​ ​ ​ ​ # MoveyCLI ​ A standalone CLI providing features related to [movey.net](https://movey.net) and move packages resolving. ​ ## Prerequisites ​ Rust and Cargo ### Linux and MacOS Run `$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.3 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh` ### Windows Download and run `rustup-init.exe` from [https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) ## Installation ### For end-user Run `cargo install movey_cli` (WIP) ### For developer 1. Clone or download this repository [https://github.com/EastAgile/ea-movey-cli](https://github.com/EastAgile/ea-movey-cli). 2. (Optional) Create a [personal access token](https://movey-app-staging.herokuapp.com/settings/tokens) to use `movey login` and `movey upload` 3. Run `cargo build` ​ ## Usage ​ These commands are WIP and subjected to changes. ​ ### `movey login` Authenticate and save personal access token for further usage ​ ### `movey upload` ​ `movey upload ` ​ Upload metadata of the current move project to ​[movey.net](https://movey.net) ​ ### `movey --resolve-move-dependencies movey` or `movey --resolve-move-dev-dependencies movey` Read and resolve `Move.toml` file in the current working directory. Query to ​[movey.net](https://movey.net) then write resolved result to stdout. ### `movey search` ​ TBD ​ ## Additional information ​ This CLI is currently a WIP, contact [movey@eastagile.com](movey@eastagile.com) or create an issue.