/* * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "crypto/s2n_rsa.h" #include #include #include #include "crypto/s2n_drbg.h" #include "crypto/s2n_evp_signing.h" #include "crypto/s2n_hash.h" #include "crypto/s2n_pkey.h" #include "crypto/s2n_rsa_signing.h" #include "error/s2n_errno.h" #include "stuffer/s2n_stuffer.h" #include "utils/s2n_blob.h" #include "utils/s2n_compiler.h" #include "utils/s2n_random.h" #include "utils/s2n_result.h" #include "utils/s2n_safety.h" RSA *s2n_unsafe_rsa_get_non_const(const struct s2n_rsa_key *rsa_key) { PTR_ENSURE_REF(rsa_key); #ifdef S2N_DIAGNOSTICS_PUSH_SUPPORTED #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-qual" #endif RSA *out_rsa_key = (RSA *) rsa_key->rsa; #ifdef S2N_DIAGNOSTICS_POP_SUPPORTED #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif return out_rsa_key; } static S2N_RESULT s2n_rsa_modulus_check(const RSA *rsa) { /* RSA was made opaque starting in Openssl 1.1.0 */ #if S2N_OPENSSL_VERSION_AT_LEAST(1, 1, 0) const BIGNUM *n = NULL; /* RSA still owns the memory for n */ RSA_get0_key(rsa, &n, NULL, NULL); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(n); #else RESULT_ENSURE_REF(rsa->n); #endif return S2N_RESULT_OK; } static S2N_RESULT s2n_rsa_encrypted_size(const struct s2n_pkey *pkey, uint32_t *size_out) { RESULT_ENSURE_REF(pkey); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(size_out); const struct s2n_rsa_key *rsa_key = &pkey->key.rsa_key; RESULT_ENSURE_REF(rsa_key->rsa); RESULT_GUARD(s2n_rsa_modulus_check(rsa_key->rsa)); const int size = RSA_size(rsa_key->rsa); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(size); *size_out = size; return S2N_RESULT_OK; } static int s2n_rsa_sign(const struct s2n_pkey *priv, s2n_signature_algorithm sig_alg, struct s2n_hash_state *digest, struct s2n_blob *signature) { switch (sig_alg) { case S2N_SIGNATURE_RSA: return s2n_rsa_pkcs1v15_sign(priv, digest, signature); case S2N_SIGNATURE_RSA_PSS_RSAE: return s2n_rsa_pss_sign(priv, digest, signature); default: POSIX_BAIL(S2N_ERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM); } return S2N_SUCCESS; } static int s2n_rsa_verify(const struct s2n_pkey *pub, s2n_signature_algorithm sig_alg, struct s2n_hash_state *digest, struct s2n_blob *signature) { switch (sig_alg) { case S2N_SIGNATURE_RSA: return s2n_rsa_pkcs1v15_verify(pub, digest, signature); case S2N_SIGNATURE_RSA_PSS_RSAE: return s2n_rsa_pss_verify(pub, digest, signature); default: POSIX_BAIL(S2N_ERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM); } return S2N_SUCCESS; } static int s2n_rsa_encrypt(const struct s2n_pkey *pub, struct s2n_blob *in, struct s2n_blob *out) { uint32_t size = 0; POSIX_GUARD_RESULT(s2n_rsa_encrypted_size(pub, &size)); S2N_ERROR_IF(out->size < size, S2N_ERR_NOMEM); const s2n_rsa_public_key *pub_key = &pub->key.rsa_key; /* Safety: RSA_public_encrypt does not mutate the key */ int r = RSA_public_encrypt(in->size, (unsigned char *) in->data, (unsigned char *) out->data, s2n_unsafe_rsa_get_non_const(pub_key), RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); POSIX_ENSURE(r >= 0, S2N_ERR_ENCRYPT); POSIX_ENSURE((int64_t) r == (int64_t) out->size, S2N_ERR_SIZE_MISMATCH); return 0; } static int s2n_rsa_decrypt(const struct s2n_pkey *priv, struct s2n_blob *in, struct s2n_blob *out) { unsigned char intermediate[4096]; uint32_t expected_size = 0; POSIX_GUARD_RESULT(s2n_rsa_encrypted_size(priv, &expected_size)); S2N_ERROR_IF(expected_size > sizeof(intermediate), S2N_ERR_NOMEM); S2N_ERROR_IF(out->size > sizeof(intermediate), S2N_ERR_NOMEM); POSIX_GUARD_RESULT(s2n_get_public_random_data(out)); const s2n_rsa_private_key *priv_key = &priv->key.rsa_key; /* Safety: RSA_private_decrypt does not mutate the key */ int r = RSA_private_decrypt(in->size, (unsigned char *) in->data, intermediate, s2n_unsafe_rsa_get_non_const(priv_key), RSA_NO_PADDING); POSIX_ENSURE(r >= 0, S2N_ERR_DECRYPT); POSIX_ENSURE((int64_t) r == (int64_t) expected_size, S2N_ERR_SIZE_MISMATCH); s2n_constant_time_pkcs1_unpad_or_dont(out->data, intermediate, r, out->size); return 0; } static int s2n_rsa_keys_match(const struct s2n_pkey *pub, const struct s2n_pkey *priv) { uint8_t plain_inpad[36] = { 1 }, plain_outpad[36] = { 0 }, encpad[8192]; struct s2n_blob plain_in = { 0 }, plain_out = { 0 }, enc = { 0 }; plain_in.data = plain_inpad; plain_in.size = sizeof(plain_inpad); enc.data = encpad; POSIX_GUARD_RESULT(s2n_rsa_encrypted_size(pub, &enc.size)); POSIX_ENSURE_LTE(enc.size, sizeof(encpad)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_rsa_encrypt(pub, &plain_in, &enc)); plain_out.data = plain_outpad; plain_out.size = sizeof(plain_outpad); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_rsa_decrypt(priv, &enc, &plain_out)); POSIX_ENSURE(s2n_constant_time_equals(plain_in.data, plain_out.data, plain_in.size), S2N_ERR_KEY_MISMATCH); return 0; } static int s2n_rsa_key_free(struct s2n_pkey *pkey) { POSIX_ENSURE_REF(pkey); struct s2n_rsa_key *rsa_key = &pkey->key.rsa_key; if (rsa_key->rsa == NULL) { return S2N_SUCCESS; } /* Safety: freeing the key owned by this object */ RSA_free(s2n_unsafe_rsa_get_non_const(rsa_key)); rsa_key->rsa = NULL; return S2N_SUCCESS; } static int s2n_rsa_check_key_exists(const struct s2n_pkey *pkey) { const struct s2n_rsa_key *rsa_key = &pkey->key.rsa_key; POSIX_ENSURE_REF(rsa_key->rsa); return 0; } S2N_RESULT s2n_evp_pkey_to_rsa_public_key(s2n_rsa_public_key *rsa_key, EVP_PKEY *evp_public_key) { const RSA *rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(evp_public_key); RESULT_ENSURE(rsa != NULL, S2N_ERR_DECODE_CERTIFICATE); rsa_key->rsa = rsa; return S2N_RESULT_OK; } S2N_RESULT s2n_evp_pkey_to_rsa_private_key(s2n_rsa_private_key *rsa_key, EVP_PKEY *evp_private_key) { const RSA *rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(evp_private_key); RESULT_ENSURE(rsa != NULL, S2N_ERR_DECODE_PRIVATE_KEY); rsa_key->rsa = rsa; return S2N_RESULT_OK; } S2N_RESULT s2n_rsa_pkey_init(struct s2n_pkey *pkey) { pkey->size = &s2n_rsa_encrypted_size; pkey->sign = &s2n_rsa_sign; pkey->verify = &s2n_rsa_verify; pkey->encrypt = &s2n_rsa_encrypt; pkey->decrypt = &s2n_rsa_decrypt; pkey->match = &s2n_rsa_keys_match; pkey->free = &s2n_rsa_key_free; pkey->check_key = &s2n_rsa_check_key_exists; RESULT_GUARD(s2n_evp_signing_set_pkey_overrides(pkey)); return S2N_RESULT_OK; }