path.clone().i_str(&key); let value = parse_routes(file, pool, &sub_path)?; match &**key { "[param]" => wildcard = Some(Box::new(value)), "[empty]" => default = Some(Box::new(value)), key => { items.insert_ref(key, value); }, } } Ok(Endpoint::Dir(EndpointMap { default, wildcard, items, })) }, JsonValue::String(endpoint_path) => match endpoint_path.as_str() { "[upload]" => Ok(Endpoint::Upload), path => Ok(Endpoint::Static(pool.intern(&path))), }, JsonValue::Number(_) => Err(log::error!("Invalid route (number)")), JsonValue::Boolean(_) => Err(log::error!("Invalid route (true/false)")), JsonValue::Null => Err(log::error!("Invalid route (null)")), } }