/* * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "crypto/s2n_cipher.h" #include "crypto/s2n_hmac.h" #include "crypto/s2n_sequence.h" #include "error/s2n_errno.h" #include "stuffer/s2n_stuffer.h" #include "tls/s2n_cipher_suites.h" #include "tls/s2n_connection.h" #include "tls/s2n_crypto.h" #include "tls/s2n_record.h" #include "tls/s2n_record_read.h" #include "utils/s2n_blob.h" #include "utils/s2n_safety.h" int s2n_record_parse_cbc( const struct s2n_cipher_suite *cipher_suite, struct s2n_connection *conn, uint8_t content_type, uint16_t encrypted_length, uint8_t *implicit_iv, struct s2n_hmac_state *mac, uint8_t *sequence_number, struct s2n_session_key *session_key) { struct s2n_blob iv = { .data = implicit_iv, .size = cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.cbc.record_iv_size }; uint8_t ivpad[S2N_TLS_MAX_IV_LEN]; /* Add the header to the HMAC */ uint8_t *header = s2n_stuffer_raw_read(&conn->header_in, S2N_TLS_RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH); POSIX_ENSURE_REF(header); POSIX_ENSURE_LTE(cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.cbc.record_iv_size, S2N_TLS_MAX_IV_LEN); /* For TLS >= 1.1 the IV is in the packet */ if (conn->actual_protocol_version > S2N_TLS10) { POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_read(&conn->in, &iv)); POSIX_ENSURE_GTE(encrypted_length, iv.size); encrypted_length -= iv.size; } struct s2n_blob en = { .size = encrypted_length, .data = s2n_stuffer_raw_read(&conn->in, encrypted_length) }; POSIX_ENSURE_REF(en.data); uint16_t payload_length = encrypted_length; uint8_t mac_digest_size = 0; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_hmac_digest_size(mac->alg, &mac_digest_size)); POSIX_ENSURE_GTE(payload_length, mac_digest_size); payload_length -= mac_digest_size; /* Decrypt stuff! */ /* Check that we have some data to decrypt */ POSIX_ENSURE_NE(en.size, 0); /* ... and that we have a multiple of the block size */ POSIX_ENSURE_EQ(en.size % iv.size, 0); /* Copy the last encrypted block to be the next IV */ if (conn->actual_protocol_version < S2N_TLS11) { POSIX_CHECKED_MEMCPY(ivpad, en.data + en.size - iv.size, iv.size); } POSIX_GUARD(cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.cbc.decrypt(session_key, &iv, &en, &en)); if (conn->actual_protocol_version < S2N_TLS11) { POSIX_CHECKED_MEMCPY(implicit_iv, ivpad, iv.size); } /* Subtract the padding length */ POSIX_ENSURE_GT(en.size, 0); uint32_t out = 0; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_sub_overflow(payload_length, en.data[en.size - 1] + 1, &out)); payload_length = out; /* Update the MAC */ header[3] = (payload_length >> 8); header[4] = payload_length & 0xff; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_hmac_reset(mac)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_hmac_update(mac, sequence_number, S2N_TLS_SEQUENCE_NUM_LEN)); if (conn->actual_protocol_version == S2N_SSLv3) { POSIX_GUARD(s2n_hmac_update(mac, header, 1)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_hmac_update(mac, header + 3, 2)); } else { POSIX_GUARD(s2n_hmac_update(mac, header, S2N_TLS_RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH)); } struct s2n_blob seq = { .data = sequence_number, .size = S2N_TLS_SEQUENCE_NUM_LEN }; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_increment_sequence_number(&seq)); /* Padding. This finalizes the provided HMAC. */ if (s2n_verify_cbc(conn, mac, &en) < 0) { POSIX_BAIL(S2N_ERR_BAD_MESSAGE); } /* O.k., we've successfully read and decrypted the record, now we need to align the stuffer * for reading the plaintext data. */ POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_reread(&conn->in)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_reread(&conn->header_in)); /* Skip the IV, if any */ if (conn->actual_protocol_version > S2N_TLS10) { POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_skip_read(&conn->in, cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.cbc.record_iv_size)); } /* Truncate and wipe the MAC and any padding */ POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_wipe_n(&conn->in, s2n_stuffer_data_available(&conn->in) - payload_length)); conn->in_status = PLAINTEXT; return 0; }