# mpesa-rust [![Rust](https://github.com/collinsmuriuki/mpesa-rust/actions/workflows/general.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/collinsmuriuki/mpesa-rust/actions/workflows/general.yml) [![](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow.svg)](./LICENSE) [![](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/mpesa)](https://crates.io/crates/mpesa) ## About An unofficial Rust wrapper around the [Safaricom API](https://developer.safaricom.co.ke/docs?shell#introduction) for accessing M-Pesa services. ## Install `Cargo.toml` ```toml [dependencies] mpesa = { version = "1.1.0" } ``` Optionally, you can disable default-features, which is basically the entire suite of MPESA APIs to conditionally select from either: - `b2b` - `b2c` - `account_balance` - `c2b_register` - `c2b_simulate` - `express_request` - `transaction_reversal` - `transaction_status` - `bill_manager` - `dynamic_qr` Example: ```toml [dependencies] mpesa = { git = "1.1.0", default_features = false, features = ["b2b", "express_request"] } ``` In your lib or binary crate: ```rust,ignore use mpesa::Mpesa; ``` ## Usage ### Creating a `Mpesa` client You will first need to create an instance of the `Mpesa` instance (the client). You are required to provide a **CLIENT_KEY** and **CLIENT_SECRET**. [Here](https://developer.safaricom.co.ke/test_credentials) is how you can get these credentials for the Safaricom sandbox environment. It's worth noting that these credentials are only valid in the sandbox environment. To go live and get production keys read the docs [here](https://developer.safaricom.co.ke/docs?javascript#going-live). These are the following ways you can instantiate `Mpesa`: ```rust,ignore use mpesa::{Mpesa, Environment}; let client = Mpesa::new( env!("CLIENT_KEY"), env!("CLIENT_SECRET"), Environment::Sandbox, ); assert!(client.is_connected().await) ``` Since the `Environment` enum implements `FromStr` and `TryFrom` for `String` and `&str` types, you can call `Environment::from_str` or `Environment::try_from` to create an `Environment` type. This is ideal if the environment values are stored in a `.env` or any other configuration file: ```rust,ignore use mpesa::{Mpesa, Environment}; use std::str::FromStr; use std::convert::TryFrom; let client0 = Mpesa::new( env!("CLIENT_KEY"), env!("CLIENT_SECRET"), Environment::from_str("sandbox")? // "Sandbox" and "SANDBOX" also valid ); assert!(client0.is_connected().await) let client1 = Mpesa::new( env!("CLIENT_KEY"), env!("CLIENT_SECRET"), Environment::try_from("production")? // "Production" and "PRODUCTION" also valid ); assert!(client1.is_connected().await) ``` The `Mpesa` struct's `environment` parameter is generic over any type that implements the `ApiEnvironment` trait. This trait expects the following methods to be implemented for a given type: ```rust pub trait ApiEnvironment { fn base_url(&self) -> &str; fn get_certificate(&self) -> &str; } ``` This trait allows you to create your own type to pass to the `environment` parameter. With this in place, you are able to mock http requests (for testing purposes) from the MPESA api by returning a mock server uri from the `base_url` method as well as using your own certificates, required to sign select requests to the MPESA api, by providing your own `get_certificate` implementation. See the example below (and [here](./src/environment.rs) so see how the trait is implemented for the `Environment` enum): ```rust,ignore use mpesa::{Mpesa, ApiEnvironment}; use std::str::FromStr; use std::convert::TryFrom; pub struct MyCustomEnvironment; impl ApiEnvironment for MyCustomEnvironment { fn base_url(&self) -> &str { // your base url here "https://your_base_url.com" } fn get_certificate(&self) -> &str { // your certificate here r#"..."# } } let client: Mpesa = Mpesa::new( env!("CLIENT_KEY"), env!("CLIENT_SECRET"), MyCustomEnvironment // ✔ valid ); //... ``` If you intend to use in production, you will need to call a the `set_initiator_password` method from `Mpesa` after initially creating the client. Here you provide your initiator password, which overrides the default password used in sandbox `"Safcom496!"`: ```rust,ignore use mpesa::Mpesa; let client = Mpesa::new( env!("CLIENT_KEY"), env!("CLIENT_SECRET"), Environment::Sandbox, ); client.set_initiator_password("new_password"); assert!(client.is_connected().await) ``` ### Services The following services are currently available from the `Mpesa` client as methods that return builders: - B2C ```rust,ignore let response = client .b2c("testapi496") .party_a("600496") .party_b("254708374149") .result_url("https://testdomain.com/ok") .timeout_url("https://testdomain.com/err") .amount(1000) .send() .await; assert!(response.is_ok()) ``` - B2B ```rust,ignore let response = client .b2b("testapi496") .party_a("600496") .party_b("254708374149") .result_url("https://testdomain.com/ok") .timeout_url("https://testdomain.com/err") .account_ref("254708374149") .amount(1000) .send() .await; assert!(response.is_ok()) ``` - C2B Register ```rust,ignore let response = client .c2b_register() .short_code("600496") .confirmation_url("https://testdomain.com/true") .validation_url("https://testdomain.com/valid") .send() .await; assert!(response.is_ok()) ``` - C2B Simulate ```rust,ignore let response = client .c2b_simulate() .short_code("600496") .msisdn("254700000000") .amount(1000) .send() .await; assert!(response.is_ok()) ``` - Account Balance ```rust,ignore let response = client .account_balance("testapi496") .result_url("https://testdomain.com/ok") .timeout_url("https://testdomain.com/err") .party_a("600496") .send() .await; assert!(response.is_ok()) ``` - Mpesa Express Request / STK push / Lipa na M-PESA online ```rust,ignore let response = client .express_request("174379") .phone_number("254708374149") .amount(500) .callback_url("https://test.example.com/api") .send() .await; assert!(response.is_ok()) ``` - Transaction Reversal: ```rust,ignore let response = client .transaction_reversal("testapi496") .result_url("https://testdomain.com/ok") .timeout_url("https://testdomain.com/err") .transaction_id("OEI2AK4Q16") .receiver_identifier_type(IdentifierTypes::ShortCode) .amount(100.0) .receiver_party("600111") .send() .await; assert!(response.is_ok()) ``` - Transaction Status ```rust,ignore let response = client .transaction_status("testapi496") .result_url("https://testdomain.com/ok") .timeout_url("https://testdomain.com/err") .transaction_id("OEI2AK4Q16") .identifier_type(IdentifierTypes::ShortCode) .party_a("600111") .remarks("status") .occasion("work") .send() .await; assert!(response.is_ok()) ``` - Bill Manager Onboard ```rust,ignore let response = client .onboard() .callback_url("https://testdomain.com/true") .email("email@test.com") .logo("https://file.domain/file.png") .official_contact("0712345678") .send_reminders(SendRemindersTypes::Enable) .short_code("600496") .send() .await; assert!(response.is_ok()) ``` - Bill Manager Onboard Modify ```rust,ignore let response = client .onboard_modify() .callback_url("https://testdomain.com/true") .email("email@test.com") .short_code("600496") .send() .await; assert!(response.is_ok()) ``` - Bill Manager Bulk Invoice ```rust,ignore let response = client .bulk_invoice() .invoices(vec![ Invoice { amount: 1000.0, account_reference: "John Doe", billed_full_name: "John Doe", billed_period: "August 2021", billed_phone_number: "0712345678", due_date: Utc::now(), external_reference: "INV2345", invoice_items: Some( vec![InvoiceItem {amount: 1000.0, item_name: "An item"}] ), invoice_name: "Invoice 001" } ]) .send() .await; assert!(response.is_ok()) ``` - Bill Manager Single Invoice ```rust,ignore let response = client .single_invoice() .amount(1000.0) .account_reference("John Doe") .billed_full_name("John Doe") .billed_period("August 2021") .billed_phone_number("0712345678") .due_date(Utc::now()) .external_reference("INV2345") .invoice_items(vec![ InvoiceItem {amount: 1000.0, item_name: "An item"} ]) .invoice_name("Invoice 001") .send() .await; assert!(response.is_ok()) ``` - Bill Manager Reconciliation ```rust,ignore let response = client .reconciliation() .account_reference("John Doe") .external_reference("INV2345") .full_name("John Doe") .invoice_name("Invoice 001") .paid_amount(1000.0) .payment_date(Utc::now()) .phone_number("0712345678") .transaction_id("TRANSACTION_ID") .send() .await; assert!(response.is_ok()) ``` - Bill Manager Cancel Invoice ```rust,ignore let response = client .cancel_invoice() .external_references(vec!["9KLSS011"]) .send() .await; assert!(response.is_ok()) ``` - Dynamic QR ```rust,ignore let response = client .dynamic_qr_code() .amount(1000) .ref_no("John Doe") .size("300") .merchant_name("John Doe") .credit_party_identifier("600496") .try_transaction_type("bg") .unwrap() .build() .unwrap() .send() .await; assert!(response.is_ok()) ``` More will be added progressively, pull requests welcome ## Author **Collins Muriuki** - Twitter: [@collinsmuriuki\_](https://twitter.com/collinsmuriuki_) - Not affiliated with Safaricom. ## Contributing Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check [issues page](https://github.com/collinsmuriuki/mpesa-rust/issues). You can also take a look at the [contributing guide](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/collinsmuriuki/mpesa-rust/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). Copyright © 2023 [Collins Muriuki](https://github.com/collinsmuriuki).
This project is [MIT](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/collinsmuriuki/mpesa-rust/master/LICENSE) licensed.