/* * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "crypto/s2n_cipher.h" #include "crypto/s2n_hmac.h" #include "crypto/s2n_sequence.h" #include "error/s2n_errno.h" #include "stuffer/s2n_stuffer.h" #include "tls/s2n_cipher_suites.h" #include "tls/s2n_connection.h" #include "tls/s2n_crypto.h" #include "tls/s2n_ktls.h" #include "tls/s2n_record.h" #include "utils/s2n_blob.h" #include "utils/s2n_random.h" #include "utils/s2n_safety.h" extern uint8_t s2n_unknown_protocol_version; /* In TLS1.3 the record type is obfuscated as APPLICATION_DATA once the handshake begins to be encrypted. * The real record type is encrypted and written in the final byte of the record. * In TLS1.2 the record type is always cleartext. */ #define RECORD_TYPE(is_tls13_record, content_type) (is_tls13_record ? TLS_APPLICATION_DATA : content_type) /* How much overhead does the IV, MAC, TAG and padding bytes introduce ? */ static S2N_RESULT s2n_tls_record_overhead(struct s2n_connection *conn, uint16_t *out) { RESULT_ENSURE_REF(conn); RESULT_ENSURE_MUT(out); struct s2n_crypto_parameters *active = conn->server; if (conn->mode == S2N_CLIENT) { active = conn->client; } uint8_t extra = 0; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_hmac_digest_size(active->cipher_suite->record_alg->hmac_alg, &extra)); if (active->cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->type == S2N_CBC) { /* Subtract one for the padding length byte */ extra += 1; if (conn->actual_protocol_version > S2N_TLS10) { extra += active->cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.cbc.record_iv_size; } } else if (active->cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->type == S2N_AEAD) { extra += active->cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.aead.tag_size; extra += active->cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.aead.record_iv_size; } else if (active->cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->type == S2N_COMPOSITE && conn->actual_protocol_version > S2N_TLS10) { extra += active->cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.comp.record_iv_size; } *out = extra; return S2N_RESULT_OK; } /* This function returns maximum size of plaintext data to write for the payload. * Record overheads are not included here. */ S2N_RESULT s2n_record_max_write_payload_size(struct s2n_connection *conn, uint16_t *max_fragment_size) { RESULT_ENSURE_REF(conn); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(conn->config); RESULT_ENSURE_MUT(max_fragment_size); RESULT_ENSURE(conn->max_outgoing_fragment_length > 0, S2N_ERR_FRAGMENT_LENGTH_TOO_SMALL); *max_fragment_size = MIN(conn->max_outgoing_fragment_length, S2N_TLS_MAXIMUM_FRAGMENT_LENGTH); /* If a custom send buffer is configured, ensure it will be large enough for the payload. * That may mean we need a smaller fragment size. */ uint32_t send_buffer_override = conn->config->send_buffer_size_override; if (send_buffer_override) { uint16_t max_record_size = 0; RESULT_GUARD(s2n_record_max_write_size(conn, *max_fragment_size, &max_record_size)); if (send_buffer_override < max_record_size) { size_t overhead = (max_record_size - *max_fragment_size); RESULT_ENSURE_GT(send_buffer_override, overhead); *max_fragment_size = send_buffer_override - overhead; } } return S2N_RESULT_OK; } S2N_RESULT s2n_record_max_write_size(struct s2n_connection *conn, uint16_t max_fragment_size, uint16_t *max_record_size) { RESULT_ENSURE_REF(conn); RESULT_ENSURE_MUT(max_record_size); if (!IS_NEGOTIATED(conn)) { *max_record_size = S2N_TLS_MAX_RECORD_LEN_FOR(max_fragment_size); } else if (conn->actual_protocol_version < S2N_TLS13) { *max_record_size = S2N_TLS12_MAX_RECORD_LEN_FOR(max_fragment_size); } else { *max_record_size = S2N_TLS13_MAX_RECORD_LEN_FOR(max_fragment_size); } return S2N_RESULT_OK; } /* Find the largest size that will fit within an ethernet frame for a "small" payload */ S2N_RESULT s2n_record_min_write_payload_size(struct s2n_connection *conn, uint16_t *payload_size) { RESULT_ENSURE_REF(conn); RESULT_ENSURE_MUT(payload_size); /* remove ethernet, TCP/IP and TLS header overheads */ const uint16_t min_outgoing_fragment_length = ETH_MTU - (conn->ipv6 ? IP_V6_HEADER_LENGTH : IP_V4_HEADER_LENGTH) - TCP_HEADER_LENGTH - TCP_OPTIONS_LENGTH - S2N_TLS_RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH; RESULT_ENSURE(min_outgoing_fragment_length <= S2N_TLS_MAXIMUM_FRAGMENT_LENGTH, S2N_ERR_FRAGMENT_LENGTH_TOO_LARGE); uint16_t size = min_outgoing_fragment_length; const struct s2n_crypto_parameters *active = conn->mode == S2N_CLIENT ? conn->client : conn->server; /* Round the fragment size down to be block aligned */ if (active->cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->type == S2N_CBC) { size -= size % active->cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.cbc.block_size; } else if (active->cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->type == S2N_COMPOSITE) { size -= size % active->cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.comp.block_size; /* Composite digest length */ size -= active->cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.comp.mac_key_size; /* Padding length byte */ size -= 1; } /* If TLS1.3, remove content type */ if (conn->actual_protocol_version >= S2N_TLS13) { RESULT_ENSURE(size > S2N_TLS_CONTENT_TYPE_LENGTH, S2N_ERR_FRAGMENT_LENGTH_TOO_SMALL); size -= S2N_TLS_CONTENT_TYPE_LENGTH; } /* subtract overheads of a TLS record */ uint16_t overhead = 0; RESULT_GUARD(s2n_tls_record_overhead(conn, &overhead)); RESULT_ENSURE(size > overhead, S2N_ERR_FRAGMENT_LENGTH_TOO_SMALL); size -= overhead; RESULT_ENSURE(size > 0, S2N_ERR_FRAGMENT_LENGTH_TOO_SMALL); RESULT_ENSURE(size <= ETH_MTU, S2N_ERR_FRAGMENT_LENGTH_TOO_LARGE); *payload_size = size; return S2N_RESULT_OK; } int s2n_record_write_protocol_version(struct s2n_connection *conn, uint8_t record_type, struct s2n_stuffer *out) { uint8_t record_protocol_version = conn->actual_protocol_version; /** *= https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8446#section-5.1 *# This version value is historical, deriving from the use of 0x0301 for *# TLS 1.0 and 0x0300 for SSL 3.0. In order to maximize backward *# compatibility, a record containing an initial ClientHello SHOULD have *# version 0x0301 (reflecting TLS 1.0) * * We set actual_protocol_version early for clients, but we do not * use that assumed value here in case we are talking to a legacy * server that expects TLS1.0. * * Both TLS 1.3 early data and a deserialized connection will * send data without the server_protocol_version being known. However, * the record type would be set to APPLICATION_DATA in their cases * so this check is avoided. **/ if (conn->server_protocol_version == s2n_unknown_protocol_version && record_type == TLS_HANDSHAKE) { record_protocol_version = MIN(record_protocol_version, S2N_TLS10); } /** *= https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8446#section-5.1 *# legacy_record_version: MUST be set to 0x0303 for all records *# generated by a TLS 1.3 implementation other than an initial *# ClientHello (i.e., one not generated after a HelloRetryRequest), *# where it MAY also be 0x0301 for compatibility purposes. **/ record_protocol_version = MIN(record_protocol_version, S2N_TLS12); /* Never send an empty protocol version. * If the protocol version is unknown, default to TLS1.0 like we do for initial ClientHellos. */ if (record_protocol_version == s2n_unknown_protocol_version) { record_protocol_version = S2N_TLS10; } uint8_t protocol_version[S2N_TLS_PROTOCOL_VERSION_LEN]; protocol_version[0] = record_protocol_version / 10; protocol_version[1] = record_protocol_version % 10; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_bytes(out, protocol_version, S2N_TLS_PROTOCOL_VERSION_LEN)); return 0; } static inline int s2n_record_encrypt( struct s2n_connection *conn, const struct s2n_cipher_suite *cipher_suite, struct s2n_session_key *session_key, struct s2n_blob *iv, struct s2n_blob *aad, struct s2n_blob *en, uint8_t *implicit_iv, uint16_t block_size) { POSIX_ENSURE_REF(en->data); switch (cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->type) { case S2N_STREAM: POSIX_GUARD(cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.stream.encrypt(session_key, en, en)); break; case S2N_CBC: POSIX_GUARD(cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.cbc.encrypt(session_key, iv, en, en)); /* Copy the last encrypted block to be the next IV */ if (conn->actual_protocol_version < S2N_TLS11) { POSIX_ENSURE_GTE(en->size, block_size); POSIX_CHECKED_MEMCPY(implicit_iv, en->data + en->size - block_size, block_size); } break; case S2N_AEAD: POSIX_GUARD(cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.aead.encrypt(session_key, iv, aad, en, en)); break; case S2N_COMPOSITE: /* This will: compute mac, append padding, append padding length, and encrypt */ POSIX_GUARD(cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.comp.encrypt(session_key, iv, en, en)); /* Copy the last encrypted block to be the next IV */ POSIX_ENSURE_GTE(en->size, block_size); POSIX_CHECKED_MEMCPY(implicit_iv, en->data + en->size - block_size, block_size); break; default: POSIX_BAIL(S2N_ERR_CIPHER_TYPE); break; } return 0; } static S2N_RESULT s2n_record_write_mac(struct s2n_connection *conn, struct s2n_blob *record_header, struct s2n_blob *plaintext, struct s2n_stuffer *out, uint32_t *bytes_written) { RESULT_ENSURE_REF(conn); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(conn->server); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(conn->client); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(record_header); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(plaintext); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(out); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(bytes_written); *bytes_written = 0; struct s2n_hmac_state *mac = &conn->server->server_record_mac; const struct s2n_cipher_suite *cipher_suite = conn->server->cipher_suite; uint8_t *sequence_number = conn->server->server_sequence_number; if (conn->mode == S2N_CLIENT) { mac = &conn->client->client_record_mac; cipher_suite = conn->client->cipher_suite; sequence_number = conn->client->client_sequence_number; } RESULT_ENSURE_REF(cipher_suite); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(cipher_suite->record_alg); if (cipher_suite->record_alg->hmac_alg == S2N_HMAC_NONE) { /* If the S2N_HMAC_NONE algorithm is specified, a MAC should not be explicitly written. * This is the case for AEAD and Composite cipher types, where the MAC is written as part * of encryption. This is also the case for plaintext handshake records, where the null * stream cipher is used. */ return S2N_RESULT_OK; } /** *= https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5246#section- *# The MAC is generated as: *# *# MAC(MAC_write_key, seq_num + */ RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_hmac_update(mac, sequence_number, S2N_TLS_SEQUENCE_NUM_LEN)); struct s2n_stuffer header_stuffer = { 0 }; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_init_written(&header_stuffer, record_header)); /** *= https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5246#section- *# TLSCompressed.type + */ void *record_type_byte = s2n_stuffer_raw_read(&header_stuffer, sizeof(uint8_t)); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(record_type_byte); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_hmac_update(mac, record_type_byte, sizeof(uint8_t))); /** *= https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5246#section- *# TLSCompressed.version + */ void *protocol_version_bytes = s2n_stuffer_raw_read(&header_stuffer, S2N_TLS_PROTOCOL_VERSION_LEN); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(protocol_version_bytes); if (conn->actual_protocol_version > S2N_SSLv3) { /* SSLv3 doesn't include the protocol version in the MAC. */ RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_hmac_update(mac, protocol_version_bytes, S2N_TLS_PROTOCOL_VERSION_LEN)); } /** *= https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5246#section- *# TLSCompressed.length + * * Note that the length field refers to the length of the plaintext content, not the length of * TLSCiphertext fragment written to the record header, which accounts for additional fields * such as the padding and MAC. */ uint8_t content_length_bytes[sizeof(uint16_t)] = { 0 }; struct s2n_blob content_length_blob = { 0 }; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_blob_init(&content_length_blob, content_length_bytes, sizeof(content_length_bytes))); struct s2n_stuffer content_length_stuffer = { 0 }; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_init(&content_length_stuffer, &content_length_blob)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_write_uint16(&content_length_stuffer, plaintext->size)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_hmac_update(mac, content_length_bytes, sizeof(content_length_bytes))); /** *= https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5246#section- *# TLSCompressed.fragment); *# *# where "+" denotes concatenation. */ RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_hmac_update(mac, plaintext->data, plaintext->size)); uint8_t mac_digest_size = 0; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_hmac_digest_size(mac->alg, &mac_digest_size)); uint8_t *digest = s2n_stuffer_raw_write(out, mac_digest_size); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(digest); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_hmac_digest(mac, digest, mac_digest_size)); *bytes_written = mac_digest_size; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_hmac_reset(mac)); return S2N_RESULT_OK; } int s2n_record_writev(struct s2n_connection *conn, uint8_t content_type, const struct iovec *in, int in_count, size_t offs, size_t to_write) { if (conn->ktls_send_enabled) { return s2n_ktls_record_writev(conn, content_type, in, in_count, offs, to_write); } struct s2n_blob iv = { 0 }; uint8_t padding = 0; uint16_t block_size = 0; uint8_t aad_iv[S2N_TLS_MAX_IV_LEN] = { 0 }; /* In TLS 1.3, handle CCS message as unprotected records */ struct s2n_crypto_parameters *current_client_crypto = conn->client; struct s2n_crypto_parameters *current_server_crypto = conn->server; if (conn->actual_protocol_version == S2N_TLS13 && content_type == TLS_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC) { POSIX_ENSURE_REF(conn->initial); conn->client = conn->initial; conn->server = conn->initial; } uint8_t *sequence_number = conn->server->server_sequence_number; struct s2n_session_key *session_key = &conn->server->server_key; const struct s2n_cipher_suite *cipher_suite = conn->server->cipher_suite; uint8_t *implicit_iv = conn->server->server_implicit_iv; if (conn->mode == S2N_CLIENT) { sequence_number = conn->client->client_sequence_number; session_key = &conn->client->client_key; cipher_suite = conn->client->cipher_suite; implicit_iv = conn->client->client_implicit_iv; } /* The NULL stream cipher MUST NEVER be used for ApplicationData. * Writing ApplicationData unencrypted defeats the purpose of TLS. */ if (cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher == &s2n_null_cipher) { POSIX_ENSURE(content_type != TLS_APPLICATION_DATA, S2N_ERR_ENCRYPT); } const int is_tls13_record = cipher_suite->record_alg->flags & S2N_TLS13_RECORD_AEAD_NONCE; s2n_stack_blob(aad, is_tls13_record ? S2N_TLS13_AAD_LEN : S2N_TLS_MAX_AAD_LEN, S2N_TLS_MAX_AAD_LEN); /* If we aren't buffering multiple records, then the output stuffer should be empty. */ if (!conn->multirecord_send) { POSIX_ENSURE(s2n_stuffer_data_available(&conn->out) == 0, S2N_ERR_RECORD_STUFFER_NEEDS_DRAINING); } /* Before we do anything, we need to figure out what the length of the * fragment is going to be. */ uint16_t max_write_payload_size = 0; POSIX_GUARD_RESULT(s2n_record_max_write_payload_size(conn, &max_write_payload_size)); const uint16_t data_bytes_to_take = MIN(to_write, max_write_payload_size); uint16_t extra = 0; POSIX_GUARD_RESULT(s2n_tls_record_overhead(conn, &extra)); /* If we have padding to worry about, figure that out too */ if (cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->type == S2N_CBC) { block_size = cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.cbc.block_size; if (((data_bytes_to_take + extra) % block_size)) { padding = block_size - ((data_bytes_to_take + extra) % block_size); } } else if (cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->type == S2N_COMPOSITE) { block_size = cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.comp.block_size; } if (s2n_stuffer_is_freed(&conn->out)) { /* If the output buffer has not been allocated yet, allocate * at least enough memory to hold a record with the local maximum fragment length. * * The local maximum fragment length is: * 1) The local default configured for new connections * 2) The local value set by the user via s2n_connection_prefer_throughput() * or s2n_connection_prefer_low_latency() * 3) On the server, the minimum of the local value and the value negotiated with the * client via the max_fragment_length extension * * Because this only occurs if the output buffer has not been allocated, * it does NOT resize existing buffers. */ uint16_t max_wire_record_size = 0; POSIX_GUARD_RESULT(s2n_record_max_write_size(conn, max_write_payload_size, &max_wire_record_size)); uint32_t buffer_size = MAX(conn->config->send_buffer_size_override, max_wire_record_size); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_growable_alloc(&conn->out, buffer_size)); } /* A record only local stuffer used to avoid tainting the conn->out stuffer or overwriting * previous records. It should be used to add an individual record to the out stuffer. */ struct s2n_blob record_blob = { 0 }; struct s2n_stuffer record_stuffer = { 0 }; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_blob_init(&record_blob, conn->out.blob.data + conn->out.write_cursor, s2n_stuffer_space_remaining(&conn->out))); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_init(&record_stuffer, &record_blob)); /* Now that we know the length, start writing the record */ uint8_t record_type = RECORD_TYPE(is_tls13_record, content_type); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_uint8(&record_stuffer, record_type)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_record_write_protocol_version(conn, record_type, &record_stuffer)); /* Compute non-payload parts of the MAC(seq num, type, proto vers, fragment length) for composite ciphers. * Composite "encrypt" will MAC the payload data and fill in padding. */ if (cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->type == S2N_COMPOSITE) { /* Only fragment length is needed for MAC, but the EVP ctrl function needs fragment length + eiv len. */ uint16_t payload_and_eiv_len = data_bytes_to_take; if (conn->actual_protocol_version > S2N_TLS10) { payload_and_eiv_len += block_size; } /* Outputs number of extra bytes required for MAC and padding */ int pad_and_mac_len = 0; POSIX_GUARD(cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.comp.initial_hmac(session_key, sequence_number, content_type, conn->actual_protocol_version, payload_and_eiv_len, &pad_and_mac_len)); extra += pad_and_mac_len; } /* TLS 1.3 protected record occupies one extra byte for content type */ if (is_tls13_record) { extra += S2N_TLS_CONTENT_TYPE_LENGTH; } /* Rewrite the length to be the actual fragment length */ const uint16_t actual_fragment_length = data_bytes_to_take + padding + extra; /* ensure actual_fragment_length + S2N_TLS_RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH <= max record length */ const uint16_t max_record_length = is_tls13_record ? S2N_TLS13_MAXIMUM_RECORD_LENGTH : S2N_TLS_MAXIMUM_RECORD_LENGTH; S2N_ERROR_IF(actual_fragment_length + S2N_TLS_RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH > max_record_length, S2N_ERR_RECORD_LENGTH_TOO_LARGE); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_uint16(&record_stuffer, actual_fragment_length)); /* If we're AEAD, write the sequence number as an IV, and generate the AAD */ if (cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->type == S2N_AEAD) { struct s2n_stuffer iv_stuffer = { 0 }; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_blob_init(&iv, aad_iv, sizeof(aad_iv))); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_init(&iv_stuffer, &iv)); if (cipher_suite->record_alg->flags & S2N_TLS12_AES_GCM_AEAD_NONCE) { /* Partially explicit nonce. See RFC 5288 Section 3 */ POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_bytes(&record_stuffer, sequence_number, S2N_TLS_SEQUENCE_NUM_LEN)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_bytes(&iv_stuffer, implicit_iv, cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.aead.fixed_iv_size)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_bytes(&iv_stuffer, sequence_number, S2N_TLS_SEQUENCE_NUM_LEN)); } else if (cipher_suite->record_alg->flags & S2N_TLS12_CHACHA_POLY_AEAD_NONCE || is_tls13_record) { /* Fully implicit nonce. See RFC7905 Section 2 */ uint8_t four_zeroes[4] = { 0 }; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_bytes(&iv_stuffer, four_zeroes, 4)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_bytes(&iv_stuffer, sequence_number, S2N_TLS_SEQUENCE_NUM_LEN)); for (int i = 0; i < cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.aead.fixed_iv_size; i++) { aad_iv[i] = aad_iv[i] ^ implicit_iv[i]; } } else { POSIX_BAIL(S2N_ERR_INVALID_NONCE_TYPE); } /* Set the IV size to the amount of data written */ iv.size = s2n_stuffer_data_available(&iv_stuffer); if (is_tls13_record) { POSIX_GUARD_RESULT(s2n_tls13_aead_aad_init(data_bytes_to_take + S2N_TLS_CONTENT_TYPE_LENGTH, cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.aead.tag_size, &aad)); } else { POSIX_GUARD_RESULT(s2n_aead_aad_init(conn, sequence_number, content_type, data_bytes_to_take, &aad)); } } else if (cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->type == S2N_CBC || cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->type == S2N_COMPOSITE) { POSIX_GUARD(s2n_blob_init(&iv, implicit_iv, block_size)); /* For TLS1.1/1.2; write the IV with random data */ if (conn->actual_protocol_version > S2N_TLS10) { POSIX_GUARD_RESULT(s2n_get_public_random_data(&iv)); if (cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->type == S2N_COMPOSITE) { /* Write a separate random block to the record. This will be used along with the previously generated * iv blob to generate the final explicit_iv for this record. * * How? Openssl's AES-CBC stitched encrypt populates the first block of application data with: * AES(Key, XOR(iv, initial_block)) * * If we make initial_block a random block unrelated to random_iv, explicit IV for this record * is random value based on the two random blobs we just generated: * AES(Key, XOR(random_iv, explicit_iv_placeholder) == AES(Key, XOR(random_iv, random_iv2)) * * NOTE: We can't use the same random IV blob as both the initial block and IV since it will result in: * AES(Key, XOR(random_iv, random_iv)) == AES(Key, 0), which will be shared by all records in this session. */ struct s2n_blob explicit_iv_placeholder = { 0 }; uint8_t zero_block[S2N_TLS_MAX_IV_LEN] = { 0 }; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_blob_init(&explicit_iv_placeholder, zero_block, block_size)); POSIX_GUARD_RESULT(s2n_get_public_random_data(&explicit_iv_placeholder)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write(&record_stuffer, &explicit_iv_placeholder)); } else { /* We can write the explicit IV directly to the record for non composite CBC because * s2n starts AES *after* the explicit IV. */ POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write(&record_stuffer, &iv)); } } } /* Write the plaintext data */ POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_writev_bytes(&record_stuffer, in, in_count, offs, data_bytes_to_take)); void *orig_write_ptr = record_stuffer.blob.data + record_stuffer.write_cursor - data_bytes_to_take; /* Write the MAC */ struct s2n_blob header_blob = { 0 }; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_blob_slice(&record_blob, &header_blob, 0, S2N_TLS_RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH)); struct s2n_blob plaintext_blob = { 0 }; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_blob_init(&plaintext_blob, orig_write_ptr, data_bytes_to_take)); uint32_t mac_digest_size = 0; POSIX_GUARD_RESULT(s2n_record_write_mac(conn, &header_blob, &plaintext_blob, &record_stuffer, &mac_digest_size)); /* We are done with this sequence number, so we can increment it */ struct s2n_blob seq = { 0 }; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_blob_init(&seq, sequence_number, S2N_TLS_SEQUENCE_NUM_LEN)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_increment_sequence_number(&seq)); /* Write content type for TLS 1.3 record (RFC 8446 Section 5.2) */ if (is_tls13_record) { POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_uint8(&record_stuffer, content_type)); } if (cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->type == S2N_CBC) { /* Include padding bytes, each with the value 'p', and * include an extra padding length byte, also with the value 'p'. */ for (int i = 0; i <= padding; i++) { POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_uint8(&record_stuffer, padding)); } } /* Rewind to rewrite/encrypt the packet */ POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_rewrite(&record_stuffer)); /* Skip the header */ POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_skip_write(&record_stuffer, S2N_TLS_RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH)); uint16_t encrypted_length = data_bytes_to_take + mac_digest_size; switch (cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->type) { case S2N_AEAD: POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_skip_write(&record_stuffer, cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.aead.record_iv_size)); encrypted_length += cipher_suite->record_alg->cipher->io.aead.tag_size; if (is_tls13_record) { /* one extra byte for content type */ encrypted_length += S2N_TLS_CONTENT_TYPE_LENGTH; } break; case S2N_CBC: if (conn->actual_protocol_version > S2N_TLS10) { /* Leave the IV alone and unencrypted */ POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_skip_write(&record_stuffer, iv.size)); } /* Encrypt the padding and the padding length byte too */ encrypted_length += padding + 1; break; case S2N_COMPOSITE: /* Composite CBC expects a pointer starting at explicit IV: [Explicit IV | fragment | MAC | padding | padding len ] * extra will account for the explicit IV len(if applicable), MAC digest len, padding len + padding byte. */ encrypted_length += extra; break; default: break; } /* Check that stuffer have enough space to write encrypted record, because raw_write cannot expand tainted stuffer */ S2N_ERROR_IF(s2n_stuffer_space_remaining(&record_stuffer) < encrypted_length, S2N_ERR_RECORD_STUFFER_SIZE); /* Do the encryption */ struct s2n_blob en = { .size = encrypted_length, .data = s2n_stuffer_raw_write(&record_stuffer, encrypted_length) }; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_record_encrypt(conn, cipher_suite, session_key, &iv, &aad, &en, implicit_iv, block_size)); /* Sync the out stuffer write cursor with the record stuffer. */ POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_skip_write(&conn->out, s2n_stuffer_data_available(&record_stuffer))); if (conn->actual_protocol_version == S2N_TLS13 && content_type == TLS_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC) { conn->client = current_client_crypto; conn->server = current_server_crypto; } return data_bytes_to_take; } S2N_RESULT s2n_record_write(struct s2n_connection *conn, uint8_t content_type, struct s2n_blob *in) { struct iovec iov; iov.iov_base = in->data; iov.iov_len = in->size; int written = s2n_record_writev(conn, content_type, &iov, 1, 0, in->size); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(written); RESULT_ENSURE((uint32_t) written == in->size, S2N_ERR_FRAGMENT_LENGTH_TOO_LARGE); return S2N_RESULT_OK; }