# mprisqueeze [![CI][status-png]][status] `mprisqueeze` is a wrapper over [squeezelite]. It starts [squeezelite] in the background and exposes an [MPRIS] interface to control it with [MPRIS] clients such as [playerctl]. By default, `mprisqueeze` will try to discover the [LMS] server on the local network. To specify a host and a port: ```bash $ mprisqueeze -H somehost -P 9000 ``` The default command line for [squeezelite] is: ``` squeezelite -n {name} -s {server} ``` Before calling [squeezelite], `mprisqueeze` replaces: - `{name}` by the name of the player, `Squeezelite` by default - `{server}` by the LMS server IP, either automatically discovered either set with the `-H` switch It then starts [squeezelite] registering itself on [LMS] with the name `SqueezeLite`. To use another name, one can use: ```bash $ mprisqueeze -p my-player ``` The command to start [squeezelite] can be changed with the last arguments, preceded by `--`, for example: ```bash $ mprisqueeze -- squeezelite -f ./squeezelite.log -n {name} -s {server} ``` Note that when using a custom command, both parameters must be present on the command line: `{name}` and `{server}`. `mprisqueeze` can be automatically started on login. The most convenient way of doing that is using a user systemd unit. For example, one can set a unit called `mprisqueeze` in the file `~/.config/systemd/user/mprisqueeze.service`: ```systemd [Install] WantedBy=default.target [Service] ExecStart=mprisqueeze -- squeezelite-pulse -n {name} -s {server} Restart=always RestartSec=3 Type=simple [Unit] Description=mprisqueeze ``` On the next login, `mprisqueeze` will be automatically started. Otherwise, to start it manually: ```bash $ systemctl --user start mprisqueeze ``` [status]: https://github.com/jecaro/mprisqueeze/actions [status-png]: https://github.com/jecaro/mprisqueeze/workflows/CI/badge.svg [MPRIS]: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/mpris-spec/latest/ [squeezelite]: https://github.com/ralph-irving/squeezelite [playerctl]: https://github.com/altdesktop/playerctl [LMS]: https://github.com/Logitech/slimserver